@Toronto Maple Leafs


The Toronto Maple Leafs nearly managed a legendary comeback against the Columbus Blue Jackets… they didn’t, but it was still a very entertaining game. That and more covered on today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. I don't care if you hate the leaf's or love them, or anything in-between, you have to admit, they have some of the most entertaining games in the nhl.

  2. I am a Columbus fan and have started throwing money on opposing teams scoring a ton in the third. Idk what pascal is telling them between intermission but we always look flat

  3. 3 on 3 OT regular season has to be one of the best decisions the NHL has ever made. I don't care who you are or who you were rooting for, that OT was one of the most tense few minutes of sports I've ever watched. Especially given the context of the monumental comeback that happened before.

  4. I turned this game off, too. But I'm still glad I did since the Leafs came back only to lose.

  5. they deserved to be down 0:5 and deserved to lose. and they get no effort points by me for the 3rd. they better show some fight after the first 2 periods.

  6. Perfect proof than the nhl has been taken by Vegas. No more professional hockey, this is now controlled and scripted straight to the end. Why? To make money for vegas from bettors

  7. Roflmfao, being down 5-0 and still losing is absolutely nothing special ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ especially when 2 more players hurt themselves and took themselves out of the game. Wtf? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  8. Hey Eck! I'd love to see a video covering how coaching changes are affecting teams right now, especially the Wild and Oilers, and I'm sure a lot of other people would want to see that as well. Much love!

  9. The Leafs are NOT going to win the cup. Maybe start playing BEFORE you're 5-0 down ffs. It literally doesn't matter how they were scored, you went 5-0 down… if you'd have just kept one of them out.. ๐Ÿ™„

  10. People cheering this on must be casual Leaf fans. Itโ€™s not 2016 anymore, moral victories arenโ€™t cutting it. Good on them for coming back from 5-0, but they donโ€™t finish. The Bruins game, Islanders & this one, all late game heroics just to choke in OT, itโ€™s peak Leafs. When itโ€™s time to win, they lose. Any one of these 3 games could have been a turning point win that sent their season on a trajectory theyโ€™ve never seen before. The moments are too big for them

  11. Leafs once again proving terrible teams are their kryptonite. Any Leafs fan could predict a flat performance after annihilating the Rangers the other night. The comeback was fun though. Boy do they need a real goalie.

  12. Keefe should be fired today for putting Domi on the ice in overtime, and he does not change and takes extended shift, give the team to Boucher

  13. All the goals in games these days makes my anxiety go through the roof and Iโ€™m not typically an anxious person. Would love to see the rise in defense and goaltending comeback. 2-1 games are just โ€ฆ chefโ€™s kiss ๐Ÿ˜˜

  14. I truly think with a better caliber of goalie then all of them including woll even though hes ok, that this leafs team could do anything even with a sub par defence.

  15. My mom and I were watching and she wanted to turn it off so I went and watched the rest upstairs ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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