@St. Louis Blues

Kyrou gets emotional after fans boo him over Berube comments

Jordan Kyrou was visibly emotional after he was asked about receiving boos for his brief comments about Craig Berube’s dismissal. Martin Biron joins Jay Onrait to discuss the situation and other storylines from the Canadian teams in action on Thursday.


  1. Onrait looks like my Philosophy professor from college with that suit and haircut he has on right now hahaha. Oh Jay. We miss Dan too. You know it. Hashtag Jay Onrait for Prime Minister.

  2. It's a mix of both. You can't talk bad about Chief if you are yourself underperforming. I do think Kyrou can be great , but he's not. Don't talk the talk until you can walk the walk. Hope something was sparked in Kyrou tonight.

  3. Berube will be sought by several key jobs I think next season. Some of these teams with talent need an old school kick in the ass

  4. The Chief is beloved here, Kyrous' remarks about him will not be soon forgiven. He will be traded by the beginning of next season.

  5. All Kyrou said was “no comment”and he gets this reaction? I understand that he hasn’t played up to his contract this year, but cmon.

    There’s a very vocal portion of the Blues fanbase that wants nothing more than this team to be a roster full of Ryan Reave’s and Robert Bortuzzo’s. These “fans” just want a team that leads the NHL in fights and PIMs. God forbid we adapt to the modern NHL and focus on skill

    I’m thankful for Berube coaching us to a Cup, but it was time for a change.

  6. Make no mistake the Oilers were beating lots of teams that weren’t that good. The fact is the oilers can’t keep the puck out of their net.

  7. Sorry, but Samsonov can't use this game as an excuse. It doesn't seem to matter how bad or how good the team plays in front of him, there's always at least 1, sometimes 2 goals that shouldn't go in on him. THIS is why Ovechkin lost it and screamed at him in Washington. Enough, let Samsonov feel sorry for himself and beat himself up (while still not solving the problem) in the minors with the hopes some other team claims him. Give a another prospect some time with the big club.

  8. “Oilers beat the Lightning 8 or 9 times out of 10”
    Can someone explain how if that is the case how come this is the 2nd time this season Tampa has come back from behind in the 3rd?

  9. I read another comment suggesting that Sammy was kept in because there's only so many games Jones can play before he'd have to clear waivers before being sent down. The injury to Woll factors in as well. I'm just curious if Hildeby will be given a shot.

  10. Unless sammy is really dealing with something mentally and needs to step away he needs to play this out. When wolls back and in the playoffs it will be woll and sammy, warming up jones does nothing for this team at this point in the season. Sammy needs to battle through a few more tough starts and he'll become closer to the goalie we saw last year. I believe this is the time for keef to show some belief in samsonov and he'll reward you. Start him next game. 1/2 of your tandem getting it back together mentally means a lot more than a couple of losses at this point of the year

  11. Maybe try not to make an obvious negative comment towards a beloved coach if you don't want boos, bud. Or try playing better if you're gonna make the comment. lol

  12. He makes no comment and the world blows up in his face. Seriously, wow. Society is this small, crazy. Just want to bash someone, thats it, seriously, wtf is wrong with this bullshit, not looking for an answer, this bs is everywhere. Do you guys dress yourselves, just wondering why this is such a big deal. Seriously, i don't mean small like bashing people, but he made no comment and you say thats horrible. Un fuckin believable, oh to be so fuckin perfect like you all bashing for no good reason.

  13. All these people are crappie fans for talking bad about Kyrou . He didn't even say anything bad about The old coach. These Fairweather fans are calling him a baby but they sound like babies to me.

  14. Hes been playing bad but watching him break down in tears really shows that he wants to be a Blue.

  15. Berube will have no problem finding another head coaching job in the NHL. Never heard of the player before but grow a pair dude.

  16. In 50 years of being a Blues fan, this is first time I’ve seen Blues fans boo an individual player. Kyrou frustrates because he loafs in 4 of every 5 games. He’s a spoiled, overpaid child.

  17. Pathetic. You kick a man when he's down, then cry like a little bitch when you get called out for it. Imagine how his teammates feel. Oh my.

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