@New Jersey Devils

Anyone know where I can find this flag?? Couldn’t find it on Amazon, is it in the den?

Anyone know where I can find this flag?? Couldn’t find it on Amazon, is it in the den?

by juhboee


  1. standardbluejay

    Unfortunately I doubt they sell this. One of my biggest frustrations with the NHL and Fanatics at large- merch sucks so, so bad.

  2. They have this flag without the white stripes in the team shop on the main concourse. Right next to the top of the escalator leading up M&M’s entrance. I saw it there yesterday.

  3. ToneThugsNHarmony

    Should have said “Flag” on it instead of Jersey

  4. Gullible_Training773

    That flag should say “Flag” cmon what are we doing?

  5. I like the New Jersey new “Jersey” jerseys.
    They should find a company called Helmet to be the helmet sponsor so they can have Jersey jerseys and Helmet helmets

  6. It’s in the team store at the rock where the old mini prospects lounge was

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