@Vancouver Canucks

What a difference a year can make

I got a notification that I made this post a year ago today, defending the management and adding my 2 cents to some of the debates in the fanbase. Looking back at it, it’s pretty surreal to see how things have drastically changed.

1st being Bo vs J.T. Everyone was pissed we chose Miller over Bo but now we couldn’t be more glad to have Miller. Especially with the contract that Bo was asking for.

2nd being rebuilding, everyone hated the idea of us retooling since the previous regime tried and failed miserably, yet Allvin has done some fine work. People are now supporting more in the management’s vision.

3rd was Bruce Boudreau. Now we can all agree, he was treated like shit at the end of his time here and nothing will change that, but people said if Bruce (A coach with 600+ wins) can’t make this Canucks team good then it’s the roster, which was partly true. But Rick Tocchet has been incredible for the players and team. I’m very glad we have him.

I’m mostly glad that we’re out of that dark time and happily cheering on our boys this year. No drama, no huge disappointments, it’s been a fun season! I don’t think any of us would’ve guessed this outcome a year ago.

by Any_Option_776


  1. HanSolo5643

    I certainly wouldn’t have guessed this a year ago. After the Bruce Boudreau firing, I was on the blow the team up train, and I genuinely thought that Pettersson and Quinn Hughes were going to say we would like to go somewhere else. Patrik Alvin has done some very good work so far. The trades he’s made have been very good for the most part. He’s brought our prospect pool up very nicely and has drafted prospects that could make an impact in the next few years.

  2. > 1st being Bo vs J.T. Everyone was pissed we chose Miller over Bo but now we couldn’t be more glad to have Miller. Especially with the contract that Bo was asking for.

    I don’t think this was accurate. It’s not “Bo vs Miller”, it’s each deal on its own. I think the JT Miller deal has the potential to really bite us in the ass and I still don’t like it. We’re a better team for it, today, but when we want to contend we don’t know where JT will be at and it could sink us. We’re a 1/2 season into a 7 year deal, by all means he should be rocking right now. This is still up in the air.

    > 2nd being rebuilding, everyone hated the idea of us retooling since the previous regime tried and failed miserably, yet Allvin has done some fine work. People are now supporting more in the management’s vision.

    We’re doing a lot better, but it doesn’t mean anything unless we become a contender. Winning is great and I enjoy it, but this fanbase is hungry for a cup — and tit’s going to be tough going to rebuild our defence. That being said, everything Allvin and co has done in the meantime has been almost universally good. It’s not impossible — but we may have just been left too much of a mess.

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