@Columbus Blue Jackets

Blue Jackets goalie Elvis Merzlikins explains why he fought with Tom Wilson

Blue Jackets goalie Elvis Merzlikins explains why he fought with Tom Wilson

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  1. Weak-Boysenberry3807

    He was right to do it, the reffs fucked this whole situation

  2. hnglmkrnglbrry

    I’m gonna get downvoted but Elvis looks like the idiot after this whole exchange. Despite his earlier shenanigans Wilson got pushed into Elvis and he was just looking for a reason to jump him. He took a stupid penalty and cost the team the game. It’s selfish and emotional bullshit. Patrick Roy could pull this kind of move because he was Patrick Roy.

    I get that our season is over but the Caps’ isn’t and Putin’s favorite little wind up toy is still chasing down Gretzky. Elvis helped both of those shitty things get closer to their ultimate goal tonight because he can’t just let shit go.

  3. john-tockcoasten

    They left out this part of the interview, “I am playing the long game. We aren’t going anywhere this year. Washington is an old team with an aging core. The extra point gets them closer to an 8 seed/ first round playoff loss or the 16th pick in the draft. And now Wilson’s has to live with the shame of getting his ass kicked by a goalie”

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