@National Hockey League

Hoping to reach more people this way. Hopefully someone can find this little girl’s sloth.

Hoping to reach more people this way. Hopefully someone can find this little girl’s sloth.

by Old_Student_8845


  1. PurchaseTight3150

    God damn it, not Mr. Slothy. Anyone but him.

    Can we start crowdfunding a reward to offer to whoever gives him back? My heart can’t take this. Whichever kid took him, their parents are gonna return him in 3 seconds flat if there’s a monetary reward attached. Let’s get it going reddit

  2. SawsageKingofChicago

    Damn, I hope he turns up. Down to pitch in to the go fund me reward if that gets off the ground.

  3. Old_Student_8845

    “STILL MISSING – There was very little sleep last night as Liv worried if he was cold, scared, lonely, etc. She worried Grammy is upset with her for losing him. She is mad at herself for bringing him. She doesn’t understand how someone could take something that isn’t theirs! She begged her elves to help, prayed for him to show up and made a lot of promises.

    Mr Slothy (Scentsy buddy) was lost at Bridgestone arena on 12/18/2023 between 530-800 pm. He was only on the main concourse including the Locker Room store!

    I am writing out of desperation. My daughter brought her stuffed sloth (in an autographed Preds jersey) to an employee party last night at Bridgestone. I knew we shouldn’t have but she has clung to this sloth for the last 11 months. For some that know, the sloth was the last present my MIL gave Olivia before she was murdered. She has clung to it for security and insisted to bring it tonight because it was so close to Grammy’s birthday that she wanted her to celebrate at Bridgestone. As we got ready for bed last night she realized that she didn’t have it. She has been hysterical since and I’ll admit I cried to. That sloth was her lifeline. I am hoping someone did the right thing and turned it in.”

    Here’s the original post.

  4. Whiskeylung

    This is heart breaking… please find Mr.Slothy.

  5. purpleopus77

    Please find your way home Mr. Slothy ❤️🩷

  6. Gold-Stomach-4657

    I wonder if it would be possible to buy another one, and pass it around to all the players who signed it, as a backup in case the original Mr Slothy is never found. This is heartbreaking because Olivia sounds like she has a beautiful soul and she needs to be happy.

  7. Buffalorocks1

    This the most sad yet cute post ever hoping you find the stuffed toy

  8. Just-Register-6120

    If a Christmas miracle happens and he is returned we need an update. Good luck!

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