@Vancouver Canucks

Jim Rutherford On The Vancouver Canucks


  1. Ask him about the road to the trade deadline what his priorities are for improving the team. where can it get better. is it adding players or adding depth for injury a better priority?

  2. I was not gung ho on some of the moves made, but I have to admit that Jim's and Alvin's moves have turned to gold. Keep up the good work.

  3. Dave Hodge should be in the hall of Fame. A whole life in hockey and still at it. CBC made a huge mistake when he got fired

  4. Truly an eye opener about Jim Rutherford’s experience as Hockey player and now in Administration. The Canucks are now benefiting as a result of it.
    Please sum it all up with a Stanley Cup this Spring.

  5. All this praise for JR. Same guy that came out last year and said he didn't like training camp, didn't like Bruce's offensive system and then kept it the worst kept secret in hockey when it came to his firing. Completely low-balled Horvat in negotiations and then came out and said our priority now is a trade. Guys in his position shouldn't be in front of the media, moreso behind closed doors. This team has been severely underperforming for 2 years. Green lost the room, Bruce comes in and goes 32-15-10 over the rest of the season and the you have JR calling him out, calling out the team, and they get off to a horrible start the next year. Yes a few pieces have been switched but the core remains. Why all of a sudden are they doing good? I believe they always were better than their record, but all this turmoil didn't help. Don't look at Jim Rutherford is what I'd say. Baby Yoda needs to retire.

  6. As a Vancouver resident and fan I can say Rutherford and Allvin took 2 years of hard questions and it wasn’t always pretty. They managed to keep the best parts of Benning era and add what the Benning crew could not do- add a grit and physicality. They also managed to remove the owner from the daily process which others had not been able to do. Most of all, they have added depth at Abbotsford and in Vancouver and it is starting to show. The fan base and the media are tough because there have been so many false starts over the years and the fan base does not fully trust ownership. They needed to add a credible hockey management and an outsider to see things from a different viewpoint. Still not all the way there but it finally feels like Canucks are on track. One request, please do not sell the future for present success, that’s been done in spades for years.

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