@Vegas Golden Knights

Levan Saginashvili has ALREADY WARNED Devon Larratt ABOUT IT..

Engin Terzi Levan Saginashvili interview


  1. You know the reason why Levan is working on his legs so much recently? It's to quickly get up and transition to a press. It's all making sense now.

  2. He is making the same mistake as denis, first fighting the bottom of the top 10 people, gaining some table time and then target devon

  3. I love Devon, get called "fanboy" 24/7 (even though Im not) but of course Levan is the favorite 100%. No one could be delusional enough to think Levan wont get a nasty press ready for Devon in case he would need it. Levan is not only strong, he's an amazing arm-wrestler with high table IQ. I want Devon to win, I think he's got a shot if he's uninjured, but I wont fool myself about him winning no matter how much I want it. We will have to judge by the time we see round 1 (or maybe round 2, hehe) before we start picking sides for real 🙂

  4. Lol at Levan saying "Devon come!" haha. For sure this time the trash talk will not be as toxic as last time. Damn it, I love how great of friends Levan and Devon seem to be. Devon even buffed Levan by setting him up for the stem cells! 🙂

  5. I think you’re an idiot to say that Levan is not the number 1. Tell me chicken curry… has Devon ever beaten Levan? NO, so shut up and go eat your curry

  6. There was never a 5% difference between them when they last pulled .. Levan was right when he said it was way more than that as he went throught Devon like he wasn't even there. Sadly I think Levan even in his current shape will defeat Devon with relative ease and is easily still the No1.

  7. I hope Devon is not injured and has the ability to stop like Ermes did, then I hope Levan does not run to elbow fouls or the oxygen tank like before

  8. Love Levan but the brain doesn’t forget injuries. He better do some ready goes before April with super high-level training, partners. To be untested before the big match would be a mistake.

  9. He said he’s 180kg because he has started training legs and that that has caused him to lose more fat but still gained 5 kg already, context is important
    Second thing he said that Ivan could beat Devon left-handed, not right handed!

  10. Devon wins this 5-1. Devon will be considered the 🐐 after this match.

    Devon will get at least 10% stronger. He barely uses PED’s but his stem cells is a game changer and no one is taking more of those.

  11. Although Levan will regain most of his former shape, I’m not sure if he will be at the same level as his 2022 form or his prep for Morozov. He says he’s okay 100% to train, but he seems to still be taking it easy and not going hard which is smart, but it shows he may be afraid of training as hard which will affect him in the long run. He also is very out of shape currently and I’m not sure if 4 months is enough to get the rust off after such an injury

  12. Just remember one small thing, "If the match STOPS any time, Levan will start questioning himself and thats where he will lose the battle, he will shake like Ermes did.

    Depends on How Strong Devon gets this time. 👍🏻

  13. If Levan learns the press, its game over for everybody, as simple as that. If he doesn't learn it, Devon will cause trouble to him.

  14. YouTube algorithm boosting comment 💪 … blah blah blah, doesn't matter until the actual matches happen 😎

  15. EVERYONE in the super heavyweight division wants to fight Devon…he is their cash super wants or will drop down to Heavyweight to fight Devon because they know the result. It's a joke that Levan and others are telling Devon to put on weight to make the match better..if Devon wasn't fighting as a super heavyweight, there would be a lot poorer one draws the money like Devon..

  16. If Levan hasnt healed and Devon is as strong as he is now, then Levan could be in trouble. What happens if he isnt healed, Dwvon could reinjure Levans wrist..some injuries are too difficult to heal properly

  17. 180 KILO's! Thats almost 400 lbs. So thats definitely a heavy weight…i dont know how much devon weighs but i bet it aint over 300 lbs….levan is way bigger than devon and surely that is something he's going to use to his advantage…imagine him doing a flop press, nobody in the world could stop him.

  18. Levan was heavier than Ermes too and he was gassed at the end. Levan wrist and cup and strength matters more than his weight. In fact as we saw with Ermes match excessive weight can be a weakness. I mean anyone can say anything but until day of match we wont know. First match was over by round 2 cause Devan’s biceps tore. Hopefully this won’t happen again and we will get a clearer picture. Levan’s aura of invincibility was smashed by Ermes. Levan beat him 4-2 but everyone remembers that moment when he was on oxygen and could barely stand. It was genuinely a little scary. Now everyone knows he can be stopped and if he can be stopped he can be beaten. Not just Devan but Vitaly and Ermes and Alex and Morozov and the rest. It will interesting to see how Levan comes back and what he looks like. VERY courageous of Levan to make Devon his first match after injury. He deserves a lot of credit for this. Does suck that it takes out two of the biggest draws in arm wrestling for 4 months but what can you do …

  19. How much gear is he taking to where he says he’ll be in peak shape in 2 months? That’s not impressive

  20. levan is levels above everyone else in the planet, thats the truth, to beat him you need to be so much unorthodox and pull out any dirty tricks

  21. Let's be honest – Levan destroyed DL, albeit a DL injured in what – round 2. And likewise – he crushed Ermes, even if Ermes managed to stop him' Levan still flash pinned him like nothing for 2 of his 4 wins, with Ermes never getting a pin. The difference (Levan weaker and/or DL stronger)would have to be 40% plus within the first 3 rounds for DL to avoid a loss. Little chance of that. Hope Devon wins, but it is a hugely unlikely outcome. Which is ok; it will be great entertainment regardless. Funny too – people talk about drug use. Based on the eye test and the statements of people in the know like Larry Wheels, Levan's performance enhancing drug use dwarfs that of DL. But again – why does anyone care, really. The superheavyweight ranks are all about drug use. Look at Morozov before/after. Insane. And a Travis Bagent LH comeback would be GREAT for armwrestling. Pure entertainer.

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