@Edmonton Oilers

Dallas Cowboys Lose to The Miami Dolphins 22-20 | Mike McCarthy and His Team Can’t Figure it out

The narrative remains the same. Cowboys can’t win on the road. im just disgusted by the penalties and turnovers. its little league mistakes.

#DALvsMIA #NFL #Christmaseve


  1. Its so easy to point fingers and say well its on this person or that person,,, All in All its a team effort they ALL lost this one,,, The O-line didn't block good, the secondary on defense gave up wayyyy to many yard and cushion to allow Miami to gain yards, the fumble, the penalties,, the freakin play calling was horrible, i saw several times Mike call the wrong play on crucial moments and the biggest one was a Play Freakin Action Pass on 1st&goal at the HALF yard line????? Like pound the ball until you absolutely need to pass,,,your half a yard away!!!???? The only one i saw that did his part was again CeeDee and im not saying that in a band wagon way,,,i genuinely mean he did his part but he cant do it all!!! JERRY NEEDS TO GET HIS EYES OFF THE PAPER AND FOCUS ON HELPING THIS TEAM WIN!!! MIKE NEEDS TO GO , DAK NEEDS TO GO!!! THE COWBOYS NEED TO DIG DEEP AND PROVE THE WORLD WRONG!! WE NEED CHANGE

  2. Hey, jump on the 49ers wagon bro. Plenty of space. But in all seriousness, you are one of the few that is real about your boys. Lots of delusional folks out there making every excuse.

  3. This game hurt Cowboys Corner. We needed this game and we couldn’t cash in when we needed it most. Dak and the playcalling were really bad for a lot of the game, but when we needed to get a TD we scored a TD. Where was this “historic defense”? They’re all talk zero substance to me bro. I’m pissed off as a lifelong Cowboys fan and like we always say bro, we are in trouble

  4. We are in anyway. So, protect the health of the players. We will inevitably face whoever is on the schedule. NFC South or whatever. The Eagles or Niners. It doesn't matter, the team has to grow, mature, adjust and develop, in a very short amount of time, a winning instinct. Eye of the tiger, no matter what the other teams throw at us. It's not over Cowboys Nation, we are in, and many of the so-called trolls, are already eliminated. Remember that. Merry Christmas!

  5. Horribly coached, Dak looked slow not seeing open reievers, dont get me started on how weak Pollard is any other RB puts that score in right before the fumble first drive, he is pathetic

  6. I'm a Cowboys fan since I was born. But this crap is too much to take in. These are the true facts. Cowboys are just an average team. To be the best, you have beat the best. Every December is the same. They just can't win when it counts. Don't look forward to the next couple of years. Maybe even farther than that. I feel for the fans. I'm sure they want to see more wins at the end.

  7. This game was frustrating. I am glad that my family wasn't in a football-watching mood, so I missed it.

    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

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