@Buffalo Sabres

BassGeek On the Water

BassGeek On the Water

Avable reconnect all right like I said I don’t know how good this how well this is going to work this place sucks when it comes to sale resarch sale retion ah we got four tell me if you can see me if you can hear hear me if it sucks cuz I don’t Know there we go what’s going on Jess what’s up story can see and hear me well I’m trying to show you guys a little bit of what we’ve been doing today and is because the Shad are back there over my shoulder here I’ll try and

Show you I tried to show you minute to go so we’ve got bass down here chasing Shad yeah look at that pretty deep I don’t know it’s uh everything like I said everything’s back up I don’t know if I’m going to be able to show you

Anything but if you got any questions I just figured I’d drop in see what you guys were into uh on a Saturday day before Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Eve so but I’m out on South Holston doing a little bit of fishing doing a little bit of Recon we’ve been doing a

Lot of graphing today just looking around they was a they was a good size local tournament today so a lot of the spots are you know beat a little beat up so you know we’re just kind of looking around seeing what we can see make some fish

Down through here so what are you guys doing what’s everybody doing y’all y’all get ready for Christmas y’all if you can still hear me hopefully I’m prob uh read off everything to me y’all say hi to Mike we’re out here trying not to stay cold unable to upload thumbnail I don’t

Know get a fish going to make no promises hopefully y’all can hear me it was telling me that the thumbnail for the live was 18 there we go we’re starting to get some stuff what’s up what’s up tackle organization tackle disorganization here look this is this is my that’s my co bin right

There that’s used and somewhat used and stuff that I that I might use yeah I know it sucks out here just got my first cold bass today on a zman goat that’s cool way to go Jacob come down to the ditches on laner man I’d love to come down to fish

Laner what’s up Ryan trying to get caught up on everything we got 20 in here this might be in out man I’m I’m G try and show y’all some some stuff I don’t know if we’re really because of the sale service is so bad here what’s going on Mr P

But uh so Jeremy how bad is it if you can hear me my editor Mr Jeremy tell me uh how bad the C Cale service is right here I’m GNA turn it over to Mike Bor I know you bored trust me I know where you’re at don’t feel so

Bad it’s been pretty boring today really we’ve caught a few all right I’m going to see if I can get up here see what I can figure out all right I’m going to let Mike take over turn the camera yeah just like that now to be able to

See just keep scrolling it’s touch and go on the service yeah yeah that sucks let’s see I don’t know wa I figured we’d give it a test and see what’s going on I really man I it’s just like said this Lake like I said this Lake man it’s so

Crappy as far as sale reception you wouldn’t think so man cuz it’s like right in the middle of like Bristol I don’t know there’s sail Towers everywhere around it it just sus maybe be able to get a little better reception over this way I don’t know I don’t know get we and

Block around them mountains he’s somebody on my point anyway well anyway I guess we’ll just do a uh idle and talk for a minute since we’re already on here what’s up Sean yeah it’s getting better I know look we’re we’re literally basically out in the middle of the damn Lake

Now yeah well anyway let’s just do a live we’ll just talk I’ll just idle and talk can you hear me pretty good over the motor I’m trying to get us over here we’ll pull up on an island see if we can find some pirate treasure ni ni might be some bass right there

What’s up ripped lips yeah man it does suck I really want to do a live out here like I mean it’s you know we’re we’re out here dropping on them I mean we’re you know we’re we’re using 2D and and you know Liv scope to do it but I mean

They’re deep I mean again you know I’ll try and show you here I mean and you can see how deep deep they are you know the bass are actually in these so you know but uh you know that’s that’s Shad for anybody that don’t know that’s a big

Ball of Shad right there little little point we just come across and there’ll be bass all inside of that sometimes depending on where you’re at but uh the problem is right now I just ain’t got enough what’s going on big Malone oh yeah they like 60 70 ft Ry

So hey if nothing else here I’ll tell you what we’re out here in the middle I’ll give the give the thing over to Mike so he can tell me you know ask whatever questions you want and I’ll kind of show you what what kind of craziness we’ve been dropping on these

Fish so here I’ll spin it around All right you know how t on the comments right now and it slides up all right y’all tell me if you can see me I’ll show you a little something you know everything’s really heavy like this is a 3/4 ounce tamiki Vault this is one of our one of my favorites right

Here I don’t remember the color of it but like this is we’ve been dropping this thing vertical and once it goes down inside the ball of Shad kind of just lift it just a little so it gets a little bit of vibration and uh they’ll eat the paint off that

Thing when they’re inside the shad keep us posted if you can hear anything yeah they said it sounds great we’re getting now picture cleaning up any said re reception is good in that spot Ryan said all right and then this is a demii ax blade now this is

More if I can get it loose this thing is a little more like you got a this is a 1 o got a good big blade on it that blade keeps it you can’t really jig this thing up and down when you’re down there because it’s got a real bad

Habit of tangling up and you know tangling up in the in the uh deal so you got to kind of pendu them that back to you throw it out there and just kind of let it come back uh just swim it back but so far the Vault has worked better for

Us I was me and Mike were talking earlier and we was kind of you guys you guys might be able to answer this question you guys know anybody that has uh that makes a 1 oz blade bait man a Tungsten blade bait would be great cuz we’re fishing for Smallmouth today

You know dominantly on this predominantly so what ends up happening is uh you know you kind of they they move so fast when they’re in that in that Shad that uh you know it just uh you just can’t keep up with them so you know you’ve got

To have something that drops drops right down in that ball of shad and uh seems like that’s where we’ve had our success is you know when there’ll be groups of them so you’ll see one or two bass down there we’re not having a whole lot of

Success when we see what me and Mike refers to them as onesies twozies you know uh but it’s those those wolf packs you know those five six sevs you see those if you can get it if you can get it to them especially when they’re inside that Shad when they’re

When they go into say a big ball of shad when those bass go up inside and start chasing them it’ll those Shad will open up into a ball and I call it a bass bubble and if you can drop it right through those Shad right down inside of

That little bubble you know they’re in there feeding and uh you’re you’re getting you’re getting eat it you just drop it through the top stop it and kind of hop it up and they’re going to kill it so little Rich that I think real northern Bass had mentioned it on their live yeah

So listen guys I probably a crazy hair do going right now but this BG’s eaching me to death so I’m taking it off so forgive W wild so something that you get a lot you know we we do a lot of thei rigging and uh you know Queen’s tackle

Makes a real good uh you know a real good uh 1 oz head and I do a little modification to it so that we can uh so that we can pull in a few more bites or you get those fish that you know a demii rig I don’t

Know what it is man they’ll they’ll come up and they’ll swat at it or they’ll nose it a lot of times but I do a little do a little modification set up here uh and this is a grub you know gr I’ll use a grub a lot I was using a demii

Earlier I can actually show you a bunch of baits I’ve got in here but that’s a uh vmc treble spin I I put a bigger I put a bigger blade on it so it’s like a big UND spin but that’s a 1 o head and I

Think like a two all hook so Sean Colin said tungsten Tail Spin would fall a lot quicker yeah yeah tungsten Tail Spin would fall a lot quicker I’d like to have one of those uh I don’t know anybody that makes a Tungsten tail spin at 1 oz deii Falls pretty good but like

The problem with that is is uh it just it just doesn’t like you can’t you can’t jig it and it’s so hard to time it where they’re moving so fast cuz it’s combination of them moving you you really got to time it right and uh so it’s a combination of moving and how

Deep they are so if they’re you know right now what we found today is like 70 to to 80 80 feet deep no no no I’m lying uh 50 to 70 feet deep so I’ll show you a few more baits that we’ve been using here you

Know we got good old sour grape there that’s from bass Munitions and ramsy baits makes them and you know that’s that’s one of theirs too and then you know we got a bunch of the armor Shad like they’ll feed on those big ow wives down on the bottom so we’ll throw

That Big 5 in armor Shad down there too they that’ll stand out pretty good too with those bigger small mouth you can get bigger bites I think everybody around here kind of kind of thinks you got to have the smaller bait but you know uh me and Mike

Was in this Creek right here uh not long ago and we uh we found a 4in Aly floating so you know it it almost you know almost that size perfect wouldn’t it Mike so yeah yeah so so sometimes you drop those bigger ones down there and you’re going to get bigger bites so

But see put this back up Chris Crockett said I tried to Dem makei rig on some suspended bass in a tournament today couldn’t make it work for me uh I’m new to it and probably not doing it right were were they like were they individual suspended like were they cuz

I’ll tell you A lot of times for me when it comes to the demii rig you a you really got to have them around uh they they really got to be around Shad uh if it’s clear water a lot of times s what happens is is they just get

Such a good look at it and they’re so focused on Shad if they’re just sitting there suspended up like off the bottom a lot of times those those fish during the winter time just aren’t active they’re you can get a few of them to buy and you

Know that used to be the way we did it uh for years and years and years uh with 2D sonar and uh we’d get out there over them and uh you know just drop down down to them and suspended we’d see them on the bottom

And they pull them up but on this Lake man it’s it’s so tough now because I mean you know Mike can attest every good Hole uh you know there was four or five boats on it where there was a tournament or two going on today and uh you know

Those fish are just getting beat up this weekend so and we’re out here learning we’re out here trying to get better we’re we’re trying to locate the areas uh where these Shad these Shad are moving out of the pockets I don’t know if you guys seen But the water temps 50

Which we’re having a little bit of warm up it was real real cold we we had a couple inches of snow there about what was it just about a three four days ago four five days ago proba probably more four or five days ago we had a couple inches of snow and

Uh you know it was it was cold it got cold on us there but we got a little warm up this weekend so water temps are kind of stabilizing out which see water temps in this area don’t get real bad anyway you know mid 40s most of the time

Is about as cold as they get unless we get a real cold winter but uh we we did see some fish chasing top water and we threw at them come me right there care and uh you know we threw at them you know but uh just couldn’t give

Them a bite this L super clear you know we threw the prank at them we threw it in a couple different colors and uh they’d come up and check it out I didn’t throw a walking bait at them but again they were it wasn’t groups it was those onesie twosies you know

And you know competition is key that’s one thing I’ll even say about those suspended fish brother you know grub you know that’s we were kind of throwing that for those top Waters and them small you know your small swim baits those fish that are just under the surface uh

BR rig man you know that’s a that’s a killer little bait for those bass that are just under the surface finally getting some sun to come out right now I tell you I’m digging that but uh there’s that sour grape you got that ounce Queen’s tackle on there

Chris Crockett says love your channel and appreciate your tips and help 100% watch Squad hey I appreciate you man 100% watch quad you guys rock as always you are the reason we do things little secret here little bigger ha jig you know it gets nice and wet put a little

Grub on the end of it didn’t throw that any today but kind of concentrated on stuff like like that right there you know again that that Queen’s tackle you know I love my my angler tungsten but he only makes them up to a half ounce and you know so

That Queen’s tackle is kind of where that comes in I like to see them make that they make an UND Spin and uh that UND spin is is real real nice this time of year uh but it would it’d be nice if they made that UND spin in the 3/4 and

The the eighth or the 1 o sizes too but that’s kind of what we went at today you guys got any just questions in general we ain’t going to stay out too too long we kind of did what we come to do today we we know what’s going

On and uh you know that’s that’s the big key guys time on the water man time on the water is so important and you know we’re we’re trying to get to the point like where you know how I kind of approach every lake is right now it’s

Taking about uh about 17 and change we’ll say anywhere from from high 15 to Mid 17 and change to win tournaments on this Lake uh that’s small mouth couple people kept asking where you’re at oh uh I’m on South Holston redbor so South Holston we got about uh well you see how

Cal it is show them back that way M look how I mean slick Cal slick calm so but uh yeah South H Lake uh one of my home Lakes I fish like in the Tennessee side of things I kind of keep the Virginia side of things a little quiet

They’re a little smaller Lakes they’re they’re public Lakes everything I fish is public Waters uh but this is a lake there’s a lot of good good Anglers on this Lake and so we’re out here just trying to get better and figure out where things are

You know we know we’re going to have to average about three to three and three4 pound per fish uh and that’s that’s kind of what we’re targeting uh we knew that there was a couple of good tournaments up here today so you know we just kind of come up here

And graphing and kind of looking around staying out everybody’s way Chris kog asked you ever fish North Lake in East Tennessee yeah man North Lake uh I like to fish North Lake in the spring and uh I’m not going to tell you my favorite little spot I’m I’m a I haven’t got a

Lot of time on the p side but the uh clinch side is is what I know best uh and I mean man I fish it from the what they call it the sea all the way up to the river man and uh you know I’ll tell

You what during the Spring you get a you get a warm day during the Spring it warms up in L like February oh God I about stabed myself H but uh you get a warm day in uh February uh early March and uh you go up in the river and just

Take you a a um you know probably probably put it on like a a/4 oun or you know to a 38 oun rage bug and watermelon red and just go up there and flip just flip down them just do nothing Rock him Channel swings man that’s first uh first

Bfl as a non booer I ever uh went to and the guy that was uh the guy that was fishing it he was on demii rig well the week before hit was you know 45 de well we pulled up spent about 3 hours on the spot and they they was nothing there I

Don’t know why we even spent that long there he asked me a little bit later he’s like man did you say you practiced and I said yeah and so I said but now I ain’t on nothing that’s going to win it but uh we went up there and we both I

Should have cashed at my first tournament I should have cash check in I lost one I don’t oh I know how I did it you know when you’re flipping just set the hook and drag them in I I’ve got one out of a tree right behind him he

Started flipping a jig and I think he casat check he finished 13 and uh yeah it was pretty fun man so that that’s a I like a trap on that Lake in the spring I got a bunch of little Trash Pockets that get real dirty and

They warm up early and uh you can get up there I got a little video about that from like last year a couple three years ago maybe uh so we I hope you know I hope we’re going to get up there we’re probably not go fish any tournaments

Maybe jump in just a random tournament here and there this year and uh I think what we’re primarily going to do is uh you know we’re just going to uh we’re just going to get better on on the Lakes like that the mortown Marine Trail fishes and the the

Volunteer division of the bfl fishes uh and the big the kind of the big three of those Lakes is you know South holon Cherokee and Douglas of course we’re going going we’re going to throw in noris cuz I really do like to fish it there some big old small mouth up there

Hey big holler out to Joe Holland just sent you 10 bucks Joe Holland Joe Holland fishs this guy his hard Joe we when I get back into doing uh when I get back into doing some some actual you know live streams uh we’re going to get you back on Joe

Holland uh I think Joe was fishing FLW at the time and for you guys that don’t know you need to go out and check Joe’s Channel out Joe is he does a lot of different stuff he’s up in Maine he’s a big cuddly man bear that I

Love to death and uh he’s he’s got a great Channel he does a lot of stuff like Off the Grid stuff and man crazy crazy crazy uh camping on the lake and and you know roughing it sort of stuff man uh he’s got a great Channel he said

Brother from another mother yeah yeah man my yeah he’s a he’s a good dude I still got he sent me this this one bait uh and it is hanging in my basky room I I’ll never use it I appreciate the heck out of him it’s an old school bait if

You guys ever SE me do live streams look back there it’s hanging on my little bass geek sign that one of you Geeks made for me too by the way I I don’t remember who it was and I apologize for that but I got a tiny little ant brain

So and I’m bad with names but no man it’s cool I’ve been wanting to do a live stream I miss just talking to you Geeks man how many we got in there right now Mike 59 dang dang 59 you are fine Geeks 59 30 likes 30 likes I appreci and a

$10 Jo Holland Joe Holland fish but uh yeah I ain’t talked to Joe in a while I need to talk to Joe I need to give you a huler brother but yeah throw some questions at me I you know I’m kind of of done for the day it’s about beer and

Wing time so uh you know Ryan says we’re getting ready for spawners in Florida already already I thought that didn’t start till like end of January well hell it’s almost that time yeah I guess New Year is right around the corner I guess it is about that time that’s some place

I got to get to Joe that’s what we need to do Joe you need to come just come down to my house we’ll hook up from there you know and go go Bass yeah I’d like to go down that’d be fun they’re going do a lot of different fishing you know I know a lot of you guys don’t like the whole live scope stuff but the Lakes like I I hope you guys seen it if you didn’t we’ll ride

Around a little bit here in a minute uh but you know like man they’re they’re not on the banks here you’re not winning tournaments on these Lakes you know beating Banks I mean you you know you that’s an exception you’ll do it every once in a while and you’ll do it in the

Spring but right now you know these fish are 50 and you know 70 ft deep I mean we we caught one today uh pulled up on a spot and uh you know he is a little I think 2 lb 2 O something like that little small mouth

Chasing there was a group of them and he was 65 foot deep you know heavier TFO spinning rods so if you guys ever wonder why we use spinning rods with a one o it’s because the fall is Freer so if we’re if we’re throwing a a bait caster you have to

Free up the spool so much you get bad backlashes so you’re better when you’re dropping like this to have a spinning combo um that you can you can you know just kind of make a cast out out there with it even if you’re using one o heads

Problem with me is I ain’t geared up for it I got a blue billion rods and reels and I probably own one medium heavy spinning uh Rod right now I used to have a bunch but I just didn’t have a lot of use for them and you know now I don’t

But I got to pick some of those up there’s a question from Ray Ray overing I know I didn’t probably say last name right but he says we’re we going to see you at the East Tennessee show Yes actually I’m glad you brought that up Ray so uh this year I’ll be at

Four four show be at the Raleigh there it is it’s coming back now we what I’m trying to give there we go still got to get you over here to hang out Lake Anna oh man yeah dude Brad Barber what’s go I didn’t me that see that man need to keep spinning

Rod in my hand more definitely yeah you know I you know what’s what’s weird for me and I’m going I’m going to drive a little bit try and make sure let me get some of these rods in here what’s weird for me is is that like

Like where I fish clear clear Lakes I guess Lake right here is probably easily 10 you know we’re on the lower end too it gets a little dirtier you know it might be like five or eight foot visibility up there but it’s it’s probably 10 12 15 here and uh you know I

Started out as a as a finesse angler way back in the day you know spinning rods and that sort of stuff and I took a few years off of fishing and come back as a power angler and now I’m like a power spinning guy you know like I said I mean we’re

Using spinning gear dropping 1 o baits down so but you know like I said you got to learn you adapt with the times and you know I like I do like to fish tournaments and you know the thing about fishing tournaments is you know like I

Said at least the lakes that I fish I mean if you ain’t scoping you’re h and you’re just paying to co- fishing I mean it really is what it is around here whether you like it or not I mean sometimes I don’t I mean I’d like

To just go and you know drag a jig on the bank but you’re going to win you got to do what you got to do by by the way Geeks I think most of you all know this but the boat is for sale so I did start officially working with

Cus and if you know anyone that’s looking for a boat I will make a heck of a deal on it and I still think it’s under 100 hours if you want me to show you I literally show you but I think it’s still under 100 hours man H has got

Nice out here the sun’s come out I want to start stripping down in a minute plus I’m getting hungry like I said you guys got any questions anything you want to know bass munition LS over here in Bristol saw you were live yep like I said caught one on the

Old sour grape where did that go said it oh there it is Ron says I’m looking where can I see the specs on the boat um I don’t have it posted yet but I mean it’s a uh this is a 2023 cus and look he says I’m shopping in the 55,000

Range I can’t get rid of it that much I got to get payoff on it uh right now I’ll be honest with you payoff for me right now is about 70 but this one this one you know if if you’re interested this one is uh it’s got the 8ft power poles 250

It’s a cx20 um it’s got the power pole charge um it’s got 4 12s plus Liv scope plus I mean she pretty loaded she pretty loaded got all the uh matching green motor decals and trailer decals so she’s in pretty good shape ain’t got no scratches she does need to be clean I

Ain’t going to lie like you know it’s kind of like fish or wash a boat and I like fish so I I’ll even put a little soap and water to for you but Mass munition lore says is when are we going fishing you never call anymore dude I know I’m sorry uh but

Don’t feel left out it is literally I have uh since June no July I have really just put my head down and tried to to get this thing to stay consistent and uh you know stay ahead of the videos because you know flying by

The sea your pants is not the way to do it and so it’s just taken up so much time I mean I’m either at the house working on the business side of it or I’m out here making videos today is today honestly we should have filmed at least two

Videos um and I just wanted to take a day get out here and do a little Recon maybe do a little fishing have a little fun just take a nice easy day and enjoy being on the water Randy Barger said what your take on that TAA Trail no 360

No Ford faing sonor thanks look I think it’s cool okay uh my biggest problem and I think the biggest argument about the three you know the problem with competitive bass fishing today it’s the whole reason why the kayak uh industry has taken off and what’s bad about that

Is is you know I mean good Lord you can get a kayak fully loaded for the same price that I like I bought my first you know bass boat you know I mean I I think the problem is going to be with competition fishing is the people

With money is always going to push the push the subject they’re going to push the subject which means making it harder for people who don’t have the money uh to consistently compete and you know that’s hard for me to say because you know man I I’m one of

Those guys I’m like look if you have a where there’s a whe there’s a way if you work hard enough if you find if you sacrifice hard enough you know if you really want it you can do it I mean I I’m a great example of that I mean

I never thought I’d have be riding around in this boat never in my life I never thought I’d be able to afford it um but I’ve put in a lot of work outside of my actual job and I’ve got lucky and thanks to you guys I get a shot at do it

But yeah I I like it I think uh I know there’s a 10 booat I think it’s called the 10 booat Nation Tournament Trail and I know it was growing I don’t know if it’s still ran on I know at one point it was growing to the point to where uh it

Was Regional and there was National I think that’s awesome I think the kayak fishing is uh is a good thing you know I don’t I think we need multiple levels like it FR up man God Aly this thing drives me nuts there it goes all right anyway sorry zdes if you seeing me

Live I don’t know if you’ve seen it or not but I’m on my phone so I but uh but I think bass fishing needs multiple levels you know kayaks the 10 boats and and it needs to be competitive at at you know the way people can afford um you

Know I fished bfls last year and I ain’t going to lie it it was you know we I I did fish I didn’t fish my locals I fished uh one where you know it’s probably first travel every single time and you know I had a good group of guys

But I mean he was expensive but uh you know I can’t even imagine fishing the open and places like that you know without some sort of sponsorship I mean I just I think if you can do well you know you can move up to each each level or

You can stay right where you’re at but I think it’s a good thing I don’t think I I I’ll be the first to tell you in pro fishing I don’t think you’ll ever see the electronics get get out now they may restrict it I don’t think it’s even going to be the restrictions

Of you know just using them in practice I don’t see that happening uh you know that make blade baits and tail Spinners and send your way as in just being an average Joe is that something that you would be interested in yeah yeah I you know like I said I’d love to

Be able to have have a uh you know like a like a 1 o man blade bait I don’t know I don’t know if I’ve seen of course I haven’t looked either so but yeah I that’s some good that’s it’s very good on this Lake we’ve had pretty good I don’t know

Bird Dave wasburn said happy holidays to you and yours Hank all the and all the baskets happy holidays Dave thank you for being part of the 100% W Squad all right guys well I just wanted to check in and say hi to you and say Merry Christmas and

You know Happy New Year as it comes I hope you guys if you got any more questions throw them at me real quick because I’m gonna get off here I think we’re we might go graph a little bit more and see what’s going on but I don’t

Know I know what we’re going to do right now we’ll see may go do a little bit of fishing to close the day out check Mur said glad to help out about the tail spin yeah man that’d be good but it yeah boy it’s definitely slicked off but

Uh I don’t know like I said we’re just out here learning I appreciate you guys all you Geeks guys and gals if there’s any gals out there watching but uh just his name’s Ryan I guess you know who that is right he keeps saying bass bubbles he wanted me to say it like

Don’t know have any time Ste keep saying what bass bubbles bass bubbles yeah that’s what it is man bass bubbles you know you got the shad and then you got a bubble full of bass you know inside the shed bass bubbles he said two or three times I can sit and

Read them all off to you I wasn’t ignoring him I was just that’s what I call them I mean that’s what it looks like but uh you know cuz when you was talking about selling a boat and he said that he was looking for 55,000 range he goes will

The boat find the bass bubbles for me this boat will find the bass it found all did this it’s all kinds of bass bubbles today now won’t catch them for you but it’ll show you where they’re at that’s where D onore T house said Hey brother what is up house I was thinking

About you earlier needing to call you this weekend Trevor Wagner said I appreciate all your knowledge share with all of us Geeks out here I appreciate it guys and I appreciate you all you know I mean that’s the whole reason why like like I want

To the reason why I want to go fulltime is so I can spend more time on the water I can learn more I can do more and I can share it with you guys that is the whole key to it you know I mean I ain’t going

To lie to you if I if I quit to go do this I will will take a pay cut uh so I ain’t getting rich you know fishing no doubt uh I me I ain’t rich not fishing either but but I’ll take a I’ll take a

Pretty serious pay cut to walk away and come do it but you know I that’s the goal I I want to be out here four days a week figuring it out for you guys and sharing with you guys what I I figure out because you know I’ve seen Mikey balls talk

About it you know they don’t the the pros don’t share a lot of stuff with us they don’t tell us necessarily always the Truth and you know that’s the thing man like I mean you know hey look I I love angler tungsten but angler tungsten you know knows that I’m going to use you know if I got to get it down to you know you know 70 ft I mean he don’t make

Them and you know you I mean I mean he knows I love them and I love the stuff that they do but you know sometimes you you got to use other stuff and it’s why I work with a lot of different companies you know from from Duo to the Miki to Bass

Munitions to you know uh man you you name it you know I just like to use a lot of different stuff and for me it’s about catching them and I I fish some pretty damn tough Lakes man and uh you know somebody asked me one time

They’re like they talking about oh man I had a tough day you know we only caught seven Keepers I’m like she man a tough day on my legs three days of zeros what what you got no I was just laughing at what you said oh so you

Know Tom Mick said have a Merry Christmas geek and a happy New Year yeah I’m going to get off here we’re going to go do a little more I’m sorry we didn’t get the fish I really wanted to show you cuz like like right

There you see a boat you can see a boat right back there on the spot I was going to show you guys it’s it’s loaded with shad and and uh and bass chasing um if you go back I mean forever ago like way before Ford’s facing Sona

Or that spot back there that little point I mean I fished a fished a piss out of that you know caught a lot of good small mouth on it on Dirk baits and demii and uh that sort of stuff but I think we’re going to ride around a

Little bit and uh see what we can get into and uh I’ll talk to you guys later if we catch a bunch hopefully we’ll make a video of it unless we forget to hit record which does does tend to happen so all right thank you all for hanging out with

Me have a merry Christmas happy New Year and uh as always you geek Rock You got to cut it almost at hour there we go


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