@Boston Bruins

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Minnesota Wild Scoreboard/Commentary!

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Minnesota Wild Scoreboard/Commentary!

For Of all the Republicans running for president why is Donald Trump only Attack And welcome into the live stream folks welcome to the live stream welcome into the live stream folks welcome to the live commentary welcome to the live stream Tonight Paul coming to bruss the goal scores Frederick scores trust Frederick from the circle and the burins regain the lead it’s 3-2 po Rock Ki Saka scores again what a pass by the checkline check mates makoy he shoots he scores Bron C for makoy shooting scores this is the third freaking time

In the past 30 seconds we’ve seen this damn commercial of Dak Prescott talking BL on a damn mattress bro get that off my TV Screen [Applause] [Applause] What the hell this is going to be screenshotted I guaranteed Well welcome to the live stream everybody I hope everybody has is having a very nice Saturday and welcome to my holiday live stream as you can tell we’re decked out I got the Santa hat on we have Carol the Bells by Trans Siberian Orchestra playing Us in tonight goodness

Gracious how’s everybody doing I’m glad to have you guys in chat Tonight let’s get into your starting lineups for the Bruins on the left they split up the lines they changed it up and I’m actually happy about it hinen zaka and Pasto geeky van reik Frederick Coy Marshon De brusk Beer Loco and steam lorai and Carlo linol and makoy wspoon

And Ian Mitchell no Kevin shapener tonight with lenus Omar in net for the winipeg Jets it’s Joel Eric kurl capriso Matt Baldi Marco Rossi Jake Luchini and Marcus Felino Freddy gdo Marcus Johansson and Pat maroon Conor deir Brandon duim and Vinnie Lai Jake Middleton and Brock babber Alex gigowski and Zach bosan John

Merill and Dakota mermis with Mark Andre flurry and net wow this is awesome well ready This song played us in and I’m happy about it I’m very happy that we we uh got this song again to play us in for the second straight year oh my gosh I feel like I’m a mile away hold on from from my lap from my laptop again oh

God this is going to fall oh it didn’t fall my iPad s lean up against something because this case for some reason does not set up properly so oh my gosh hello hello hello how’s it going Ronnie Edge Cooper 10 shot Zoey Matt Eagles uh seagull Argus mark Ronnie how’s it going

How’s it going how’s it going you’re still you’re sick that’s that sucks how’s it going Pine con how’s it going love the theme well you know it’s it is the holiday season and it is the holiday stream so you know you got to deck it out thank you to Evan for making

This scoreboard with the lights strung up against underneath it how’s it going there he is he’s in chat right now on the bottom we have the nice Christmas wreath like de deoration how’s it going Brian Merry Christmas Happy Holidays happy K Quanza Hanukkah already passed but I got the Santa

Hat why is it like that I would really love a win tonight yeah that’ll be good that that’ll be really good I’m you know perfect time to play the Wild and they got that pine tree backdrop exactly it’s perfect right it’s perfect oh Red Sox are gonna sign to Oscar Hernandez oh

Cool oh it’s Alex F again all right interesting signing H it’s nice when the Red Sox do something it’s it’s actually it’s it’s a Christmas miracle I had a bruin Santa hat but unfortunately it doesn’t fit anymore I tried it on earlier do fit so I I just have the traditional Santa

Hat I would wear it like like that just looks stupid so I’ll wear it like this or like this I don’t know like this any idea how long Jack ard’s not in the booth for until um the next neston broadcast he’s only off this weekend uh

The next game for the Bruins it’s on TNT and HBO Max it’s on Wednesday against Buffalo so so make sure you know that and then I think they play after that this on the Saturday and I think they’re back on nessen Saturday against the Devils that’s on nessen and then Sunday

Against the ranger the reings that’s also on nesson starting gold senders for the Bruins is Lena Sark 16 games 15 starts he’s 104 and two a 2.86 goals against Savage and a912 save percentage for for the for the wild is Mark Andre flurry in 12 games at 11

Starts he’s a 55 and two record a 3.26 goals against average and a 892 sa percentage Bruins going from left to right in the road whites Jets going the wild going from right to left in the home greens looking like subway looking like subway jerseys the green and yellow

With the white with the white uh trim on the top and we are underway here is Middleton dumps it in the zone here is Baldi back to the line Middleton holding it in Faber wrist shot blocked in it goes up and out of play so they’re putting hin in with zaka and

Poock tonight and they put Marshall with Coy and de Brusque the geeky van reik and Frederick line sticks together and the beeer loo and Steen line sticks together so they swapped hinen for marsh and they swapped things around um I’m not complaining at that uh no Kevin

Shaton Kirk he is a scheduled day off so Ian Mitchell’s in um and no Matt grizzli still so I’m assuming grizzli will just be we’ll play after Christmas he’ll the Bruins next game is on Wednesday against the Buffalo Sabers at the Key Bank Center in Buffalo the lineup looks good we’ll just

Let’s hope it works out Marshon wins the draw against Gad as Coyle got kicked out Coy the only wish I the only thing I wish they did is they swapped Coy with geeky so that they put geeky with marshan and de brusk and they put Coyle with Frederick and van reight because

That line cooked when they were together but that’s a little nitpick as gagoski dumps it in lorai to marshan Coyle curl and dra DRS curls and drags around Freddy Gad chips it ahead Pas gagasi in the zone B Goan and Coy go into the corner de Brusque for marshan couldn’t

Quite get a shot away maybe if maybe this will be good for de brus to get him on to get him on the same line as Marshon you know get a little bit of last year going again Puck comes all the way out gagoski on the puck turn this this way there we

Go here is Marcus Felino broken up Felino as Mitchell takes it away W spoon taken back here is Rossy now back to the line Merill gets it in deep geeky cuts it off Puck comes right to Felino Mitchell takes it away from him here’s W spoon I guarantee these

Guys were in AHL line like two weeks ago Frederick geeky on a breakaway Morgan geeki alone and he’s stopped by flurry yeah that hurts nice move by giggy though good save by flurry that that stings a little bit good chance oh yeah absolutely a great chance for Morgan geeky in a better

Stop here I’m taking this hat off for a bit it’s itching my head problem with Santa hats is that they they itch your head zoral scratch with the PE Bruins game tonight he was on waivers last week nobody claimed him I don’t blame him zaka against Eric

S never mind zaka is waved out they’ll have poock come in and take the draw against Joel Ericson e and I think pook won The Face Off Hing on the puck zaka taken down there by Middleton here is Baldi behind his Z net zabor is horrible correct that’s that’s a rhyme he’s a

Poet I didn’t he didn’t even know it here’s baly up the ice now Baldi off escap in the zone lolm against Capri off we have a penalty here well the Bruins got an early power play it’s going to be a hold on caprisa so the Bruins will have a power play

Here early on in this one with a chance to take the yearly lead the Bruins have the only shot on goal and it was a geeky Breakaway chance so zaka pastra not geeky makoy and and Marshon um zaka past akiki Marsha and makoy that’s right I said that right

Face off tied up in one by the Bruins Marshon poock back to mavo the line zaka down low in front for geeki in the bumper position couldn’t quite get it to him zaka for geeki played around for poock poock behind the net now sauces it back to the line makoy Marsha on the

Left side pook far Circle makoy Center Point poo loads up and scores power play goal for the Bruins David POS knock and the Bruins lead one to nothing ha ho ho ho maryus one nothing woo this already a better start I’m already smiling this is good I’m

Smiling for the first time in a couple of days I’m smiling at the Bruins and we have a fight Jacob Loco and Brandon duim Loco has the advantage Jim trying to wrestle Loco over loo is not letting him have oh Loco got caught with the uppercut loo brings him back up loo and

Do himim in a wrestling match Loo’s got him a front face lock Loo’s going to the ribs dhan with a big right on over the top on loo L Loo’s buckets off and dhim almost has tackled Loco into the bench wow Loco in a second fight against Minnesota this

Year Brandon deim and Jacob loo in a heavyweight tilt from two lightweights it was right off the face off loo and deim talked they dropped and lco wins I think again who am I kid I’m a Bruins fan I gotta cheer I gotta say my guy

Won so loo is apparently busted up so he’ll go down the tunnel he’ll be back do times in the Box it’s a Christmas miracle a goal in the first a goal in the first 241 of the hockey game and then a fight ho ho ho well only have five players that make

The Bruins team as as Minnesota is totally horrible the exception of five players no I disagree with that uh Minnesota’s a great hockey team especially recently Conor derer plays it around Dumba out High a wrist shot and that got blocked on the shot from Pat maroon maroon Frederick bumps to

Him zuk Hardman Hartman and S and Spurgeon are all out oh but yeah zuk carella was didn’t play the other night well no I’m sorry he did play Tuesday and then uh Spurgeon has been out for a bit so that’s not a surprise here’s later shot missed the

Net marand up ahead to Coyle for Jake de Brusque rust to the middle in front marshan couldn’t put it home penalty coming it’s on Minnesota this is a good start the Bruins head of the power play again oh mark this is this is good this is one of those good games you

Know maroon to the box for hooking oh this is great oh this is a relief this is a this is a gift this is a gift after last night’s pathetic performance this is good oh my God geeky will take the face off Faber po check poock and the wild clear Santa all I

Wanted for for Christmas is the Bruins get crap done well hopefully M avoid a poock and the brones will move it up the ice here post s it over to zaka he’s tripped and they couldn’t enter the Zone cleanly here is makoy now now two power plays in the first five minutes yeah

Exactly makoy dropping it for poock S it over to geeky on side geeky drops it back to poock makavo to poock again poock walks down the middle geeki one timer deflected wide marshan chips it to zaka Puck went over his stick and it’s cleared out to Center Maka gloves

It down think the wild they’re a good team yes I think so I think they were improperly coached now they have a new coach they’re much better here’s geeki looking to the net in front Marshon couldn’t put on the rebound back to mavo the line I was like

There’s no way they’re that bad with that amount of talent they have Marshon gets knocked down Brock Faber clears yeah I said I was thinking to myself there’s no way the wild they’re that bad with the with the lack of with that uh with the amount of talent they have in

That roster no way Ben Rey through Lin Holm the second unit’s kind of lackluster so here’s lolm 30 seconds to go on the power play linol poock to brusk Cole and Van reik and they can’t enter the Zone that’s the third straight Miss Miss Q on the entry and it’s not

Even Minnesota doing it ly Holm cross the line it’s dumped in that one out of Play What a [ __ ] show on the second unit oh o second unit’s not a good power play two oh not yet terrible don’t have many high quality players I mean they literally

Have well some of them are injured as but they have Matt zcell Carill caprisa Jared Spurgeon they got Philip Gerson who’s one of the best coenders in the National Hockey League they got Mark Andre flurry who’s a legend power plays up back to five on five the wild already have nine penalty

Minutes yeah they have broin ah they have a really good they have a really solid team here is lolm rer to the net knocked down in traffic Van Rey on the rebound plays it in behind the net here is debrusk battling for it with Middleton van reik back to

Lolm that was P’s 20th goal sick van reik trying to hold the line he does coil pressured by Faber coil Works free Cole Frederick’s drive and a glove save by Mar Andre flurry wow it’s like it’s it’s like it’s like day and night with this team last

Night I was complaining all game about how no how no spark how they had no spark this is a completely different team than what I watched last night oh this is good this is good and the Celtics won earlier today they absolutely beat the crap out of the

Clippers which makes me feel better Phil baldi’s a good young player oh yeah Matt bal’s is a great player I mean if I were to run through that roster right now let’s see who’s even playing tonight Joel Eric s who is a who was a solid

Center Kil capriso who’s one of the best players in the National Hockey League Matt baly who is at of Milford Mass by the way a solid a solid play he’s one of their top players in their team definitely a top six player only in his third year in the National Hockey League

That kid’s going to be something special they got Rossy who’s a rookie he’s phenomenal he’s phenomenal rookie Marcus Felino who’s always been the better of the two fenos and I’m not saying that as to to be to be a jerk I’m saying that because he’s literally been the better

One um he’s also he’s been good Marcus Johansson who who uh if I had the if the Bruins had the chance I would say bring in because he’s a veteran guy who can stick in the middle six and that’s an and that’s somebody that you can trust he’s like their Danton

Heinen right and I mean that and I mean that in the best way because he is a very solid player um their defense they got Brock Faber upand cominging rookie he’s pretty good um spent some time in the miners last year um they got bagoan who’s a very trustable defenseman you

Know what you’re getting with him you got uh Spurgeon who hurt who’s one who’s one of their top Defenders you’ve got um let’s see uh Ryan Hartman doy seore zuk Carell Wild’s a good team there’s battling some injuries right now you’re right now it’s wrong it’s all

Right man you know it’s fine but you know it the Wild’s a good hockey team they were just improperly coached their coach was was corrupt was out of touch not corrupt out of touch and they needed they needed a fresh change in the locker room and they’ve gotten that in hindes

And they’ve been good ever since hell they beat us four nights ago so battle for it in the Boston end Puck goes through fa and out remember Minnesota played Thursday beating the Red Wings four to3 in overtime favor deflect it in the zone Capri off against makoy Len Holm up

Ahead high in poock poock has beer on the right poock cutting through a couple Defenders throws it in front nobody there Frederick on the puck it’s Dro back lowai over to Brandon Carlo Carlo to the net in front tipped by Frederick and it goes up and out of

Play yeah flurry needs two wins to tie Patrick W for second all time in wins in other Gam games going on around the NHL Maple and Blue Jackets scoreless and in Columbus it’s actually going to be that’s actually kind of a big game Columbus has been red hot

Recently excuse me Red Wings Le the Red Wings Le the Devils one nothing in the first Patrick Kane scoring penguins and senators scoreless in the first lightning lead the capitals one- nothing in the first Glen Denning scoring for for Tampa and rest of the games haven’t started yet or I’ve already been played

Yep Stars beat the Predators 3-2 and a massive choke from Nashville and the Panthers beat the golden Knight it’s 4-2 we’ll get we’ll get into the up upcoming games tonight in a bit so Frederick beater Steen because lco is in the training room getting some uh some

Tuneups on his on uh after the fight here’s Oscar Steen against bagoan Steen plays it in deep remember folks I’m on the tail end of a cough so don’t mind me I probably will have this cough through next week it sucks but it is what it is seene back

To the line Carlo wrist shot who scored last night gets deflected up and out of Play It’s there’s nothing I can really do about the the cough right now so no amount of rest fluids anything can help me from that cough so that’s one so we can be happy on Christmas break

Absolutely wow beers won 55% of faceoffs total this season which is the best among rookies in the National Hockey League that’s a really good stat to have if you’re a guy like Johnny beer you know as Coyle will take the draw against his former linemate Marcus Johansson as

Gdo got kicked out of the draw Coyle works it back but it’s taken back there by gdo LS it in the zone and it’s caught by Lena Zar excuse me God I’m acting up my my coughs acting up oh Tonight let me know who you think’s gonna score next Bruins or wild let me know in the chat who do you think is GNA score next and who won that team will score next also send in your final score predictions as well Johansson against coil again as Gad got kicked out how’s

It going Bondo go get your Lung X long no it’s literally a cough no it’s a cough that everybody in their mother has right now so no while they’re spoon up the ice through Coil In the Zone I’m not getting any x-rays on my lungs unless I had some

Unless I had some issues breathing which I don’t Middleton up the ice deflects in the zone olark played it around Coyle up for de Brusque chipped up for Mitchell to marshan he got knocked down on his own accord and his shot missed the net this cough every year it’s not even

Every year this is the first this is like the second time I’ve had this cough it’s ever since I started college hm wonder what that says about the college here’s maroon derer chipon in deep Puck comes to Brandon Carlo Frederick tied up there by Van reti D knocked down by

Carlo latii Miss to zette Puck comes in front shot save Omar Carlo gets it away from trouble icing against Boston my parents also have the same cough that if that helps so you know I would have never know this but Marco Rossi is from Austria you know I I’m looking right

Here I would have never known that Eric Z kicked out of the draw against geeki they’ll have Baldi come in and take it BR um ruin down just wanted a wanted a um a call I mean well there might have been some stick work I’m not sure but

Kof against Carlo in the far Corner in the Bruins end kof digs it free taken down van re Ty chips it ahead Bruins have a two-on-one geeky as Frederick here geeki pass to Frederick broken up and now the wild have numbers cof drops it for Baldi

Cross ice pass broken up back up the other way Bruns have a two-on-one Frederick has lolm up in the rush Frederick in front pass broken up to lolm back up the other way here come the wild here is capriso offside I know I’m a father of three kids I know

What I’m talking about go the only people I’m going to listen to for medical advice are actual doctors and my own personal parents and if they say that nothing’s wrong then nothing’s wrong so no I’m not going to get tested for I’m not going to get my my lungs x-rayed

Unless I literally can’t breathe breathe then I will I literally just have this cough I feel completely fine otherwise here is Pasto for makavo it’s dumped in the zone Buck play it around Brock Faber held in by lolm Heinen chip back to makavo makoy play a pass that was an easy

Pass last three years not the last three years I’m a doctor well I’m gonna listen to my doctors my doctors haven’t found an issue so here is Brock Faber off cadro in the zone omark plays it around and the puck goes up and out of play it’s nothing it’s it’s just the

Cough I’m allowed to have a cough during the summer I’m like the most healthiest kid ever like I don’t ever get sick during the summer it’s because because it’s cold it’s the winter time and everybody’s giving everybody everything so we’re in commercial break I’ll be back in a minute three years in a

Row two years in a row I’ll be back all right we’re back Bruins in Wild in the first period Bruins had the lead on a goal for David Potro is 20th of the year on the power play and it’s now one nothing in favor of the Bruins here

Early faceof W by Minnesota in their offensive zone a shot from the line is stopped by Omar on a shot for Dakota mermis beer against Gad Gad kicked out of the draw again we’ll have Pat maroon coming and take it how you doing tonight in a good mood in good

Spirits omark playing it to lowai beer chipping it ahead to lco The Wilds somehow keep it in that was way out of the Zone but I guess they didn’t I guess the referees deemed it wasn’t here’s Steen as there’s Jacob loo he’s out there now Puck played around here is beer

Steen gets it back to lowai he throws it into the corner here is low ride to beer now Bruins will keep possession but then in their own Zone shots are only 32 Boston but the Bruins have the lead car dumps it in plays It Around the Net marshan wrist shot missed the

Net G for gagoski played over to bagoan up byce pass broken up debrus breaks up the pass he’ll just work it back to makoy instead somebody said mcavoy’s been look has looked off he got banged up last night I’m not sure why he’s playing there’s literally no need for him to

Play but could have could have just had shaton Kirk and take maoy spot but gagoski playing it around here is Baldi for bosan up ice and it’s going to be icing make sure to share the stream with everybody you know let’s get some more viewers in the chat

We only have 27 people watching that’s like 2021 numbers get that number get those numbers up we can do we can do better than that zaka kicked out of the draw against Eric s they’ll have hinen come in and take it Eric s wins the draw galosi playing it around off a stenin

Eric s deflects it in the zone W spoon Mitchell closed off by Eric s Battle of 14s capris off 14s anyway capris off and hinen battling as well Puck comes to zaka zaka got pressured he lost it Eric s throws it wide Baldi pressured by W spoon hinen Mitchell zaka

Capris off and taken back by Mitchell is poo will just chip itead that’s going to be icing here derer against geeky derer wins the draw in the offensive zone faor Middleton shot save in front geeky gets it away he’s pressured Heinen will move it ahead wild get it back and dump it back

In off a dump in lowai playing it around Frederick to van reik off a bounce on side more Morgan geeky two Wild players fell geeky in front scramble saved by flurry wow he made two Minnesota players fall I’m putting the Santa hat back on I’m putting the Santa hat back on

Because we scored with the Santa hat on and then we I took it off and they stopped scoring so I’m just putting it back on geeky against derer is it a good look for me I don’t know face off one by derer S it’s good luck okay

Good makoy to Van reik Puck bouncing on the line onside geeky shot save the rebound is knocked wide geky to Frederick Frederick back makavo Drive tipped wide on the net leri pressured van reik takes it away from him Frederick back to makoy good luck

Is it also a good look on me oh gagoski drills van reike behind the net but Terry stepped up on by makoy puck moved ahead Frederick wild in the midst of a change it’s one on four though Frederick plays it around mermis tied up by Loco beer digs it free

Beer beer around the net back to the line Carlo over lorai Carlo again Mason lowai drives it and it’s blocked by ler the cough is deeper though and it’s longer so that’s not good but I’ll be all right Carlo for lorai I’m gonna start I’m gonna stop talking about my cough

Lorai dumps it in on the backand Merill closed off beer knocks him off the puck Puck is moved ahead to Jak Luchini here is mermis cutting to the net it went wide mermis for Felino playing in behind the net here’s Luchini to the net Miss wide off a weird bounce

Lco moving it ahead he got broken up by Middleton on side Middleton to the front olark makes a save and’ll Lang on they go to commercial break you got your dog in her Bruins coat that’s good that’s good well last night we actually surprisingly hit 1.4 on the channel so

Thank you very much for 1.4 um 1,400 subscribers on YouTube thank you very much I appreciate it how’s it going djp good to see you I just took a selfie nice what’s up Sam how’s it going Floyd good to see you people are saying Loo’s a menace on

Twitter after the fight and everything nice yeah there it is they’re showing the replay from the other night no I’m sorry they didn’t play Detroit they played Montreal Thursday coil against Eric zck face off one by the Bruins with a wild get possession capric off back to

The line Middleton worked in behind the net lolm denies it Marshon will move it ahead Marshon tied up Puck chipped over to D bruski gets it on side Deus gets denied by two Wild players the line Puck comes out to their back into the Bruins end lolm for marsh shovels it in deep

Into the Minnesota end flurry playing it to Middleton baly up BCE for Eric s Passover on side Faber broken up by makoy Marshon takes it away from him up the ice for Cole Coyle on the back end it’s lofted in the zone Eric s to Baldi Baldi across the line gagoski plays it

To nobody and Heinen takes it away Heinen with poster not cutting to the net hinen gets cut off by gagoski all good all good man zaka to poock poock dumps it in why ask if I’m all good did I blank out I don’t know POS I sometimes blank

Out here’s zaka across the line looking and posto shots blocked by Maroon how’s it going Jared good to see you Maroon plays it around Johansson tied up there by lowai lowai and maroon with Johansson and zaka in the battle as well for the puck in the far Corner the Bruins end

Puck comes in front comes out to the line here’s a shot that’s knocked down G the rebound he misses the net High here is Johansson lays it in behind the net low ride tying up maroon lorai stepped on the puck and tripped maroon Gad In Front Johansson lost

It Merrill’s Drive blocked by Mitchell stick feeling yeah I’m feeling good just that just my cough man g r one timer misses the net it’s on the very tail end of it too the wild have have the puck for almost a minute the Bruins got to get

The puck out here he a tired a tired crew Merill to G zaka pressuring and Mitchell can’t get it out hinen lifting two wild sticks maroon gets beats lorai into the corner Heinen just get it out just get it out get it out okay no icing on a minute 15 left the

Wild had almost a minute 15 in their offensive zone dumped in by Middleton again Vinnie leri big hit by Carlo on leri a shot from ders stopped by Omar Carlo plays it around through Van Rey Middleton gets beat by Frederick nice Santa hat thank you appreciate it geeky pressured by

Middleton Frederick has it way out High Frederick Carlo a space Carlo shot misses wide W spoon Carlo again Trent Frederick back to Carlo in the slot geeky turn around rer and it goes up and out of play with 33.3 to go on the period Passa playing defense tonight that’s

Great face off W by the Bruins Coyle won the draw de Bros out High save rebound coil couldn’t get the rebound how’s it going Chris good to see you here’s CIS off he gets it in the zone lolm up ahead marshand 15 seconds Marshon dumped a man and they’re going to call it

Roughing on Marshon is the call Minnesota goes to the power play I mean wait a minute capriso and the she of the contact Marshon was trying to S side step Marshon was trying to sidestep and missed he was trying to get around it 14.2 to go on the period Minnesota

Will have a power play yeah Killin for the we initiated the contact face off one by Minnesota Capri off for Eric s closed off by Carlo final seconds of the period here’s Baldi in front pass deflected by Coyle he’ll tie it up we’ll get the horn and that’ll do

It for the first period Bruins lead one- nothing on a power play goal from posto early in the period and that’s where we are so far marshan tur grabbed his helmet as he turned but he’s still initiated the contact what was that all right let’s go through the

Other scores around the NHL stars beat the Predators three two after a massive choke from the star from the Predators they were up 2-1 in the final minute of the game wild Stars score one score one with 15 seconds to go and then they score with four seconds to go massive

Choke Panthers beat the golden knights 42 in in Sunrise uh Rangers lead the Sabers one nothing in the first Islanders and hurricanes are scoreless in the first Maple Leafs leave the Blue Jackets one nothing in the first Matthews again was that one uh lightning lead the capitals one nothing

Through one goal for Luke Glend Denning Red Wings and Devils tied at one in the first Kane for the Red Wings Meyer for the Devils Senators lead the Penguins two to one in the first um Jacob Chan and Josh Norris for the Senators and Lars Eller for the

Penguins and that’s where we are right now why can’t the Bruins score I mean they already they just they scored in the first period which is something they haven’t done in in a few games so that’s good they haven’t done it well they did it Tuesday against Minnesota but they

Didn’t do it against the Rangers they did it against the Islanders they didn’t do it against the devils I got advertisements let me pull up all right it’s time to play play our one of our favorite games during the intermission it is the Holiday version of where’s the other playlist I

Had here it is some Christmas music to play here’s pakokku it’s an NHL Immaculate griu for example coyotes and lightning let’s get started wait a minute is my oh I guess subscriber only chat on whoops that’s why that’s why nobody’s here I’d send you a Christmas present but I’m already broke wow that’s

Funny all right coyotes en lightning coyotes and Senators I’m putting chcken because that’s just that’s just a given sub but I’ll still sub thank you um you’d have to be subscribed for a day anyway so I I that’s why I turned that off thank you though I appreciate it

John got cash kyotes and lightning who do we got for that that could be the the old Winnipeg Jets too Chris says go Bruins Merry Christmas to all thanks Sam again for your play byplay of course man thank you the Christmas the YouTube gel oh these are non-copyrighted these are all

Non-copyrighted I don’t own any of these but they’re also non-copyrighted they’re literally on YouTube’s audio library I promise I don’t want vocals never mind Loi Christmas music Beautiful all right anybody want to help me out for this Puck for this Immaculate grid you guys in the chat can help me

Out Coyote’s 50 plus goalie wins I’m G to go Mike Smith on that sharks 50 goalie wins yep evg toak off yevi I should say Whalers and Senators um should be Connor Brown correct Grant fur Tang oh wait Tang coyotes and lightning ah Alex Tang oh when oh he’s a goalie I’m dumb

Grant fur wow that’s a picture look that wow that was that the team picture that he zoomed in on team picture yeah they did him dirty Um picture bro yeah that’s what I was just about to say they they they literally just zoomed in on the guy on the team’s picture that’s funny uh sharks lightning the 1900 it’s this was probably taken in like the 80s I guarantee it I’m taking the hat off again it’s

It’s itchy sharks and Senators Eric Carlson oh well that’s a that’s a given whoops he’s been in the league since 2009 that’s crazy Oilers lightning Teddy oh Teddy purel oh my God is that a Bruins Jersey did he play for the Bruins he played for the Bruins huh you know I never knew that and I’m a Bruins fan wait wait a minute did he play for like their huh I guess he’s a Bruins Legend he you’re a Red Wings fan that’s cool sharks and lightning I’m trying to think uh H what’s that guy’s name

No I don’t Conor Brown for yeah I knew that Jacob Peterson play with the Stars why is this difficult it shouldn’t be there’s definitely like a defenseman who’s played for both time out for spamming it’s you can’t spam on the chat it’s a automatic five minute 5 minute

Ban damn boil did he play for the lightning oh my God he did wow I forgot he played for them he played for the Panthers too I guess wow here’s the other one all the Bruins are in here makes it easier stars and Maple Leafs Um Bruins leaes no I’m going to go with a funny one Nick Richie oh yeah 6% what the hell did muzin play for Dallas no he didn’t kingberg stars and 50 assists in a SE in a season Sean’s definitely done it right oh my God they’re showing the clip 44 years ago

Today Tero rilly and Mike Milbury jump into the seats of the B of the Madison Square Garden oh Jamie Ben’s done it yeah I know that 500 goals in his career Mike madano there’s no way he didn’t get he didn’t he didn’t get it Bruins and 50 assists in a season uh marshy

Right all right Cree we’ll put Cree 500 goals in their career as a bruin wait a minute there isn’t that many berson never got 500 so f 430 yogger there you go yep yogger definitely did it good call Leafs caller trophy who won the Rookie of the Year of the

Leafs wait Matthews won it right Matthews definitely won the caller in 2017 I think yeah I almost clicked Matthew kachuck 91% holy ho [ __ ] 50 assists in his caller tro and a caller Trophy winner wait so it wasn’t baners because bers won it last year and he hasn’t

Gotten 50 assists in a season yet he will uh oetkin yep and then for 500 goals could have put crossby could put have putkin for this too Crosby got Crosby’s got 500 right he finished his runner up so he didn’t win it oh wait Gretzky cder trophy right he won

It he was not eligible to win ain’t no way yeah cuz he was tied with Marcel Deon salani did he win it Yep he wanted to call there I knew there was somebody all Right second period about to start up from the XL Energy Center in Minneapolis well St Paul technically Minnesota here we go let me know your predictions for the second period you can let me know in the chat capitals tie the game against the lightning Anthony mantha tying it up for

Them the Wilder on the power play for a buck 45 to start the second Islanders and hurricanes tied at one in the first Sebastian naho scoring for the Islanders and Tavo terrain and scoring for Carolina how’s it going Mark good to see you Blackhawks and Blues starting up in

A minute same with Kraken and Ducks from manaheim and the Rangers just scored are tmy paner so it’s two nothing Rangers in that one let’s see what happens next let me know in the chat will who will score the next goal of this hockey game which team

And which player let me know in the chat Eric s against coil at Center Ice the wild will have about a minute 45 power play time to start the second Bruins will be going from right to left in the road whes wild in the home greens the yellow and white trim going from

Left to right the second period is underway from from St Paul as lolm clears the zone to start the to start the second period zaka on the puck first through it to the middle but it comes right to Matt baly Baldi across the line with

It Rossi back to Faber Faber to the net missed wide boldly the rebound blocked I think olark may have gotten a piece of that Faber over to Rossy on the far side Faber at the point Faber end of Rossi back to Faber at the line baldi’s

Onetime went wide on the N Maron in the box right now here is Baldi Barry says maron’s GNA score next I like it here is Faber trying to get it to foldy to baly excuse me gets it past Coy baly trying to get it to Eric he got it to him pass

Deflected lolm chips it away Puck comes back to Rossy at the line Faber with 40 seconds to go on the power play shot by Faber saved byar Baldi capris off baly again Hershey leads Providence 31 come on boys Puck comes in front scramble capris off another chance for Rossi and a save byar

And Carlo clears the zone here’s Johansson final seconds of the power play Shots kick save olark Johansson finals the power plays up back to five on five Marshon out of the box Johansson saved byar again makoy up ice marshand out of the box de brusk

With speed de brusk rips It Wide on the net beer on it plays it in behind the net Minnesota with three shots in that final minute 45 of that power play makoy holds it in shots are 86 Minnesota but the Bruins had the lead sounding better tonight

Thank you I appreciate it here’s Felino dumps it in Mar Lofts it ahead glove down by Faber bagoan pass broken up by Mitchell chipped ahead taken back by BAGI bumped into Lai Mar plays it over to Mitchell whips it around to poock up ice just out of the reach of

Heinen this is going to be icing against Boston uh we have an issue in the Columbus game uh I guess um they’re bring they brought the paramedics into the tunnel behind the Blue Jackets bench and apparently it’s an issue with Shan caral so um as uh Bruins fans we’re

Sending our will wishes to uh Sean carali Brock Faber shot miss the net hopefully uh Shan carali is okay always loved Shan carali was always one of my favorite players when watching him when he was with the when he was with the black and gold suck to see him

Go definition a fourth liner is the Wilder offside so we can get some prayers in the chat for Sean carali that would be great anybody want to give up some prayers to Sean carali be good do you know what happened uh I don’t know what happened what I do know is that he

Uh just needed some help behind I guess in in the tunnel behind the bench so all we can do and is hope he’s all right poock throwing it in front and Frederick can’t get to the puck Puck comes all the way out makoy whips it around pass linol

Zaka lifts it up just past poock zaka is out there with Frederick and poock no hinen right now I think hinen was on the one of the penalty kill units so that doesn’t surprise me here is Rossy for Johansson out High Johansson works his way through a cross

Ice pass and I got broken up here is Rossy closed off by makoy Johansson poke check by lyol gagoski holds it in got knocked down zaka to hampus lolm Bruins have some numbers poock has it swerves back Bruins are in the midst of a change it’s worked in behind the

Net gagoski gets beat by beer Luchini pressured by lco beer behind the net with it beer back out High lowrise Drive block Carlo holds it in played in behind the net Puck goes through tied up with Steen and bosan Steen knocked down by Jo Hansson lco keeping it alive chips it

Back to Carlo over to Mason lowai lowai plays it off the boards back over to Carlo Carlos shot save in front save by flurry and it’s knocked away there by Rossy lowai to loo Loco plays it in the zone gagoski plays it around and it comes out Ian Mitchell W

Spoon playing it around geeky pass van rste Freddy gadell for Maroon dropping it for mermis mmus is shot saved by allmark good draw with it play it over to Merill Merill to the net Miss wide Capri off on it sorry that’s Felino Merrill mermis Around the Net W spoon gets it

Away maroon tied up lots of one-1 games oh yeah there is I looked at the scores of a minute ago here’s gadra shot saved byar as Mitchell tackled Marcus Felino and Mitchell’s gonna call that and Mitchell’s going to get a penalty Senators lead the panther lead

The Penguins now 3 to one Brady kachuck making it 3-1 Ottawa uh Columbus just tied against Toronto Justin Danforth tying it up in that one Islanders lead the hurricane two to one in the first second goal for the Islanders is Brock Nelson Sabers brought it within one against the

Rangers Rasmus Sten scoring for Buffalo Blackhawks with the blues two to one in the first five minutes for the uh Blues it’s Robert Thomas for the for the uh Blackhawks it’s Conor Bard and Anthony boiler wow capitals just scored Nick Jensen to make it 2-1 capitals so wild in the

Power play for the second time here is Balia Drive save omark Eric the rebound he scores Joel Erikson on the rebound and we’re tied at [Applause] [Applause] one power play goal for the wild right off the face off it’s Joel Eric and it’s [Applause] 1-1 [Applause] All right that’s my queue s hat back [Applause] on well that that happened because of a of a quick play off the face off it’s an easy play for Minnesota to make Bruins have have done that exact play before and it’s one to one power play goal for

Eric s and it’s one to one and the Leafs Down lead two to one on the on the blue jacket John S scoring to make it 2-1 there here’s leri broken up by Jake debrusk Maran chips it ahead in the zone after taking the hit chat doesn’t care about that goal

Okay sounds good here is Middleton now here is Faber what herei dumps it in ly Holm a broken stick lolm does not have a stick right now makoy for de brus move it ahead de brus avoids a hit to get it in the zone lolm can get a new

Stick here is leria break for the wild later’s Drive save the rebound knocked away Rossy the backand he misses the net and Frederick gets it away up by break away for for Morgan and geeky another save by flurry on another break for geeky that’s two saves on by flurry on

Geeki another shot saved by elmark on a chance for Jake lini and the while they’re pressuring here and the Bruins are starting to crack Under Pressure right now they go to commercial break 1-1 and the Penguin score Ricard Rael making it 3-2 in that one lots of goals happening right

Now there isn’t as many one- one games anymore now that will said it there’s only one two there’s only two more Bard Michigan apparently no shot oh oh my God I I don’t want to show it because I don’t want to get in YouTube jail again but Conor Bard just scored a Michigan

I have no words here I’ll see if I can I can post all right I G to see if I can post the the there you go um check that out it’s an Instagram reel check it out out it’s the Conor Bard Michigan goal click on it the it

Should pop up for you um Islanders now have a 3-1 lead on the on the Hurricanes Bo Horvat scoring for the Islanders hey Sam sorry if I missed this just signing on any word why no Jack Edwards didn’t see last night’s game not sure if he went

For the road trip or is he sick um he is just not scheduled for this road trip I’m pretty sure they’re giving him some more time off so gei will take the draw against Eric sck Eric wins the draw capris off over gagoski caprisa tip score Kil capris off 2-1 Minnesota oh boy

Uhoh now this is where you start saying uhoh this is not [Applause] [Applause] Good it’s a give and go between gagoski and capriso and it’s 21 wild walk wait for 5 minutes to make a te and it goes from zero it goes from 10 to to 21 yep pretty much Luchini against zaket Center Ice Minnesota now has the lead this this hat

Is really itching my head so I’m not even going to bother Brock Faber dumps it in Carlo trying to move it ahead chips it P Capri off but Johansson on it sorry Fel not Capri off Rossy hit hard by Carlo gets back up zaka lifts his stick zaka whips it

Ahead and it’s deflected in and never mind it’s icing two goals in a minute 25 for Minnesota here is Mason lorai up ahead for poster knock he Lofts it ahead here is Faber highin in pressuring Middleton zaka closing it off poster knock in front pass broken up

Took off went off high end and wide Faber up ahead to Rossi Minnesota is controlling this game right now this is what the Bruins needed to avoid they ran into this the other night too hinan pass broken up to Baldi capris off over to Rossy that’s offside but

Okay ref baly shot saved byar it goes up and out of play coil against ER zck in the Bruins End Eric s wins the draw Merill a shot Miss miss the net that time and the puck comes out and now fans are already blaming Ian Mitchell and Jake debrusk cool Marilla Bice deflects

Inar will not play it makoy tied up with capris off capris off takes it Eric s misses the net makoy got his pocket pick that’s rare for makoy makoy pressured pressuring Capri off now no [ __ ] brick brick just said bro’s got to get better with got to get back to

Playing the puck they can’t even do that lyol to makoy right now makoy has the puck makoy oh there there you go again there’s a typical Minnesota fans not showing that they don’t know the first thing about hockey again asking for a penalty when there’s nothing going on here is bagoan

To Gad chipped into the corner bagoan behind the net closed off by W spoon Mitchell playing it over to Frederick he chips it out gagoski Puck comes right back to Maroon he dumps it back in the Bruins only have two shots the wild have 14 not good Maron here is

Gagoski a drive by ban and that one up and out of play the wild have 14 shots the Bruins have two that’s not good that’s typical Bruins hockey if I’ve ever seen it shots in the period two shots in the period yep Minnesota is 12 I’m sorry not 14

Like my math was rough my my my math was incorrect there it is Bruns out shot them 65 in the first period shots are now 17 to8 now’s about to put up another 60 Gold season oh dear oh Matthew scored another one my God Senators lead the Penguins 4-2 in the

Second uh branstrom scoring for ot to make it 42 Red Wings have a 2-1 lead on the Devils goal for Shane gos spare uh lightning and capitals tied at one guess the second capitals goal from Jensen got disallowed his team lately they’re out of it something’s up there’s something

Something’s going on in that locker room and I don’t like it Coyle against Eric s Eric Z kicked out of the draw the coil against Baldi time for Merc call up oh no Faber wrap around oh Mark the stop all I do know this team needs an

Offensive jump they had it they had it in the first period and then they let they gave it away zaka against Eric SX zaka wins the draw Carlo and makavo is a deep pair right now poster knna with it the number seven Ohan carali for the

Blue Jackets he got I don’t even know what happened he had some he needed some medical attention zaka cross the line with it zaka around the net keeping it against Faber poock lyol makoy his wrist shot missed the net Middleton pressured by Heinen poock with it back to the line lolm

Makoy Heinen good rotation highin and out high poock with it he works it into highin and down low Heinen works it in behind the net Faber against zaka Faber works works free from zaka after all that time in the offensive zone 37 seconds to the offensive zone not one shot attempt

There’s no urgency from this team whatsoever zaka out of the reach of steam deflects right in on flurry has to make a play on it B Goan it’s dumped in Luchini against linol here is Loco shot is blocked here’s galagos at the line Johan Johansson for B Goan a shot missed the

N Rossi beer pressuring Rossy beat by beer and he gets it out of the zone yeah they need to have a closed door players only meeting at this point something is up lco knocked off the puck knocks lini off the puck with a big shoulder check Frederick has trouble playing the

Puck wspoon recovers for him plays it back to Frederick and back to Lyle lolm off beer mermis moves it back ahead and it goes through lolm here’s maroon with with Felino maroon in front save olark on the rebound van reik cannot get it out of not even James

Van re like can get out of the Zone what’s going on Puck was play with a high stick no it’s not ptra they were having this issue before ptra they’re having this issue way before Patra went over to the World Juniors they were having that issue a long time

Ago now that he’s not here I guess they’re getting exposed for it but here is Dakota mermis that’s dumped in the zone makoy trying to chip it to Frederick low R of Van reik moved up ahead it’s offside against Minnesota the Bruins trouble with the puck again ran

Into this last night ran into this Tuesday ran into this Saturday ran into it Friday even though he won Wednesday had some issues with it you’d think the Bruins would have fixed it this is game six with Puck issues Coyle wins the draw makoy to lorai out

Of the reach of Marshon another Bruins turnover here’s duim wrist shot saved by Omar makoy throws it to nobody marshand gets the puck out but Ban’s right there there are three Wild players there against no Bruins to play that puck Ban’s drive another save by elar that is the 16th shot Minnesota has

Had this period the Bruins have had three what is going on the problem is bonio it wasn’t just debrusk that that had heat with Cassidy there was about two-thirds of the locker room didn’t like them so that’s what came out it wasn’t just de Brusque poster knock off zaka in the

Zone Capri off to Eric s shot missed the net Faber to Eric s again capris off pass broken up by by W spoon posto wait by the way where has posto been besides the goal tonight Eric passed by to Capri sof broken up by wers spoon olark plays it

Over Capri sof back to Middleton a shot misses the net here is baly Eric front for Capri off missed the net baly with the puck again baly zaka tying him up W spoon knock down zaka is getting bullied right now by capris off zaka is bigger than him here’s

Faber capris off turnaround shot knocked down wers spoon got drilled from behind no call Middleton save omark oh my God jeeez wers spoon got shot got got checked from behind no call awesome omark to Carlo pass to nobody Flur has to play that one that’s another shot on goal for the Bruins

Technically mermis against makoy makoy takes him down makoy checked from behind by Rossi here is Joe Hansson another Miss call from the officials nice penalty on Boston coming though it’s going to be a dive I believe it’s going to be on makoy what it looks like

Six on five it’s bagoan at least that’s what I saw Joe Hansson here’s bagoan Minnesota has controlled the puck for two-thirds this period if I look at the possession of Puck Minnesota will dominate it in the second period Ban’s Drive blocked by loo the Bruins going to touch is it is it an

Embellish no they’re calling a hold it’s a penalty here against blol it looks like I muted but okay good job guys yeah omark is the only reason this game isn’t that this game is still two to one the only reason could easily be three or 4 to one right now yep lolm for

Holding off to Wednesday no they should win tonight they’re only up one they’re only down one kill off this penalty take a couple more shots players don’t like their boss no the players have more say than the coach does when it comes to stuff like that

You know it’s an issue when twoth thirds of the locker room don’t like your coach then there’s an issue with the coach that’s what that is now if it’s only like a couple of players so be it it’s when the top guys don’t like the coach berson apparently

Didn’t like him Marshon didn’t like him poock didn’t like that’s an issue that need that’s that’s not good have to make a change whether you agree with it or not you have to do it you have to make a change if that’s what’s going on cr’s hit from behind took it in the

Chest got of the Bene and teammates notified he was in trouble oh boy Bruins win the draw to start the penalty and they clear the Zone flurry pressured by Marsha he almost beat him he he almost won a battle against flurry Faber Marshon tying him up Baldi Cole takes it from

Him Marshon on side Coyle lost it they wasted about 20 seconds there here’s capris off gets it right in the zone no problem baly playing it around the boards Rossi baly again played Around the Net here’s Eric s here is capris off with it back to the line Faber AER missed the

Net capris off got a sck lifted Brandon Carlo will clear it out to Center Baldi Pro poke check by Marshon makoy stood him up Carlo closed off by Eric s and capris off makoy in there as well Marshon digs it free run have a three on two

Short-handed if they push it both of them they’re tired at the end of a shift Marshon moves it ahead here’s capris off Rossi big tie up with it and here is baly a shot blocked by low ril a defensive breakdown they got away with it though gagoski out High shot safe

Felino the rebound Mark hanging on to it and they blow the play dead e 21 seconds to go in this power play good penalty Kill by the Bruins here lorai can’t get it out held into the line here’s Gad with 15 seconds Gad maroon here’s Johansson lolm out of the box right now

Back to five on five here’s Johansson Joe Hansson with it shot missed the net and it comes out as will come all the way back down to flurry minute 38 to go on the period gagoski pass Gets In the Zone makoy cuts off Felino played around here’s Heinen with

It hinen over to to geeky a shot saved by flurry the rebound knocked away by bagoan here’s Felino pass goes through Carlo hin in with it back to Carlo with a minute five to go on the second please just get us out of this period here is makoy to

Poock poock a cross ice pass for geeky couldn’t quite play it geeky with it makavo drive he snapped his stick right in half Puck moved ahead and geeky cuts off the pass poock with it here’s lorai good pass to geeki Across the line on side here’s Van Rey

Played over to poock with 30 seconds poster knock to the net went wide here is derer flipped up knocked down there by lorai lolm back to the brusk lyol with 20 seconds lolm over to Morgan geeky across the line on side geeky to the net pass

Blocked and it’s a two on two capri off and the wild will have a third coming Baldi here’s Capri off across for baly Maka cuts it off final seconds of the period Frederick decked down and that’ll do it for the second period oh boy two one through two oh dear oh

Dear Bruins have some work to do much better first period than the second period second period was terrible only had six shots and gave up 19 we playing hurdle yeah let’s play it all right you haven’t seen hurdle before it’s guess the NHL player you have to guess the player in

Eight guesses these guest will tell you how close you are to finding the mystery player green boxes means you’re right yellow means you’re close green means you’re wrong if the team cell is yellow it means the mystery player used to play for that team at one point for AG and

Jersey number there’s an arrow indicating if it’s higher or lower than what you guessed here’s your silhouette why is it small bully I’m GNA get this I’m gonna get the music back on all right we’ll guess bully to start off nope cision a not not a left wing older

Than 22 not American and his jur number is higher than 12 Travis dermit huh have you already played hurdle today here’s this one whoa big out big ad big out who does this who do you look like Andrew cop nope I swear to God this is Crosby okay Metropolitan Division Center just

Younger than 29 he is Canadian jersey numberers lower than 18 corali it could be corali no I would have been I would been like how fitting jersey number is between seven and 18 he is younger than 29 years old just younger he’s like 27 28 Dylan stro

Nope just jersey number is just lower than 17 so it’s like 16 or 15 or 14 or sorry it would be yeah yeah it was probably 14 because it it was number 14 it’s probably a bow right yeah it’s bow why does he look older than he is he’s only 28 he looks

Like he’s 35 yeah let’s what happens when you play for the Islanders ah who do you look like Guston Metro though not a defenseman just younger than he is younger than 31 not Swedish jersey number is lower than 50 56 going to floor on Monday cool I wish

Lon not a center younger than 29 not Swedish or Canadian jersey numers just higher than 21 does not play for the Rangers of the Flyers he’s a Winger or a goalie jersey number is either 20 22 23 or 24 not just for br I’ll guess to see if

It’s for a devil but it’s not he’s a right winger or defenseman he’s a rightwing or a goalie sorry jersey number is just higher than TW he is just higher than just older than 25 but he’s not 28 or 2 he’s probably like 26 can I skip this one

Um got to go deal with a tree what why who has hair like that Blackwood no it’s a goalie okay so we can confirm it’s a right wing he’s 26 years old it’s not it’s not Taylor Hall plays for Columbus jersey number is just higher than 21 he plays for Columbus a right

Wing shikov nope not in the game Jacob McDonald NOP not in the game either um what’s his name I’ll just put that takes me he’s considered a left wing it’s crazy um I already got Justin Danforth marenko nope not marenko oh oh Matthew Olivier let me check on much time you

Got left the intermission plenty of time for one more trouba he used to play for the Rangers just older than 29 he’s American jersey number is just higher than eight used to play for the Rangers David sard no it’s not it that wouldn’t be it oh yeah it’s JT

Miller yep that makes so much sense and it is that’s Brandon Carlo it looks a lot like him does is it no okay it’s only Eastern Conference Metropolitan Division not a defenseman older than 27 not American jersey number is lower than 20 is is higher than 25 this fetch fetch

Toov guess he’s not the game why I don’t know okay he’s like 28 or 29 non American or Finnish jersey number is higher than 25 he’s a Winger or a goalie it’s not Jack he could be could be a somebody who plays for New Jersey though could be a devil

Holla NOP he a rightwing or a goalie jersey numbers between 25 and 56 could be a ranger still is this uh uh it’s not lingren well it could be but no he’s a goalie or a right wing Jersey numers between 25 and 55 it’s not play for Carolina New Jersey or

New York the Rangers anyway Brock Nelson play for the Islanders okay jersey number is just higher than 29 it’s soken yep the hell is that hair Savannah Chad no um left wing in the Pacific Division younger than 31 not Canadian jersey number is higher than 13 the bloody hell does his hair his

Hair do not Brent burn Liam O’Brien he plays for Arizona no he’s 29 no this uh William Carlson Oh wrong one NOP it’s not jersey number is higher than 71 he’s a left wing in the in the Pacific does not play for Vegas or Seattle so it can

Be no it’s not a follow he’s with the the Jets now be Vancouver Calgary Edmonton La San Jose and Anaheim do no I got to remember he’s a left wing brzi nope wrong division wrong conference actually who do you look Like arvidson not a king uh you were so close he’s not even in the game higher than 80 okay jerse number is way up there like let me just check for badar to see what see where we’re at okay lower than 98 okay between 80 and 98 for jersey numbers

Is it Ryan newon Hopkins nope it’s not jersey number is just higher than 93 it’s not baracos there’s no wrestling on uh it’s not barovsky Obe Kubel no he’s not in the game Chad I don’t know third period’s about to start here final guess I’m thinking H I know it’s a scary thing uh God barovsky I’m putting that on there I don’t know who it is Alex barabanov Jesus Christ all right third period starting

Up that’s brutal fact that I didn’t get that’s brutal all right over for the season there’s just none on there’s no seasons in wrestling either you learned my oh you learned your lesson yesterday no $50 bet in the broons good I’m glad I’m glad you learned your

Lesson yeah sometimes you have to learn your lessons the hard way you’re good good though thanks for coming back anyway I appreciate it all right here we go Bruins and the road whes going from left to right wild in the home greens with the yellow and white trim looking like subway jerseys

Going from the left going from the right to the left it’s an icing against Boston early yep wake up call for the Bruins absolutely now we knew it was a wake up call Face Off is tied up one by the Bruins poock will dig it up and

Out point at what what point do we make a move after the holiday freeze some after the holiday roster freeze something will be done I I hope Sweeney realizes that something’s up been human I’m not blaming this on the goalies the offense has given has given the goalies nothing poster knock

To the net saving marshan had an open net he had an open net how did he not score what turnover though for the wild Marshon almost almost had a break last until the 28th yeah after that roster freeze something will be done Minnesota clears the puck down the length of the

Ice it’ll be icing here against Minnesota Marshon had an open net where the hell was the goal with a go with an opportunity like that a goal happens every single time how did he not score I’m curious did he get his sck lifted oh the shot got blocked

Oh marshan did everything right it was just blocked by B Goan that wasn’t on Marshon that was a great chance it was just a better save by the defender wow coil against Eric sck Coyle wins the draw makoy to the net in front trying to find coil back door

Could not lorai makoy trolling he throws it in behind the net we have a penalty on the Bruins here coil of the Box they call the penalty High stickings the call on coil Co and Eric oh yep Coy and Eric sck are battling and Coyle caught Eric sck up high yep that’s

That that’s that’s an easy one every referee will call that and it’s the right call face off one by the the wild this that’s one of their key penalty killers they just lost by the way a shot by Faber save olark the rebound knocked wide held into the line by Faber capris

Off cross ice pass for Baldi a shot to the net save by olar capris off the rebound tipped in front another save olark capris off put it wide Rossi for Capri off in front again another save that popped up in the air and went wide Minnesota is just getting to the

Net so easily the Bruins have no defense right now capris off Baldi capris off again pass broken up by ly Holm Carlo will scoop it out of the zone and gets decked from behind in the process and they don’t call it Faber for cof dumps it

In off of w spoon it’s a hinen Heinen clears the coughs are lasting longer but I know it’s almost out because it doesn’t hurt the cough anymore that’s good Faber over to Baldi for Johansson Johansson on the backand swerves back Felino for Johansson second unit out there for Minnesota Johansson across

For Baldi pass bounced on him Baldi for Rossi behind the net back out High gagoski P Puck bounced on him and it ate him up and it comes out 20 seconds to go on the Minnesota power play Mike Riley scored oh my God here Puck goes through Pat maroon he

Gets it in across the line a shot by Gad misses the net Johansson penalty is about to be up now back to five on five and Marcus Felino scores might as well be a power play goal the defense is giving the goalies nothing nothing no help from the defense

Whatsoever again and it’s 3-1 Minnesota the Bruins will let this game get away from him what is w spoon doing he’s standing there watching it like a dummy [Applause] oh my Lord Carlo what are you [Applause] doing good God man the Bruins suck we need help in

Every aspect of our game offense and defense grizzl and forbert need to come back ASAP and on offense the Bruins need to start shooting the puck and getting the and actually getting the puck offside against Minnesota God God this team sucks right now for no reason we shouldn’t suck even with a

Half-ass defense the offense is amazing on paper in reality it absolutely sucks God Loco wins the draw what the hell five of the last six periods have been terrible for the Bruins here is beer and he dumps it in you had a three on Two And you dump it

In okay all right beer holds it in against maroon trying to get it to lorai couldn’t here is macavoy jumps it in the zone nice check by Ste on hermis loo makavo shot and he misses wide low right is zaka zaka for Lao a shot saved by flurry on the one-time for

Lao Puck comes out hinen Weathers hinen On Side zaka pressured PL it in the into the corner poock on it POA zaka shot save the rebound hi and in front front can’t get the rebound zaka post looking delaying hesitating does nothing with it yep great poock trying to get it to zaka he

Gets it back to the line instead W spoon over to Mitchell Mitchell his shot hit off of Heinen and wide Bruins are pressuring here they know they’re in trouble here’s poster knock again throws it wide Heinen in front there is nobody there to play that pass Heinen nobody at all W

Spoon gets free from three Wild players and gets it out of the Zone my God but Terry Sid steps Mitchell W spoon plays it around Puck comes out this is going to be icing against Boston even though it was touched by both skaters at the line but

Okay Ma’s got to bury that I don’t care what anybody says ma that’s a shot you make every single time it’s a good try from Jacob loo face off one by Minnesota in the offensive zone Faber over a shot that went wide of the net Baldi against

Geeky geeky to W spoon and Frederick gets it out van reik in a foot race it’s popped up and it goes out of play the Bruins look frustrated Trent Frederick just slamed that door shut on the bench Frederick looks frustrated take it out on the other team

Then Coyle against against Eric s face off one by Coyle makoy to the to the front de brus couldn’t put on the rebound the Bruins look like a frustrated bunch of guys right now if you’re frustrated then play the puck take it out on the wild you know lolm

Across the line to Coyle Coyle to the front and got blocked and now the wild have a two-on-one Johanson as capris off three Bruins are back four five thank God I have in trouble capris off to Johansson chips it over to gagoski down low gagoski over Rossi with it works it

Into gagoski makao closing him off lolm up ahead through to brusk held in at the line gagoski in the slot back to the line B Goan over to Rossi Rossi With It Around the Net Johansson takes it away from him Marshon closed off by Johan closing

Off Johansson the wild digg it a free here’s capris off back to bagoan and here we go again this is what usually happens the Bruins get trapped In Their Own Zone and they do nothing gagoski gets a shot away save olark Yep this is how it usually goes

Right about here and they’re going to score the next 10 seconds here’s Bean a shot oh Mark a good save there you go again this is what the Bruins I have been screaming this from the minute this wooing streak started the Bruins need to stop with this letting the other

Team have the puck for 45 seconds at a time in their offensive zone because let me tell you something it’s not working whatever you’re doing is not working this we’re in commercial break trade somebody they don’t they they can’t they’re stuck with this until the 28th they can’t even trade anybody

Right now the holiday freeze e here is bagoan moved in deep here is beater moved ahead wrong with the whole team yeah I don’t know I don’t get it this team should not suck the injuries aren’t an excuse they only have one the team just sucks at hockey right

Now I don’t know what’s up a trade needs to be made something needs to be done here’s right to geeki geeki off of gagoski bagoan pressured by Van reik the thing is they had a good first period they were the better team in the first period just they let that get to

They let that get to their heads and then the second and third period Minnesota dominated him here is Steen lorai just just gets it out of the zone and I mean just Felino blocked by Carlo here is lorai fluch oh yeah the luch thing screwed the whole

Thing up here is poock across the line with it through the legs he it’s one on four poock can’t do anything because it’s one on four Middleton flips it in the zone makoy can’t get it out here is leri played in deep lolm to zaka zaka being pressured throws it to

No Man’s Land poock playing it over to lhol lolm Across the line with it lolm to the front save rebound lolm can’t get to the puck and Minnesota clears my God Foster knock with it and Marshon is just reaching for it instead of trying to play

It oh I ve de Brusque closed off by Eric s lorai steps up a shot saved by flurry Carlo play it in behind the net Marshon gets beat by Marilyn mermis mermis Lofts it out all the way back down no icing Carlo can’t Carlo could just wanted

Didn’t want to play cuz he wanted the icing didn’t get it I’ll fix everything just give me patience yeah you better Don you better fix everything start getting on the phones the minute midnight hits on December 29th I swear to God here is Frederick gets beat here’s Rossi pick get his pocket picked

By geeky and they’re going to call a penalty on a dive Rossy Dove give him an Oscar that’s an Oscar worthy performance that’s hilarious oh that’s hilarious Frederick hit him that’s not an interference call I completely disagree with that Rossy ran right into him I don’t know

Wow Rossi go Puck goes off coil capric off ericon Minnesota can’t hold it in Boston clears The Zone flurry leaves it for Faber Faber just thrown in that net that’s also a power play goal capris off now here’s erck the Bruins need a Christmas miracle Rossi fav Bolding to the net misses wide

Faber loads up save all Mark here’s capris sof the N missed I think might have caught some of the post there what happened to my chat my chat just disappeared I don’t have anything in chat I I have the poll and I have the thing there it is

Puck goes pass maroon icing on the power play against Minnesota face off one by Minnesota here’s Johansson dumped in goes past olark Coyle gets it past gagoski now maroon with 10 seconds to go on the power play Puck is lofted in the zone and I mean lofted Coy up ahead here is

Marsh power plays up back to five on five Frederick out of the box Coy with it Coyle get trying to get around gagoski kicks it over to Frederick Frederick trying to center it can’t Frederick will get it back to the line here is Mason lowai lowai to the net

Save flurry some reason we’re getting goaled by a 39y old again Bruins are in trouble hit the Panic Buton ladies and gentlemen we’re done the Bruins are in a lot of trouble chat I’m sorry my Chat is dead I have no my chat disappeared and there’s nobody

Saying anything can somebody can we can can we spam the chat for 30 seconds just to make sure that I’m not losing my mind and Hershey beats Providence 43 okay okay good thank you your chat disappeared too weird I don’t know what happened YouTube acting up okay good all right

Good it wasn’t just me Merry Christmas Wo you know be a very nice you know be you know be a nice very merry Christmas if the Bruins came back and went came back and won this game face off one makoy posture and Posta got knocked down Puck is deflected up and out of play who scored for the Bruins poast

Knock in the first Leaf’s leading 4-1 damn tomorrow’s ch Christmas Eve yeah it’s going to be great I’m going to see some family tomorrow and I’m excited zaka won The Face Off they’re going to do it again face off one by Minnesota as zaka got kicked out of the draw the first

Time Puck goes up and out of play Face Off is tied up but tii wins it away your 70 still gets like excited about Christmas that’s what it’s all about man right Dame L Terry zaka oh it’s a turnover saved by Mark on Doer zaka to van reik he backtracks here’s

Lolm LOL on it a Bice deflected it goes up and out of play Here’s Frederick rips it save here’s Heinen now H in to Mitchell hinen works it free from Maroon lorai over to sorry that’s Frederick over to Mitchell he dumps it in Heinen takes the hit hinen digs it free from Frederick in front geeki scores there you go player offense and

Good things happen The Geek Squad 32 good things happen when you just play your offense play your game don’t let them control the game play your game and good things happen it’s a crazy concept I know you put H and geeky and Frederick on a line and something

Works with about six and a half left or so it’s 32 6 minutes left Morgan geeku has been a RedHot player for the Bruins injecting some life into this Bruins team at the perfect time thank God it’s a one goal game they need a Christmas miracle Gigi might have just started that

Still time to tie oh yeah they got six minutes they got plenty of time here’s Baldi excuse me Baldi digging it free for makoy in front knocked away gotta praise oh yeah yeah Mark’s not the problem here shot by Eric s missed the net de brus will get it out off a stick

It’s so will not be icing wait yes it is and why because coil touched it they go to commercial break 528 to go in the third the Bruins are within one on a Morgan geeky goal they got time you know what since I am wearing a Santa hat and Santa Sam’s in full

Effect I give the Bruins I gift to the Bruins an opportunity to come back in this game tie it force over time and win it Merry Christmas V have to start using a Ste a Ste set of 18 on offense and defense instead of this guy plays one night that guy plays

Another you’re giting the stream memberships h no those are there though if you want to join become an official member to the stream during the new uh at at the start of the new year I will be changing the pricing on them so tier three sub will be coming down

Jack Edwards also announced that he’ll be missing two more games in on January the games against the Senators and the Flyers you will not be calling those so zaka against Rossi face off at Center Ice they coil got his wish for the icing I think the team locks cohesion

Yeah because they just keep playing guys around they keep putting guys in multiple spots and say hey just play they like I said last night go it’s like a salad toss you know it’s like salad songs Montgomery is doing that yeah a little bit this a

Little bit of that a little bit of this go play hockey ah here’s Rossi for Luchini can’t get the pass through caps to overtime again oh my God here’s zaka lifts it in the zone flurry plays it aside zaka first of the puck here is poster knock with it lifted The Stick of

Rossi Luchini can’t get it out lowai tying it up at the line Middleton tied up Puck comes out Minnesota with it Luchini moves it ahead Johansson first of the puck is he sick nope he’s just scheduled off he’s just getting time off lorai Frederick for Heinen he

Lifts it in the zone Heinen geeky Frederick as a line is not a bad idea putting van reik with Zak and past also not a bad idea Carlo gets it in on leaves it for gagoski four minutes to go in regulation big tie up capris off lifts it in the

Zone Carlo plays it past past capris off geeky a ice pass broken up lolm and Baldi dumps it in here is makoy up ahead to Marsh marshan with it cross the line de bruss cutting to the net Marshon Around the Net with it maron’s taken down by Faber

He kicks it to dbras who throws it around the net ly Holm can’t hold it wild get it out here’s der he gets it in the zone Lai against de bruss de bruss goes down deuss takes him down with a hit Lai trying to find a man back door couldn’t

Scramble in the slot makoy gets it away Marshon of makoy a Lofts it in the zone the Bruins need a change with three minutes to go if I’m Boston I’m starting to think about the the goalie pull here probably the next 30 seconds if they get an offensive zone draw then yes

Faber will control it to waste some clock Faber moves it ahead in on olark so it won’t be icing Carlo for lorai to Carlo lowai again poock tied up with tied up in lowrise skates bagoan here is caprisa now a 220 left capris off through the legs closed off

By lyol pass broken up and it comes out the Bruins got to start getting possession of the puck now two minutes to go and you’re playing lackluster you’re down a goal get the puck turnover maroon fires it’s blocked get possession keep it and start moving start moving the puck up the ice

You’re down a goal two minutes to go completed tape to tape pass for the first time here’s Coyle marshand there goes olark extra attacker on it six on five here’s Coy lorai over skates it maroon with a chance that the empty Net’s got to clear it up the ice

He can’t get it down the ice low right to marshan Bruins dump it in Faber Coyle pressuring poster knocks the extra attacker Puck popped up in the air poock with it ly Holm crowds doing the wave again totally disrespectful to the players who are playing on the ice

Busting their asses for you waste of your money here is uh Morgan geeky with a minute 10 to go here is Marshon knock with it cross the line shot save flurry rebound he’ll hang on with a minute three and there’s some extra step happening after the whistle come on boys

Stay out of the box don’t do anything stupid you have to score the minute left minute three left now they’re going to take a timeout Montgomery calls the timeout timeout Boston minute three to go 33 tie please I’m I’m I’m begging I’m saying the same thing we’ll see how it happens

Minute three to go Minnesota finishing up their call on what they’re going to do timeout Boston a minute three left our Christmas miracles real the Bruins need one right now Coy Marshon zaka poock makoy and somebody else I couldn’t tell who it was it might be lolm coil against Eric s

Eric s wins the draw that’s huge for Minnesota Marshon CL can’t clear the Zone poock back to makoy he holds it in poock tied up behind the Minnesota net gets knocked down pass Cole lyol at the line in the coil Minnesota’s pressuring poock zaka over skates it Faber

Tied up makoy holding it in across here Coyle in front trying to find marshan couldn’t find him makoy holds it in pinballs Felino gets it out with 30 seconds here is ly Holm makoy trouble with the puck poock dumps it in Middleton will get it out Bruins hold it in but they they’re

Just for a second they can’t anymore Puck comes out with 15 seconds the Bruins don’t have any push here’s marshan slows down with 10 seconds here’s Marshon pass broken up and the Minnesota Wild the Bruins are on a four game losing streak they’ve lost five of [Applause]

Six the Bruins suck ladies and gentlemen they are very terrible hockey team what the hell has happened to this team [Applause] the Bruins are a very terrible hockey team and it shows B NHL’s getting the [Applause] gift most fraudulent Atlantic division W leaders I’ve ever seen in my life [Applause] the every single player on this Bruins team deserve Cole for that it’s time to hit the freaking panic button hit it you have you’ve lost four in a row five of six you can’t win a hockey game

Anymore play a lot of good teams in the last four games but guess what on paper the Bruins should be beating them by a by a lot you need to do something right now this team is not going to make the postseason with if they’re G to keep

They keep this up this team is a terrible hockey team they are absolutely terrible I don’t know what’s up has Montgomery lost the room no but I think maron’s lost the team changes will be made there is no way from now well they can’t do anything until Wednesday because of the holiday

Freeze there is no way this team will have no changes by the start of the New Year there is no way something is up in that lock room there needs to be a closed door players only meeting right now happening in the EXL Energy Center I refuse to believe that

Nothing’s going on I refuse to believe it I refuse to believe it all around I’m not saying that something needs to change I don’t know what it is this isn’t working this team this Boston Bruins team isn’t working here’s my message to the front office this team isn’t isn’t this isn’t

A good hockey team something needs to change we should not be losing to the Minnesota Wild and the Winnipeg Jets we shouldn’t be no offense to Wilder Jets fans that the Bruins should be losing that the Bruins should be the Bruins should be winning these games I think it’s cohesion yeah exactly

100% something needs to change I don’t know what it is I think Montgomery we ran into this last year if you have a line stick with it some there are lines that were working and then he changes it because other lines aren’t working no you keep the lines that are working

Together you keep them together does that make sense like why is Van reight coil and Frederick not on a line did you see what they were doing in November they were killing it together they were a must SE line but no we had to split them up because because oh maron’s not playing

With good with poock let’s put van reik with him and let’s put Marshon with Coyle and Frederick that’s doesn’t work that doesn’t work you can’t do that the one positive of this down of this down of this awful losing streak the Bruins have been on is the is the

Surgeons of Morgan geeki that’s it the goal ending has been pretty good I can’t even blame the goal tending in the past few games when you don’t have a defense that shows up you’re screwed when you don’t have an offense that provides you more than two goals a night you’re screwed

If it ain’t if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right that’s the expression if it ain’t broke don’t fix it positive of the game is a Wild win but guess what no offense JN no offense to Wild fans I don’t care I’m not a wild fan congrats

On your win have a nice holiday I don’t I’m not a fan of the wild I wanted the Bruins to win tonight I’m a Bruins fan my whole life and I’m upset that they lost so it wasn’t a positive to me yeah yeah is a Patriots ways rubbing off in the

Bruins no they better not be because if they are the hell is this have they been bad since Matt judon stepped in that building I’m serious remember when Matt judon was at the brones games a couple weeks ago have they have they been bad since I’m pretty sure they have been I don’t

Know what’s going on and since the Columbus game at the Garden I’m throwing out anything anyway oh brother this holiday is gonna be F fantastic so I don’t have to think about the Bruins for three days they play the sabes on what day Wednesday these are a good team the

Lineup combos are just aren’t working they need to switch it what’s the score the game Z over Minnesota wins 3-2 the Celtics demolish the oh yeah and good for the Celtics I’m glad they found their cohesion I’m glad they’re I’m glad they’re playing good basketball I’ll be watching them and hopefully they destroy

The Lakers on on Monday afternoon I’ll be watching that go Celtics but again I’m not a I’m I’m a bruin streamer I don’t stream the Celtics of the Red Sox or anything unless it’s out of unless it’s their season and the Bruins are out of season

And the Celtics are in the final or whatever um Ali watching berson could come back yeah but I think he’s going to be I think he’s he think he’s happy with his kids and everything and I’m happy for him um we can agree it’s not a go ending

Problem oh no no it’s not it’s not a go ending problem it’s a it’s a skater problem offense and defense there needs to be a locker room meeting the Bruins have lost six to their last eight games do the hurdle we already did where have you been Buddy been playing fortnite valid valid

Valid valid fortnite’s fun man there’s a couple of good things going on in fortnite right now is play I like playing with Kyle and Sophia by the way we playing last night had a couple had a couple of good time had had some good times had a nice win last night so that

Was good um and a trio win uh but um anyway um man all right I’m GNA wrap this up before I start rambling for 20 minutes when he get some get where you going to get some snow up there I don’t know it’s too warm oh wait it’s flurrying right

Now it’s flurrying right now where I am it says it’s flurrying oh well I hope they I are you good at fortnite not really but I’m okay I’m good at like in fortnite the only thing I’m not good at is building I’ve never been good at it i’ I’ve been

I’ve gotten better recently and I’m I’m good at uh sniping that’s my one thing I’m really good at um but anyway that’s besides the point um I might play I might play to calm calm myself down playing a playing a video game to calm myself down that’s how bad this team is

Bruins need some help I hope Wednesday couldn’t come sooner enough sooner enough they play buffalo on on Wednesday that’s a must-win game for this team for the for the camaraderie of this team for the for the health of this team not physical health the mental health of this team they need to win

Wednesday all right I’m gon to wrap this up I hope all of you have a very merry Christmas for those who celebrate I hope you guys have a very happy holidays I will see you on Wednesday for breu and Sabres have a awesome time this weekend um I hope everybody gets everything they

Want for Christmas and whatever holidays you celebrate this time of year I hope everybody has a very nice holiday I will see you guys on Wednesday for Bruin Sabers happy Holidays happy Quanza Merry Christmas the whole thing happy holidays everybody we’ll see you guys on Wednesday for Bruins and

Sabes please Bruins I’m begging my Christmas wish you know what’s on my list from to S to Mr Santa Claus a Bruins win just one that’s all I ask a Bruins win not even the stanle cup well that’s always on my Christmas list but one just a

Win just to win the next game that’s all I want I all right everybody have a good night Bruins lose 3-2 to Minnesota happy happy holidays everybody Merry Christmas I accidentally just hit O Canada huh Merry Christmas guys Bruins lose 32 to Minnesota happy holidays

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