@National Hockey League

Clean hit?

Clean hit?

by Instant-Highlights


  1. French-BulIdog

    Absolutely. Did not skate through the hit, did not leave his feet, no head contact (chest on shoulder). Fortunately the Leaf didn’t hit his head on the boards on the way down.

  2. Interesting-Race-919

    Looks like the leaf player tried to stop and throw a reverse hit and got ran over

  3. Luke_Cold_Lyle

    It looks rough from some angles, but McCabe is clearly the one who initiated contact. Tkachuk just happened to see it coming and is also a strong dude. Nothing wrong with the play.

  4. SigSauerPower320

    Yup, the leaf player very clearly stops and initiates the contact. Anyone who says otherwise is focusing on the fact that he got rag dolled

  5. Initially thought it could be interference but on the second view the Leafs player clearly went to initiate a reverse hit (which should also be interference IMO). Clean hit.

  6. mingomcgoo

    Yes , yes it is , the old leafer tried the reverse hit , chucky dumped him like a little bisnitch

  7. he got up fast and acted like if didn’t happen so yeah

  8. Stop trying to turn hockey into soccer, not every hit is dirty jfc

  9. kermittunesguits

    Not even a question, it’s just a hit…

  10. Elvis_livez

    This is a dumb post. Absolutely nothing wrong with that hit.

  11. Yet-Another_Burner

    Don’t make me say something nice about a Tkachuk.

  12. Technically reverse hits are interference so McCabe’s hit would not be clean.

  13. It’s so clean I don’t even see the question

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