@National Hockey League

Unreal pass reception

Unreal pass reception

by Instant-Highlights


  1. Dank_Bubu

    Mike « literally Connor McDavid » Matheson

  2. garytabasco

    What was it the Pens didn’t see in this guy?

  3. Comfortable-Bowl9591

    Carolina is not a serious franchise.

  4. ScareCrow13-

    Imagine trading Matheson for Petry. What a gift

  5. “Has found a home in Montreal” he was kinda born here..

  6. Minute_Engineer2355

    Give this team a few more years, and I think we can at least be competitive in the playoffs.

  7. I think this illustrates why nhl players are so much better. I played with lots of level of players. But those junior level and nhl tier would always be able to get a pass if it was within 3 feet of their stick.

  8. drew00096

    If McDavid or Bedard did this we wouldn’t hear the end of it for weeks. Great play Billy.

  9. genericguysportsname

    Hockey is such a unique sport. How these types of plays happen and the announcer doesn’t even acknowledge the skill needed. A soccer player wouldn’t be able to replicate that. Baseball, nah. Football, good luck. Basketball player couldn’t jump over that puck on ice. But let’s talk about that potential offsides.

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