@Detroit Red Wings

Dylan Larkin’s Comments Should Have the NHL ON NOTICE

Dylan Larkin, poised to return after a scary hit from Mathieu Joseph in early December, took aim at the NHL and its Department of Player Safety. Quite frankly, it’s time they start listening.


  1. What I've pushed for a couple of years now is to put suspensions proportionnal to the injury done. Guys out 6 to 8 weeks? You're out half of it now. If it is purely intentionnal, you dont come back as long as the other one hasn't come back.

  2. I'm sure there are traditionalists who won't like this take: The NFL has a rule where you're not allowed to hit a "defenseless" receiver, usually meaning a receiver who is in the process of catching the ball. I think the NHL needs to redefine the standard of what a "clean" hit means.

    If a player doesn't see an open-ice hit coming, that player has always been blamed for getting hit. "Keep your head up" and "be aware of who's on the ice" etc. If it was just a matter of the game, fine, but we're talking about concussions. We've seen some pretty bad injuries on these plays. It has actually shortened and hampered careers (Lindros comes to mind). The onus should be on the player throwing the hit. If your target clearly doesn't see it coming, you have to let up. It's already the case with boarding: you're not allowed to hit someone into the boards if they're facing the boards, and they don't see it coming.

  3. I mean he’s not wrong Hockey is a very dangerous sport,rather you have your head looking down or up which he certainly was looking up and a filthy hit by Joesph

  4. Lmao It wasn’t even Joseph that knocked him out though. It was Kelly. Just before Kelly hit him, Jo pushed him, resulting in his head dropping, and Kelly getting him right on the chin. Clearly an accident. And that’s why no suspension.

    Edit: Guys like his teammate David Perron, who intentionally, and ruthlessly, cross checked Zub in the head, are the MUCH bigger issue that need to be addressed by the league.

  5. It,seems to me,that people who never played the game,or played God,forbid,no check,which ain’t hockey! Gentleman,it is a rough,tuff,speed orientated sport!Dirty hits happen,but very seldom,the speed of the game,makes decisions to be made or not made in a fraction of a second!Slow motion replays make a clean hit,at time seem dirty!

  6. Old,school,Keep,your damn head up,if you do not like it take up golf!Contact sport,players are well compensated,play hockey,or shovel a ditch,answer,play and get paid to play the greatest game in the world!!!

  7. I'm sick of people whining about George Parros. Each team is responsible for protecting their own players. The tough teams bully the soft teams, it's been that way forever in the NHL. If you don't want to be pushed around the aquire some tougher players!

  8. Maybe they need someone other than former goons running player safety. One has to admit, it's a total oxymoron that Bettman created

  9. I thought this is the justification for allowing fighting in the game? I thought it's magically supposed to prevent players from injuring other players???

  10. A lot more controversy ever since George Parros took over the dept of player safety. Brendan Shannahan was excellent in the role and provided video clips after a suspension ruling. Seems like the league is going backwards.

  11. I have never been a huge lock on a fan, but I'm certainly coming around to admire him and it takes guts to speak out against the NHL

    Larkin for Commish!!!

  12. I mean he’s absolutely right. However, his injury was not the result of a dirty play but rather a fast paced freak incident

  13. lol, if you suspend joseph for that then you cant have the NHL playoffs cus that type of hit happens every time the whistle is blow in the playoffs.

  14. Dylan you're too soft for hockey and if you're nerve is gone then go away and play chess. Had you played in any decade of Hockey other then this one, what happened to you was just another Tuesday. Hockey is not the game for sissies and mary's, so good luck in your future endeavors…good bye

  15. I believe Larkin wants enforcers back in the league. Betman changed the league to a european finesse game. Enforcers will do the ref’ing when the ref’s don’t. Old school hockey !!!!

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