@Buffalo Sabres

What to look for in Ilya Samsonov’s start against Blue Jackets

What to look for in Ilya Samsonov’s start against Blue Jackets

We’re now joined by our hockey analyst Jamie noodles mclennen So Jamie ilas samsonov has allowed four plus goals in his last three starts he hasn’t played since being pulled against Buffalo last week are you surprised that Sheldon Keefe is now going with him for tomorrow night I’m not just based on what their

Schedule looks like and also that the fact that they need to get him going now the Toronto Maple lefs have nothing but resources off ice so he’ll have worked with goenda is he’ll work with sports psychologist Sports Science and if you take a look at the quality of competition I know you shouldn’t

Disrespect an opponent but the columus Blue Jackets are in a Reb build mode so this is the best opportunity for him to start on the front end of a backto back and Martin Jones can’t play every game so you have to get him going in the

Absence of Joseph wall this is the right situation but the team has to respond for the struggling goal tender okay so the timing’s right but what are you going to look for specifically in Samson’s game against Columbus quieter in the net against the Buffalo Sabers he was noisy he was

Chasing the puck he was all over the crease he wasn’t set and you could tell he wasn’t comfortable in his skin so if he’s worked with Curtis San for the goenda it’s all about positioning working fast to position and then reacting to the puck and seeing the puck

After that when Samson off’s at the the top of his game he’s quieter in the net he doesn’t go Chas Ching the puck there’s not holes through the body so he makes saves instead of hoping that the puck hits him that’s what I’ll be focused on against the Columbus Blue

Jackets is his positioning and making sure he’s at the top of his crease using his size to his advantage and not opening holes for Columbus to beat him well and for the Leafs gold tending situation as a whole it doesn’t really look like Joseph wool will be back

Anytime soon so what do you think is the right approach to goaling for the Leafs right now you’re going to have to split the games because Martin Jones uh although he used to be a starter he’s not anymore so it’s a scenario where you go back and forth if you can get Samson

Off’s game back in order you can have both of them as a tandem because that’s what they are at the start of the Season uh people thought that samsonov was probably going to play 50 to 55 games that has that’s a tandem situation that’s not a starter that’s not starter

Minutes so I would go back and forth let him settle into a Groove but also keep Martin Jones in a Groove in the absence of Joseph wall as he tries to work his way back into shape when he’s back on the ice cuz he’s not back on the ice yet

Well and perhaps the schedule is helpful for the leaves because their next four of six games come against teams in the bottom five of the NHL standings noodles thanks so much for this 7-Eleven that’s hockey is brought to you by 711 get meals groceries Essentials and of course Slurpee delivered


  1. Because defense across the league is piss poor during the regular season, so when your effort sags even a little & bounces tip the other way, it’s going to look worse

  2. The leafs do not have a starting goaltender. Samsonov is a bust, and Woll is injury prone and has not shown himself to be a proven starter in the NHL.

  3. 0:33 Seeing the expression on Tavares after he let in that soft goal, you can already tell the players in front of him do not have confidence in him at all despite what they say in the interviews. That said, if they're gripping the stick a bit extra tight when Sammy's in net, then they're not performing at their best with him in goal. They need to ship him out or do something.

    Tomorrow will be an interesting game but I don't hold high hopes for a bounce back game for him.

  4. Sammy reminds me of Campbell. He was good for awhile an now the confidence is gone. Gone gone. It messed him up mentally and he won't recover from it. Stop punishing him by expecting great results. Send him to the minors where there isn't all that pressure.

  5. Goaltending is sub par. Coaching is poor. Not enough grit. But it all goes back to Dubas. The guy blew all the dough on 4 players. All he had left over was enough to surround his stars with basically minor league players

  6. So sick of hearing we have an easier strech of games.. has any reporter looked at our numbers over the last 3 years? We play worse and lose more against the bottom 10 teams in the league than the top 10.

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