@Detroit Red Wings

UPDATE: The #RedWings today assigned right wing Jonatan Berggren and center Austin Czarnik to the AHL’s Grand Rapids Griffins.

UPDATE: The #RedWings today assigned right wing Jonatan Berggren and center Austin Czarnik to the AHL’s Grand Rapids Griffins.

by zze0001


  1. dreamerkid001

    Can we not just let Berggren get a few games in? I liked him out there last night. Nothing great but he’s getting the time.

  2. dilypucks

    Unfortunately Berggren hasn’t done enough to warrant being kept up and when you are the worst defensive forward on a team trending the wrong way on defense you have to be scoring a ton to deserve to be kept up.

  3. Shotokanguy

    We’re just going to have to accept that until some trades are made, there’s too many guys ahead of Berggren. The team knows he should be here permanently. But veterans like Fischer and Veleno have to play too, because as much as it shouldn’t be true, if you spend money on a guy, you want to play him.

    This is the one area I think Yzerman deserves some criticism on. He signed more players than we needed and has put barriers in front of prospects that need NHL reps to continue growing into the best player they can be.

  4. commando_rambo

    Been out the loop, that means Fischer and Veleno back in?

  5. You put berggren in

    You take berggren out

    You put beggren in

    And jumble him all about

  6. Am I correct in thinking these are paper moves to save cap space?

  7. Kind of sucks to be Bergie. Dont get on the scoresheet and get sent down or get on the scoresheet and get sent down. Is he ever going to get a chance with this coach for a permanent spot on the roster? Right now its a numbers game, but when next season rolls around amd some spots open up. will Stevie just reload with more UFA vets again? Somehow Bergie isn’t in the teams future or so it seems to me

  8. I really hope we trade Berggren. Kid can shine somewhere and we’re not going to use him.

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