@National Hockey League

Coyotes prospect Geekie expelled 11 seconds in

Coyotes prospect Geekie expelled 11 seconds in

by Instant-Highlights


  1. warpedashell

    Shoulder to the head, yeah go take the rest of the game off.

  2. UnusualDepth2079

    How is he surprised at the call ? Head shots are not taken lightly

  3. Incoming Canadian homer comments about not understanding IIHF has a stricter rulebook than the NHL.

  4. Pancake_Unicorn

    So annoying to listen to the insanely biased commentators arguing that shouldn’t be a penalty. As a Canadian and team Canada fan, it’s annoying and embarrassing

  5. ActionKestrel

    5 minutes for being bigger than the other guy. What a joke.

  6. 100% a penalty. You might argue it should only be 2, and I don’t think it’s malicious intent, just a tall guy hitting a small guy. But it’s clear and forceful head contact, and that’s always a penalty in the IIHF

  7. CrashTestMummies

    I’m Canadian and Geekie got what he deserved. That hit passes in the NHL but not in International play

  8. MatureNeuro

    He asks wtf for. For the head hit. That’s what for. You’ll fit right in in that poor ass franchise that the Yotes are.

  9. Clydefrog0371

    If you actually think this is a penalty, you should stop watching hockey immediately.

  10. Alextryingforgrate

    Is the Canadian player 6’5″? What’s he supposed to do? Not uit, crouch down a bunch? Seems a little unfair for him as well.

  11. Fritz6161

    In the NHL this is a good hit, as I don’t think the head contact was intentional or avoidable.

  12. Nunspogodick

    I believe reading his lips he says “I’m so very sorry” I’m no expert but stayed at a holiday inn

  13. That’s just 5 minutes for being big and strong Gord

  14. Pleasant_Giraffe9133

    Yeah who would have thought leagues outside of the NHL are harsh on hits like that lol

  15. andrewb610

    IIRC, this is Morgan Geekie’s younger brother.

  16. International hockey has the softest fuckin rules and always has. Bc Europeans are pussies and can’t play with North American teams otherwise

  17. LarquaviousBlackmon

    Would have been a beautiful hit if he had avoided the guy’s head. I thought it was an obvious head hit.

  18. Ok-Assistant-2684

    Prospect to be a goon or actual good player? Because that was a cheap ass hit

  19. FatherFenix

    Yeah, can’t do that.

    I don’t think he was headhunting since he’s a tall dude hitting a small dude who leaned down before the hit, but that’s on Geekie to avoid. IIHF isn’t very lenient with those.

  20. Nat_The_Huntsman

    I don’t know that I agree with the match penalty but ultimately this isn’t NHL hockey and they can’t keep playing like it is.

    These refs have actually been making decent calls, even the German hit from behind later in the game was called correctly because the Canadian player spun toward the boards – just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong call lol

  21. Ketachloride

    Just realized oddjob would be cheap even using him as an nhl 24 character but for totally different reasons

  22. poodletown

    “Elbows down, feet on the ground….” what video were these guys looking at?

  23. Hero0fTheWastes

    Commenters in here are fucking idiots. What’s he supposed to do, never hit anyone shorter than him?

  24. Swimming_Horror_3757

    If it went shoulder to shoulder little guy would be annihilated

  25. SrPhillipOliverHoles

    Obvious penalty, but holy shit keep your head up kid. You’re playing against Canada and the first thing you do is stare at your laces while sending a pass up the boards

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