@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 35: Flabbergasted :Bruins @ Redwings

LQR Game 35: Flabbergasted :Bruins @ Redwings

GG’s man and happy New Year yes happy New Year you got any resolutions I’m thinking about adding them into the video just to win more hockey games you oh here I wrote mine down keep winning hockey games and oh I don’t think you can say this on

The channel why they would deserve it first of all I don’t know if anyone deserves this even hockey referees and secondly this would be like a big deal no one would care um yeah they would I’m pretty sure national news would pick this story up I think I could sneak it

Under the radar the United States presidential debate would have a question specifically on how to resolve this you’re being dramatic no like I’m pretty sure the UN would get involved at a certain point that would explain all the messages I’ve been receiving from them maybe just keep it to winning more

Hockey games like me but you aren’t winning I know but in the new year oh I think you’ll still be losing yeah me too low quality fans of a hot qual Bruins team that is a very very elevating dub my goodness I could float

Right now by the way it was an I am KU sweatshirt underneath the Jersey last episode and I know I know this movie turned out to be real polarizing for a lot of people a lot of people were upset about all sorts of things but I’m a big

Fan of movies just being movies and I thought Ken was hilarious the whole time so uh I got a little got a little gag gift for Christmas and this thing is unbelievably comfortable unbelievably comfortable all right let’s correct this one second better what a great win I

Know we’re going to complain about some stuff but not till we get there we’re going to get there but we are going to have a conversation about the go tender interference that was go tender interference I I pride myself on being a man who knows what go tender

Interference is I do I genuinely know the rule and know how it works I genuinely do I’ve read the rule over and over and over again I’ve watched video on it I’ve listened to National Hockey League Representatives talk about it I know how that rule works that was go

Tender interference let’s talk about this Red Wings team but before we do John poot some of you might see him in the comments some of you might be part of the Discord which you should join like comment subscribe nailed it he’s a moderator in there he is hugely

Important to this channel just an absolute Warrior for everything I do and he’s just been present the whole time he’s awesome and I think everyone needs to congratulate him on a major life event tonight the man got m married the Mad lad can you believe it here’s a picture here’s another picture say

Congratulations to jie poot he is yes a Red Wings fan but he’s also a huge Bruins fan it’s a weird combination but that’s that’s what we got and he is a spectacular human being I can assume that his new wife is a spectacular human being and for those of you who know the

Forgiven in the Discord uh that’s the other guy on the right side on the right side how is this going to work out with the pictures in the Bruins Jersey the forgiven that’s that dude this is about jobby pot though either way congratulations man we love you keep

Killing it sorry about your loss tonight but also sort of win you know this worked out really well for everybody I think let’s talk about this Red Wings team this Red Wings team has beaten us the last two times we played them in the three games we’ve played them this year

They’ve scored 11 total goals on us they have the Third best offense in the league they have the 14th best power play and the 14th best penalty kill their mid-season acquisition Patrick Kane has six goals and 13 points in 12 games played and is a plus six in plus

Minus if you believe in such a stat they’re also 37 and0 in their last 10 and firmly outside of a playoff spot with the 12th placed standings points percentage in the conference not in the league in the conference also if you can hear those fireworks I apologize I tried

To make sure this is cutting out as much extra noise as possible we know what holiday it is I’m not a fireworks fan I think they’re I think they’re dumb I don’t like them and my neighbors love them like 400 a.m. love them it’s not good obviously their

Season isn’t over right they have an excellent offense a four or five game win streak basically puts them right back into the conversation they just got to figure out how to keep the puck out of the net the 25th in the league league in goals allowed per game and I believe

They have the 20th ranked uh all situation save percentage between their goalies that’s not great that’s bad but what’s even worse is how it’s happening if you’re a Red Wings fan and you’re here um why can you guys not hold on to a multi-goal lead not that that showed

Up in this game but I feel like maybe I’m just seeing the highlights because I haven’t been able to watch a ton of Red Wings hockey lately but it feels over the last three or four weeks I keep seeing a four-goal lead blown by the Red Wings they still won in overtime though

Or they lost or they’re blowing leads in the third period I think three out of their last five games before this one they blew a lead in the third period I think they won one of those games but still that’s bad that’s not good and it’s a frustrating issue that we Bruins

Fans can understand because our team has gone through dips of that same issue here’s a fun St I found on Twitter I have not done the leg work to make sure that this is correct but when Detroit scores four plus goals they are 170 and3 when Detroit scores three or less goals

They are 06 and one now look no genius has to point out the fact that if you score four more goals you’re going to win more than you lose but you have not won a single game this year where you haven’t scored four goals that’s a problem it’s a problem

Let’s talk about the team with less of a problem right now the Boston Bruins there’s not a lot to say about us we’re trying to continue the Good Vibes right after the Christmas break come out crash a few games that’s a three- game win streak we were worried what are we doing

The top six Remains the Same for this one jvr does get a night off so we’re going to run Steen on the fourth Loo’s going to switch back to the left and hinen is going to bump be bumped up to merkulov line with Frederick that line was awesome while it played together

Wspoon is in for Grizz thank God because wspoon played out of his mind he was excellent we’ll talk about him San and also the reason Grizz is probably benched for this one it looks like they’re easing him back in that looks like a legitimate thing they’re trying

To do with the injury history and everything like that Swan is making his 100th start it wouldn’t be his best game but it dubs a dubs a dub and this is Zak’s 500th game as well also shout out to the quality members the YouTube membership program that you guys have

Joined that’s actually been huge that’s been huge obviously any money that you’re giving towards me is just unbelievable in the first place but it’s genuinely helped with crazy stuff that’s been happening like Larry’s emergency vet bills but it’s been very helpful so huge shout out to you guys

Let’s talk about this game p drops that was a pretty intense puck drops I think I’m still worked up about some things that happened during this game 8:35 in DEA is going to go for holding we’re going to have the penalty kill we’re going to kill it it’s fine the penalty

Kill looked amazing this game 837 left of the period it’s been a pretty back and forth battle but I thought the Bruins were better for most of the first geeki gets a tough chance and tight on lion and lion makes save puts a glove down but gei doesn’t hear a whistle so

He keeps hacking away at lion and shat comes over and gets in in geek’s face all of that should happen right you’re smacking at my goalie let me get in front of you they tussle a little bit sh cross checks him in the teeth goes high

On him okay fine he’s they’re going to throw a couple punches ref are going to call him both I get it and they’re going to give the extra two to shro that situation was handled pretty properly the reason we even got there is because the first 12 minutes the rest were all

Over the place and by that I mean people were doing whatever they wanted and it looked like the rest weren’t very interested in partaking in what was going on that’s going to come back around around they’re just losing control early is what I’m really getting at it’s not a great power play either

Way 538 left beer is going to go for tripping we’re going to go the penalty kill and during the penalty kill San is going to have a big scuffle right in front of him and de brincat is going to slash makoy now makoy was given it to

Everybody in this but from behind in the back of the leg he’s going to get makoy there was no intent to injure here it didn’t look like that to me it was Jack acted like he went boom he did not he just got him good in the back of the leg

Makoy reasonably is pissed and starts chasing after him makoy gets two for roughing for presumably all the other crap from beforehand in the pile and then de Brin cat is going to get two for slashing so it stays 54 for another 37 seconds nothing comes from that and then

259 left I’m bringing this play up because it kind of bothered me we’re in their Zone lorai got wide eyes as he just knocked the puck down put it on his stick and he’s got time and space to shoot and they blow the whistle dead because because pasta and I don’t even

Know Petri Petri Petri are over Petri what names are hard these guys are crosschecking each other in the corner now look I get why you’re like hey split it up why are you blowing the play dead right there that made no sense to me neither of them got called for anything

They just blew the plate dead because these two unless something else happened maybe the net got pushed off I just didn’t see it but I have no idea why it was blown Dead with scoring chance right there kind of a weird call fine we’ll move on 51.8 seconds left the Red Wings

Are pressuring but W spoon gets a skate on an attempted pass into the crease and immediately pasta is going to jump on that and flick it high he’s going to step Curry the out of this he’s just self-censored I’m trying to censor myself a little bit Freddy’s going to

Chase it down and he’s not able to Corral this Puck until he’s in the right dot in the offensive zone and I thought he had no play throw it on net see what happens but Freddy collects quickly puts it on his forehead for a split second

Right back to the backand and then roofs this over Lion’s shoulder the problem is lion gets real aggressive and comes out way out of his crease and Freddy’s for momentum after scoring a goal absolutely obliterates the man and lion stays in the game by the way he’s

On the ice for like five minutes and he still stays in the game weird with that much upper body contact but hey whatever Freddy during this interaction I think you all should know sherat comes over to have some words again as you do Defending Your goalie regardless of the circumstances

And Freddy goes mm come on around find out let’s go shat doesn’t approach him this space there he could have anyway that’s a great goal one Zer we’re going to move on to the second period 4 minutes into the second it looks like the Red Wings are about to

Break which is basically a two on0 it’s kind of a 2V1 but both of them are just a step ahead of the defenseman so it looks real dangerous and then lindol chases down Walman from behind he had like four car lengths on the guy and lyol gets there strips him of the puck

Puck gets worked right back up the other side and Freddy from the right side of the ice gets in the offensive zone he doesn’t really have a play to make here bodies are covered all right let me just get the puck to the net coils in front

Of the net get a rebound shoot low and hard get a rebound maybe coil finishes this the low and hard shot just beat lion straight up and we’ll take it that’s a two lead and a brutal sequence for Red Wings team that just looked like they had a scoring opportunity got

Stripped from it it looked like something could have been called there but I didn’t get a great look cuz they didn’t replay it a bunch of times either way live absolutely looks like there could have been a call so the fans of the building are livid and it goes right

Back down and scores them it’s a brutal sequence for him but we do love to see it 10:5 left Swan excellent goal tending makes a huge glove save diving across on a scramble in front of the net during the play post knock is going to go for

Crosschecking he’s going to have to go to the box and it is a gutsy kill the penalty kill oh just so good 659 left lorai gets caught a little high in the neutral zone this is not his fault or fully his fault pasta loses the puck trying to go

Through somebody in the back half of the neutral zone Lori sees the puck trickle behind he goes I can jump on that he does and bumps it forward now he skates right up to the center and that puck goes right to a red wings player and so

They gain numbers and they go into the zone and lorai is late trying to get back to his assignment zaka recognizes that and takes his assignment therefore you have a trailing player all alone and that’s exactly what happened they got the puck deep we have too many guys

Covering in front of the net as Lori catches up wman is all alone to come down the center of the slot they’re going to whip the puck up to him and he’s going to snip a roon and jeez top glove can’t even I I love giving the

Sniper R and cheese to us can’t do it with this one that was a gorgeous shot and it’s 2-1 just like that and then 318 left it’s a great shift by the Bruins and it ends so poorly because we have so much pressure can’t make anything happen

It happens sometimes but then they get in the zone they force the puck low sherat comes late they get the puck up to him and he buries this gloves side too almost identical to the Wallman goal right 22 ball game here’s where we start to complain the Bruins challenge because

On the replay I dare you to go watch it R mus comes over uses a stick and knocks down San’s glove seconds before that puck goes right over his glove into the net swan has his right foot in the crease and left foot out of it uh and

They do a 5 and a half minute review and they call it a good goal on the ice they Sid because he was outside of the crease there’s no go tend interference which is just so you know incorrect goalies are still allowed to make saves outside of

The crease if you impede their ability to make a save purposefully then that is not a good goal no matter where on the ice you could be in the neutral zone if you Dove to make a save on a puck as a goalie and someone came through and took

Your legs out that’s golender interference that is how the rule works I promise you that so that’s a explanation and then later in the game they released this after video review it was determined that the actions of Brandon Carlo contributed to Detroit’s Michael Rasmus stick making contact with

Jeremy Swan’s glove outside the crease and therefore did not constitute gender interference okay so basically they’re calling it incidental contact by rasm because of what Carlo did now there’s a couple issues here one you didn’t say that on the ice two the replay doesn’t show that and blatantly doesn’t show that the reason

You guys have so little faith from your fans speaking to the referees is because you double down on calls that are so bad if after the game the referee simply went we missed it we messed that one up that was a video view the booth in Toronto made that call right it had

To one of two things happened here is what the fans will assume one you are too much of a pansy to take the goal away You’re a coward and that’s why you were afraid to take the goal away that’s not true there’s no way that’s true there’s no

Way the ref is like oh the home crowd’s going to get real mad at me I got to find a way to keep it no way the second reason they think you’re doing it on purpose this is why fans lose faith in because it’s so blatantly wrong

That they think you are doing it on purpose a call this bad unless I have severely missed a replay that changes everything I’ve saw I’ve saw then this was a as bad as it gets and you want to hear like a terrible Fanboy statement investigate them investigate who made the call there

Should be frequent investigations into the referees anyway and the union doesn’t allow that I’m sure but I would investigate these guys monthly because this is a billion dooll organization multi-billion dollar organization that people are now gambling on frequently obviously that’s a biased crazy fan take it feels realistic to me that was so

Blatantly incorrect by the letter of the rule and the explanation on the ice wasn’t even following a rule they found a reason to count it it feels that way were they cowards would did they do it on purpose or are they just so unbelievable incompetent unbel literally unbelievably

Like I could not believe when the call was made I was shocked I was dumbfounded flabbergasted are they that incompetent at their jobs you get the benefit of Replay how are you so bad at this anyway so now we go to the Penalty kill right because we failed the goer

Interference challenge 36 seconds left to that penalty kill kill w spoons tripped up and we are going to go for 4v4 for 36 and then we’re going to a power play do nothing with it third period starts and this this video is getting too long because of the massive

Explanation I just had on the goer interference because they’re so bad at their jobs 352 in great work on the set play and this felt amazing Coyle wins a face off on the right side with some help from marshand he’s going to bump it over to makoy who’s going to go down

That right wall and this was so I if you love if you love the technique of hockey marshand spreads out to avoid having too much clutter on this play right de brus goes straight to the net basically a decoy not really CU he might get the pop

He goes straight to the net now Lin and the defender op to do that as well they got to cover that threat Lin does not see coil just shrink away to the slot the other defenseman has to stay relatively low in case there’s a cross crease pass any anything attempting back

Back door their whole team misses coil and it’s mostly because Lin misreads this and decides to drop on De Brusque with the defender preventing makavo from cutting into the crease so makoy just gets to see Coyle stand there flicks it right to him and he buries this blocker

Side it’s 3-2 huge huge four minutes in to the third period Then 823 left mvoy is going to go for tripping we kill it 20 one left after a few scary moments in front of San Jakey breaks it out and he’s going to get tripped about halfway

Through the Zone but as he’s falling he’s going to fling it down the ice and he buries it it’s 42 130 left de bruss is going to go for tripping which was a trip I saw people complain about that one that was a trip there’s a lot of ticky tack stuff they

Call that was a trip and 8 seconds into it they score they get the puck down to De brincat who’s on the right side of San he’s going to just collect and throw this in on the net swan makes a first save and then Comer who’s uncovered just

Standing in front of him grabs it and throws at five hole and it’s 4-3 and we got a minute and a half to still be real frantic we handle it and zaka gets the 130 footer it’s 53 that’s your final and your game notes the rest are bad at

Their jobs we know that beer bench for the entire third merkulov got one shift in the third lco got two shifts in the third that’s a lot of bench bodies there was a lot of rest and downtime in this game because of all the calls and the

Fights and the scrums and all that kind of stuff so I can see why they’re going to have lower minutes than usual but you’re benching a lot of guys and merkulov I thought was he simple quiet but really solid I’m actually really surprised and again Merc is getting

Crushed in the face off dot he’s not good at them like I get that aspect of it but you just straight up you benched him beer I thought has been really struggling lately so I get that benching L only getting a couple shifts that wear and tear goes on other

Guys it’s a lot of guys to bench if you want to bench him for the last eight minutes of the game I get it but and I guess lco you can kind of make that argument because he did get two shifts in 12 minutes kind of kind of makes

Sense I guess but just Monty does not have a lot of trust for these guys and I get it but it does feel like he takes it to an extreme level sometimes he won this win though and I think we all did lorai good he was good again uh he’s

Getting a little too comfortable right now he has had multiple plays where he takes on four guys at once which is dangerous no matter who you ask uh he attempts plays that are pretty crazy and you know what a lot of times he does he

Does the thing he wins it but there’s a lot of plays where you go all right slow it down a little bit he’s going to find that middle ground that confidence spike is a good sign he just has to learn where The Sweet Spot is that’s a good

Problem to have you’re going to notice that though or you may might already have he really got confident quick and and then lastly W spoon was awesome W spoon was awesome he defended so well his breakout passes were clean he didn’t force anything through and through just

Great he’s not like an offensive threat but he was getting the puck to the net I thought wpo was really really good and deserves a shout out for this one do you know who else deserves a shout out for this one Freddy Freddy that’s the name that

Wanted to come mind great game by Freddy he calmed down once merkulov was off the ice but great game from Freddy and he deserves a shout out as well that’s it that does it for me enjoy your New Year’s please be safe guys please please be safe I I don’t know who’s actually

Going to be watching this one because you’re probably out partying but hey go bees go be thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to the lowquality YouTube channel members need a real name for that one of these days starting with the Topline tier the

Atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams coach D just Aaron Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arie pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are studs and then we have our stallions abion Hy E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Azie bruan Connelly tupton daachi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only noes

A tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go bees

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  1. Gotta disagree on the interference call. Even before the review I saw Carlo's stick lift causing the contact, the multiple replays confirmed it. It was a good goal, even if I didn't like it. What blew my mind was the explanation on the ice. That one made no sense at all.

    And how about DeBrusk? From the start of the season I said get him back to playing with Marchand and look at them now. DeBrusk 2 G., 3 A, 5 Pts in three games, Marchand 5 A, 5 Pts. Coyle 3 G, 2 A, 5 Pts. Marchand and DeBrusk play well together. I suppose since they are playing well together Montgomery is going to split them up.

  2. Our fate is sealed! We will now certainly lose in the playoffs by a goalie interference outside the blue crease! Love how after the game they read the rule and said "oh crap….er…um….Carlo yeah he did it…just roll the tape backwards and his stick hits the other stick…no! I said watch it backwards! In reverse…yeah, Carlo."

  3. Go B'ssssssssssssss!!!!!!! And here's to a 2024 filled with the best "cold opens" right here, on LQBF. Also, fireworks are boring and so are parades. Seen one, seen them all. Unless…… it's a duck-boat parade. Then, can't get enough of 'em.

  4. Trent Freddy told Jake The Snake to hold his beer because its his turn to provide lineup value. Granted, not as stagnant as DeBrusk, but still just a reminder "hey! I was in the 1st round as well" Go B's! Hopefully Merkulov gets another shot, i think hes ready. Guys been so productive in Providence. God, lookin at these teams struggling with goaltending we are just so lucky. However, if this team decides to go on a run, goaltending is the only piece they can move for support. Scary, but the cupboards are empty (in terms of picks). Cheers man, great shit as always!

  5. To be honest that goalie interference call wasnā€™t even that badā€¦ everything they said about it was pretty accurate and sway should have had it anyways.

  6. Tim Peel. Referee caught hot mic'ing penalty call was personal. NHL fired him and that was the end of it. If we think Tim was the only dirty POS ref we are crazy. He's just the one that got caught. I love this sport. Refs are suspect as hell tho.

    I posted this before, just want to reiterate. I would love to see Freddy with Pasta and Zacha. I think he would be a great fit as the 3rd man on the line. Coyle with DeBrusk and Marchy. Poitras with JVR when the WJC is over, if Merk sticks, put him with those 2. Still need a dman or maybe even 2. Happy New Year and keep up the good work!

  7. Freddy is one sick puppy. I think there are guys in the league that are actually scared not just of his size and his ability to throw down but because he enjoys fighting lol.

    Freddy and his brother in Missouri eventually created a reputation through fighting, and people just stopped fucking with them altogether after many many fights off of the ice.

  8. There are two types of people in this world. Those who believe that the Dead Thingsā€™ second goal shouldnā€™t have counted because it was obvious goalie interference, and those who are wrong.

  9. Oh, would you look at that. Had to resubā€¦again. Two days in a row.

    The moment I heard Monty challenge for goaltender interferenceā€¦I thought to myself ā€œstupid mf, you are a BRUIN. You lose these. Flames fans complain of the Wideman tax. Iā€™m creating the Marchand tax.ā€

    Naturally we lose those. However. With me threatening the Hockey Gods with washing my jerseys if we didnā€™t end the year with a winning streak. Every game. Said ā€œnow either we have a winning streak, or these jerseys end their dry streaks.ā€ WE WIN THESE (games)

    GO Bā€™s!!!

  10. 10:27 I think the play was blown dead because the puck to Lohrei initially went off Geekies hand, making it a hand pass, but Iā€™m not sure

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