@National Hockey League

Is this an illegal hit?

Is this an illegal hit?

by Instant-Highlights


  1. RatTailDale

    Not in my book. Poor guy got caught in a bad spot. its just a big hit

  2. soulknife20

    Shoulder to chest and followed through. Clean hit. Just the guy who got hit was in a bad spot.

  3. shmoove_cwiminal

    Naw. But when you lay someone out, don’t be surprised when one of their teammates stands up for them.

  4. Striking_Economy5049

    Shoulder to shoulder/chest

    Just a good hit

  5. DisgruntledCatGuy

    Is this interference? Guy tried to play the puck but missed; Anderson didn’t even care about that and just steamrolled him. If the guy has the puck it’s 100% clean but I’m unclear about if, in this case, this is clean because of how the puck goes completely by him.

  6. habulous74

    No. Shouldn’t have even been a minor. Cernak is a donkey for having his head down.

  7. Cautious-Mammoth-657

    Only question I would have is if the call changes if he touches the puck. I know he was going to play it but the Tampa player doesn’t actually play the puck.

  8. Comfortable-Bowl9591

    The call on the ice was charging. He didn’t take any strides at the end but he was coming fast from far away. It’s tough to say but I think charging is the right call here.

  9. Top-Past-7539

    Back when I got into hockey, players knew how to protect themselves.

  10. Professional-Log7478

    The answer is no. The lightning player never looked what might be coming his way… which led to the big clean hit.

  11. thedeepfake

    Am I the only one who’s fine with both? Like yea, good hit get you some. Also here comes his teammates you knew that would happen so defend yourself.

  12. JerbearCuddles

    According to NHL 24 this would be boarding. Did he get a penalty on the play? Looks like a border line charge. So I’d say illegal.

  13. Immediate-Slice-93

    He left his feet when making the hit which should be charging. See more this season guys jumping into a player. Someone is going to get hurt.

  14. gronk4215

    Not charging. Coasted in. No steps. Not boarding as force not directed to boards.

  15. Forsaken_Angel28

    Nope. Keep your head up son. Clean hot in my opinion. May have slightly left his feet….

  16. myfacealadiesplace

    It’s late. Any late hit is dirty regardless

  17. ViewedConch697

    Good hit, maybe a borderline interference but I don’t think there should be any penalty on that

  18. DragLongjumping3714

    Close to leaving his feet. Keep your head up bud.

  19. Comrade_Slime

    If anyone deserved that it’s Cernak. A little karma for all the elbows he likes to throw around.

  20. leokibler

    Head up. Just rang his bell. All good on the hit.

  21. johnthepinoy

    Clean. Problem is a lot of the talent coming into the nhl don’t know how to avoid getting hit or don’t know how to take one. It’s a real problem right now

  22. MagazineFeeling4292

    The hit looks good, but I think charging would be an appropriate call here.

  23. The owness is on the guy hitting. Because the hittee Never touches the pucks, it’s interference. Also, because you can tell there is no attempt to attack the puck to prevent a goal, it is premeditated attempted murder and Anderson should get a 5 playoff game suspension. /s

  24. Little far from the puck, but the hit was bodily legal.
    The NHL is slightly bitch ass rn.

  25. TerryS155

    Puck was gone. Should be interference. Hit itself was not dirty. Gotta play with your big boy pants on

  26. Glendening fed Anderson his lunch after that one. Is there anyone on the Canadians that can fight? Lol

  27. TaketheCannoliagain

    I think it’s either interference or charging depending on the ref. I can’t see it well enough to be sure, but it doesn’t look like he had the puck, which would make it interference.

  28. DaveThomasTendies

    Fuck these clowns who fight after clean hits. It’s because kids don’t learn how to properly protect themselves or take hits anymore.

  29. AlwaysAttack

    Not an intentional high hit. Taller player leading with the shoulder. I would like to see the punch that dropped the perp, from another angle though.

  30. orkbrother

    Lightning fan here. I called it a clean shot during the game. Also Glendenning took a beating until he got his feet planted.

  31. Could definitely be called charging, at ref’s discretion: “Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner.” Definitely a violent check. Definitely came from at least the dot. I’m a Lightning fan and believe it could have gone either way. IMHO, it was too violent a check for someone who didn’t possess the puck. If Cernak was carrying the puck behind the goal with his head down, I’d have no problem with the check.

  32. Fearless-Bid5483

    It’s ridiculous that in today’s NHL every time someone lands a clean hit, the other team jumps him. I am starting to support banning fighting for this reason. Imagine if in football every time there is a quarterback sack the other jumped the one who made the tackle.

  33. Patient_Effective_49

    I didnt see him touch the puck, so illegal hit is my guess

  34. aGoodVariableName42

    why on earth would you think that this is an illegal hit? Did you just start watching hockey?

  35. ConfidentProof9192

    I’m a Lightning fan and that was beautiful, clean hit.

  36. evil_burrito

    The contact was clean, but I think it’s a charge.

    “Charging shall mean the actions of a player who, as a result of distance traveled, shall violently check an opponent in any manner.”

    He comes from off screen already lining the dude up.

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