@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres still cannot get a win streak going

Sabres still cannot get a win streak going

The Sabers had a weekend one in one that’s kind of the story of the Season we’ll recap it coming up and get to your comments on the locked on Sabers Podcast your locked on Sabers your daily podcast on the Buffalo Sabers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day and thanks for making locked on Sabers your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode of the show is presented by FanDuel Sportsbook make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in

Bonus Bets with any winning $5 money line bet that’s 150 bucks if your team wins visit FL locked on to get started Sab had a couple of games over the weekend and I’ve got a lot of good takes from our sorties our group chat on the uh join

Sub loock ons saers where you could sign up and join the show there uh and we always are looking for interaction back and forth comments and questions that’s the best way to do it and the Sabers split the weekend as expected that’s about what you’d expect

Of this team that amazingly has still we are at the new year happy New Year to everybody by the way 15th anniversary of or 16th anniversary of the original Winter Classic for the Buffalo Sabers may wait it is 15 2009 right anyways uh 16th so anniversary of that that was on

NHL Network a little bit earlier on in the day I thought it was cool to watch um Reminiscing on that in times where it was kind of fun to be a saber fan and now is not really that point in time 15 18 and four as I was uh starting to say

This team has one streak of consecutive wins all year it is the New Year and that is still true they don’t have really a weir a real win streak a real win streak is three or more right but technically speaking I guess you could say it’s two they only have won

Back-to-back games once all year it’s kind of amazing they’re not further down in the sings the 20145 Buffalo Sabers the tank Sabers that are notorious to being one of the worst teams in NHL history had three win streaks by the new year they had a four-game win streak and two three-game

Win streaks that team the worst saber team of all time had a had two three-game win streaks and a four- game win streak by the New Year this Sabers team has won two game win streak that’s it pretty incredible and Don Granado not a part of the bench so all right you

Can’t necessarily blame him I guess for those two games individually uh you still might want to for the season that’s your prerogative and I’ll listen to that but it’s things are still not going all that great at least they won on home ICE they get the revenge over

The Blue Jackets you know you had a watchable game all right progress you were a fan in the building and you were able to stay right to the end and you know what Saturday night game atmosphere on the overtime goal seemed pretty pretty good um at least what I could

Gather from TV where it the a lot of noise in the building and people having fun when Skinner scores to win it in overtime power and Thompson setting that one up Thompson almost with a beautiful goal to win it and then Skinner ends up putting the one-time home uh the

Columbus game was a game that the Sabers showed off their talent and they have that in them and I still want to believe some times that okay this group this core they’re going to figure it out eventually they’re this team of players will get to the playoffs sometime in the

Future they’re too talented not to when they age maybe that will happen when they get a a new breath of fresh air on the bench maybe or maybe it’s a different player they bring in that’s like a finishing piece something will happen and they’ll get good because that game

They showed how much better they are than Columbus they outshot him by more than two to1 42 to20 were the shots on goal in that game and Jack Quinn being back is a part of that Jack Quinn is already at three goals on the season I

Mean he’s not he’s only played a couple of games and he’s not too far behind Dylan cousins on the year in terms of goals scored cousins is at uh cousins at six goals scored and and uh Quinn is already halfway there in six games played with three Quinn’s been really

Nice uh cousins to be fair has been very good on his line as well that line is back in action and I’ve liked them a lot um remember Quinn was my guy to be a breakout candidate on this team this year before he uh ruptured his Achilles

Or whatever happened there and PKA has kind of taken over the headlines of that but Quinn is right there showing that he’s going to be a big part of this team in the future uh Casey midat with a nice goal to tie that game in the third

Period and Skinner able to put it home and a good thing Skinner did by the way because had Skinner not done that then the play might have been going back the other way uh on a uh on a one-on-one basically uh in the other direction so a

Good win by the Sabers it didn’t really bleed into a lot of fun the next night but before we even get into that couple of comments I want to mix sprinkle in uh from our uh from our group chat I had a wedding this weekend so I did not watch

These games live I had to go back and watch especially the Columbus game not going to lie the Ottawa one was maybe on a 1.2 speed uh trying to get through that thing holy cow we’ll get to that in a second but the Columbus game was a a

Fun game to watch back uh and reading some of your comments as they went through uh Jack Quinn even better than we think he is from one listener uh UPL King of the super soft goal I did that was the second Columbus goal I believe the Fant Tilly goal that you really want

Back and Lucan in his does he have a little bit of a leoner vibe to him not in terms of the personality leoner was you know a a he wanted to fight everybody um and he would scream and yell and upl’s not like that but Leonard was Notorious for would make the really

Difficult saves and he would let in the really easy ones and he couldn’t do anything in a shootout that’s kind of upls isn’t it like a little bit you and listen at the end of the day a 910 save percentage is a 910 save percentage I don’t care if you stop the

Easy ones and do save the hard ones all the time because at the end of the day it’s the same result you know like it’s going to be more frustrating to watch because you feel like that guy should be more talented should or excuse me should get better results if you’re going to

Have such a good high danger save percentage well you better be able to be one of the best goalies in the league that’s not how everybody is sometimes guys are really good they’re athletic Jonathan Quick has been this for years Jonathan Quick should have been the best goalie of this generation he would

Always make the most difficult saves but he was so poor at low danger save percentage at stopping the easy ones that you know more times than not he was more of a League average golender uh until he get to the playoffs so that that might be a little bit of UPL I I

Don’t think it’s it’s it’s as bad with him as it used to be with leoner but it is uh it is wor worth pointing out when we come back I want to get to Eric Comer by the way in the third segment of today’s show uh when we come back I want

To get to Sabers and Senators a bit of a burn the tape game but I want to go through some of your comments uh from the game and also some one crisis point that is featured on the Sabers lineup right now that was out in front of everybody

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I’d imagine let’s get to sabes and Senators they win against Columbus on Saturday they go to Ottawa on Sunday and they get hammered and you know what that’s this team right that’s this completely this team to a te they look great one night they outo Columbus 42 to

20 and then you’re thinking all right here we go easy stretch of games right and I I do think this stretch it’s only two games in it was a stretch of nine they needed to win like six or seven and because they played in this nine game stretch that they’re already two games

Into eight teams that are not currently in a playoff spot and they’re two games in and they’re one in one so you know seven points out of the playoffs which currently Tampa has the final spot same amount of games played seven points out you want to get that to four by the end

Of this stretch you probably have to go six and one the rest of the way in this next seven games uh and you know what I might say that well you can’t expect that but hey this team is streaky they put win streaks together last year and

It’s something they have to do do they have to go on a stretch like that to even get back in the race um I will say in the Ottawa game you know I don’t want to completely go all in with well they got rolled right I mean the scoreboard

Says they got rolled against Ottawa but they did I mean Anton forsberg was the first star of the game for a reason Anton forsberg uh had 45 saves and only allowed one goal the Sabers did outshoot Ottawa 46 to 31 although you know they

Do this right like you get down 4 to one in the second period how much can you even reach into that because you’re piling up shots in the third when you know when you’re looking at um when you’re looking at how many chances the opponent is taking because

They’re up by so much um if you look at the heat maps for this game the third period is when the Sabers got a bunch of their chances and to be fair they were down four to one at that point so a little fluky but they it’s not like they

Got rolled by Ottawa um maybe if the game had been closer longer they would have but four five to one in favor of the Senators here’s the thing I want to highlight on the Sabers before we get to some of your comments from this game my takeaway is that we gotta have we’re

Going to have to have a conversation um not on today’s show but maybe we’ll do a full show coming up break down some of the numbers more often Granado’s comments got to do a deep dive on this we might be hitting a crisis point with the Dalene Samuelson pairing we we I

Think we are at that point something’s not right there something is not working there and they continue to roll those two out there there was a little bit of a stretch middle of this year so far that Owen power got to play with Samuelson but samelson Dalene is a

Pairing has not been working and in this game against Ottawa Rasmus Dalene was on the ice for three goals against Matias Samuelson was on the ice for two goals against neither guy was on the ice for uh the one saber goal by Tage so 0 for

Three and 0 for two and it’s a little bit of plus minusy you know numbers there but how about look at uh what they’ve done all year all year the numbers look like that where they’ve allowed more goals when they’re on the ice at five on five than when they’re

Out there and is it time to change them up there are numbers again that kind of point to that and a lot of these are self-inflicted wounds samelson has been turning the puck over a lot Dalene has kind of there was one play in the short-handed situation uh in yester

Sunday’s game where Claude jaru is coming down with Casey middlet on his back and denen is covering the other guy and Jus spins around whips it on net and he’s lucky Devin Levi freezes the puck because if there was a rebound there Dalene is drifted over to the side and

He’s not even looking at his own guy and his own guy would have had an easy tap and goal had Levi not frozen it because Dalene was not glued to his man defensively so Dalene maybe losing focus in his own end and he’s been turning the puck over a

Little bit as well Samuelson not being as rock solid as he was last year uh those two got to figure it out or they the coach has got to step in and split them up that but we’ll do a deeper dive on that uh coming up in a future

Show uh looking at some of the uh texts from our grp of our text line uh during Sunday’s game against the Senators uh Levi’s glove side this one from one listener Levi’s glove side needs a ton of work NHL players shoot too fast and

Too hard for him to react he needs a lot more time before he’s a number one he’s not a number one right now but there were a couple of goals against Ottawa that were glove side the first one was glove Side by Jacob Chan I don’t know

That I’d expect Levi to make that save the Zack mckuin slapshot the second goal absolutely that’s one where you want Levi to make a save I know Slap Shot open area but it’s 2023 oh actually no it’s not it’s 2024 uh you got to make

That save in today’s NHL uh and Levi did not uh I have not noticed his glove side being a problem throughout the year but with the texter pointing it out and this last game being two goals that went in on it uh it’ll be something that I just

Keep an eye on you know coming up if we see another one then it’ll be something maybe that we start to spin into a into a take uh next one what uh from another texter what do you think of the allegations that we have too many players on the team with similar play

Styles and that our forward group especially needs to have a more diverse skill set I don’t mind this as a criticism I don’t mind this as an analysis it’s not one that I tend to make because I do think that if you’re skilled enough you’re fast enough then

You’ll be fine if you’ve got nine guys like that out of 12 in your forward group you’ll be just fine I think Colorado has been for me the the peak example of this Colorado had when they won the Stanley Cup sure they had their couple of guys on the fourth line that

Were physicality but all of their important players were skilled players were fast players you know Landis Cog you could say is someone they mixed in a little bit more physical but could still play that fast up and down style that his Lin mates Nathan McKinnon and M

Ranon and wanted to play so I do think there’s enough if you look around the league even Toronto like Toronto is not the team you want to emulate because they’ve had just no playoff success but man the Savers are trying to get to the playoffs and Toronto at least is able to

Do that and they go into every year without a lot of that physicality without a lot of that toughness without a lot of that diversity in terms of skill set but they make it work they get to the playoffs because they’re that talented I do think the Sabers Talent

Maybe just isn’t that fully formed yet so in the future and this should be what’s the future should be now but maybe now it’s it’s next year they should they should be able to win that way I think you can win in this league with Tage Skinner tuck Quinn petka

Cousins and then middle stat and Benson and seavoy I if that’s your top nine I think you’re you can do it you can win in this league now we might you might you know hit your head on the W on the ceiling eventually and say well I got to

Move out seavoy because I need a different type of player in this spot in the future when you’re not winning in the playoffs but to me the Sabers can’t aren’t allowed to have conversations like that I I think for now if you just get enough speed and you have enough

Skill it eventually is going to work I just think maybe I and others have overestimated how much talent they really have because Thompson although I will say on Thompson three goals uh and three assists in his last five games so he’s starting to heat up a little bit

Got a goal there against Ottawa but Thompson cousins and tuck like these skilled guys have not carried their weight this season so to me it’s more about that but it’s a worthy question and there would be other people covering the team I’m sure that would would side

With you that they do need a more diverse skill set and I’d listen to that again it just it’s not the take that I want to you know champion at the moment um what else I had another one that I wanted to get to uh two more this uh

Hold on one second here we go uh one more Noah Olen looks really good at World Juniors but I still couldn’t give less of a bleep uh that’s kind of how I feel at the moment watching these World Juniors yeah Noah osland first round pick the pick the Sabers got in the Jack

Eel trade um has been super good for Sweden I mean I’m seeing video clips every day that he’s playing where he’s tow dragging guys and you know these great goals that he’s got uh Olen has been the best Sabers Prospect at the World Juniors but same thing for me like

We’ve had a 100 prospects play well at the world juniors since the last time the Sabers made the playoffs so I feel like I’ll really care about the world juniors more the uh the next time the Sabres are actually good finally when we come back it finally happened Eric Comer waved we’ll

Talk about it next here on the locked on Sabers podcast we are presented by game time you shouldn’t have to worry about where when you’re buying tickets to your next big event game time is the fast and easy way to buy tickets for all sports music comedy and Theater events near you

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Reminder check us out on our text line become a sority join sub loock ons saers today to sign up big news over the weekend not really big news but it’s big news because we’ve been waiting on it for seven months longer Eric comry has been waved and has cleared waivers and

Has been assigned to the Rochester Americans they finally did it they needed to do it and there was to me no alternative this comes far too late they should have done this a lot sooner commer has not played in really about a month so to me you could look back and

Then say well that’s a wasted roster spot for a month because you could have been doing something else with it and I know UPL got sick at one point in time so you wouldn’t need comry to be the backup at one point anyway but comry just does not serve a purpose on this

Team right now and he’ll go down to Rochester and they’ll figure it out right they got three guys down there um they’ve got Devin down there they’ve got Dustin tarski down there comry is down there by the way I’m just not surprised at all that he cleared

Waivers and this to me was always the point it was you can still have him in the organization as the third goal tender if you really want to because he’s probably gonna clear and he did not a surprise when Auntie rant cleared waivers a few weeks ago in Carolina a

Golender with so much more pedigree with so much more recent success in the league and so much more success in general when he cleared waivers you knew comry was going to clear waivers nobody’s gonna want him as their number two you want him as your number three go

Wave him and that’s exactly what has happened and now if somebody gets injured they could call him right back up and he’ll be a part of the saers again so no this is this was sitting there for weeks but it marks the day it marks the

Day they are forever more maybe for a long time this team’s two goenda and ukpa luukinen and again I don’t know how long that could be true that could be true for a very long time we could be talking about these two being their two goenda I definitely don’t think goes

Anywhere anytime soon UPL you know you know he you never know goalies are not Untouchable and if he starts to struggle or on the other hand both guys are so good that it feels like they should trade one of them you know there’s things that can happen but I’m

Guessing these two are going to be together for a long time and the way the sabes have played this as of late it is a true two-man rotation there there is not a number one versus a number two um they are 1 a and 1B if you look back uh

Since lukanin got back from sickness and com has exited the rotation it’s gone Levi Lucan in Levi Lucan in lukanin Levi lukanin Levi Lucan and Levi that’s a that’s a two-man rotation that you’re seeing between these two um and you’re going to be looking at about

A 50-50 split you know if one guy gets hot you ride with him and then if he cools off and the other guy gets hot you ride with him I think at the end of the day it just comes down to whoever is playing better at that moment and for

The most part this season they’ve been pretty similar uh Lucan in by save percentage has been a better goenda uh all of the goal tenders this year that have played at least 10 games so that is 61 goendale ukap peka Lucan in and goal saved above expected we want per 60 not

Total uh Lucan in ranks 44th out of 61 and Levi ranks 36th so not too far off both guys are about at even in terms of they’re saving about what’s expected of them that’s an improvement by the way though because you know 36 and 44th out of 61 if you look at last

Season where the Sabers were uh you had Eric Comer 69th out of 79 and you had UPL uh not too far above him either uh Anderson was the one he ranked 38th so Anderson was the one that was good last year but he just didn’t

Play as much that was only 26 games so they’ve been better in net this year which is maybe the more frustrating thing you know if you had told me last year this team was going to come back a team that had missed the playoffs by one

Point and it was mostly because of goal tending if you ask me they’re G to come back the next year and they’re going to get better goal tending they’re gonna have League average goal tending I would have told you they would have made the playoffs but unfortunately the scoring

Has dried up so Comer has been waved and The Rock crunch has been settled Tyson Jo in Rochester Eric comry in Rochester and you’re seeing by the way the league tell you these guys are not that valuable don’t be so afraid to cut bait and lose them

Because all 32 teams had a chance at Tyson Joost for free nobody wanted them 32 teams had a had a shot at erery for free nobody wanted him it’s not a big deal even if you lose these guys they’re not that valuable so and it felt like the Sabers were so

Afraid to lose them that oh we can’t do that we got to send Ryan Johnson down for 12 hours which by the way I still never saw an explanation as to why they did that why did they need to do a paper transaction it’s not something to get

Mad about but why do they need to do it it almost felt like they got bullied into calling him back up but I don’t know all right that’s gonna do it for us today here in the lockdown Savers podcast we still owe you that world junor uh talk with hotti Kash uh so

We’ll get that figured out this week because we owe that to you uh because you know what even though I’m someone that’s like man rolling my eyes at these World Junior prospects again I do recognize that some fans and some listeners definitely still are interested in it they want to hear about

How Noah ‘s doing they want to hear about how Matthew seavoy has been by the way he’s not out for the rest of the world juniors it looks like he might return um so there’s a lot of saber news at the world juniors that we do have to

Get to so that will be coming up and we’ve got a couple of days here to do it because Sabers are off until Thursday not up until Thursday will they be uh on the road so next week until they’re back home all right it’s gonna do it for us

Today here on the lockdown Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen every day reminder go make your next listen lock on sports today the first ever national sports streaming Channel 247 on YouTube locked on sports today here for your 247 covering the top stories of the day with the local

Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every league go to lockdown sports today on YouTube subscribe to the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel we’ll talk to you next time here in the lockdown Sabers podcast

To the surprise of no one, the Sabres had two games this weekend and split them, with a win over Columbus at home, and a bad loss to Ottawa on the road. Sneaky Joe recaps both games, wonders if Dahlin-Samuelsson are at a crisis point, and goes through takes and questions from our listeners.

Plus, how historic is the Sabres inability to put a wins streak together?

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  1. Team is way to young, they need to move some young guys for some vets in the 27-30 age and move Tuch while they might still have a chance at getting more then future considerations for him.

  2. I don’t care if it’s Levi or UPL they need to move one of them to get a true number one in net they aren’t going anywhere with 2 nice backups starting

  3. The Ottawa game was actually really good from the Sabres even if that doesn’t show in the score. We got goalie’d hard. 20+ shots for us vs 5 for them in the 2nd period. They got 2 goals, we got none

  4. Get rid of Dahlin or Powers for a true defenseman, these two turn over way to many pucks, don't take the body, don't blame the goalies, they make a ton of great saves based off the opportunities that are given by their lack of D.

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