@Boston Bruins

Strategies for Improvement in 2024⛵️Q+A Live: Catamaran Sailing Advice

Strategies for Improvement in 2024⛵️Q+A Live: Catamaran Sailing Advice

Hello yes that’s right it’s Joe here live for Joy Rider TV back with some more scintillating Q Anda thanks very much to everybody for turning up already so as advertised on the this week’s uh title of the video we’re going to be taking a look into um how you can most

Improve in the new year so making a plan to make your sailing the best it’s ever been and not just the sailing the things that go with the sailing as well which I think could you it’s like a little bit of time spent now is going to pay off

Forever more that’s nice that sounds like an investment in the future if you are going to stick with this sport then um why not make that investment on just let’s get into it shall we uh I’d just like to say hello to everybody who’s here already we’ll be catching up

With you guys uh shortly um but okay so the first thing that if we’re going to make this change and improve your sailing the first thing to do is to really identify what areas of your performance you feel are the stronger and the weakest so um so what you can do

Is write down headings uh nice to do it on a bit of paper and a pen with a pen uh write down headings and then rate each area out of 10 how you feel you are perhaps just relative to your like let’s say your tacking is absolutely spectacular um you’re really happy with

Your tack in so make it relative to um to your own performance so 10 out of 10 for tacking because tacking is what you’re best at but perhaps um your ability to fly the hull and keep the hull in the air is poor is in fact the worst thing because maybe you get

Really nervous and don’t keep it flying for very long or who knows why it’s not working for so long so score that low like give that a three or something if you think it’s worthy of a three and then rank everything else um using that

As your scale it’s it’s not as good as the tacking but it’s better than the flying hle let’s give that four and then from giving everything like those scores you can then isolate what it is with your performance what it is that you need to work on most po H so

Um there we are that’s the start I think that’s the flying start so um uh here we go let’s get into it so when you go out what the way it’s going to work is you need to spend a certain percentage of your time out on the water actually doing focused

Training um it doesn’t need maybe the words focus training sound a little bit harsh it doesn’t need to be a little bit harsh it’s actually just practicing the areas that you’re not very good at for a bit of the time that you’re going out for example if you were going to go out

For an hour and a half and your intention is just to go out and have a lovely sale very nice I think that’s what a lot of us like to do but perhaps you can allocate maybe 10 maybe maybe just five minutes of that time to practicing something

Specific yeah and um so what could these things be which you could practice all right so I’m good I’ve actually made I’ve done a bit of preparation made a list so we’ll start off with the Maneuvers or technique um and some things can cause you frustration every time you go out

Sailing for example top of the list I think for most people is tacking um if you’re tacking is not 100% if you’re not making all of your tax then definitely don’t give it a high score because um when you’ve are failing taxs that can start to build frustration whether you’re recreationally sailing or

On the race definitely on the race course if you uh blow a tack you are going to not be having as much of a good time as you were before that happened so tacking how can you work on tacking you can just go out and spend five minutes

Um get the boat going up wind it’s going upwind uh go for attack uh going through all the measures we don’t need to talk about how exactly we should be tacking just now there are several videos I’ve made on that which really do um focus in

On all the specifics that you need to do but um get the boat going settle and then go for a tack and then perhaps score that tack out of five how was that tack all right I think it was a three um why is that it went pretty well well it

Took us ages to get going again on the new side okay why do we think that might have been and think all right we’ll focus on the main sheet on the next tack uh and go for another tack as soon as you are sailing nicely again go for

Another one and spend five minutes just doing that and then if you’ve just done that to be honest then you might as well practice ding on the way downhill as well um and next on the list after tacking which goes along with if your tacking hasn’t worked so well is getting

The boat moving again after it’s stalled this can be a huge frustration especially for Sailors of boats with asymmetric holes the Hobie 14 being one of the main um culprits for this so um I’m just actually going to draw uh a tip to getting the Boat Moving if it’s

Stalled and nothing seems to be working stalled meaning you just can’t get it moving forwards again or every time it starts going forwards it heads up into the wind and stops again so three main points so first one what to do with the sails if it absolutely

Won’t get going again let the traveler off Main sheet loose that’s number one number two have the Rudders straight don’t try to pull the Rudders towards you if the boat’s not moving forwards number three where to go where to sit on the boat the further towards the back of the boat that you

Go this is going to move our Pivot Point further back which means we’ve got more boat in front of the Pivot Point more more of the center of effort of the rig I know we’re going into some detail here that wasn’t my intention but let’s do it um

You’ve got more of the the sail area in front of the pivot point which means there’s more effort pulling the boat away from the wind which is going to get you moving if that’s not working and if it’s not too windy the other thing you can do is actually this is the number

One spot sat at the back on the lewood side for really getting the boat to Pivot there and then the boat will come away from the wind very nicely all right so that’s number two on the list so we we mentioned jibing um you know jibing is

Pretty easy um unless it’s really windy but the things that might be not right with your jibing is it might not be very smooth the boom might come across really aggressively you might catch your arm on the main sheet quite frequently which isn’t very nice um or you might um over

Steer on the exit of your J things like that so it can be beneficial to work on the jibing as well in fact what you could do is as we go through you could just make a note of these headings because I’ve I’ve given it some thought

Uh to score yourself on next one um Mark rounding in fact I’ll put this in the description of the video so you can check that afterwards obviously I can’t do it right now Mark rounding even if you’re not racing it is a skill which is well worth practicing so hopefully there’d be

Something out in the area of water that you go sailing on like that and the first part of Mark rounding is judging the angles when you would need to tack to get to to get around it so we generally always go around marks leaving them on the left side the

Port side of the boat so when we get here we could think right we need to tack because then when we tack again that will set us up nicely for the next one so tack tack again go round and then perhaps come back down to approximately

The same starting point um and then you could do one from the other side uh head up wind here is that what would happen yeah head up wind there tack and then just do that a few times and trying to uh apply the um the good boat handlers

Guide to Mark grounding which is wide in tight out there we go something else you could practice next one on the list trapezing um maybe you haven’t yet started helming on the trapeze maybe you are trapezing but um you don’t feel particularly comfortable or maybe you’re comfortable on the trapeze but the

Transition moving in and out from the boat isn’t very fluent and perhaps when you go out on the trape or come in you have got a tendency to steer a bit and the boat moves that’s something that could definitely be worked on perhaps even if you don’t feel that your um your

Level of physicality is up to um helming on the trapeze you could at least if you’ve got a harness you could at least try the half trapezing position which we’ve talked about before like if this is the whole there’s the beam uh there’s the Mast um where you hang your buttock over the

Edge hooked into the trapeze and just say along in that position just to get used to that sensation and also that when it’s a bit windier that is going to give you some good uh leverage to help to keep the boat down so you can sail a bit faster

Well worth practicing that and then uh we come on to the next um category which is speed we like this yeah um so just maintaining speed for the the whole of a time period so making sure that your boat is sailing as fast as you know how

Um for a time period and I’m not talking about doing uh Joy Rider TV style speed runs more like on your upwind leg even if it’s light winds you just think about sailing with Perfect Trim and perfect Sal setting of course if you’re not completely uh sure about what that

Should be there are videos on the channel which you can refer to if you think that your perhaps your upwind boat speed isn’t as good as it could be then um worth working on all right and then on to the next major category which is control how we

Can have more control of the boat uh great exercise for really focusing in on your control of the boat is flying the hull uh just trying to sail along for as long as possible with the hull in the air um just using the steering the main sheet and your weight

Coming in and out to keep the hole flying for as long as possible of course um don’t do it if you’re worried that if you think about what you’ll do if you capsize practicing flying the hull does come with a potential consequence of capsizing if you push it a bit too far

So if you are going to capsize are you confident that you’ll either be able to bring the boat back upright or is there someone who will come and help you if you’re not able to get the boat upright that just keep that in mind safety is very important um other things you could

Practice I under the banner of control would be holding your position so again we’ve got our handy boy out on the water and again even if you’re not thinking about racing great for control um if you saw the um the video on race training

All you need is a boy and a watch that one just park your boat next to the boy and see how long you can stay for so what we’re trying to get out here is that when you go out on the water if it’s not for an actual if

It’s not for a race or something organized or if you’re not meant to be going off to another Beach uh to have a barbecue with your buddies then um just allocate a bit of your session time to a little bit of practice because that little bit of practice will go a long

Way like this holding position kind of exercise is really going to help if you um go sailing somewhere new where the launch isn’t very easy like perhaps you’ve got to sail in through a channel and there’s other boats in the channel which means you might have to

Wait be that’s a not a very good picture by the way um you might have to wait before you can actually approach the slipway or the jetty or wherever it is that you’re putting the boat so the holding your position exercise very nice what else have I got on here um another

One is a Man Overboard type drill you could practice um in a nutshell here if this boy is the Man Overboard wins blowing straight down when the Man Overboard falls off you just sail away from him not too far you just have this is something you you

Will um you’ll get this the more times that you practice how far to sail away you don’t want to sail away so far that you can’t see the Man Overboard anymore um so not too far and then we’re just going to come downwind and do a

Very drawn out J and then approach on a close reach easing the sales out as you come back to slow down we want to control our speed more in this situation by using our sales and not by steering if it’s possible of course um nine out of 10

Times anybody does this they end up just steering up a little bit as you get next to the Man Overboard and then the end position where you want to put him is not very popular uh choice is to scoop him up between the boughs like here um

But if you don’t manage to slow down you could Whack Your Man Overboard with the Dolphin Striker and last time I looked he’s not a dolphin um yeah so here is the spot where you want him to end up um yeah so practice Your Man Overboard what else have we got and then

Startline drill worth practicing even if you’re not interested in racing it all helps your sailing technique um for whatever it is that you’re doing on the water there we are so there may be some of you who are thinking actually I’m quite happy with my level of sailing and um I don’t want

To waste any of my good sailing time doing any of these exercises I just want to go along and have a good time well that’s great if you’re you know if you are happy with where you are you are really winning the game of sailing because in the game of sailing the

Person who’s winning I may have said this before is the person who is having the most fun this is what uh me and Swedish John have always been telling each other at an event as long as we can have more fun than anybody who is finishing in a higher

Position than us on the race course it actually means that we’ve won because the whole point of going sailing is to have a good time so if you’re having a better time than everybody else that means you’re winning so if you’re grinning you’re winning Yes you heard it

Here first all right so um yeah very important so if you’re happy with your sailing you’re already winning but even if you’re happy with for sailing um you may feel that there’s areas in the preparation of your boat which could be improved is there something that happens

Every time maybe you take your boat off the trailer that makes you think pretty much every time if you’re thinking I’m sure there must be a way of doing this but let’s just do it the same way every time if you’re thinking like that then check out the videos on the

Channel um do some research and then actually approach it with a methodical way to doing it better the next time and start getting into the habit of doing it better also when you put your sales up is it really really really high hard to put up your main sale if it is it

Shouldn’t be that hard so again do some research um wash your sail that’s going to help um get your boat on its side give the mass track a um a wash that kind of thing and um it should be it shouldn’t be that hard um you might need

To replace some blocks that sort of thing um the launching of the boat put and the recovery putting your boat in and out of the water does that feel like it goes pretty well at your local sailing spot or does it feel a bit clanky but it’s not going as well as it

Should perhaps if it’s not going as well as it should um you need to modify your system slightly so that you can be you know the actual sailings going well but maybe the uh when you you come in from the beach uh come in from sailing uh

Your process of getting the boat back on the beach isn’t working so well perhaps we can analyze that if there’s any parts of this that you can’t find a solution to your problem that’s what these sessions are for so you can um either put something in the comments say no

Matter how many which how different many ways I try to do this it is still still not working very well then perhaps between us between you me and the joy Rider TV worldwide Global Community we can find a solution oh yes we are changing the world here uh in terms of

Having a good time with our catamarans all right and um I have written here on my notes the most important thing to get right with all of your sailing um is to make sure that the Mast isn’t going to fall down yes this is a boat preparation point but I’ve said it

Before I’ll say it right now if you haven’t replaced the rigging that holds the Mast up perhaps in the last five years maybe it’s time just to invest in some new shrouds new for stay if you’re sailing a 1974 um catamaran and you’re pretty sure that the connectors which connect the

Shrouds to the hull are original maybe it’s time to replace them because uh this metal fatigue it doesn’t give you any clues when it’s going to break and keeping the Mas up is very important why is this you I hear you cry it’s because

If the mask falls down not only is it a massive inconvenience a mess of stuff uh you’ll need to f fix it um but also you could damage your Sals you could damage your trampoline and you could get injured so it really is important to make sure I know it sounds obvious that

Your Mast isn’t going to fall down and then one last thought in the under the banner of improving how you’re doing things this is a good one um is when you approach anything um like if it’s a boat maintenance thing or launching your boat or doing a maneuver

Just try to approach it as if you were a professional just think how would a professional go through this it wouldn’t be kind of like a bit sloppy a bit like all right I’ve got to sheet the main in I’m just going to put the tiller extension on the deck and where every

Time I sheet in the boat changes course that’s not very professional think about how a professional would do these things and then um even though you may not be a professional if you start acting in a more professional way then before you know it you’re going to be

That is going to become the way that you do it and everything is going to improve of course you can apply this mindset to all areas of your life um yeah so even in the kitchen how would a professional do this probably get someone else to do

It okay um but you know you know what I’m saying uh in the kitchen in all the rooms of the house I’m not going to say in the bedroom that would be smutty not going to say it uh but um just treat things as if you’re a professional and

Before you know it things can change we’re coming up to the new year that’s why I’m going philosophical on you and I live in Greece which is where this stuff was invented so there you go I think that is a flying start to this uh session I hope that helped somebody out

There and um maybe somebody thought this sounds like a good idea actually I could really do with working on my um trapezing and you know it’s the sort of thing that you just put up with it not being as good as it could be unless you actually think it’s time for a change

Let’s do this better all right just go to check in with everybody who’s checking in hello to Leland Lee in Clearwater Florida hitting the start line in first there uh nice to have you on board we’ve got Gabriel in benador on the cadale soul I believe it is in

Spain nice to have you with us Gabriel Mr Tony k p in uh I think it’s eof Denmark says uh greetings and happy New Year to everyone and uh Kush is on board from Michigan City Indiana USA it has been um if this is the same Kush uh

Michael it has been a long time but welcome back to the center of uh the catamaran sailing world that’s perhaps a little bit um arrogant to say that but anyway got philli on board uh tuning in from Ireland hope it’s all going well there Phillip Robert’s with us in the

Netherlands we got Benny in Sweden H happy cat year um don’t know if it is the Year of the Cat this year someone would like to look that up that would be very interesting of course we’ve got Yan Leo um he’s um greetings from Colorado he’s tra traded winter sailing for three

Months of skiing did I make the right call uh yeah because to be honest even here in um sailor Paradise vasiliki um the wind is there there isn’t any there’s no wind so some other type of sport uh can be inserted into that slot where champagne sailing uh

Used to be so I think you know it’s fair to swap sailing for something that works better at that time of year um but aren’t you meant to be um training to be a doctor Yan Leo um you know not saying anything but um anyway thanks for tuning in good to

Hear from you uh yin’s on board in uh I think that would be in Argentina great to have you uh with us on the Good Ship q& a joy Rider TV and um also tuning in we’ve got all the way from Switzerland in the snow we’ve got Marty who’s

Actually from New Zealand and I think that is a good time to have a look at Marty’s pre-loaded question um that he has got this new thing that YouTube have done by the way um where um YouTube are now automat atically putting the um ads

Into live stream so I just had to press the button so that you guys didn’t get this transmission interrupted with commercials it’s okay all right so um Marty has got a Hobie 18 classic and um he is recently got a new main sale on there uh an

And the new main sale is a square top um Marty says he didn’t feel that he noticed any big performance although it is difficult to tell without any um consistent uh constant test parameters like other boats would be the best way of gauging whether that helped how or

How much it helped or not but he’s asking what are the disadvantages and advantages of a square top sale so if you’re not sure what I’m talking about there are two for the types of boats that we’re talking about there’s two main Styles types of main sale there’s what would be

Considered the more traditional type here’s the Boom and then we’ve got the batons in there this is our more traditional sale shape which um even on boats up to probably design boats designed up to around I would say 2005 2006 something like that as standard um the normal design of sales

2005 maybe a bit earlier 2003 um the boat would as standard come with this shape of sale which in Greece is known as a cheese pie uh which is one of my favorite uh things about living in Greece not the cheese pie but there are many good things by the way not just

That this type of sale is called cheese pie I do find it quite entertaining though um because it’s shaped like a cheese pie which you get here um the other shape of sale is the more modern design known as a square top and you’ll generally have a square top and originally with

The square top sales the designers what they were trying to do is make the top baton in the sale as long as possible because um what the square top sale is doing is it’s putting more um it’s meaning that you’ve got a more consistent sale area all the way up the

M whereas on a cheese pie hope everyone’s happy with that term um on a cheese pie you’ve clearly got a ton of sale area low down and not so much high up um so what are the benefits of the square top main sale the first benefit

Which is one of the most obvious ones is if you sail somewhere where um the wind is quite affected by things that are on land um then a tall rig is going to give you more power at the top which means if a lot of the gusts or a lot of the wind

Isn’t hitting low down at sea level then higher up the rig you’re going to be benefiting from the wind that does make it there so that’s the start um the next thing that we’re going to get from the square toop main cell or the high aspect

Main cell is another way that we can um describe it is it is going to be more lift less drag um because um if you I read somewhere today during the research is gliders which need to be as efficient as possible you know a glider in like an airplane but

Without an engine need to be as efficient as possible and gliders have very high aspect Wings more like this whereas uh stunt planes or um yeah let’s say stunt planes with an engine would have much lower aspect Wings which make them more maneuverable and it gives more kind of

Power uh for the amount of speed so this will pick the air plane up no it won’t it’s opposite uh this needs less power to get it going this needs more power but it will give it will have more grunt more torque let’s say so but what does this actually

Mean um with a high aspect sail we’ll be able to sail closer to the wind um in less wind as well more efficient less efficient but on a reaching course um two sale reaching uh the low aspect sale like on a beam reach half wind for example the

Low aspect sale will have the benef uh the advantage because of this kind of Drive What in in uh cars you’d call it maybe you’d call it in everything more torque more kind of driving power whereas with the high aspect sale it would give you more lift but if you

Don’t need that lift because you’re on a reaching course then the cheese pie is going to take the cheese um also on a sale like this you’re going to be able to get a much more even curve in the whole rig um because the Batters are

More of a similar length uh it’s going to be more tunable to the conditions um also you’re not going to have to if you were sailing yeah like on your 18 which did have a cheese pie now it’s got a square top you’re not going to have to

Work as hard to maintain the same amount of power because this top battern has gotten elasticity to it so in the gust it’s going to bend off a little bit or straighten and then when that gust goes it’s going to close on itself uh the the

Square top is also going to be more reactive to what you do with the downhole so when you downhaul hard a square top sale you should be able to get it very flat whereas with a cheese pie sale you’re never really going to get it as as flat as the square

Top there we go I think we’re going to we’re going to just leave that there but um yeah so you should be around a course you should certainly be feeling that square top sale is going to give you more Advantage around a course compared to the same boats with a cheese pie uh

Up the Mast all right all right we got Mark and Janet on board uh in Ohio get On the Sunny Side of the solstice yes I’ve noticed even now that the days are getting longer not much longer but a bit we’ve got ban ban ban Flex on board

Hello welcome on board the Good Ship Aaron is with us in New Zealand good morning must be getting towards the crack of dawn there all right yakin says I’m probably moving to a town with a small Lake soon too small for F18 to make sense there What boat would you

Recommend to have fun on a small Lake let’s say it’s one kilometer diameter um yeah certainly not something with a I would say that a spica is excessive um if you’re sailing with two people small Lake yeah some certainly something that um isn’t as quick as an F18 I would

Always uh without having seen this body of water the Hobe 16 is of course a favorite and there are a lot of them about perhaps you could um do some research see if there’s other people sailing on that Lake and what types of boat they’re sailing because what’s nice

If you’re going to a new venue is uh to fit in by having a class that is represented at that venue so um uh so you can race against those other boats very nice if it is really a small body of water then yes I am now an advocate of the

Miniat or or any um the miniat which is an inflatable catamaran which is still a lot of fun it makes you smile um but no way near as quick as the conventional catamarans like the F-18 or the Hobie 16 um so another option but um perhaps looking at what you might have available

To you in that part of the world um the 16 would be a good starting point because there are of course more 16s everywhere around the world than anything else so starting point all right we got h on board hello Hans great to have you with us says uh wishing you

And other catamaran Sailors a good start to the New Year very nice all right thanks uh Hans all right more from yen is I guess not something as fast but easy to rig and shallow draft a miniat yeah there we are uh sadly hard to get there they do

Use motorboats for fishing I quitted laser for a bad knee yeah the the I think the miniat if it is that small would certainly uh tick the right boxes because even from uh in the car or in the truck or in the van or on the roof

Of the car to in the water only takes I think I’m guessing once you’ve done it a couple of times it you’d streamline your process like we were talking about at the start streamline your process perhaps leave the trampoline assembled and then it would only the only timec

Consuming bit is inflating the hols if you got a an electric pump to do the huls it would probably only take you 20 minutes to go from the bag to the water yeah so and that’s a great choice easy storage and if um if it’s not windy or

If there’s no wind at least you haven’t just towed a trailer down there you could go off and do something else instead all right we’ve got Ryan on board in Maui Hawaii uh good morning from the Pacific it’s the weekend Oh yes everyone’s getting revved up for a good

Weekend oh yeah of course it’s uh New Year’s Eve I believe on uh Sunday is it what’s it tomorrow is the 30th yeah so New Year’s Eve lovely all right we’ve got shenandoa two in France greetings from The Good Ship Joy Rider TV uh Yan

Leo says it’s blowing 30 knots in B in Berlin Germany right now wowers that must be chilly uh if the wind is uh not from the south all right so Mark and Janet say uh 2024 is the year of the dragon uh or Dron so nice one for draon Sailors out

There it’s your year uh Ryan says and this really is the center of the beach cat Universe you’re speaking the truth uh at least that’s why I’m here nice all right Daniel says hi all right Marty says perfect thanks explains a lot you are welcome it’s my pleasure um

We’ve got Christian on board I don’t think I’ve seen you around that much recently Christian not since the um the virtual Riata stuff we were doing during lockdown those that was that was that was fun I enjoyed the virtual regata virtual rata is an online sailing racing simulation

Game which is it’s got to be the best one out there uh and it really does give you the feel when you sat uh in your living room uh on your iPad or in your off in your office when you meant to be working um uh on your lap on your PC or

Whatever it really does give you the same emotions of if you are actually on the race course of that kind of bit of stress before the start uh perhaps not as much because if you get it wrong um it’s not quite as bad but um that and then the disappointment or the Elation

Depending on whether you make good or bad decision ISS uh good fun all right so Christian says um how to trim for big waves while going up wind um all right this this is probably I’m not going to lie to you this is probably uh the weakest area of my um

Actual knowledge uh with the cat sailing because for the last getting on for 30 years years I have been a Flatwater specialist here in vasilik Bay uh Greece where um yeah it’s uh but how would I trim for going up wind in um in waves if they’re big waves

What I would do is I don’t need to draw a picture actually first uh the only thing with the rig which I would do different to if it was flat water is I would uh sail with a slightly looser out hole which is going to put bring your center of effort

Lower down like we were saying with the sales um the cheese pie sale with the lower Center of effort is going to give more drive more torque and that is what you’re going to want for the big waves um so slightly looser out hole so if

That it’s possible if you can get the same amount of curve in the bottom of your sale as the bottom baton then you are in the right um arena there if you’re sailing a 16 and the alul is the foot of the sail goes into the boom

There’s not so much you can do there but certainly have it a bit looser but not so much that you get creases when you pull in the main sheet um yeah so that is what I would do with the actual tuning of the boat perhaps one other thing might be to put

The Mast a little bit further back that might make the boat slightly more forgiving in those conditions but the main uh difference that I would apply in those uh in those wavy conditions is to sail with the trapeze lines slightly shorter so that you’re getting lifted up

More so um you’re less likely to get hit by the waves on the trapeze that is what I would look at um yeah I think that’s um that’s about the size of the only differences I’d make but um perhaps the top F18 guys might have more

That they do when they’re going out with the waves um yeah I’m not sure all right uh Christen adds um what about solid Wing sales yeah that is not something that is uh particularly common with the types of boats that we’re talking about here but with the solid Wing sale that’s taking

This High aspect Square top sale to the next level because uh the reason the solid Wing sailes are so effective is because I believe no I don’t believe do I believe I I’d have to have a bit more of a look but with the solid Wing Sals do they

Actually have this profile like the wing of an airplane where on the lewood side you’ve got that curve and on the windward side it’s flat are they like that or are they more like I know they’re not curved they’re more angled so and then you’ve got a very thin back

Edge angled and it’s actually kind of part of the Mast like that um yeah I’d have to look into that a bit but the the reason the solid Wing Mast is effective is because the amount of uh control you have over the shape is Absol abolute and

Um you really can get the shape exactly to what you want to have it but on the types of boats that we’re talking about I think we’re a couple of years off just yet although moving up a size into the um C-Class catamarans so the tornadoes

Are bclass 20 feet long the cclass cats I think I believe are 25t long still twers boats but they are now um foiling catamarans with these solid Wing masks so we’re not too far away from that sort of Technology there we go all right Daniel T says Ah this is a

A hot potato of a question Hobie wave versus miniat for small Lake yeah um I would say if you wanted to leave the boat there assembled Hobie wave if you were going to if you didn’t have the facility to leave the boat there and you had to take it home every time then

Perhaps the miniat although if you were taking uh the boat to the lake on a trailer then um and you were going to store the boat outside your house perhaps on the trailer then the Hobie wave would perhaps be um quicker if you hobby wave on a

Trailer versus miniat in the bag the boat on the trailer is going to be ready a lot quicker because the platform is already assembled um but in terms of fun sailing I think it’d be fairly equal um it’s just the inflatable holes are definitely more new school and you know

They haven’t been around for as long um to the masses of sailors as the molded holes have been uh mini Cat a lot lighter yeah so I would say transport storage you get something fairly similar performance-wise out both types of boat um so it’s all about the storage and the transport I would

Say all right Ryan in Maui says wasn’t Christian the one who was going to sail from Washington to uh where’s that AK oh um Anor Arizona on a 16 yes that’s right sorry Christian I thought you were a different Christian but um the other Christian had a very similar name

Um but hello Christian uh now I remember who you are very good all right we got Tim on boards uh finally catching you Q&A live great stuff all right Hobie w Is With Us nice to have you with uh on the Good Ship it’s a symmetrical air

Foil with a large control surface to control cber right okay so it’s symmetrical so it isn’t like this asymmetric shape thank you for that um it’s fiddly to Tac and asymmetric shape yeah okay get you all right um I was thinking maybe with the mechanics inside the wing uh you could change

Shape I know there was some wings on um absolute speed machines that were kind of um if that’s the wing like that they were held on a thing here so when you tack it flips over or did I just dream that I don’t know all right anyway hope everyone’s having a lovely

Time um I have got a um another question in the in the what you call it in the pre-loaded and this is from Gabriel is this Gabriel who’s on board at the moment it is aha all right I’ve got Gabriel’s pre-loaded question and he’s asking about footstraps

Yes all right so um footstraps mounting footstraps all right so firstly before we even talk about the question in um uh that we’ve got on the table so let’s just look at the definition because there’s occasionally people get it wrong and you know it’s all right it’s not all

Right we’re looking down onto the boat here’s the holes here’s the trampoline now footstraps are these straps that we’d have on the side of the boat maybe if it’s a dart 18 I think you have three those we call foot straps and then the straps that we have on the

Trampoline these ones are called tow straps very important just to get that um those definitions out there now now there we go so um Gabriel is saying he’s looking at installing footstraps on his Hobie Pacific I’d firstly say you’re very lucky to have a Hobie Pacific there’s not actually that many of them

Around globally so uh very nice such a great boat so where to position them there is a little bit of um personal preference involved here so if that’s the hole we’re just looking at towards the back of the hole um yeah it kind of if you find that when

You go sailing there’s always a spot where you end up putting your back foot uh because one position might not be uh the same for you as it would be for me or for Marty or for kush or for Yan Leo or someone um everybody has a different

Kind of preference to how they like to stand on the boat and when they feel that a footstrap would be beneficial but um for me the footstrap if you putting one foot strap on each side of the boat the best place to put it is right at the back back

Um so you’d have the front part of the foot strap like this and then the other part of the foot strap we’d actually bolt into the hole but through the the transom there so it really is as far back as it could go so it’s kind of your choice in how

Far back you’d want to put it but I would put it as far back as possible because it’s when you’re in that position that’s when you really feel that you could use a footstrap um how to go about mounting it what you want to get is what’s

Nice or actually let’s just go through the procedure so once you’ve decided where you’re going to put it I would um want to get one Bol in uh straight away once it’s in position so if we just look down onto the top of the hle like this

There’s your hatch cover uh your hatch sorry and let’s say you are going to put the foot strap there so that is where it’s flat on the hole then that’s where it kind of Loops round in a foot strappy way and then it goes onto the back of the

Hole so I would attach it to the back first um and it feels pretty weird doing it but once you’ve got the bolts that you’re going to use we’re going to use nuts and bolts I would go for um the biggest size of bolts that will go the um the foot

Strap is designed to take and um you’re just going to drill those holes through the back of the boat ouch and then uh on the outside of the foot strap there should be some sort of big plate which the bolts go through to spread the load so that it’s not going

To pull out and then on the inside of the hole um it would the ideal would be if you could get hold of rather than if these are the bolts on the inside of the hull rather than having one washer on each one it will spread the load much

Better if you can get a big plate that does them both which you could drill you could drill this one the foot straps off the boat drill the holes in the right position through the foot strap into the plate so that’s going to spread the load more and it’s going to be

Stronger um so this back one is going to be really strong and then once you’ve got um and when you’re putting it in use some sealant um make sure of course the holes that you’re drilling are the right size for the bolts that you’re going to put

In make sure they’re not too big um and um use some sealant uh good sealant I wouldn’t use I used to just use like the bathroom sealant but now um using something of a high quality like clex just is going to give you that extra peace of mind that you’ve used

Some really good stuff and it’s less likely that your boat’s going to leak in the future I think we just had a very mild earthquake by the way H interesting um and then once you’ve got the back one in then you can determine where you’re

Going to put the front part of the foot strap because if you have it too far back it’s going to be too difficult to get your foot in and if it’s too far forwards then it’s not going to feel right um it’s not actually going to hold

Your foot very much at all so with the sailing boot which is most likely be worn when it goes in there uh get the width that you want to have it correct and um and then Mark where to put the holes on the inside and it’s the same

Process on the front bit as well and then the final thing with footstraps on the hull like this is when somebody is helping you to move your boat if they’re at the back of the boat they will automatically go to lift your boat by the foot strap but you just have

To ask them not to because there’s this is for your foot when you’re sailing not to lift the whole weight of the boat um just better that way okay I hope that was a good explanation there Gabriel and um thanks for the question we got just

In at the end there we’ve got toot on board in Texas happy festive times toot I hope you’re having a good time um on the ranch and um I think to finishes off by having the most useful Point hit the like button oh yes um so I’m gonna call

It a day there because I think there’s some festive stuff to start hitting upstairs in the um in the palatial residence here of Joy Rider TV so thanks to everyone for tuning in everybody I hope you have an absolutely great um transition into the new year and at the

Moment what I’m thinking because the um Speed Stick is almost finished I’m thinking of actually doing the Speed Stick conclusion as a live video which would I’m thinking of doing it on New Year’s Day at the normal time now now would that work for everyone so six uh 6:00

Greek time which is 5:00 Central European Time uh four o’clock in the UK um will that work for everyone on New Year’s Day at that time if we did it live and um I think that might be quite nice see who won the getaway challenge still open of course you know Ryan I

Think you’ve got to getaway um at your disposal you go out and smash it tomorrow all right so there we go so New Year’s Day the usual time will be live for the Speed Stick final results from 2023 lovely old job thanks very much everybody have a great weekend a great

Transition and I’ll see you on the other side thank you




When you go out, spend a % of your session focusing on actual training

What do you want to improve? If it’s not obvious – rate out of 10 each element and then work the weakest areas first.

Manouvers/teqnique- get rid of frustration
– Tacking
– Getting out of stalled
– Gybing – make smoother
– Mark rounding
– trapezing
– Maintaining speed for distances
– Sailing with perfect trim + sail setting
– Flying the hull
– holding position
– man overboard type drill
– start line drill
Even if you’re not to worried about improving your performance:
– preparation
– rigging
– launching
– recovery

Most important – make sure that the mast isn’t going to fall down.

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Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Topcat, GETAWAY, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you’ll find something here to help you.



  1. Thank you very much. Your channel is great. I sail in Ria Formosa, Portugal.
    I started recently with an F18 after years of sailing a Laser in our local team. It's really a great fun but only a few sailors around the place to learn from them. So I watch all your videos and try to copy your moves… thank you.

    Questions: cunningham. How do you use it ? Outhaul? For someone coming from the Laser what would you say?

    Another one would be the way you let the mast turn. How and when do you tune this? How much turning is good? Recently I heard a very strange vibration coming from the mast, really scary, I wonder if it is related to this regulation. Cunningham?

    Another question is the body moving along the boat while on trapeze. I stil don't get it.

    Thank you

  2. …was driving towards Vienna so I could not join in live…
    So Happy New Year 2024 – to the joyrider global Catamaran community,
    Hey Joe see You in June at the WildWindBeach

  3. Sorry I wasn’t able to be live but I want to wish you all the best for the next year, stay healthy and have fun in sailing. From Pierre Couture Québec Canada.

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