@Buffalo Sabres

Appert Led Sabres Rally To Win In OT

Appert Led Sabres Rally To Win In OT

We’ll take it we’ll take it guys this was nothing but I I was just nervous the entire game watching and because we were never really in command of this game and the numbers say we were but we weren’t and it’s just one of those nights guys we had to scratch our way to

A victory any way we could and we did and it’s like I I think maybe the boys even surprised thems coming back and winning this game not too sure which way to feel about it I I thought we should have went in there I against a team that

Just humiliated us on our home ice and did far better but the effort was there it’s just the timing is still off and there’s things that are still going on but uh hey look we’re going to take the win we’ll take the win because I felt like the season

Was on the line tonight guys it really did that’s how I felt I said if we lose this one in regulation I don’t know is the season done already really okay uh let’s look at the numbers okay sabes wide Edge in shots 41 to 20

Good Edge in the faceoffs also 57% to 43 power play bolt teams 0 for one Sabres had 11 hits the jackets had 14 loow hitting affair they had 21 blocks the Sabres had six so we did have them under siege to a certain degree uh the shots tell the tail of

This game though and uh we had six giveaways they had two we had 11 11 takeaways they had five shots and goal per period first period 137 sabes second period 156 Sabers third period 117 Sabers and in the overtime two nothing Sabers for that 4120 total

Scoring all right serson opens it up and the sabes are behind with 13 seconds left in the first one nothing and Quinn who has been impressive since he’s been back from cousins and power makes it 1 to one at the 42nd Mark and then Fen Tilly from F

Danforth and singer and I’ll tell you this fan Tilly kid is something e he really is he was probably their best player in the ice I thought he uh gives the lead back to Columbus 2 to one and now we head to the third middle stat with a little over eight minutes

Remaining at the 1152 mark from Benson and Samson ties it up forces the overtime and Skinner gets the winner from power and Thompson at 120 so yes we get one of these overtime wins that you guys know how I feel about overtime but we’re desperate and the truth

Is we’re going to take anything we can get right now anything even a a win like this we got to NAB this and run now we got Ottawa tomorrow folks we won two in a row once all season can we close the year out on a some sort of a high

Note I don’t know it’s you know this this team this year guys I don’t want to say yes we can I just don’t want to say that I’m not confident in them even the way we won tonight we got lucky you know we got lucky in a game we should have

Really won going away at certain points but truth is in a Way Columbus those numbers don’t tell you how they kind of kind of robs in this game too but their goalie made some outstanding saves especially in the third I thought really in this game so look we’re going to take

This we’re not going to you know we’re not going to um complain about it we’ll just we we will take it but it’s uh it’s still a Long Hill to climb guys it feels like you know I didn’t see a ton of physical play I didn’t see a ton of goals I

Didn’t see excellent goal tending there’s a lot of things that were missing in this game and um but you know when you’re in the midst of self-doubt the way I believe this team is maybe tonight in their heads are thinking winning it for Granado who knows right I mean he’s I don’t know

What what’s the illness that he’s come down with I don’t know but I could tell you that if they are going to go anywhere this year they got to do it for themselves eventually guys it can’t just be for the coach it can’t be for a player that’s out or I that’s finding

Dandy during the season when a season’s going well and you need something to motivate you yes that’s fine but at some point in this season I want to win for myself if I’m one of these guys in that dressing room I’m just sick of losing

And I don’t want to uh you know be saying goodbye to my teammates one day just because we never could figure it out this is a good team it’s just they look like a misguided team they looked lost tonight even though they they doubled the shots they looked kind of

Lost tonight it’s how I felt guys really it’s you know I I’m happy they won I am but I thought you know if they could have scored seven six seven goals tonight exploded the you know the the clear passes I I don’t see tages one one timer

Anymore you know and things like that we’ve got to figure this out we’ve got to get this together because before you know it guys we’re at the 50 game Mark and we are going nowhere fast and um we got to get on a winning streak so we’re

Going to see tomorrow can the boys get it done can they win back to back Lord knows their due right they are due they’re due for a two- game win in a row like they are due so the odds are good it’s not like ottawa’s coming in killing it really ottawa’s having their

Struggles this year here and it’s best to jump on them while they’re still struggling but you know it would I be shocked if Ottawa come in and embarrass us no I wouldn’t even after a game like that where I seen 40 shots 41 Shots it’s I don’t know folks it’s going to

Take more than this for me to get my confidence going with this team you know I feel like they’re still Pretenders and until they can all all of a sudden just get it done oh it’s sorry it’s in Ottawa tomorrow yeah I was just double checking it’s in

Ottawa it’s not in Buffalo my bad guys so okay so we’re in Ottawa it doesn’t really matter we’re bad at home we’re bad on the road so let’s just see what happens uh on the road tomorrow in Ottawa and if we can win this at least

And we have a few days off they can spend times with their family and try to figure out what they want to do because then they would be two games under 500 if they win tomorrow they could be 16 and 18 and it’s not the end of the world but it’s you

Know you still got time is what I’m saying you still got time but my goodness guys if they would have fell tonight to 14 and 19 I I I don’t think we could have came back from it is what I’m saying I I think we could come back get on a

Winning streak get back to 500 but then what happens we fall under again guys you know what I’m talking about we’re going we don’t want to do this rubber ball thing all year long sooner or later take a stand or or or kneel it down and

Say we’re whes we can’t do it one of the other I want to see one or the other happen I want to see this team exposed or I want to see this team mature I don’t want to watch this back and forth thing all year long it’ll drive me crazy

Guys it just will so I want to see tomorrow if we can win an Ottawa at least then we’re a few games under 500 and you know there’s a chance something can happen there’s still chance but my goodness if we go in there and get slaughtered then what we’re back

To four games under again so I don’t know I don’t know how to feel I’m going to leave it there I’m going to leave it there I’m happy they won I am I’m happy they won I they could be 20 games under 500 I’d be cheering them on tonight I

Mean you know I’m a fan but I just want to see guys I want to see some drastic change in and not just in the wins and lo I want to see some drastic change in their play I want to see something drastic happened to this team

And I seen the same old thing tonight the non-physical Flash Flash Dance I’ll start calling them The Flash Dance Sabers were there again P trying to pass and and the truth is they their passing didn’t look that good tonight really it just didn’t it’s just that we’re the

Truth is we’re such a more talented team than that team over there that it’s only normal we’re going to have double the shots really on our home ICE that N9 to four thing is a it’s what do you call it an anomaly it’s not going to happen again probably in their history I’ve

Ever doing that in Buffalo again but there should have been more Pride I thought should have been harder push there should have been a lot of things I wanted to see happen that it just felt like you know they’re they’re on the verge maybe of and then another bad

Shift or something would happen but hey look UPL play good enough in the game to give us a chance that’s all I’ll say about our goal ending he did you know he saved over 90% of his shots tonight I’ll take it guys I’ll take it so it’s you know that

What was the the final the have was 21 right look we need better goal tending I think we know this we need better goal tending but at the same time folks we got a NAB no 20 shots so yeah he was 900 exactly so yeah he let in two that’s

Right there was we had 40 120 you can see I’m not tripping I’m not thrilled about the win but I’m happy they won so I’ll be very happy if they go in there win something like 4 nothing tomorrow that’s what I want to see close

The season out on a high not the the 2023 uh the 23 season I’m talking and then in the New Year’s we see what we can become what else can we do really all right done I’m exhausted I’m calling it a night and I’ll see you guys in the pulse game tomorrow good A

The boys stare down a potential regulation loss and come back to win in OT in a game they should have run away with..thanks for watching and see you in the pregame tomorrow 👍
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Power needs to learn how to keep that Puck in and Dahlin he still make mistakes really Uka made some game saving saves I love that 2nd line that's where we are better than the past lets see where Quinn Pats,and Coz take this team they will be part of the hoisting this line could go down as the Canadian and Geman connection ha ha they give the team some electricity

  2. The NHL initially had it at 21 shots then one miraculously disappeared. Even the statisticians are bush-league.

  3. UPL is so deep in the doghouse he will need 8 consecutive shutouts to get back in fan's favour lol.

  4. What I saw was a team that fails to get quality shots. Our setup in the offensive zone is hardly ever organized enough to get good shots with Sabres near the front of the net. There's a ton of shots from way out with no chance at a second shot. Still too many giveaways that don't show up in the stats. This isn't a "good team"; it's a team full of good players who just don't put out—which still tells me that we need a new head coach. Can we beat Ottawa in Ottawa? Depends what Tkachuk has to say about it.

  5. I disagree with your overall assessment of this game. IMO they dominated play. They played the right way. They stuck with it. They came out in the end. I like the effort and I like the momentum going into Ottawa. It’s a good step.

  6. I'll take the win. Blue Jackets pushed us to OT with their key personnel out of the lineup. And we were healthy 😮

  7. If they lose to the Senator's, then it just a continuation of the ridiculous inconsistencies. They certainly weren't sharp until the latter part of the third. The feeling after the win was like, "that means nothing if it doesn't lead to a winning streak". So the pumped up feeling just ain't there after what we have witnessed so far this season. NO STREAK, NO HOPES FOR THE SEASON!

  8. A Healthy team against a team who played last night and traveled, is missing their key guys and still they managed to squeeze a point. Is it possible to refuse getting PP? lol

  9. I'll take a OT win over a SO win…
    I hate the SO!
    We may of had 41 shots, but we looked like crap.
    I'm disappointed with Tage, Tuch, & Cozens.
    They look like they regressed big time (scoring wise)..

  10. Glad for the win, for sure but until we put some consistent good play and a winning streak together I'm not confident. Much like you Wayne. Still trying to come up with idea's for trades, still scratching my head on who and what should be done.

  11. Things weren't clean tonight but the team played 60 minutes (minus that first goal against). I'll take it. Their goalie also stood on his head most of the game. Starting to get more guys in front of the net especially cozens. Guys hitting the net/post instead of the glass. I'll take it!

  12. Wins have been hard to come by this season. What has changed ? Was having Anderson in goal the difference? Looks like he was ! More of a reason for do nothing Adams to get a proven Goalie.

  13. Dear lord why do Buffalo make Columbus look like cup contender's? They are like Sabre Kryptonite. 🤔 At least they got the win because a defeat wouldn't fill fans with confidence and another season could be lost to apathy. Winning ugly is better than losing pretty I guess. 🤕

  14. Wayne , I continue to see our goalies swimming and losing their angles/net/crease. Allowing foolish out of position goals. This shit needs to STOP.

  15. I liked what I saw in UPL tonight. Not a ton of saves but, many were right on his doorstep. I think we're in pretty good hands now with Levi & UPL. Some of our key forwards, ( Thompson, Cozens ), are clearly struggling

  16. We are just not finishing, goals are hard to come by this season. I thought we dominated play but we are just not scoring with the same ease.

  17. Skinner, Skinner, overtime winner. Sounds like the ghost of RJ. I think Granato is sick from losing.

  18. Tage (+ the others) needs to go the net more with authority. Hockey & Basketball are very similar in this aspect……
    Go to the net to open things up. If your opponent has to respect you going inside it helps create more space in the outside shooting lanes.

  19. Tage with his size & shot needs to be more of a jerk when trying to score. Go to the net hard & then really let that shot go hard & high (crossbar height). It's ok TNT to hurt someone just "a lil bit" 😉😉

  20. I was at the game, we really dominated play and scoring chances. Tarasov saved Columbus. UPL was also excellent, key saves! Columbus' goals were weak. We can pressure like crazy but can't set up the clean finisher. Peterka missed a WIDE open net by 3 feet to the opposite side. We do need more energized, physical play. Tage looks slow and immobile, I'll bet he's hurt.

  21. Wayne you don’t look at advanced stats on your show, but they dominated in the advanced stats—scoring chances, expected goals, corsi, etc. They definitely could have scored 6 or 7.
    Have you ever looked at Natural Stat Trick?

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