@Anaheim Ducks

Disrespect from a Toronto writer…

Disrespect from a Toronto writer…

by blz26


  1. GumBa11Machine

    He’s just salty it took one of the best players in the NHL until overtime to score against a team that’s 3rd from the bottom of the entire league.

  2. Stryk-Man

    I can’t imagine being a player in Toronto and having to deal with that media. What a clown.

  3. _RevUpThoseFriars_

    The scrappy underdogs fought their way back against the… 30th place Anaheim Ducks?

  4. WeaverFan420

    If your high and mighty team is vexed by this “no name goalie” maybe you should learn who he is, eh Toronto media?

  5. samcam1212

    Yet the entire Toronto media begs to have Gibson on their roster – different goalie but dumb take. Dostal being a rookie doesn’t help the fact either, you wouldn’t see Toronto media saying that about Carlsson, so why Dostal?

  6. thefiction24

    His jersey was blank, crazy. Figured they would have to put at least a name or number for the refs but alas, we had a true ghost in net last night. Maybe that’s why everyone was yelling “boo?” I wonder if we will ever again witness this paranormal, nameless, wonder-kind goalie from the nether realms.

  7. wetprunes

    Leafs fan coming in peace. The Toronto sun is an absolute joke on a good day but this is scummy even by their standards. Dostal was unreal! From other fans I’ve talked to today, everyone is singing his praises. The ducks didn’t deserve a win but he sure did.

  8. youthemaster22

    This is why Ohtani didn’t come to their shitty town

  9. That is NHL rookie-of-the-month for October (same month Chicago Jesus debuted in the NHL) no-name goalie” to you, sir.

  10. Over_Throat_5462

    From a leafs fan, the sun is a fucking joke and no one in Toronto reads that shit

  11. goleafsgo88

    To be fair, nobody here likes the Sun either. Dostal deserves all the credit in the world for how good he was last night, it was a little bittersweet when the Leafs scored because of the kind of night that he was having.

  12. The Sun is garbage and the people who write for it are garbage. The kid played a good game. Looking forward to a rematch.

  13. Filmexec21

    Who cares what some jackass newspaper posts on the internet, the fact people are talking about it just indicates what the Toronto Sun was trying to do in the first place. The bottom line is despite all of Anaheim’s troubles this season, when it comes to April Anaheim will have a one-week leg up on Toronto on the golfing circuit as we all know Toronto will get eliminated in the first round.

  14. kookforaday

    I’m pretty sure the Toronto Sun is the Canadian equivalent of those gossip tabloids near the cash registers at the grocery store. Wouldn’t take much stock in it.

  15. empoleon925

    Dude it’s the Sun.

    As a GTA native, this is the premier shitrag of the Leafs – I wouldn’t expect journalism from those hacks lmao

  16. LawrenceMoten21

    As a Leafs fan, please understand this “paper” isn’t worth the ink used to print it.

    Dostal was awesome and you guys have the makings of a great team with all of your young players.

  17. fuckinglimes

    As a leafs fan and Canadian, I apologize. Fuck the Sun and fuck Steve Simmons. Absolute jackal and a big time douchebag. We all hate him here. Gg ducks bros, Dostal was unbelievable last night

  18. Referring to someone from the Toronto sun as a writer is gracious. It’s trash. Source :I’m from Toronto

  19. Leafs fan here, Dostal made 55 saves. 55. That’s all time, fuck the Sun.

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