@Calgary Flames

Milan Lucic runs Mike Weaver 3/24/14

Milan Lucic hits Mike Weaver, on March 24, 2014.


  1. Lol Montreal fans think they can beat boston in a series. Absolutely no way Montreal can win a playoff game playing like that. No shootouts to bail you out ladies!

  2. The Habs fans are so excited that they won a game in a Shootout. Guess what? There are no shootouts in the playoffs! We'll destroy you guys if we meet In the playoffs.

  3. Bruins were the better team, but they lost since they could not convert on the power play. Refs were bad both ways, can't use them as an excuse. 

  4. I think the funniest thing here is that you don't show Lucic getting lit up like a christmas tree, but are inclined too show him charging whilst leaving his feet. your subscribers must all be as inbred and as fucked up as you dafoomie lol

  5. Nope.  Not clean.  Both skates off the ice.

    Principal point of contact not to the head, but there's enough there you could've given 2 for that.

  6. he did a decent job keeping a massive hit pretty clean. Didn't go for the head. If you think that's leaving your feet for a hit, then I feel bad for you.

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