@Boston Bruins

Jeremy Swayman Interview: Bruins culture, attitude for gratitude & more | NHL on ESPN

Jeremy Swayman Interview: Bruins culture, attitude for gratitude & more | NHL on ESPN

So Jeremy I’m actually going to hit you with a philosophical question off the top just so people can get to understand a little bit about who you are um you know gratitude it’s such a buzzword I think there’s increasing research about the importance of it and every time I

Talk to you and every time I listen to you talk just feel like you’re someone who truly embodies it so where does your gratitude come from that’s awesome you picked up on that and I’m lucky I’ve had so many mentors and role models that have always kind of harped that and and

We are so lucky like there there’s so many little things but like you can’t even look at them as little things everything’s a big thing and when you have the attitude of gratitude that was the biggest thing that I learned from Red Gendron up in Maine and one of the

First speeches he gave to us was I promise you that I’m gonna make you a better human being you’re gonna have the attitude of gratitude every day and you’re G to represent your family well and basically everything that he was saying at this first team meeting he was and and we all

Learn from that and so I mean what better way to honor him than to continue that just every day we’re so lucky to be where we are and even the downs and and the ups and downs of life we just we find the good and everything and how we

Can learn from the downs and and really celebrate the ups and our and our small wins so yeah it’s a it’s a really fun way to look at life and I think personally I’ve I’ve gained so much from it and being able to communicate with you know people like you teammates

Friends and family it’s uh it’s a really fun topic to to discuss and share all right we’ll scroll it all the way back uh you grew up in a really small town in Alaska what were the Dynamics of just getting noticed in hockey that’s it was pretty unique I

Would say um you know we were so isolated up there not too many USHL North American Hockey League or college coaches were coming up to watch you know a U6 practice so uh whenever we did get the chance to travel that was we understood as players

And our coaches all went through it too that that was our opportunity to get seen and go to that next level so uh I think the alaskans to this day all the hockey players understand that we have a different ship on our shoulder and just kind of a different mindset when we do

Get the opportunity to perform in games and and known that we’re we’re being seen and and every day we get on the ice There’s an opportunity to be seen and it is pretty special seeing uh this next wave of of alaskans getting opportunities to to get seen by

Different coaches and and we’re kind of making some noise and so it’s really awesome to see um you know the USA Hockey having festivals up there now um District tournaments National tournaments and so uh we’re a part of the us too even though we’re a little far but uh there’s a really special

Community up there the hockey world up there is is so tightnit and and it’s been really fun to see different players have success and and get out and and show what Alaska’s made of so you said like every time that you were at a tournament um that would could have been

Your Big Break like what was your big break wow I it’s funny I was just talking a fluto about this like 10 minutes ago um my big break not even a break was was getting cut from the gull um getting cut from the Kenai brown

Bears and um I had the opportunity to go play for Greg vanover in Colorado Springs and that was my first year I had to leave Alaska because we didn’t have enough kids to field a u8 team and I was playing JV hockey the year before so there wasn’t any uh there wasn’t any

High School hockey like the Minnesota have or uh organiz organized hockey there’s only enough players to field one team if that uh at the UA level at least so I had to leave um my UA year which was my junior in high school and that year changed my my whole life and I

Guarantee I would not be here if it wasn’t for Greg vanover and the and the miners and my wonderful Billet family the Nets um that I’m going to see in Colorado uh in four days so I’m so excited but uh that year I just learned so much about teamwork leadership and

Competitiveness and Greg pushed us to the absolute limits we were getting ran after games we were going up mountains um and he knew that we had a group to that was going to be able to handle that and I was really fortun be fortunate to be a part of the leadership group as

Well and I I really learned how to have a voice in the locker room and be kind of that steady heartbeat uh in for the first time and and we won some pretty remarkable games like it was uh it was kind of a group of Misfits All from

Different parts of the US and it was one of the best years of my life so that year with Greg and the and the miners definitely was a was a huge turning point in my life and career so I know you’re a really outdoorsy guy like you

Love to get lost in nature and I understand that was one of the University of Maine’s big recruiting pitches for you what was the biggest transition of moving to a city like Boston I mean I I don’t think I could be any more fortunate to be coming a Boston I

Mean obviously going to Maine it’s right in New England so when I do need the woods I could take an hour drive and get up in the you know the New Hampshire and vermonts and stuff but it was a little bit of a culture shock at first I was

Wearing all my Alaskan outfits so was I have these choos I got you know some bright shorts and and these you know really bright Patagonia and stuff and I was walking down the street kind of getting side eyed a little bit and I’m like all right maybe it’s time for me to

Get a little bit different of a wardrobe but that was the biggest transition I think and uh now being in the city um and understanding you know how much they love the hockey team the Bruins and of course all sports I couldn’t feel more at home and it is a huge Testament to

The city and and how much you know they love their sports teams and and just the overall kindness you go out and in North End and you’re you’re eating at different restaurants and you’re getting hugs and and different uh managers and owners all over it’s really special to

Be a part of the city and um you know again we’re right on the water as well so when you do need a little bit of you know peace and quiet you kind of take a walk out there and you’re not going to be here in the bumper to bumper traffic

Like some cities so uh it was a a little bit of transition at first but now I feel like I’ve adopted it pretty well when you go out for a drive to go hike in New Hampshire just to get that fix like how often are you able to do that

During the season during the season not so much um obvious for vious reasons but uh this summer I was all over it I was able to go up to Mount Washington and and bring a couple of the boys and it’s pretty fun like being able to experience

Different parts of you know this New England area that I wasn’t able to in the past so during the season if I need a little bit of a break I can go to the BOS of common right over here or uh kind of Find My Way North and go up towards

Like ran area but uh there’s there really is different little pockets in the city you know I I live kind of close to the water and so you kind of do this little Harbor walk and you’re looking at the city and uh you there’s no streets

Around and stuff so uh I think I take my Summers really seriously though when when I do have that time off to really get as much uh nature and and outdoorsy stuff as I can because you appreciate it so much more when you don’t get it at at

Will necessarily uh during the season what do you love about nature like when you’re out there what do you do what do you feel I think that’s a great question I mean it’s it’s it’s really special because you learn something new every time and I’m a huge

Fly fisherman and a lot of the you know catcher release fishing I do allows me to go into different spots and and it feels like you know humans haven’t really been there before because you kind of make it your own the river just winds and dips different ways and it

Changes every year too with with different snowfalls wind storms where trees are fallen and stuff so um I really take initiative on you know being off my phone and and and just being in the moment because I could be fishing for you know four hours and it feels

Like it’s been 10 minutes and so that’s what I love most about it and when you’re in kind of the depths of the season and everything seems kind of heavy and you know your body’s kind of banged up you think back to moments like you know this summer when I was fishing

Up in Calgary for SE and there wasn’t a worry in the world and you were just so happy in that moment and I also love nature because it sucks at times when it’s poor and sideways rain and and you know there’s literally no way it could get worse and you appreciate the little

Things when you’re in the city be like all right you know I can go duck into a cafe when it’s pouring rain out so it’s uh a really special place to be because it teaches you so much about perspective on overall life and that’s where you get

That gratitude it’s like how lucky am I to be in this position I am like getting a peak into your mindset and goalie as we know it’s just such a position of mental focus I’m always wondering like when I’m in games I’m usually standing over the goalie shoulder and in my mind

I’m like what is the going through their head right now like what are they thinking and Jeremy I was actually talking to one of the officials the other day and he said that you were one of the most vocal goalies in the entire league but in the games you’re like

Super loose and cracking jokes and being funny like just take me through what’s going on back there oh I love the officials they’re Beauties so U every time I get on the ice I’m trying to make eye contact or even with fans like I absolutely love engaging with fans and

Away fans you know they love beaking you a little bit but I always give them a wink because you know we all love the same game but um I think I learned a lot about that in college up in Maine and Alfie and I would talk about that a lot

Because at times you know you as a goalie you want to win so bad you want to save every Puck so bad you get tight and you kind of Chase pucks and I’ve just kind of realized that it is a game and I’m supposed to have fun and it’s an

Entertainment business at the same time and what’s better to watch than somebody having fun and I absolutely love thriving off that and and everyone out there is their for the same reason officials included and and you know obviously times get heated when you know guys are competing but that’s the Love

Of the Game and and I mean I I feel like I’ve made so many great connections and friendships with officials other teammates and or of course my teammates but even players that I play against you know I love given’s Advantage I a couple daps of love for his DJ and so it’s just

Fun to to have those kind of connections and be vocal and and I think it gives me an opportunity to to just give myself a little bit of perspective where even though these games are are super important every night I know that but I’m allowed to breathe and enjoy and uh

The way I do that is vocalize and and joke and and have a good time what did M say when you’re like hey great job at laa ploa the summer he was like you know about that I was like yeah I came up I was pretty

Fired up because I love music right and and uh it was pretty special when I saw that and it’s it’s so cool to see you know I think hockey players especially they’re so diverse and in what they’re into and I’ve met so many guys that are obviously into nature stuff and and

Music and uh it’s been really fun to connect with different guys around the league that that are also into different stuff obviously besides hockey so like we always hear about how the Bruins culture in your locker room is so special it’s really inclusive right like you’re always really welcoming to the

Younger guys so when you were coming in can you give me just like one or two examples of what that was like of some of the older guys just extending their arm and making you feel like you were Brewing too definitely I mean the first thing I remember would be going to my

First development camp and marshu was working out in the summer here and obviously I was you know 175 pounds soak and wet and not developed whatsoever and I’m looking at Mary just busting ass in this weight room and it was like the middle of July and I was just so blown

Away by his his work ethic and mentality and and you know I was one of the first guys in there and he walked up and he’s just like he knew who I was and he was really open and just being like how’s your summer I know you’re an outdoorsy

Guy and I was like are you kidding me you know I’m an outdoorsy guy like you’re a stud like and to this day I I call Mary mentality and when when I get in the locker room or when I get going it’s fun to push each other and just

Kind of have that over the edge compete and work ethic and that was something that I knew that you know I was going to take seriously and and to this day obviously he’s been a huge mentor and role model of mine and and uh consider

Him a brother so Bergie was the same way obviously you know one of those larger than life kind of humans that you meet for the first time you’re going into your first game and and him and Creo were laughing being like this way it’s not that big of a deal it’s just another

Game you know and it was great like it’s uh it’s that kind of stuff that it’s subtle but so impactful for a young guy and um you know now being one of the older guys in the room not really but it’s kind of crazy to think it’s getting

That way uh it’s really special to be able to be that that way to to the younger guys coming in and and just giving them that love and support and and obviously showing them through actions and that’s that’s the culture that we have here is every guy it’s a

Next man up mentality so we expect uh each other and one another to to have that same mentality of having over theedge work ethic um you know obviously an incredible team culture and and do anything for a teammate is there anything you haven’t done in NHL game that you want to do

Score how it you practice yeah yeah we’ve been practicing but um you know that’s something that don’t come it’s uh it’s just fun to think about but yeah score maybe a maybe a fight too but we’ll save that for another time fair enough fair enough we’re always talking about like some of

The guys with sick releases these days you know obviously Obie is an incredible shooter Austin Matthews now Conor Bard are there any low-key shooters in the league that you just find really difficult to defend against every single team um you know we we laugh about it

But like it’s so true all four lines all you know three de pairings can score goals they’re here for a reason and you can’t take anyone lightly um I think pav zaka is one of those guys that’s kind of a dark horse that can absolutely zip a

Puck and I get the luxury of getting it Thing by my year every practice so it’s uh it’s those kind of guys that you know have such a sweet release and and they work on it every day and I I mean I see him going out early and and working on

It so uh other guys around the league I mean it’s just everyone like obviously the brink it he’s had some success um you know the Conor Clifton of the world those guys right so it’s just it’s awesome to see that uh you know this league is obviously the best in the

World and everyone in this league could score goals so there’s no off time for goalies all right last question we talked about how close the Bruins are and I know Kevin Shon Kirk invited you guys over for Christmas you and Jacob loo and then I saw a very disturbing

Image on the internet of you guys getting stuck in the elevator can you tell us that story yeah we uh we had a few guys over at chatties and it was awesome we had so much fun and uh just kind of winding down and L and I were walking home and I

Had this weird feeling about this elevator going in and I’m not an elevator guy to begin with so I was like all right here we go and it’s one of those like gate shutters and we were kind of laugh like going down like oh like what if it gets stuck it’s you know

Midnight and it did like it didn’t like abruptly get stuck thankfully where were like shaking but it just didn’t sync up with the exact like first floor so it just wouldn’t open and lo and I look at each other we’re like we’re stuck so shat had to come down we called him and

Luckily there was like a tiny little window in the door we could see out if it was like straight cement that would have been a little more sketch but um yeah shat called the right people we actually had the fire department come about a half hour later and uh they they

Sawed something there was Sparks going and everything and then we got out so thankful thankful for our fire department here but uh yeah it was pretty funny what were the Vibes like those 30 minutes yeah we had some acon going um we were listen to music yeah we

Had locked up and then we had lonely it was pretty funny so we were just kind of just talking you know it was like classic classic Christmas story so no more stairs or sorry no more elevators for us in 2024 good resolution uh appreciate you Jeremy thank you for

Taking the time absolutely always great talking with you Emily thank You

ESPN’s Emily Kaplan interviews Boston Bruins goaltender Jeremy Swayman about making it to the NHL, his love for the great outdoors and how Brad Marchand made him feel welcome when he was a newcomer to the team.

0:00 Attitude of gratitude
1:44 Getting noticed growing up in Alaska
3:10 His “big break”
4:59 Moving to Boston
7:23 Love for nature
9:02 Being vocal & having fun during games
11:14 Bruins culture
13:54 Shooter difficult to defend against
15:05 Getting stuck in an elevator

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  1. This chick couldn’t make it anymore obvious she’s reading a script it’s the same way when she does on the bench interviews

  2. Swayman is such a beaut, like honestly hope I get to watch him in Boston for a long time.

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