@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 38: Love to Hate :Lightning @ Bruins

LQR Game 38: Love to Hate :Lightning @ Bruins

Hey man what are you doing in here I don’t know lowquality lightning fans said you wanted to talk to me you idiot he’s just hoping you’ll distract me from making fun of him that’s stupid not really it’s definitely going to work oh come on you just thrashed him go find

Him me I’m lazy but thank God we beat him I hate losing to the lightning you ever realize there a very specific type of team that you hate what do you mean um here I’ll show you what do you think about these guys hate them and them hate

Them double hate and how about these guys oh they’re cool yeah what about them loathe entirely see you just hate teams that have won a cup in like the last 50 years that’s not true what are you talking about that is absolutely true then why

Do I hate you you know you you are such a jerk I’m a jerk have you looked in the mirror lately look pal I went to Toronto I know how you guys act yeah here out it is unbelievable you have theity lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team that is a

Dub I love winning games against the Tampa Bay Lightning I love it I bet you love it just Florida teams in general every time we beat them big thumbs up this was a doozy for most of it and then it turned into a rout this team’s I don’t know if the

Tampa Bay Lighting are good I honestly don’t they beat us last time we played 54 in overtime in November so I don’t know if any team is looking back to November and being like yeah that’s that says a lot about our current team you know and I think our record in November

Was really good so that’s maybe a negative thing to say I don’t know but the lightning are 25th in goals allowed per game that’s just pretty bad pretty bad they’re 14th in scoring 13th on the penalty kill but their power play is red hot second in the league on power play

Percentage they are one of the most dependent teams in the league on the power play because a lot of their goal scoring comes from that and a lot of the early season seon stuff was well if Tampa weathers the storm for vassie to come back then they’re going to be just

Fine and they mostly did vassie comes back he’s got a 902 save percentage he hasn’t returned to his previous form and he has nine wins in now 18 games that’s not great do I think vasileski is not a great golender absolutely not for a while there I kept saying he was the

Best golender in the world he’s struggling to get back to that form after you know injuries and whatnot but this Tampa team needs more cuz they can’t keep the puck out of their net the continued loss of depth from those championship teams have left them extremely topheavy COV is leading

The league in points right now that Top Line is unbelievably good and they dominated all night they dominated the Bruins while they were out there but they’re not getting really anything from the depth their defense is struggling and sergachev who is injured right now

So I don’t want to like pile on the guy but has had a really tough season sergachev was supposed to be their number one guy and obviously hedman’s still exists but serf was that next weight and he has not been up to his usual standard all things that I’m super

Okay with I don’t like the lightning I don’t like the lightning they also have two I believe they’re both of them it’s their first NHL game in lillberg and Thompson on their third pair so that must have been pretty cool didn’t seem to go super well for them but good for

Them for us we’ve got new lines zaka geeky postero stays the same Marian Co debrusk Heinen ptra geeki Loco Bist steam Bist gets a nice little call up there Grizz makoy lindom Carlo W spoon shaton Kirk Omar gets the start merkulov has been sent down which if you were

Going to use him in a fourth line rle it didn’t make much sense anyway and our offense is exploding right now so a Merc send down makes all the sense of the world jvr is day today I’m not even sure what he aggravated but that’s what we

Were told he’s dayto day and then lorai is out for dental work there was a possibility he played this game but didn’t work out there was also a potential that they were going to game manage Potter for this one cuz they didn’t know if he was physically ready

To go after all the travel and everything with the world juniors he decided to play and he looked great he really does when he slots in everything else just seemed to be seems to be where it’s supposed to be geeky on the top line isn’t where he’s supposed to be but

It’s where he is right now and I know a lot of you I mean he’s been scoring more he’s been geeky has been fine I don’t love seeing him in the top six I feel like he kills a lot of plays that’s just me I’m not going to harp on it

Because he’s been a solid guy when we need a guy in that position good enough good enough but let’s talk about this like comment subscribe nailed it puck drops this game was immediately difficult for me I didn’t have my energy high enough I know I didn’t I I was kind

Of slogging my way in to the start of this game and I was like the boys will wake me up the boys will Jazz me up they’ll get me going and then 21 seconds in they do the exact opposite they dump the puck in they being the Tampa Bay

Lightning they put the four check pressure on Carlo gets outmuscled immediately by Hegel knocking the puck back behind our nette geeky gets their first but more for checking pressure causes him to just bump the puck forward to kucherov who has point wide open in front of the net because we had both

Defenseman in the corners we were wrapping this this thing around the boards there was no reason this should ever end up at the front of the net with the time and space we had either way it does and point gets to easy just roof it right over olark from three feet out as

Omark’s trying to track the buug from behind the net to in front of him one Z 21 seconds in just like that that’ll get your energy lower and then 242 in danan is going to go for holding we’re going to go to the power play and they were

Doing everything they could to make sure that I had zero energy this power play was horrid it was so bad you get to watch Tyler M Tyler Mt go a on V5 against us get the puck back from zaka who basically just gave it to him and get a scoring chance going one

V5 that power play was terrible until it wasn’t because the dying seconds of it the second power play unit gets set up they get the puck to shaton Kirk who pauses at the point kind of goes what do we do here I’m in the high slot towards

The Blue Line what there’s Freddy with his back face in vasileski he’s just looking directly at shaton Kirk stick out far wide perfect pass Freddy collects spins and Chucks it on net that’s a confident player right now the save is made but the rebound comes right

Back to him and he just roofs it right over vassie it’s 1-1 power play goal for Frederick and Frederick stays hot he stays hot and then 703 in we’re going to get another power play as Hegel goes for tripping but vassie just shuts the door on excellent power play four shots on

Net the scoring chance were there vassi just came up with some big saves that’s a really good power play that didn’t score we had a really power play that did score and a really good one that didn’t score try to keep up on we go 945 left geeky is going to go for

Holding penalty kill we kill it because our penalty kill is excellent and then 504 left just pucks on net I think this is one thing after the Christmas break if you could say one thing that is massively changed with this offense it’s pucks on net it’s just getting the pucks

To where they need to be and having the guys who are supposed to be fighting for space in front of the net actually being there I would say that’s a pretty big change that we’ve had and so the puck gets in deep Freddy takes a hit to make

That play ptra and heinan win the battle down low Heinen’s able to sweep this Puck up to makoy who’s going to hammer it from the right point and it’s going to beat vassie it looks like it gets tipped by point on the way there at first we thought it was Freddy for a

Second of the game Freddy never gets a piece of this so it’s mako’s goal and ptra gets a secondary assist for his first point in his first game back good for him it’s 2-1 and we’re going into the second period you feel good about it you want to tighten up some stuff the

149 in it’s a great Breakout by Grizz that’s right a positive play by Matthew Grizzle chick grizzli his name is just spelled really weird he gets into the neutral zone and he punches his Puck up the wall to Patra who starts working his way down the right side in the offensive

Zone and he sees that he has grizzli trailing in the center of the ice and he whips this diagonally back to him takes a hit up high right after that he’s beding and he’s down on the ice and Grizz is going to try to shoot this it

Gets deflected off of a Defender and goes to Freddy who’s kind of on the left side of the slot and he’s going to try to feed Heinen who’s directly in the crease fighting for space bounces off the defender skate right back to Freddy and Freddy’s going to bury this one and

That’ll be 3 to one Freddy’s second of the game you take those now a few things happen here first of all ptra goes right down the tunnel he would return a few minutes later but he is bleeding turns out to just to be you know not a broken

Nose I don’t think but a nose bleed and our lovely friend uh Cooper upset the coach of the Tampa Bay Lightning he’s upset I still don’t know what he was upset about I’m sure on Twitter it’s somewhere out there at this point he was screaming at the refs I would I would

Equal this to a tantrum of a child which I think is the first thought we all had because his little face was super red and he was sweating he was upset about something I still don’t know what it was what’s funny is over the broadcast they said well maybe he’s upset because they

Thought they heard a whistle when ptra went down your team didn’t stop playing first of all second of all it was our guy that was injured by a high hit from one of your players and you’re upset because you thought you heard a whistle to kill the play When the play didn’t

Stop your players didn’t stop playing you thought you heard that whistle because your guy hit one of our guys in the face do you not see how this shouldn’t work out for you like even even if by the rules like Oh I thought I heard a whistle this place

Should have been blown dead there was an injured guy on the there’s an injured guy down because your boy hit him in the face like the universe didn’t give that one to you you piece of oh that’s too much Cooper is not a piece of crap

He I mean he’s a whiny that I can say pretty confidently I mean top tier like top four coaches in the league who who and moan right got to be gotta be I mean Rod the bod bore he’s up there too but Cooper’s definitely up there what are we talking about the game

The game we get a goal it’s 3-1 716 in Loco is going to get called wa sorry is going to get held by Myers and we’re going to go to the power play that’s a tough call on Myers I didn’t think there was much there 26 seconds later Chelli

And Hegel just forc their way through our defense I mean this wasn’t even fancy fancy Puck handling or footwork or anything they just plow their way through thank God Hegel misses the net from four feet in front ofar alone in the slot as he just cut through

Everybody but during all of that geeki is going to get called for interference we’re going to 4v4 for 136 and then a 24 4 second penalty kill and then 11 seconds after that there a battle lost in the left corner the puck bounc toward the net makoy goes to gather Omar comes

Out to poke it COV comes through lists makoy stick makoy hits olark everyone goes down Puck keeps skittering and COV has a wide open net to tap it into and just like that it’s 3-2 and that is a 4v4 goal no special teams really included in that and then 29 seconds

Later kucherov misses the net from the left side the Puck’s going to wrap around the wall zaka is going to get there in the vision here he sees that pasta gone perfect pass pasta has a Defender with him but he’s going to guard the puck keep it on his hip and

Flick this High glove and it’s 42 just 29 seconds after they got within one this game was fast man fast paac left and right 407 left Tampa in transition they wouldn’t go away they wouldn’t go away and again it’s that point line Hegel takes the Zone over the center of

The blue line he dishes it to kerov on the right side and he deakes through lindome gets right around him and I know you want to be mad at lindol I’m not even mad at him about this because do we all over a Defender when pasta

Deakes through him like we make fun of the guy definitely but we’re not like wow what a Defender no pasta’s just that good kucherov is just that good yes you want lindol to body him and not allow this sometimes a great offensive player gets through a defenseman

Who we have to remember defensemen have their nuts clipped a little bit by the league if they were allowed to just slam a guy in the chest and knock him down they do it it’s a little different of a game these days either way COV goes

Right through him lindol lets him by you can still criticize there and then he sees that point is coming down the left side into that left Circle and COV as he approaches into omark sees that diagonal perfect pass Point’s got nothing but net to look at Fourth three great play by

Coova I can’t I’ve said his name 12 times in the past eight seconds the guy’s a nightmare to play against he’s leading the league in points on a team that is not in a playoff spot right Now I really do hate the lightning don’t I third period third period starts and Tampa starts so hot this is you know how bad this feels from the other end it’s a minute and a half almost of them just barreling down because they want to tie

This game and then 125 in so almost a minute and a half the Bruins just transitioned back the other way it starts with lindome with speed out of our Zone he just keeps skating up till someone takes the space away someone finally comes over lindome sees that

Pasta on the exact opposite wall on the right side has held up on that right corner of the Blue Line perfect pass pasta is going to take one stride forward and see geeki split the defense with speed he tosses it to him geek’s got an almost breakway he doesn’t a

Defender right there with him and he’s just going to beat Bassie blocker side and Ja that’s 5-3 that fell over to me this game has been nuts but you got a two- goal lead early in the third and you’re better than this team you’re better right now you are better than

This team and they showed it 534 in Grizz for hooking we’re going to kill off that penalty the Ken kill so good and then 447 left boquist for slashing we’re going to go to the Penalty kill they pull vassie as soon as they win the draw and during this penalty kill about

Midway through it headman’s going to have the puck at the high slot and he’s going to go to hammer this down and his stick’s going to explode and so the puck just trickles four feet forward to debras St there goes oh this is I wasn’t going to continue my point streak

Otherwise thank you sir skates down the right side and before he get even gets out of the neutral zone flings us into the empty net and that is 63 game over right now let’s tack on another one just for funsies 246 left coil he’s going to

Poke the puck from Stam Co Stam Co I know you notice this last six or seven minutes of the game stamp Coos was in that left dot the whole time and they kept feeding him and he kept missing the net over and over and over and over and

Over and over and over again it was starting to get almost frustrating as somebody who was playing omark in fantasy no as somebody who was just dude are you even going to make omark make a SA at a certain point no just over and over again it was really funny anyways

Cole pokes just directly from him on the blue line just strips him naked let’s go and that’s a breakaway for Coy and Coyle is just going to chop this Puck chop chop chop chop ch ch ch ch ch ch Chop Chop till he’s a couple feet out and just roofs it High glove

73 touchdown when’s the last time we scored a touchdown that feels good doesn’t it that’s your final score beat the crap out of the Tamp lightning and I’ll tell you one thing first game note so we were credited with nine giveaways to the first two periods I don’t believe in the

Way they count giveaways at all and I don’t think any of us do but the third Peri cleaned it up so much now look Tampa had their moments they stayed in their Zone they were ferocious totally get that but we were much cleaner much crisper the plays that we

Made like one in particular Carlo when we first took that penalty that Boke was penalty with 440 left right and we were in a situation where okay there’s still a lot of time left we’re only up by two goals we have to kill this penalty Carlo got the puck and instead of even

Thinking about making a play he didn’t even try for the empty net it was 40 seconds into the penalty kill chucked it down the ice he went no this is the high percentage win the game play we’ve talked about the difference between just icing it over and over going for the

Empty net there are the situational stuff here and although Carlo didn’t have a brilliant game he did not this was a great decision there’s no icing on this and we need fresh bodies on the ice let’s just do the high percentage thing that prevents them from scoring and

Prevents me from turning it over and looking like a jackass I really appreciated that we were credited with one turnover in the third period and the eye test kind of backed that up we were really strong at making sure that at very least that first pass got to the

Neutral zone it’s about winning the games I didn’t I don’t think we went into a turtle at all but I do think we prioritized winning good decisions were made the pot other game no on fire dominated their opposition Freddy continues to stay hot Patra had two secondary assists and I thought played

Pretty well Heinen’s a good mix with basically anybody at this point that line was awesome let’s not split that up for next game let’s leave at least that one alone and see as that continues to develop de Brusque is getting all the bounces we’ll take it after months of

Debrus getting no bounces we’ll take the freebies he has seven points in his last five games give the guy some credit there in the last game note simple one W spoon has looked really solid he does not belong anywhere other than the third pair I’m not putting him up at the top

Or anything like that but he is playing his role really well I he wasn’t Perfect by any means but I am really okay with this guy as a six seventh D when we’re fully healthy he’s been showing everything you want respons knows not to get too high not to get too

Low do your job W spoon deserves a lot of credit right now cuz he’s playing his role and I feel like a few people who have tried to step into certain situations are try to do more do more do more wild this SP went nope this is my

Chance stay in the league boom he’s been good he’s been really good I’m happy to see it anyways guys that does it for me like comment subscribe nailed it we doubled up on that one uh that’s basically all I got to say I will not be

On the short shift this week we talked about it I uh there’s a 900 p.m. game Monday a 900 p.m. game Tuesday Wednesday and then Thursday is a 10 p.m. game I have 5: a.m. wakeup times every morning I’m not going to be getting a lot of

Sleep so the boys went Ian take a vacation for this one Wednesday night you sleep you sleep and I’m gonna so go be go be thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to the lowquality YouTube channel members need

A real name for that one of these days starting with the Topline tier the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams coach D just Aaron Han slomo Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arie pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are studs and then we have our stallions

Braon Hy E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Azie bruan Connelly tupton daachi Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only NES a tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go bees

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  1. Do you actually hate the golden knights? If so, nice 😂

    Ngl, i haven't been watching your vids as much so probs missed that part lol….sorry

  2. You said Geekie twice. You called Freddie "Geekie" when you read the lines. No biggie, I'm a dink and love to point out mistakes. 😁

  3. Boqvist was flying, glad I got to see a live pasta goal, didn’t notice how much louder the garden gets on a pasta goal.

    Side note, Kucherov is filthy.

  4. #27 highlight, pointing his stick at the guy who just fed the open guy in front of the net and scored…because he was NOT covered🤬

    Freddie for 7th Player Award!

  5. Brayden Point was on the ice for 5 even strength goals against. I've said it for years, he's one of the worst players in the league without the puck on his stick.

  6. This game really was a 0-100 real quick type of game. O energy too really focused in on it, all in a snap of a second. Also I think Cooper was upset that a whistle was blown right after or just around the same time as the puck going into the net, possibly for the Potsy injury but I'm unsure i'mma be honest. I was planning on giving every Bruin a rating individually of their play from what we expected of em n such since we're almost at the halfway point, but decided I'd wait until it's actually the 42nd game, but I do like the idea of adding a rating to each line for my future reviews.

    Forward notes:

    * Zacha – Geekie – Pastrnak: Rating B
    This line got crushed tonight for vast portions of the game. When they were able to have offense going, be that as the 1st line or as a part of the 1st PP unit they were a lot more consistent with shots on net and possession, especially after the first period. Definitely not the brightest game for this line but it definitely wasn't atrocious.

    * Marchand – Coyle – Debrusk: Rating A
    This has been a very solid line since they were all put together. Either on defense or offense they are a consistent threat, Debrusk has slowly gotten his offensive game back on this line and the chemistry these 3 have to defend well, have puck possession, make great pushes and to get the puck into the opposing teams net is nearly unmatched on the B's right now, just absolutely fantastic.

    * Frederic – Poitras – Heinen: Rating A+
    I knew I was missing Potsy but I didn't know I was missing him this much. He, Freddy, and Heino have such amazing chemistry together and can make plays happen out of thin air. Their defense is solid and you knew when this line was on the ice you were going to see something amazing this game. Really hope they keep this line together for a good while.

    * Lauko – Boqvist – Steen: Rating B
    This line definitely had their moments, but they were for the most part quietly good throughout the night. My biggest surprise being Boqvist, he had a very solid 2 way game tonight and wouldn't mind seeing him and Beecher split that 4th line Center role for the next little while. Lauko and Steen were also solidly good and it's nice to see Lauko actually play up to his potential a bit again.

    Defense notes:

    * Grzelcyk – McAvoy: Rating B+
    This line started off rough just like all the defensive lines tonight, but got their act together and played how they were supposed to. Very happy to see Gryz have a strong game, if he returns to his previous form it makes the Left D situation for the B's management much harder to decide on.

    * Lindholm – Carlo: Rating B-
    Lindholm and Carlo had a very inconsistent game defensively, offensive wise they were really good, happy to see Lindholm get a point tonight, whilst his goal scoring touch isn't really there, it's still good to see him contribute to the offensive plays again on the score sheet.

    * Wotherspoon – Shattenkirk: Rating B+
    Wotherspoon has really proven his worth as that 7th Dman over Mitchell. Just a very consistent defensive presence and also knows when to make an offensive play, he, Grzelcyk, Forbort, and Lohrei are really gonna be fighting to stay in the NHL once Forbort is healthy. Shattenkirk continues to be a very solid 3rd Pairing Right D. I am so happy to see him become such a consistent player on the Bruins defense and was still, able to make amazing offensive plays even when he wasn't the one scoring himself. Just an overall really solid game from this line.

    Ullmark: B
    Definitely not his strongest game but he was reliable as always and the goals he does allow in you can't really blame on him. Obviously wished he got a .900+ save percentage but I don't really think he cares about that lol.

    All in all, a very good response to the Penguins loss, the offense has really kicked it into high gear since the Christmas break, and whilst the defense has been inconsistent at times its been solid enough for the B's to rack up a good amount of wins which is the most important thing. Go B's? GO B'SSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

  7. When that dudes stick exploded and Jakey sank that golden opp, I was stoked. But when Coyle ripped that BEAUT on Vassy, I started dancing in front of high qual gf and ran into the other room to throw my Coyle jersey on. What a strong outing, the boys need to roll on this momentum cuz the schedule is about to be BRUTAL

  8. Still not happy with the defense playing the puck instead of the body all the time. Solid game from Freddy.

    Pucks and bodies!

  9. Yup, thinking ahead…lock up Wotherspoon as a cheaper replacement for Forbort (and don't lose him shipping him through waivers). I'm thinking ahead because there is no way Sweeny's going to trade away Grz or Forbort in season.

  10. Have you noticed that Freddie has transformed into a hockey player? I loved him when he was just beating people up, but he’s showing skills!!

  11. Coyle whips that last goal past Vassie and just glides away, cool as ice. No cellie, no nothing. Just heartless! Love it.

  12. Stamkos had a bad stat line-but as a fantasy owner of Marchand I was absolutely floored that the B’s put up 7 goals and his stat line read 0’s alllllll the way across. He didn’t even get a PIM😢 Tough road ahead for the next week. Looking forward to seeing how they manage. Thanks for the vids

  13. Any day you get to stomp on a team from Florida is a great day. Are we an offensive team now? What's happening?

  14. All the skits are awesome … but this one was top tier … well done! Go Bs 🐻🔥

    PS. I’m slightly concerned about the D lately, giving up a ton of high danger ops … but, very excited about the offence filling the net.

  15. hey team canada fans…thanks for our matty p. back. we missed him. lost a few games with him out. 2 apples in his return. FREDDY's nightmare. this kid and the geekster are playing great hockey. avs got smoked by FLA. gonna be mad on monday night. GO Bs.

  16. Low Qual B’s Fan, Is there a compilation of your skits? I would totally buy it. Like an awesome comedy show on steriods.

  17. Win W
    Sadly still Hannifin time.
    Gryz and Lindholm Terrible
    Called it Mac has to cover Gryz. Carlo has to cover Lindholm. Got my wish Wootherspoon back with Shatty and looked strong. When Lohrie comes back Gryz out. Unless Monty has concussion.

    Huge mistake sending down Merk for Boquist.

  18. Agree.
    A win against the Bolts is so sweet.
    Almost as good as a win against the Loafs (not a typo).
    Bruins looking good right now…..May it last.

  19. Some horrendous defensive play this game. Need another forward or two to flare up like Freddy is. Let's get a deep playoff run. There needs to be some retribution from last year.

  20. Love this win aside from Nikita stamkos and point the lightning are not good anymore I think vasy isn’t looking as good as he once was !

  21. Every time I want to share that was the best pre-skit before the game notes, you throw up another that I watch over and over again. Hysterical perfection Low Qual B’s

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