@Buffalo Sabres

Jordan Greenway Will Be In Lineup Against Seattle | Buffalo Sabres Coach Don Granato Pregame

Jordan Greenway Will Be In Lineup Against Seattle | Buffalo Sabres Coach Don Granato Pregame

D you anticipate Greenway being good to go tonight he will be good to go is there any area of Jack Quinn’s game at this point that has surprised you just his I’m just thinking about his ability to go right into the lineup everybody else is in mid-season form and for

Somebody to miss as much time as he has to come in and play the way he has I mean it’s you don’t see that often even last year we talked about how healthy it is for him to actually take a step back watch a game from up top and

You know even in those situations I said he’ll come back better just come back better I think even uh you can look back at when he had the injury you know I mentioned to you guys he will come back a better hockey player he’s a young guy

He gets to step back he gets to watch he’s in our meetings he watches from up top he sees uh he sees a game from a different perspective and he is intelligent enough to figure out how to use that time to his Advantage so um you

Know you you know leading up to his turn how much I said we’re going to we need him we’re we’re missing him every single day uh that was because you knew he would be an impact uh pretty much on a Ral um so no this does not surprise me

One bit um kep factor in his age like I’ve mentioned many times uh a different perspective that he can take it in he has a chance to step back his intelligence uh his commitment to development his commitment to his game uh his appetite for more uh this is um

We’re seeing you know all of those things at work uh upon on his return and obviously you can put him with some some pretty good hockey players too he goes to the net how contagious is that b or some other guys just to see him out

There doing that it’s a net yeah not only does he go to the net Mike he’s a net mentality so when he gets a puck it’s the Nets there that’s where you know other guys get a puck and they’re you know they’re lateral and and side to side and they lose their distract

Themselves from Attack pack um and uh he he has that um you know he hones in on that very well the net how have you worked with Casey midad in terms of he was just joking with me they don’t need to tell me to shoot more I mean

You’re balancing the pass and the shot he loves to pass but you know he can score you know he can probably score more than he has I mean what is that balance like with a guy like that who tends to be a past first thinker well

There’ll be a lot less balance as we go here cuz we need him to score more so he’ll be pushed more and more by us um to get to the inside Ice uh take pucks to the inside he’s so willing to battle he’s incredible in battle but he takes

His battles to the outside buys time to set the next guy up um so you know either the two guys with him uh better be ready to score um and and compensate on the positive side for that or we got to get him to the inside so um you know

Like every other guy he’s a guy we need more out of because of the situation we’re in and uh we’ll continue to push that uh initiative and um you know as I mentioned those are the things that go through my head is there a different Personnel a different shooter that could

Be there as well green W has never played more as an HL career just what element I mean having him now for almost a full year just what element has he offered you that he’s earned this ice uh very mature player um sense of objective situation awareness um obviously killing penalties

Uh late in game moment in a shift who’s on the ice against him um very responsible player uh compensates for others quite a bit helps others covers for others obviously has huge huge can cover a lot of ice with his reach and size uh and strength um so he’s a he’s a

Very good athlete with a lot of experience now um that he uh makes life a lot easier here cleaning up a lot of messes that uh for for other guys not necessarily messes they make but messes that could occur uh because he’s he anticipates he reads a situation very

Well he knows a situation very well he reads it and usually positions very well as a result where are the things with Kyle stand in terms of his Readiness yeah he he was sore yesterday in skate he he got up and down the rink good but uh more in battle um which

Obviously is something you have to do in a game so I think his pace and skating is is good enough that he can keep himself in condition but the battle and the strength um with the respect to the injured area is not uh game ready

Yet given the the record at home and the fact that you are going into like a six game home stand is there any extra motivation for your guys sort of ahead of this home stand to sort of you know grab some wins especially here in front

Of fans well we need it we need wins uh like every other team in the league um so you know to be to be at home is nice for many many reasons uh but for us we absolutely have to stay in the moment and not get too far ahead of ourselves

So you know it’s a home stand on the the way it looks on the calendar but you know it’s tonight and that’s the only thing we need to worry about and have to really have to stay focused on that not to you know anytime we’ve gotten too far

Ahead of oursel or like any other team you get too far ahead of yourself you’re you’re in trouble and so just stay in the moment you started to see more of the Conor Clifton that you expected when you signed him in the last yeah yeah um we are and I think he’s a

Guy that um as he gets more comfortable we’ll see more uh more impact with him um I mentioned you know when he when he was suspended it was the first time in his career he was really uncomfortable that that that set him back a bit um obviously he thrown hundreds and

Thousands of hits in his career and then all of a sudden now he’s suspended um you know sort of like you’re in a you know car accident you’ve driven thousands of miles and all of a sudden boom it happens and it makes you think and uh you know he took him a

While to come back from that um get back to his game and now he’s as he gets more comfortable with us and the surroundings he continues to get better and this has been going on for a good month and a half now he keeps getting better and

Better and better so it’s not it’s not like oh brand new but um and he’s in a different point in his career too obviously you know he his self- expect expectation like every other player as you play more games Rises and you have a chance to become better and I think he’s

Figuring that out Victor healthy enough is he back in or he’s he’s back to Good Health uh from an illness um but he hasn’t skated much so um and what he had is a little bit what I have you can hear my congestion a little bit um so you know we’ll see

Where I haven’t talked to him after he skated today but and I don’t know how hard we pushed him because it’s his first day back but he obviously won’t be in the lineup tonight um but I would say dayto day at this point thank you

Buffalo Sabres head coach Don Granato spoke with the media after morning skate on January 9, 2024. He confirmed forward Jordan Greenway will be in the lineup, and Victor Olofsson is considered day-to-day with an illness.

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  1. This home stand is sooo important to this season ,it looks like the goaltending might becoming what theyve wanted
    Im not ashamed of this team just a move or two away from what us the fans want wich is to contend for silver

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