@Buffalo Sabres

The Disappointments of the Season (So Far…)

The Disappointments of the Season (So Far…)

Well I was wrong my preseason Stanley Cup pick is not looking so hot and teams we all thought were on the cusp well at least ithon so I don’t want to drag you into this but teams I thought were on the cusp are struggling teams with so

Much promise from Ottawa to Buffalo to Detroit suddenly don’t look so promising and from that I realized this an epiphany uh a little bit of humble pie so to speak I have a tendency I’m going to call myself out here to cherry-pick teams in their rebuilding pH and simply

Assume it’s all just going to magically work out ladies and gentlemen I drank the Kool-Aid on these teams oh no oh yeah Buffalo’s big gun Tage Thompson has been dealing with injury all year but they looked inep with him too you never know what could be ailing him but

Definitely a step back statistically in Ottawa Tim sutla has developed very nicely and there’s a lot of talent accumulated but like Detroit the defense is putri missing basic assignments like honestly Detroit has given up more leads than I can count as they also deal with a bevy of injuries and as stocky defense

SCP and speaking of lead changes is it just me or have there been an awful lot of those this season I’ll be dropping a video on that in the future but in the meantime let’s talk about my questionable preseason pick two yes I picked New Jersey to win the Stanley Cup

This year Flawless preseason and all those hopes and dreams after a nice playoff run and another year of Jack Hughes it all made so much sense but it’s all been followed up by shoty goal tending you know the story with VTech vanich a rough season there were hopes

For airme to take that next step and not just hopes they needed it well he was just sent down to the UDA comets and douge Hamilton being hurt has basically left the team limping to the playoffs on the bright side Luke Hughes who everyone knew would be good has actually been

Really good so the lesson there’s an element of luck involved with rebuilds and growth isn’t linear like did you think Philadelphia would be good this year I don’t think even Daniel Brier knew that this year it just hasn’t worked for so many teams and frankly I

Didn’t see it coming did you and for those who asked yes I’m aware Alexander oetkin is an amazing player and among the greatest of all time while there was a grain of Truth to some of the things I said in my last video it was mostly satire people people it was satire

Mostly for Angel gozone this is Charlie I’ll catch you next time

It’s been… a disappointing year, to say the least, for a lot of teams that had high hopes. Including my PRESEASON Stanley Cup pick. Let’s reflect on all the disappointment! What better way to ring in the new year!? From the Ottawa Senators, Buffalo Sabres, Detroit Red Wings, and New Jersey Devils, a lot of teams aren’t exactly where they were expecting to be. There are lessons about rebuilding to take away from this. Plus, some names get dropped in this video: like Tage Thompson (who was just reactivated), Tim Stutzle (who has developed fantastically), and Jack Hughes (you know the deal there) – along with a brief recap of what’s gone wrong. #nhl #hockey #sports


  1. Detroit has had problems because of injuries. Our goaltending is bad and on top of that the two starting goalies got hurt in two games

  2. Predictions are dangerous. Sometimes they make you look smart, sometimes they don't.

    Miss Cleo didn't make millions for guessing, did she?

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