@Buffalo Sabres

Kraken @ Sabres 1/9 | NHL Highlights 2024

Kraken @ Sabres 1/9 | NHL Highlights 2024

[Music] some 40 seconds into this hockey game  here tonight watch for dor tonight in net for   Seattle loves to get out and play the puck we  see if the Sabers try to take advantage of that  

Seattle working it in Far Circle shot comes back  to the near side where will Morgan the former sa   sends it down low right back out in front and the  shot is sent wide of the goal and it’s chipped  

Out to Center and into the cracking into the ice  where Dylan cousins trying to do the work with   Quinn and PKA bouncing Pucket Center it’ll be  cousins playing it back inside the Buffalo Zone   and both teams make change number two here Quinn  stays out though takes a drop pass shot rebound is  

There and Boran after the save by dord will help  get the Kracken out of Harm’s Way P save made by   Levi and the quick shot on the counter that time  as gour tolin and Bor strand come out of the ice  

For Seattle kept at the line by Duman Schultz his  defense partner a good takeaway by zus Genson and   now P’s got some room to set it ahead bouncing  puck right on the stick in a backand save made   by dord as Robinson found his way in behind  the Kraken defense exactly what Donnie Grado  

Talking about there’s power feeds it up the wall  Robinson coming with a ton of speed he looks to go   five hole that five hole was wide open too and if  I you can see this Puck kind of hits the one pack  

Starts to bounce and then as he pulls the pads  together that’s where he’s able to keep it third   thing and the biggest thing stay in the M focus  on this game only here’s a turnover Skinner holds  

It [Applause] Go Jeff Skinner opens the scoring  as the Kraken turn it over the Sabers with some   hard work in the first 457 of this game and it  pays off with a one nothing lead hitting 17th  

Goal of the Year here and right off the JW this  is all happens because Alex tuck jumps through on   the draw a l draw he jumps in between two Seattle  players in there and able to feed it to the front  

And there’s the quick passr from middle stat he’s  going to find skinnard wide open and you see cor   he’s just wide open every part of they Lin with  the play on the wall in the Buffalo Zone look  

Out turned over bork strand turns takes a shot  C save and what a save with the rebound yanny   gourd parks in the back of the net to tie the  game in one great first stop by Devon Levi but  

Yan gourd was Yanti on the spot I guess you could  say and we’re all even going to be the flashiest   team but they’re going to just keep coming at  you and if you make mistakes like this this is  

The ones you’re talking about paying attention  to details getting the puck out getting it in   and this one ends up costing a little confusion  there between Benson and KBS on getting this   Puck out and then automatically it just turns bang  there’s the shot the first saves made and Yanni GD  

Gets himself leaves it for Thompson just inside  the line what a play that was Yoki har you with   a shot that gets blocked by veneers chance for a  break here and it’s tomash Tatar one-on-one with  

Levi couple to De and Levi didn’t bite it all  pu comes back in front and Rasmus doen with a   play that might have saved a goal but he took  a penalty on the play here’s YY har the shots  

P blocked by bener and then bener just slides  it forward to Tom to Levi does a nice job just   staying with him you see that right pad nowhere  for him to go he faked to go to the right came  

Back to the left Levi never bought on it stayed  right with it and Henry yukiharu he’s getting a   slashing call right there and that’s called so  D on the other side just dropping his body into  

Can’t clear it though kept it at the line now turn  over potential break away for Alex tuck he’s on a   break against theor tucks can’t slide it through  the five hole Bur kovski turns in the slot and the  

Return back to burkovski instead of baners taking  the shot Sabers will take that here’s Dunn working   it up top dun near Circle shot scores Vince dun  gets his fourth power play goal of the season  

And the Kraken have taken a two to1 lead with  110 to go in the opening period take a look at   it here’s Vince dun he’s got it along the wall  he just drops it back to the top side and just  

Some quick Puck movement as the puck went to thep  top and across Vince Dunn just snuck himself right   into the middle of the ice everybody’s kind of  watching the puck over on the right side of your screen Kraken with a turnover in front of the net  

Levi far post keeps it out they try  to work it back in front to Taran gourd away from bers then Everly and now  teams will start to usher in their first   change here as samelson Waits with the  puck inside the Buffalo zone now ahead  

To Middle step Skinner shot tipped  on the scors what a goal by Alex [Applause] tuck well little give and go right there by middle stat see just drop a the Skinner right here and  skinners already looking at anticipating rice Miss  

Stene trying to keep it in Thompson Will help out  Seattle playing it up to Center two onone here is   wide open here’s wber With A Chance in the backand  scores Alex swenberg on a quick transition and an  

Odd man Rush cattle regains the lead at 3-2 here  with 1752 to go in the second six of the Year here   and just a quick up and it turns that two onone  right there because we going to talk about when  

When it when a D’s standing up like that the  forward’s got to keep coming back and in that   case it just kind of left Owen power there kind  of on an island and they’re able to get in behind  

On the two-on one cuz he had to take get it back  again tanv touching it back inside the line and   tanv now will jump onto it on the left Point side  with the Buffalo Zone he’s got Jaden Schwarz up  

There with him it’ll come around and lenberg will  spit it back to the point borgan shot tipped in   and scored Morgan from the blue line with the shot  yeah I think Schwarz driving to the net Dan yeah  

That certainly looked like an deflection yeah he  is here they just little misplay there getting it   up the ice and it end up being in their Zone this  is tanv he’s going to work it down low just get  

Things separated for them there’s the quick shot  from the point and you got tanav and Schwarz going   to the net here but will borgan takes the shot  and you see the redirection right there as it’s   going through it’s coming up and Schwarz swipes  at it and it actually pulls that puck back over  

Over be carried in here this time by mcken and  that shot goes to the far wall back past Jared   McAn comes back in front of the one-time middle  stat at Center he’ll gain the Zone leave it on  

The right side tuck back to Middle stat in  behind the net trying to set up for Skinner   tuck is there as well in front middle stat back  hand to with a glove save chance Casey midad on  

This one he gets to the net nothing there hangs  on to it gains the net throws it to the front   of the N you’s got Skinner and Tuck there and  just not able to get a handle on that one and  

You see the golender coming way and play ahead  missing Tage Thompson who goes to the Buffalo bench drebs comes over the boards Kraken  score coming down that far side of the ice   as bers had the look on De Levi and it’s now a  5-2 second period and Matty berer is going to  

Get his sixth goal of the Year here and it’s  just been leading up to this the Savers are   just not winning those battles they’re slow when  they get the puck they’re losing the battles and  

Right here berer is going to step down just take  that quick shot face off dot you see Levi out there who takes a return pass now and sends it  up ahead McAn tips it in the Buffalo Zone Dylan  

Cousins right side entry quick on the back get  a return pass and dord comes out to challenge   get this Puck deep here but cousins gives it  to petka petka should take this shot’s and   they got two but they just can’t seem to get  past that two they’ve done it twice now but  

They’ve got to put some good numbers together  here in this last 41 final score Seattle five   sabes two will come back as we continue  with our broadcast for Key Bank Center

Extended highlights of the Seattle Kraken at the Buffalo Sabres


  1. Fire the coach. This record is inexcusable. Sabres need a champion wining coach and I meant a Stanley cup champion coach. Not no soccer or experimental coach. The excuses are getting old at this point.

  2. Sabres need dom hasek to come out of retirement rn and he'll still be better than any of the goalies the sabres have now. Luuk is either lights out gives up 6 goals, and same for levy, donny gotta go as well

  3. Dahlin -3, Powers -2 you wonder what the problem is. Trade Dahlin and send Powers down, it's embarrassing watching these two every game.

  4. Sabres defense is absolutely terrible. Power is brutal!! He is so slow, and never hits anyone!! He does alot of just standing around watching!!

  5. How have the Sabres sucked for this long😂 your franchise needs to be studied this is pathetic

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