@Boston Bruins



Hello everybody and welcome to that’s football Middlesboro one Chelsea nil and like my dog when it’s been rolling around in Fox that absolutely stinks from Chelsea fair play to Michael Carrick and Middlesboro but they they’re a championship club mid-table and they lose two players in the first 10 20

Minutes Chelsea have spent a billion pounds boring I know but they spent a billion pounds in the last 12 months and you know you you’ve got to be saying now as a Chelsea fan you’ve got to be saying what are we going to do I was on you

Know check out goldbridge saves football podcast today I said who are G who’s going to be the team of 2024 you know if it was Villa last year and it was Brighton the year before who’s going to be the breakout team this year and I said well it’s going to be Chelsea as

Ridiculous as that sounds they’re a mid-table club that shouldn’t be a mid-table club so any progression up to top four would be a big Improvement well first it’s not probably not going to happen is it because I I watched that game today and it’s the same old

Problems for Chelsea and and look we’ve we we’ve seen the media Pyon of artetta and you know klopp at times and and ten hog but and when I say klopp I don’t mean it in the sense the bad results but if he ever does anything wrong pile on you know but with poch

He’s just such a media darling and I don’t think that actually helps Chelsea I think pettino can do a good job but he needs to be under a little bit more pressure you watch him losing so regularly and he just seems to be sat

There with a bit of a smile on his face he doesn’t look like a guy that’s been told he could get the sack and I’m not saying he should get the sack because that’s the mistake Chelsea made with their last few managers but there’s got to be accountability is Chelsey football

Club at the end of the day you’re mid-table and you’re nowhere near Europe at the moment the caraba cup might be your only chance because winning the FA Cup there’s a lot of good teams in it you’ve got Middlesboro with all which with all due respect should be a buy

Into the final and middlesbor have got injuries and they’ve beaten you one nil and it’s not like Chelsea haven’t had chances again they have had a lot of the ball but there’s no urgency you know I was looking at that game and it’s 1- nil broha puts across into Sterling and

Sterling sort of got a smile on his face oh so close and I I think that’s the problem with Chelsea they just lack I saw Thiago Sila at the end of that game you won the other day I think it was against Palace and he was pissed off

Because you know no it wasn’t Palace who was it luten was it l you were winning 3-0 and it was 3-2 and it was shaky at the end and he was pissed off at the end and I thought Chelsea haven’t got enough players like that I mean one of the

Players they have got like that is Connor Gallagher and they’re trying to sell him it’s just it’s like it’s like a puzzle that doesn’t make a puzzle it’s just loads of different pieces very expensive pieces as well all the money they’ve spent on players and I just I

Just don’t get what Chelsea are going to be look I think it was cedo on the first goal the cross comes back he’s stops running and puts his hand behind his back what are you thinking about a hand ball for when you’re not even tracking the ball it’s it’s weird there’s just

Weird stuff going on in that Chelsea side mistakes poor finishing and look I’ll always go back to the fact that I don’t understand why Chelsea haven’t gone out and bought a world class Striker you’ve spent 100 million pounds on a couple of players surely the guy

That’s going to score the goals is is the most important thing and they just haven’t done it um and I don’t really know what their plan is because they doesn’t seem to be any urgency they’ve also almost got themselves into this position now where B said we’re going to

Stick with this manager and this manager knows he’s going to be stuck with and the fans know he’s going to be stuck with but the results aren’t improving so everyone’s sort of going well we’re sticking with the manager but where are we going like there’s no urgency to to

To sort things out at least you know Arsenal should not be looking to sack artetta but he drops to Fourth and Arsenal fans are going I don’t know whether he’s the right guy he’s a bit of pressure man united ten hog I would wouldn’t sack him but you know he has

Got to be scrutinized he has got to be held accountable and he has got to improve otherwise he’ll be gone in the summer whereas with Chelsea it’s like well it very much looks like you’re not going to be in Europe again next season so it very much looks like you’re going

To have a similar season next year where it’s you know midweek off um but there’s doesn’t seem to be any plan to deal with that um and they seem to be waiting for something to change but I I’ve watched Chelsea a few times this season and I don’t

See I don’t see where it’s going to improve like they they get a good result against Man City and then the next time I watch them they’re at Old Trafford and they get dominated you know boxing at Christmas Eve at wolves predictably they go and lose there um they lose tonight

Um you know they beat Luton and they think it’s just it’s just just just a a really really odd situation at Chelsea and they do stink they really stink and they really do deserve to be where they are and um I think Liverpool are going to win the carabal cup because they’re

The best club left in the cup but you know you would have thought Chelsea at some point were just going to click in and start um playing better but I think the biggest biggest problem that Postino’s got is that there is still so much rotation and I don’t know what it’s

Like for Chelsea fans but every time I tune in I know they’ve got injuries but I don’t know what his best 11 is um don’t know what the real system is I don’t really see any fluidity or chemistry or you know Vision um I very rarely watched Chelsea this season and

Go that was a good half an hour where they played really really well um and that does not bode well for a for for a squad that is you know renowned for being um what’s the word um not United and you do worry you do worry and wonder

What’s going on behind the scenes at Chelsea because that doesn’t look like a you can’t really blame them in I suppose in a sense but it doesn’t look like a team that that knows where it’s heading or what it’s doing now I still think that at Stanford Bridge with Middlesboro

And the injury problems they’ve got and it’s only one nil you’d fancy Chelsea to find a goal at some point and then momentum get them through so I don’t think this is going to end up with middles Brit in the carabel cup final I really don’t I still think Chelsea are a

Better team than Middlesboro and will’ll find a way to beat them and quite rightly so I mean look at the budgets look at the wages look at the Players we’re not just talking about a mid-table Premier League club against a mid-table championship Club we’re talking about

You know a massive Gulf in players and and depth Etc so I still think Chelsea will turn it around but that doesn’t make it acceptable that they keep putting in performances like this um I can’t see where Chelsea are going to find any rhythm because I look at their

Their next few games and you know Fulham at home on Saturday and then they got middleb next week and then they got Villa in the cup which will be difficult and then they got Liverpool in the league and then they’ got wolves and they got Palace

Away and they got Man City away um they got Chelsea at Spurs at home you just don’t see Chelsea are desperate for some Rhythm and consistency and I just don’t see it I think this season is a very competitive season and Chelsea are never going to find consistency when they’re

Ridiculously inconsistent in their ethos and uh and their lineup so yeah but look Michael Carrick Legend of Manchester United in my eyes and uh I’m just really pleased for him with that I don’t think they’ll get to the final but that’s just another feather in his cap as a manager

Isn’t it they would they had so many Challengers today with their injuries and uh they defended well they counted well they scored a good goal and um I think that it’s um it’s a it’s a great result for Middlesboro um but as I said Chelsea really do stink get your

Comments in make sure you smash a like on the video and subscribe and I’ll speak to you soon

Middlesbrough 1-0 Chelsea and Mark Goldbridge reacts to another disgraceful performance from Chelsea. Is Poch in danger? Get your comments in below.


  1. Thing is, despite Chelsea's poor form, all Boro did was essentially hold serve at home. They won by the slimmest of margins, and you would expect Chelsea to probably eek out a victory at home in the second leg (like they did convincingly in the FA just a few days ago). Don't get me wrong, should Chelsea do better? Absolutely. But despite how terribly they have played, and their lack of creativity and ambition, I can completely see them advancing to the final even with a lackluster return match in a few weeks. Given their upcoming matches, they may very well have to win in order to save their season.

  2. I don't understand why everyone believes Poch is such a great manager. He over achieved at Tottenham and got them to a final (over achievement) . Yes he won the league with PSG but that's a given.

  3. utd chelsea mid table but spending so much on there team is unreal shame everton with points no money and would be up there love the prem

  4. At this point, it feels like Chelsea is doing their best to stay out of Europe so they don't have to comply with UEFA FFP Rules

  5. With Mark its damned if you do, damned if you dont with these rich clubs.
    City win the treble .. they've bought it. Its expected to happen. Chelsea spend MORE and are abysmal.. its a disgrace.

  6. If Chelsea FC are a serious football club, they should hire Antonio Conte again. Conte is available, have experience with Chelsea and is a proven winner. Also Conte's system would imo suit these Chelsea players.

  7. chubby checker Poch wants to get rid of C Gallagher and keep E Fernandez and M Caicedo ??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and R Sterling can sod off too šŸ˜”

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