@New Jersey Devils

Save percentage stats

Save percentage stats

by corn_n_potatoes


  1. Sisyphus328

    I’m no hockey aficionado, but this ain’t good right?

  2. specifichero101

    I became a fan of the devils because of a goalie. Now 25 years later a devils goalie makes me want to cry. Funny how that works.

  3. for a while i genuinely believed that our defensive system made goalies worse but we’ve been playing much better lately and this dude is still ass. any other goalie in the league would have saved at least 1 if not both of those garbage goals last night (2nd and OT).

  4. I miss blackwood, we gave up too early on him. I know blackwoods stats look poor but he’s on the worst team in the league and can give them a chance to win. Something our goalies don’t do

  5. pretzelogically

    Daneyko has somehow convinced many Devils fans that it’s the defense that is our problem because he constantly points out what mistakes were made. I always hear about “great” or “timely” saves when it comes to Vanaceck but the broadcast never points out bad goaltending mistakes. The guy is constantly fooled by shots, he’s out of position, he makes bad decisions, he flops and flails around in a panic and his rebound control sucks ass. There’s nothing else to say. He’s been bad. Can he be good again? Can he be the guy we ride into yhe playoffs and depend upon? Those are the questions that the organization needs to figure out and FAST or this will be a lost season. I don’t want to hear about injuries either. This team has the depth to withstand them. The goaltending has been pathetic and it needs to be fixed.

  6. DawgMutt05

    Even worse: he’s ranked like 65th among goalies in that now supposedly all-important GSAA above average above expected stat

  7. DontDraftSmall

    Looks like save% is down league wide. It must be all the ghost calls against defenders hampering the D men.

  8. Looking at [NST Goalies](, selecting 10+ games played, we have 64 goalies to review. (I also show where Nico would slot in, though he only has 3 games):

    * SV%: League average 0.914, std deviation 0.016.
    Akira – 51st, 0.903, Vitek – 58th, 0.894, Nico would be 59th, 0.893
    Comment: way below league average, and close to the bottom. Akira was the best.

    * xGA/60: League average 2.61, sd 0.26.
    Akira – 39th, 2.64, Vitek – 6th, 2.25, Nico would be 25th, 2.64
    Comment: Our D is protecting Vitek now to 6th in the league least xGA, much less than Nico or Akira, yet he’s got statistically a worse save rate.

    * GA-xGA/60: League average -0.07, sd 0.47
    Akira – 47th 0.21, Vitek – 58th, 0.55, Nico would be 60th, 0.60
    Comment: In a league that beats the xGA on average (and best goalies beat by over a whole goal), Vitek and Nico are at the bottom 10%, and Akira a bit better.

    * High Danger Shots Against/60: league avg 7.62, sd 0.96
    Akira – 53rd, 8.45, Vitek – 25th, 7.13, Nico would be 58th, 9.04
    Comment: Vitek is protected more than Akira and Nico

    * HDSv%: League average 0.817, sd 0.04
    Akira – 52nd, 0.783, Vitek – LAST (64th), 0.713, Nico would be 25th, 0.826
    Comment: This is Vitek’s kryptonite. Just no good at saving these. Look at Nico though!

    Conclusions: we know that we used to hang our goalies out to dry, but that problem is somewhat going away. We now have the 4th lowest Scoring Chances Against/60 (i.e. D is working), and 11th lowest High-Danger SCA/60 (i.e. we give up relatively more dangerous scoring chances, but still above average). Yet we have goaltending in the bottom 20% of the league. It’s a shame.

  9. Look at the bright spot Igor is playing like shit too!

  10. There’s no doubt he’s been awful. But this chart also shows that the purported saviours people say we should trade for like Gibson and Saros … and even guys that are perennially all star caliber like Shesterkin and Vasilevski (and Saros again) … are also outside the top 20.

    Bizarro goalie year. Ours suck, unquestionably and unsurprisingly – but so do a lot of guys that aren’t supposed to.

  11. TheBigMotherFook

    Hey look on the bright side, statistically it can’t get any worse.

  12. TomatoNoah

    We really can’t wait until the deadline. I fear by then we could be farther down in the standings if we stick with the tandem we have now. Might be too late by then.

  13. I’ve been a fan of the Devils just before Marty started playing for us. I really miss having solid defense and goaltending.

  14. tony4bocce

    Crazy how fine the margins are at the top level. He’s .02 away from being top half

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