@St. Louis Blues

He Scored, Then Did… WHAT?

Nhl highlights 2024 – The New york rangers vs st louis blues game was a wild one and the pavel buchnevich empty net goal and stick definitely near the top of the list for me as possibly the or one of the craziest moments of the 2023-24 nhl season thus far. If you watched the rangers vs blues highlights you get some of the picture, but I tried to piece together what exactly happened here but obviously there’s still some grey area/confusion. For more reactions and recaps to nhl hockey highlights today , trade rumors signings and news and funny moments like this as well as mic’d up or on-ice mishaps, subscribe to johnny hawkey. Nhl 2024

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  1. Yes, I've seen Buchnevich in that game and this season in general miss a lot of opportunities. He's hit a lot of posts and has missed some empty nets so to me it was like finally he gets an easy one but mad at himself for missing some golden opportunities. Pointwise, he's not on pace compared to last year. He's been one of best Blues players for the past couple of years (thanks Rangers!)–a true 200 ft player, but I've seen him make more mistakes this year which probably gets back to the missed opportunities weighing on him.

  2. I know buchnevich talked about his dad flying in from russia this month cuz the blues had a lot of home games (he wasn’t able to make it for the dads trip) so maybe he was mad that his dad traveled across the world to see an empty netter

  3. He should 100% get a one game suspension for that. smashing his stick, sending something sharp at high velocity towards fans shouldn't be acceptable.

  4. I wish this garbage hockey content would stop popping up all over my feed. You hockey YouTubers all put out the same recycled garbage 3 minute videos talking about the EXACT SAME TOPICS. It’d be refreshing to see a channel that actually put some effort into their content. So sick of seeing this garbage all over my feed, I don’t understand why people even watch this stuff when they could literally make these low effort low quality videos themselves.

  5. These types of actions need to be fined so players take note to keep their emotions a bit more in check.. passion and emotion yes, but this is ridiculous fan could’ve had her face shattered

  6. as a blues fan, I wasnt pissed about the kyrou comment about the relationship with the coach that is not his teams coach anymore. Glad kyrou has been playing well since the comment though.

  7. Lol at the guy giving him the double bird while he was giving him the new stick, but strategically waiting until he turns his back.

  8. I get emotions can run high, but I don't think it's too much to ask that players vent those emotions in a way that isn't dangerous. No one was hurt so yeah it's just funny but there was a risk and I think if you're going to break your stick or something just aim somewhere else and it can be funny unconditionally.

  9. complete conspiracy, but there is a chance it was an altered stick & he just immediately disposed of evidence. could've just hated that stick & wanted a new one lmao

  10. All the frustration from the last 3 weeks came out after that empty netter for buchy. He’s been so snake bitten lately, missing wide open nets, fanning on golden opportunities in the slot, etc…. Hopefully he has the monkey off his back and can get back to putting pucks in the back of the net.

  11. I feel like he was mad cause he didn’t find kyrou for his 4th of the night. Only thing that makes sense to me is

  12. Technically, tossing your stick into the crowd is a 10 minute misconduct. The reason is the risk of injury, as mentioned in the video. At the very least, the league ought to remind the players to not throw your stick into the crowd. Obviously nobody wants to injure the customers.

  13. I legitimately saw a girl get 25+ stitches from a stick blade smashed on top of glass. The player was getting ejected and the fans were giving it to him. One of the ugliest things I ever saw live at a game

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