@Boston Bruins

Help identifying signatures

Need help identifying signatures on collectors stick from 2010/11 season, given to me as a present from my uncle who lives in Boston.

So far I have identified Patrice Bergeron, Tim Thomas, Andrew Ference, Marc Savard, Milan Lucic, David Krejci, Shawn Thornton, Michael Ryder, Shane Hnidy, Gregory Campell, Adam McQuaid and I’m not sure about this one but possibly Matt Bartkowski

by strangefruitt


  1. bstnbrewins814

    That’s an awesome gift! You’ve got some big names on there.

  2. ducttapetoiletpaper

    2nd to last one is probably Jordan Caron or Matt Hunwick, they were both on the team that year and were poo.

    Just kidding

  3. Zealousideal-Fly2049

    You gotta flip them so they’re not upside down

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