@St. Louis Blues

Post Game Thread: Boston Bruins at St Louis Blues – 13 Jan 2024


STL loses, 4 – 3 OT.

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. bleedblue89

    On one hand I enjoy a point on the other hand fuck

  2. Plague735

    What an absolute fucking joke of a game and overtime.

  3. Biggest non call trip in the history of these two teams

  4. Carpet_Tree

    Hockey gods really don’t want us to be 4 games over .500, huh?

  5. alexgetty

    The biggest fuckin load of horseshit…how the fuck do they review a guy being 1/186 offside but miss a DOUBLE TRIP in overtime?!

  6. UnoriginalName002

    I was happy to get a point, but losing in OT like *that* leaves a bad taste in my mouth

  7. I despise being blame the refs guys but what the fuck was that

  8. CrimsonTyphoon0613

    How do you miss that blatant of a tripping call when it’s 3v3?

  9. dixie12oz

    I hope their fans realize it’s fake. It legitimately doesn’t count. This game will only ever be 3-3 or a Blues winner. I honestly hope the Blues claim a win no matter what happens. More people will always recognize Blues as the true winners, mark my words.

    Any Boston fan that supports their team after this pathetic excuse for a game deserves to be banned for life. You can’t call yourself a fan of hockey. If it comes to it I will personally call out anyone I see wearing Bruins gear. If you think this game has been fair then you’re more hopeless than the flat earthers.

    The Bruins and any fans who still support them are the scum of the earth and don’t deserve to ever win the cup. And they won’t. Go Blues.

  10. Refs: 3
    Blues: 2

    Boston fans are saying Thomas dove lmfao what.

  11. HypeForTheHypeGod

    Gotta love when even B’s fans in the r/hockey PGT know it was an awful noncall.

    Common NHL ref moment

  12. Sufficient-Screen-34

    You can’t turn the puck over in the neutral zone and expect to win 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. Hey Bruins fans, we still got a point after your missed tripping call. We won a pivotal game 5 en route to a cup win in your building after our missed tripping call.

    Sleep on that copium tonight.

  14. I would feel better if the Bruins won without the trip. That was just a huge buzz kill. I wonder why there is a shortage of refs.

  15. russianspy_1989

    Anyone whose attitude right now is “well with the way we played tonight at least we got 1 point” can shove a cactus up their ass.

  16. alexgetty

    It’s obvious the Bruins fans are infiltrating the comments…what a pathetic fan base ya’ll are.

  17. ChefBoyarmemes

    Lol, the bruins game day thread people are all pissbabies. “Fuck STL” and “imagine STL crying over a missed call, suck my dick.” Stay classy Boston, you won because the refs are blind.

  18. Mathracer101

    On a night where every other relevant central team seems to have won (except the Jets) just stings a bit we couldn’t get 2.

  19. trubleakromeo

    Fuck losing like that. But at least they’re playing better hockey against a lot of really good teams. I can live with that.

  20. childishbambino19

    Q: How many NHL refs does it take to eat a bag of dicks and call it chicken parm?

    A: How many ya got?

  21. PunchNessie

    I saw that trip clear as day and entire state away. How are these refs paid a living wage to do their job?

  22. reenactment

    That’s a backbreaking no call. Hopefully it galvanizes the guys. That was one of the worst non calls all year. Only thing worse than that because it’s 3on3 there is someone getting cut and somehow not being called

  23. Various_Ad_2549

    All fuckin bubble gum dum dum drunk zebras must have sharted in their pants at the exact moment Thomas was tripped thus causing their focus and attention to be elsewhere. Only explanation possible.

  24. Sufficient-Screen-34

    Puck possession is key in 3v3 overtime

  25. frankensteinleftme

    Ugh what a dumb way to lose. I’d rather lose any other way than a BS ref call/no-call

  26. childishbambino19

    One more question about a major annoyance: what the fuck is going on with Pornstache? Faulk out there looking like he doesn;t even care tonight. There’s been a lot of games this season where two guys wearing a letter didn’t really show up in the right way. I’m ready to listen to offers for Faulk, as good as he has been through much of his team here.


    Fuck the pussy ass refs, the Bruins and their fans. They can suck my white ass

  28. What the FUCK. How do you call anything but a major and obvious TRIP on the game winning goal!?! Those refs are getting fired for sure.

  29. Caffeine_Cowpies

    Taking 3 out of 4 points is great between Boston and NY Rangers but FUCK ME DUDE you can’t miss that.

  30. Gonna ignore the no call in OT that led to the game winner but I really liked the Torp/Hayes/Kappy line. Thought they brought good energy and possession all game. Also liked what I saw from Perunovich and Kessel. Also like Krugs game a lot more when he’s paired with Kessel. Power play was amazing. Parayko should have been given a chance there a while ago but better late than never. Love the fact that guys are getting to the net and earning goals.

    Bad things I saw were turnovers, which is the constant theme for this team. I thought we had a decent showing against a good team but I still think we have more to give. Hoping to get back in the W column next game.

  31. Man these stats really show how we had absolutely no business taking a point here. 68-38 in shot attempts and 26-14 on quality scoring chances. Binny is literally stealing points rn.

  32. JohnDivney

    Why do Bruins have their 2019 core and Blues have nearly none of theirs?

  33. Utahgetme02

    We’re even in trips now.
    Bozak tripped acciari, no call, goal, Cup
    Pasta trips Thomas, no call, goal, 1 pt.
    I think we’re good

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