@Buffalo Sabres

UPL Leads The Sabres To Victory & The Bills Win Again – Postgame Thoughts

UPL Leads The Sabres To Victory & The Bills Win Again – Postgame Thoughts

Well we win a game we were supposed to win but the surprising thing folks the story of UPL continues in this one we got to ride him I’m telling you right now I’m I would stick with UPL guys he looks like the goalie that’s getting it

Done I was uh oh guys this morning uh the the pregame I was uh I had my hands in paint I just it was just no way um and the truth is I thought it was 3:00 the game not noon and by the time I figured it out forget it there was just

No way so sorry about that like I said guys by Wednesday Thursday I’ll be back back to normal here um so the boys get it done guys and I missed this game I just watched the replay and I’m not finished it yet but I said I got to get on this because the

Truth is I kind of got caught into the bills and Steelers game uh but I’ve seen all the highlights and I pretty much got an idea what happened uh so far after about two periods so let’s take a look guys at the numbers and talk about

It okay shots on goal 3 5 28 sabes they had the edim faceoffs 52% to 48 Sabers one for two on the power play and they were 0 for two on the penalty uh on their power play Sorry double Dustin hits though 28-4 uh the blocks we had 17 they had 14

We had two giveaways they had one we had four takeaways they had seven shots and goal per period 8 seven sharks in the first 12 a piece in the second and in the third which I haven’t seen yet 168 Sabers for that 3528 total scoring middl stat continues his

Impressive season with his 12th for moso and Ryan Johnson at 11:34 of the second and another post ringing in the ringing in the forest guys we could sure hear that one and Tuck also on the power play from Quinn and middle stat makes it two to

Nothing at the end of two we go into the third Greenway who which I haven’t seen yet the empty Netter and this is why I’m kind of doing the video now the empty Netter makes it uh three nothing Sabers it close it out middle stat gets another assist there and

Delene middle stat folks is a plus 11 when is the last time a buffalo saber was A+ 11 has it happened recently I remember 0 power being A+ 10 I don’t remember a plus 11 could be I’m just so uh mentally scarred by the Sabers last decade that you

Know so I’m going to talk a little bit about this one guys because yes it’s an important win I know it’s San Jose but it’s an important win it’s a game we had to get mathematically this game is as important as the last one it’s just sad

We didn’t get the last one we’ll worry about that later let’s see now with Chicago what we can do and if we can get that one at the Stag is set to go 4- two at least on this home stand if we can get next game we got to get next game

Though and I’m not just writing off the Blackhawks no way I’m not writing off nobody this season I’m not surprised what I seen in that two periods they were putting up a fight I wasn’t surprised so one thing I want to talk about guys briefly is the Buffalo Bills

Congrats to you Bills fans bills Mafia you guys must be going nuts today I tell you they started good and they closed good but uh you know Pittsburgh pretty much stayed in that game a little too long I think for most of your liking kept kind of creeping

Back in and then the bills would get a an important field goal you might recall and and you know it’s just one of those games where I’m sure there’s just a sigh of relief but now you got Kansas City right you guys got to beat Kansas City

Please please do it for me please beat them I’m sure Bills fans are fed up with Kansas City also at this point so yeah I want to talk a little bit about football it was nice to see the Lions get their first playoff win in what

Three decades you know it’s been a long time I was happy for them there’s certain teams like I’m you know I’m kind of cheering for a bit and certain teams I really like the Ravens I don’t really want but if it comes down to the Ravens and Chiefs if the bills can’t get

Through the Chiefs I’ll definitely be pulling for the Ravens even if that harms the 49ers chances I want the I want the Chiefs out you know but at the same time both good teams you got your hands full over there folks you got your hands

Full you’re going to it’s going to be a tough one you got to get through Kansas City if the bills can get through Kansas City they got a chance I figure uh if they if they’re going to meet the Ravens in the conference final if it comes down to that I’m guessing

The Ravens are going to get there you know but uh weirder things happen in sports so now I will go on a few things here we will talk about the we’re going to talk about the wild card spot for a second because we are still in that race

Believe It or Not For Those nonbelievers all right sa sabes are seven points out of the Wild Card seven and don’t forget we got Tampa head on that’s a big two points so if we get Chicago if we get Chicago and then beat Tampa head on but uh Tampa’s Catching Fire they’ve

Won their last three in a row so the Sabres now are sitting at 1921 and4 and the gold differential keeps getting better now it’s a minus 13 Sabers now are 10 11 and one at home 9 10 and three on the road for the miserable season that we

Are enduring so far but we’ll take this Wing guys because I think it would have been Heartbreak City I’m glad the city gets to like you know the Bills win and the sabes win it’s a good day for for Buffalo fans today so I figured I was

Going to wait to see if uh the bills won before I made this video I want to know the mood of you guys cuz uh you know that’s a big one that the bills won that game so we’re going to see if they can go

Deep they’re one win away and I hope the bills get to the conference final and then throw the dice and see what happens it’s s of dice see what happens I’m guessing you’re going to play if you beat KC I’m pretty sure it’s going to be Baltimore I can’t really see them

Choking up but weirder things happen in the playoffs and I’ll tell you it’s going to be crazy for me too we got Green Bay as a ners fan so see what happens there so the boys win in a game that they had to win yes but it was

A it’s the worst team in hockey and but we have to take it we have to take it and humble ourselves and say you know what we’re taking it we got we got to be it looks like so far the teams that we we can beat we’re beating and the teams

That we’re not supposed to beat we haven’t beaten on this home stand so far and uh I thought that’s going to come down I believe to Tampa we got to get through Chicago and uh there’s just Chicago’s uh played us tough quite a few games in a row now so like the last

Three years right so Chicago is going to be no pushover we can’t just think we’re going to walk in there and take that game we have a bad game and if they go with UPL and Nets is my hope they they better go with UPL ride the hot goalie he’s hot right now

Keep playing him and this is what I said before once he has a bad game then we go to Levi and hope Levi picks up some slack but right now we got to go with UPL guys we do as much as Levi is by far my favorite goalie I know better we got

To go with uh UPL right now UPL is doing it and he’s looking good doing it here’s a question I have guys maybe one of you guys can let me know has UPL I know he’s had a a you know in his career shutouts did he have backto back games

Where he’s only let in one goal in his career I don’t think so let’s see if I can find that quickly I don’t think he has you know and and I I was pretty surprised to be honest I mean I really want to see the

Third but I I see the sabes have um dominated in shots in the third so I don’t know what I’m going to see but um let me just check I want to check very briefly guys um yeah it was um oh it was earlier this year what am I

Saying I thought it was last year he got a shut out no it was earlier this no so that I’m guessing this is the first time in his career I I don’t think after the shut out this year that he let in just one and now I’m looking at one and zero

So UPL has found a zone that uh we got to just take that guys and appreciate it and say hey keep playing them keep playing them Granado if they put in Levi next game I’ll say it right now it’s a mistake you got to go with the goalie

That’s rolling and right now UPL is feeling it he’s he looks confident he looks like bigger he looks bigger in Nets I guess if that’s the right term I could use the guy looks like he’s standing tall in Nets he if you notice he doesn’t go down as quick as he used

To before I found he was always going down too fast whereas now he seems a little more patient could could just be me guys but uh okay I’m going to go check out the third congrats again guys the bills get it done let’s meet each other in the

Super Bowl let’s have some fun you can have all the fun with me in the world if you want because I’ll tell you what if the 49ers got to the Super Bowl and lost to the bills there’d be a side of me that’ have a smile on my face face even

Though I’ve waited 30 years to see another one I I’d be really happy for you guys honestly I would with all my heart guys I would be because I remember that early 90s team with Jim Kelly I remember I remember the Heartbreak of the first Super Bowl that you

Lost missing the field goal and then of course the better teams really showed up in the other Super Bowls but the bill should have got that first one all right guys done for this one oh somebody wants to say hi before we go she just scratched my leg there she is

Guys your good luck charm for the Buffalo Bills today oh or the Buffalo Savers too hey what do you say you want to go out you want to go out she wants to go out guys I’m going to go take her out I’ll see you guys soon have a good One he

Hey all, a great sports day in Buffalo to talk about as the Sabres blank the Sharks then the Bills advance..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Not their best effort but a win is a win. UPL was solid, Mitts was great. They did play too casual in the first, not enough compete.
    Wayne, Greenway had a nice hit to spring the empty netter that he scored.

  2. So happy the bills won but we got so many injuries. And the chiefs are coming next week? Im scared. Also upl looks like the goalie of the future for us. Him and levi for the next 10 years and we will be set

  3. Fully agree Wayne stick with UPL at least for the next 3 games. Back to back games next week , so give Levi a game then .
    Do you think Adams can find a sucker😊 I mean buyer for Olofsson on or before the trade deadline ? I guess his salary is scaring a lot of gms off not to mention his one dimensional play.
    Thanks for the video Wayne. PS, stop working sooo much! 😊
    Edit..BLOOD HELL, Montreal just beat Colorado! 🤬 At least NJ &NYI lost!

  4. Kahkonen was the only reason it wasn't a blowout, had to watch the replay, the plows came by and had to dig out. Gotta keep the momentum going and yes, ride UPL while he's comfortable. They miss Skinner out there.

  5. We didn't look real impressive, and San Jose is just terrible. Nice to win when you're supposed to. The shutout was deserved by UPL.

  6. I saw most of the first period and that was it. I had things I had to do and when I finally got to check in on the score it was 2-0. Looking at the numbers you mentioned, we only beat them in shots and PP. Every other stat we they beat us in, so it seems like we should have lost. So UPL must have had another great game. Great to see him get a SO, his GAA is .950 in the last 5 games. I was a Bills fan back when Thurman and Jim Kelly played, but since they lost every big dance they had (think it was 3 appearances in 4 years or 4 in 5 years) I was done with them and NFL. So I don't watch football at all now.

  7. Mittelstadt is better than Gretzky, lucky goal, secondary assist on PP and assist on empty net goal, man, Gretzky couldn’t hold his jock strap! We better lock him up for 8 years, I’m thinking 11.5 million like Nylander and Marner. Let’s not get all excited, Mittens has been very good this year but can we win a cup with him in next 8 seasons? Sabres fans are talking about releasing Tage and Cozens since Greenway is now a center, so we would have Fats and Coaches Son as our top 2 centers…I’m just grumpy because 14 seasons no playoffs and our GM decided to do nothing

  8. I hope the Bills beat KC, can’t stand the chiefs or Taylor Swift(who is a billionaire and says she’s a “slave” and oppressed in life).

  9. Just release Levi, the fans have spoken! UPL is the next Patrick Roy and Levi’s career is over at age 21, washed up, he sucks! The fans have spoken! The cup is ours if we release Cozens and Tage, play Greenie and Fats 20 minutes and UPL starts every game.

  10. Playoffs!?!? (Jim Mora)

    C'mon. Let's just pray for consistent play. Playoffs should not be mentioned until at least March.

  11. I’m a ravens fan Wayne and I hope the Super Bowl is us against the niners. Would be a heck of a Super Bowl. And also big win for the Sabres today

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