@Calgary Flames

Mike definitely regrets that tweet

Mike definitely regrets that tweet

by CaptinDerpI


  1. Pencileyepete

    He’s a self declared sports journalist with a major boner for hating on the Flames. He on Tik Tok and Twitter mostly.

  2. marlboro__man9

    Hey guys is it actually bad to make a good trade? My column:

  3. KrolWorld

    Would you rather be 6th wildcard and have a 31 year old on an expiring deal, or 3rd wildcard with a young stud that keeps getting better?

  4. I guess if I knew who this clown was, I would care.
    Not sure why he gives a rip about what Flames fans are saying. But like I say. Don’t care.

  5. Popped up in my feed… Guys a goof, was claiming the Jets were mid all summer and that they should tear it down and we can see that’s aged well.

  6. lemonvictor_

    A washed opinion on twitter? In other news, the sky is blue and bears in fact shit in the woods

  7. weschester

    Considering that we aren’t rebuilding and are only doing a retool these types of trades are exactly what we need to be making. Trade an older player for a younger player with upside.

  8. superbear19

    I mean one guys is alot younger and is just as good if not a bit better than the older but good player it’s a win for us and I guess a win for them for leadership purposes

  9. Longjumping-Limit827

    Are you saying a wiener dog is regarded?

  10. YouCanFucough

    This is hilarious coming from an islanders fan

  11. markedwardmo

    Mike doesn’t realize that a tear down and rebuild is much, much easier for an American team than a Canadian one, look at the shame my Oilers brought upon themselves for an entire decade.

  12. CuriousReward

    To be fair, he’s got a point.

    New Jersey only had to trade a pick and a younger player with contract left for an old player on an expiring contract for…

    *checks notes*

    The same amount of points in the standings.


  13. He actually has some of the worst takes in hockey too. He’s never made a top 10 list that was actually passable

  14. deleteallsocialmedia

    I mean, I agree with him about the stupidity of being a bubble team yet again, but are we supposed to want to lose trades??

    That trade was great.

    Now trade players and lose games. This team is not a contender will never be until the draft some elite talent.

  15. undeletable-2

    Fellas is it detrimental to the success of our team to win games?

  16. foursights

    This guy is officially the biggest Flames hater I’ve ever seen, if you’ve watched any of his videos hey always dunks on the flames and glazes the Oilers and his Islanders. Not sure if there is a fan of any Eastern Conference team that even comes close to how deeply we live rent free in thier head, quite comical really

  17. Chemical_Signal2753

    While it is very early, and there is not too much to judge, most of Conroy’s decisions have aged pretty well so far.

    1. The 2023 draft has resulted in 6 prospects who are all meeting or exceeding what you would expect from them given their draft position.
    2. Ryan Huska (after a rough first 10 games) has the Flames playing pretty well. After the first 10 games the Flames are 19-11-4 which is a 0.618 record, and that is a long stretch demonstrating they could have likely made the playoffs if they didn’t struggle with a new coach.
    3. Sharangovich is younger, cheaper, and performing as well as Toffoli. I have fewer concerns about extending Sharangovich than I would have with Toffoli.
    4. The Flames got more for Zadorov than it cost to acquire him.

    I’m not saying everything is perfect, or lived up to expectations, but early results look good.

  18. Paulhockey77

    Why do people get so pressed when we enjoy sharky’s success?? It’s like people don’t want to admit that Conroy absolutely nailed this deal

  19. What a complete tool. Why would you want a good player on your team when you could have a ticket to draft maybe a good player if your lucky?

  20. Never judge a player in its first half year being traded

  21. Yeah this guy’s dumb.. that said, the cycle of mediocrity this team is constantly stuck in is absolutely real and, as a fan, is beyond irritating.

  22. elcapitainesports

    I mean we got Sharangovich AND Suniev, who is looking to be a potential steal. Toffoli is playing as advertised with the Devils, but will need a new contract and is 32 this offseason. These are two things that didn’t fit the Flames’ plan. This individual doesn’t follow hockey closely and is just looking for clicks via ludicrousness.

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