@Toronto Maple Leafs

This is SHOCKING… – Leafs fans TURNING on Keefe

0:00 Intro
0:35 Keefe Speaks Out On Goalie Struggles
6:41 Moves Incoming?
12:20 Comment Of The Day

With Ilya Samsonov on waivers the Toronto Maple Leafs recall goaltender Dennis Hildeby from the Toronto Marlies and Fans are starting to turn on Sheldon Keefe. Will Hildeby be able to continue his dominant play in the NHL and what is next for Sheldon Keefe. Mark Pye and KC break down these reports, rumors, and more on this episode of Hat Trick HQ.


  1. Marner has been my favourite player since he’s come onto the scene but I truly believe he should’ve been the first one to be benched. You’re not making a big enough impact sitting your fourth line center. Sit the 11M player that looks like he belongs on the 4th line most nights.

  2. Its not fans turning on keefe just because Kampf made mistake. Its that Keefe has been consistently out coached and that this decision plays into that. He can't take it out on the 11million dollar players so he's using Kampf as an example. Even the play in question, he was the first man back defensively and Samsonov let in a weak one. It was the wrong decision in a growing list of bad ones.

  3. Keefe gets outcoached every playoff when the real coaching begins. A high school kid could coach this team to the playoffs.

  4. Leafs fans are totally stupid. Sheldon Keefe is NUMBER ONE AALLLL TIME in Winning percentage. Scottie Bowman is Number 2. Would you fire the best all time. LEAFS FANS are stupid enough to

  5. First and foremost Happy New Years KC and Mark all the best in 2024. Congratulations on the succes on this podcast.Glad to be part of it keep it going boys

  6. Sheldon O' keefe fired immediately. The leafs will only get worse with him as a coach.

  7. Every good prospect Keefe had in the Marlies who came up had absolutely zero grit. Then he becomes TML coach and every player the leafs have added or brought up have lost every stitch of grit has lost it. If any other coach expected a call up or even bench players to step up they would or they would be benched period! Keefe is a soft coach and that has ruined the young core.

  8. If he needed disciplining, I would have found another way to do it than by breaking a YEARS old ironman streak.

  9. Keefe is great, just get a legit defense man that can clap a slaper and throw the body and this leafs team can turn this around.

  10. It's worth giving him a chance Samsanov is not doing it for us. Kampf should not be benched Keefe doesn't bench the core 4 and sometimes they need to be so don't pick on Kampf Sheldon needs to go somewhere else bench yourself Keefe 😂

  11. many fans thought he was out coached once aging in the playoffs and team should have made changes then .

  12. Never liked him from day one , bush league coach only got the job because of his friendship with Dubas, his past reputation the refs hate him , should've been fired after Montreal…3-1 what a F'n joke .

  13. Ready to see what Hildeby does 👍 rooting for him and Keefe made a mistake with sitting Kampf but he's a good coach and will get the team right when the time comes.

  14. Look it’s not just that one, it’s been a long list of things for me leading up to this that have told me Keefe has to go.

    Facts. Keefes decisions have played big parts in our last 3 losses. It was keefes decision to pull the goalie with over 3 minutes left in a one goal game against the Sens. Way to early. Ottawa scores the empty netter, and our potential comeback is over. Strike one. We get into overtime against Columbus and have a critical face off in our zone that night. And he puts in Tavares who hadn’t won a single face off against danforth and who was barely over 50% that night compared to domi and kampf who were both 60% plus. He loses the face off and it’s in our net. Strike 2. Last game he decided to pull Kampf, who was far from being the worst player in the game before and who is one of our key PK players, to make a point. The Sabres score two goals on is besides the empty netter, and they were both power play goals. Would have been nice to have our good penalty killer there wouldn’t it. Strike 3.

    And that’s not even talking about our defensive play. Look, if you have one player not working out defensively, it’s the player. When it’s a single line, it’s the players or bad chemistry. When it’s the whole team, that’s the coach. Either he’s let it slide for so long the whole team is going down, or he’s pushing a system that is not working and refusing to change it.

    Honestly I’d be interested in seeing Berube in Toronto. He did good with the blues, and I think he’d do well here too.

  15. Keefe NEEDS to be fired. They need a defensive coach with a new voice and fresh ideas. Business is Business nothing personal. He's not getting this team to succeed especially in the playoffs

  16. KC says Keefe is a good coach, really??? An all-star lineup like the Leafs have would make a monkey a good coach. Let him coach Sharks, Ducks, or some other bottom feeder, if he can magically turn them into a cup contender then he can wear that label. The top guys have tuned him out, like Willy not even acknowledging him when Keefe is talking in his ear on the bench.

  17. The biggest problem with the Leafs is gone. Dubas put us in this position by over paying Tavares and Marner. Think about this he wouldn't give Hynman 5 million and now they are paying Bertuzzi 5 million. Who would you rather have? Its going to take the cap going up and this off season for Treliving to fix some of that damage Dubas created. I would trade Marner for a solid two way top pairing dman at 7 or 8 million and put the extra 2.5 million towards a top 6 winger in a trade. Then package Robertson, TJ and a 1st or second round pick for another top 4 dman. Like a Hannifan maybe or Tanev. Either way Leafs are going to need to overpay slightly if they want to be serious cup contenders. I'd move Bertuzzi as well if the right deal can be found, hes going to be gone next year anyway. You can find a lot of guys that do what he does for less than 5 million.

  18. Keefe is terrible and I've been saying for a couple of years now that the Leafs need to get a real coach. People have been fooled because of their regular season record, but he has been consistently outcoached, come postseason.

    It's not as if they've been blown out in postseason loses – many of them were close games where he has made some coaching decisions that cost them. ie. constantly changing lines – he should know his lines and have them set by Christmas at the latest. I understand injuries, but many times they weren't the factors in his decisions to continue mixing the lines.

    finally, it's not hate to point out these obvious issues. Why has the benching only happened this long in his coaching career in Toronto, and why is he not benching the top line stars? It's easy to post a guy on the 3rd or 4th line, but they're not the main reason the team is floundering.

  19. Cheap hire Keefe…Thats the Leaves for you..ether vastly overpaying for under-achieving, big name laze-oids like Burke, or Blabcock….or underpaying for nobodies, or for guys who leave and win elsewhere.

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