@Pittsburgh Penguins

This Shouldn’t Be Possible

#nhl #hockey #pittsburghpenguins

Sidney Crosby is still one of the NHL’s best players in the world despite being 36 years old. We dive into why Sidney Crosby simply isn’t aging.

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  1. Hey everyone! If you saw this one already from earlier today, amazing! Unfortunately there was an unfixable issue with the thumbnail so we had to take it down & re-upload. Thanks for supporting & enjoy the breakdown on Sid “The Middle Aged” Man

  2. Sadly, all that talent and the pens will miss the playoffs again.

    Time for a rebuild and sell off the talent… or it will be another 4-10 years before anything exciting happens in pitt..

    This means, another bankruptcy will occur..

  3. If you would’ve told me 10 years ago that Crosby is one of the more physical players in the league I never would’ve believed you

  4. 3:42 the absolute filth on that pass… finally, some players have adopted some football "mechanics" to their game. when I started watching ice hockey I wondered why no team was playing a passing possession style (tiki-taka). then, 7-8 years later, tampa found that style. making that extra pass to open the space. i was watching the vgk the other night and their pressing/pressure style looks just like Klopp's gegenpressing. the flyers seem to play like any of mourinho's teams: defending most of the match, quick attacks and shoot from anywhere when they're in the opposition's third, maybe it goes in. worst PP in the league. anyone?

  5. Love the breakdown. I have learned to watch hockey in a totally new way after watching your vids. This one is a prime example. I knew he was great but never knew what made him great. I grew up in the southern US in the 80s and was never raised around hockey. I love to watch it and its such a great game and really the only sport I watch anymore. Your vids help me enjoy everything so much more. Keep up the great work!

  6. One of the things that has made hockey worse is the lack of grit. The skill is great, but these guys dont even try to play the body anymore on a forecheck or to win a puck battle. I hate watching that, its so soft. Crosby is an absolute legend.

  7. Fabulous review of Crosby’s game! Your channel clearly stands out as the most savvy of how the game is played from the eye of someone who has obviously studied film, and some of the greatest skaters of our time. Bravo!

  8. I took many years off watching hockey after the 2011 Finals, now it's 2024 and Crosby is still one of the best players in the league. He will go down in history for sure; just imagine the career he would have if he was healthy during his prime

  9. Canuck fan here. Watched Nucks Pens last week. The dude is completely on top of things. His positioning and strength on the puck is right where it's always been: superb.

  10. So true he was robbed of at least 2, more like 3 years of his prime. Who knows how many more Cups could have come to the Pens, and Sid would already be in the top 10 all time in points. Steckel and Hedman should have been suspended for as long as Sid had to sit out – I was at the Hedman game. Not to mention the slapshot and broken jaw he took from Orpik, and the lockout.

  11. I’ve heard people say Sid gets too much help from referees, but it’s because he knows how to work the game in his favor. And he’s absolutely incredible at it

  12. I remember thinking Crosby was done when he was dealing with those concussions back in the day. I'm happy I was wrong.

  13. Ill admit, ive been one of the people who a,ways gave him shit. From saying if you rearrange the letters of his last name, you get cry and sob, to outright saying he sucks(even tho i knew he doesnt) i gotta say, this dude is one of the goats.

  14. Used to hate Crosby when he was first drafted, was a whiner but I think he’s proved me and a lot of others wrong. It’s hard not to respect him. The sport is definitely better with him than without him. As a Canucks fan, McDavid will be due his cup soon as well. Just after we get ours 😂

  15. simply incredible, Temu Selane was a ppg player at the age of 40 and I see Sid doing the same at this rate.

  16. As Marchand put it best to describe Crosby: "He plays a winning game". Crosby still the goat of our era. Nobody plays a better game than him.

  17. People forget that Crosby was scoring as many goals as Ovechkin before his 1st concussion ended that. In his 5th year, Crosby had a 50 goal season. Entering his 6th year, he was on pace for 65 goals midway through the season until the concussion derailed his career. In other words, Crosby was going to be a perennial 50+ goals scorer every season like Ovi but he'd also have the 120+ points to go along with it (while Ovi only scored goals but didn't have the points). The amazing thing is that Crosby had to change his game style to protect his career and still found a way to be amazing despite not being his prime self. He adapted his game and was able to still win 2 more cups after the series of concussions that nearly ended his career. So the fact he's showing us that at age 36 he's capable of scoring 50 on a pretty mediocre team, confirms how great he's always been. It's not like he's getting "better", he was always a 50-60 goal scorer in this league with 120+ points per season but since his concussions changed that, we are only starting to see what we missed out on during his prime years.

  18. I'm savoring every game I watch because I know sadly his time is coming to an end. Been so lucky to watch him basically my whole life

  19. I always remind myself how great it’s been watching him for a decade and a half and to appreciate his still great play.

  20. He is quite a player. Imagine where his numbers would be of he never had the concussion issues. Generational talent for sure.

  21. Using a clip of Nylander in the last 2 minutes of play avoiding cernak and risking injury so that he can continue the series is a joke of an example lol regarding F1 intensity

  22. He really was never the same after those concussions. He was noticeably worse. And still managed to win a couple of cups. Unreal talent, that guy.

  23. i saw him warming up and stretching before the game in the catacombs, and the guy is just built differently. an absolute powerhouse who was flexible like a gymnast. wide as a cabinet and explosive like a pitbull. he was never just talented but is a workhorse, and that's why he never gets tired. one of my fav players since day one of his career.

  24. Crosby is getting wiser. Not more athletic. It’s a team sport. Crosby gets set up for great plays. Crosby had the most concussions as a current player. He’s not getting more athletic

  25. Amazing to see. I remember when people were saying he should retire back in 2011 with concussion issues

    Still rocking!

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