@National Hockey League

Who did it better?

Who did it better?

by DeTope


  1. Vic_Hedges

    Do people not understand that the All-Star game is for kids? Has been for at least a decade now.

  2. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    I’d buy 2. 1 to shit on, the other to cover it up.

  3. zevonyumaxray

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. 🙂

  4. vintage_rack_boi

    God these jersey are so ass. And the font on the back is SUPER ASS.

  5. usernamealreadytakeh

    Maybe Bieber was just really hungry when he designed it

  6. bstnbrewins814

    “He works for Kraft Dinner and that’s…fairly inexpensive”

  7. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    1 is 99 cents. The other will put a dent in your credit card.

  8. FrequentBroccoli97

    Why are the nameplates below the numbers? I think that’s what bugs me the most about these jerseys.

  9. Starsky686

    KD did it better because at least my kids like it.

  10. Great_Account_Name

    KD? I thought these were designed after the doritos bags.

  11. Tony-1610

    Ugh I was somewhat okay with the jerseys cause they had a “90’s feel” to me, but nameplate on the bottom?

    Goddamn savages!

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