@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights & Analysis: Pastrnak Picks Up Hat Trick In 5-2 Win Over Avalanche

Bruins Highlights & Analysis: Pastrnak Picks Up Hat Trick In 5-2 Win Over Avalanche

[Applause] Saka to P off the outside of the post from the the power at 172 Co to [Applause] pck this is Bruins overtime live presented by for offers Not Seen On TV visit by a boy it was that game fun from start to finish

Exciting between two of some of the best teams in the league but as I said in the teas the score of five to the final it was a lot closer than that absolutely um yet the Bruins I don’t want to say dominated but they I felt bear that they

Controlled the first and third yep and yes second was Colorado right they were good their push that was their push the full period they were real good but you know it’s funny I’m not saying I never felt the game was in Jeopardy cuz that in doubt that wouldn’t be fair cuz you

Know how good Colorado is but once the Bruins had multiple points in this game where they settled things down and it made me as a an observer feel good about it bear overall impressed San killed the play when he had to he made some good key saves and in general I thought the

Team’s cohesiveness support and layer Factor was real good yeah I would also throw structure on there their team their team defense was exceptionally good and to your point when you can play Under Control against a team that’s this good that shows that your team defense

There was no Panic for the most part a couple of giveaways that hurt him you know on a couple of spots but for the most part it was a close hockey game a good hockey game even though there was wasn’t a lot of chippiness it was physical oneon-one battles along the

Boards and and to your point it wasn’t into 236 that you scored the power play goal where you get the two-goal lead where all of a sudden okay I can s but other than that it was a good hockey game so I don’t know you know the game

In Denver I felt to your point um I felt the times the brooms were chasing I felt that they had a hard time managing or matching the speed of Colorado yet here I thought they were absolutely spot on with it I never felt like they were

Chasing I also I also think this is a type of game that Coach Montgomery talks about his identity this is the identity of the team that when you’re playing this way defensively you can play against the top teams because you have the ability to play under control and to

Slow them down a bit and that’s not easy not at all no Superstars again remember how ftic the game felt last week when we were watching in Denver it was go go go and the Bruins I mean yes they got to a shootout and everything but it felt very

Different than this one here I I just love the way that they absolutely manage this game was I in bed watching that or was I sleeping that when you were stay in the pregame both okay we remember that one though we do remember that okay well David poso I

Mean a lot of story lines in this one but one of the big ones getting a hattick we’re going to show you his second goal of the game which much like his first the assist just as beautiful and important to get this one in oh it

Really is here’s the nice break how come out the power play didn’t really feel like you had much going Billy it’s late they they went to the second unit but pasta of course stayed on and then they just had the battle zaka along the boards gets it to Pasta kn

And then to De brusk and then watch pedok go to the front of the net so quickly de brusk holds the puck goes away goes away and waits and makes a beautiful pass across to fasta I I mean the the play of zaka with two guys there

Just a subtlty to hold on to enough to those guys allows for the support factor to come over you made the point right away during live action about how fast pasta was streak into the net bear and it was really awesome gorgi thinks perhaps he’s got it covered and then

Then he’s like I have no chance at this with how quickly comes in posture knock just outside the left skate this is able to deflect it and ramp the puck over the left leg and gorgeous pass by Jake de brus who had a hell of a game yes he did

Yeah he did a hell of a game zaka did as well and situation where you know you’ll always hear brick talk about timely specialty teams if they don’t score there right you know you don’t you don’t have a good feel but by scoring that power play goal there was like ah okay

Now you can breathe a little bit I was this as to win as they’ve had this season there have been a couple for me but this is right up there the opponent yeah you’re right you’re right probably but I would also we talked in the pregame about the importance of Monday

Which is a tough travel yes yes Jersey had some injuries and every but that was a that was one of those games where you looked at from afar and said this this has potential to be a schedule loss it’s so tough they came in and they were responsible and it carried over to

Tonight yeah that first ship was great and then third period they only gave up four shots yeah that’s incredible they only gave gave up four shots on hoe Club it was it was yeah again against a very good Barry made the point we’re again off air two really good games in a row

Yes you know and and I think they have for now found their game but again it’s not only that they won the two it’s how they won the two it’s the offense was there the balance was there the specialty teams the goal tending again but depth came through yeah it really

Did yep it really did and this one guys it’s just started uh with you know a good good two fetos say two skates for David P 4 4 seconds in and once again the whole line so the whole line was this is a leadership Line This is a

Statement shift this is a get out of our way we’re going to lead by example type thing the outlet is great you bring the third guy High you allow to diffuse kind of any pressure now you recycle the puck their cycle game was real good and then

The way that the Bruins just controlled the puck Galore stripped the puck by Coy and it leads to this poer knock shot there’s no chance for gorg he’s like are you fre freaking kidding me this is my first shot that I’m going to see getting

On me and to your point too Billy yes it’s only 44 seconds in but this is mono on mono you’re going against the other team’s Top Line it’s like okay guys how are we going to start this game look at this look at the feet you’re moving coil

Makes it unbelievable reach back check there and there’s pasta again getting that shot on and that really set the tone as you said sofhia 44 seconds in I don’t even think a lot of the people probably got their beers and were sitting down they probably still grabbing a couple no yeah you’re talking

About first shot like that’s what Geor gi’s got to face right there intense pressure in the zone and then all of a sudden it’s just smoked right by him you could tell posture post knox’s uh emphatic s with the with the iron pump he was awesome he was awesome and he was

Our Subaru star of the game a couple things to mention before we get to this board that was his 18th career hattick but two of them were in the postseason as for this multi-point game for him so he ties his Idol his best friend David Cree with

193 multi points games and it’s his third consecutive of the Season look at B’s number that is scary it for a defenseman oh wow very scary well you guys mentioned I mean with with without the hat-trick maybe we could have given this star of the game to Jake debrus who

Also had it all around excellent game yeah it is and and as we always talk about Billy it seems when Jake’s playing his game what’s he doing he’s moving his legs and he was a he dumped the puck improperly here he made a play that we

Weren’t sure he got reviewed but it was obviously the they made the correct call Wild SCH another guy who played a very solid game tonight as we watching know going to the net and uh right here he has control right there’s never a doubt yeah they got it right they did I mean

This is if we’re going to have to use or have this godforsaken offside review yeah which every time it happens I say either way I mean come on I mean I’m glad you know like for both ways just play on anyways listen they got it right because he does have possession and

Control you’ve got to allow for these new age this new age NHL these guys are so skilled everything like you want goals this is great it was a legit too he had controlled the puck was able to bring it across and they got it right

And it was a great goal and how many times here yeah he’s like oh wow he was deor though saw that shot hey amino acids I like it I don’t know yes well Monty’s been you know he’s seen some tough calls so he was pleasant surprise you know the

Other thing too with wspoon that we commented on watching him uh play so with so much Poise was that he was playing his offside yeah playing a team like this on your offside is very difficult he really equipped himself well listen without Carlo obviously forward doesn’t this guy has acquitted

Himself really well and the last couple of games he’s been playing on that right side and he talked about it he said I’ve done it before he has not shown any boy if he’s been ruffled he hasn’t shown it back there at all real Poise well Jake

De Brusque is the gu guest for Razer for the walk-off interview Jake a great goal a great assist a great 200 foot game from you tonight how was it out there yeah it was grind obviously it’s a a good team and uh you know there’s lots of top players

Out there and I think that I think in the second period uh lines got mixed up a little bit and I was out against uh McKinnon’s line sometimes and you know what the job is at hand you know obviously it’s one of those things where he’s one of the best players in the

League and that line clicks so uh you just got to really contain their speed also as a team and um just try to do the right details I felt like you guys did that uh getting out to early lead kind of settled in you know of course you’re

Going to give up a few shifts to these guys but I thought you guys defensively did a really good job after getting the lead yeah I got to give her de credit obviously like I was saying they’re they’re a fast for checking team and uh you know that top Line’s obviously going

To want to carry the puck in but they got some big bodies and lots of speed coming at them so uh you know those first touches that they were making to us on the walls I think they adjusted actually where they started uh pinching their defense been down because we were

Getting past the first layer so it was one of those things where uh the end game adjustments were uh kind of interesting when you see a team only twice a year and then finally a bunch of home games you don’t have to get on a

Bus you don’t have to get on a plane this week it’s got to be nice to do that and what kind of hay can you guys put in the barn here with these home home matches coming up yeah these are big games obviously we got some teams behind

Us and um you know we’ve been playing well here at home I think for the majority of my uh tenure here so um it’s always nice to be home have some home cooking and like you said like not as much travel coming in 3:00 a.m and all

The things but uh in saying that we know teams are going to be ready to come and play in this Barn so um we just got to do our thing and keep rolling great job have a night appreciate keep rolling all right Jake dbras with two points on the

Night something you want to talk about where the Bruins getting pucks on net well wait on net with a purpose as they brought the puck back yeah and then allowed bodies to get to the front and they did a great job of this we kept watching it and then we said hey this

Might make a really good pack you know way that the Bruins didp did his work so here they go they go through the cycle they wait they wait they wait and now look at the amount of traffic in in front of the net you’ve got bodies irregularly we have lamented at times

Partner where the Bruins haven’t had enough traffic early in the year now here they’re regularly getting it and they’re waiting they’re waiting like right here waiting poox Waits turns there’s a body doing a flyby this is a that’s a that was a shot with purpose W

Spoon who did it a couple times in this game really did well with it ends up getting it on six sorry this is not that time another time for POS they just did a real good job of bringing the puck away from the traffic and then getting

It through with traffic and and one of the other things that we lament a little bit about when you’re watching when you’re cut of nitpicking about where a lot of mistakes come from too Billy is when they get themselves high on that blue line they try and make a play and

You know that if boy if there’s a turnover you are in deep trouble and here instead of making that uh you know fancy play you get bodies going to the net and they even if it doesn’t go in you get good scoring opportunities off of that rebound something you guys

Mentioned earlier was depth scoring and they got a Little Help from Jacob Loo Who got his first goal of the Season we’re going to react to that as well as here from Jim Montgomery who went oneon-one with brick right after this

Highlights and analysis from the Boston Bruins 5-2 win over the Colorado Avalanche on January 18th 2024.

Bruins Goals:
David Pastrnak (28), Jakub Lauko (1), Jake DeBrusk (10), David Pastrnak (29), David Pastrnak (30)

Avalanche Goals:
Miles Wood (8), Nathan MacKinnon (24)

Bruins Goaltender:
Jeremy Swayman (W) 30 Saves On 32 Shots Against

Alexandar Georgiev (L) 26 Saves On 30 Shots Against


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