
Full Twitter exchange between Dom Luszczyszyn and Andy & Rono

Full Twitter exchange between Dom Luszczyszyn and Andy & Rono

by 613toes


  1. BartleBossy

    Dom really not helping the perception that hes an asshole eh. I like his analysis, but damn.

  2. MichaelMaugerEsq

    Feels like their editors should step in and squash this beef. Unless they think no publicity is bad publicity.

  3. OffsideByASmile

    A single publication normally pays $50k-$100k for access to these models/datasets?

  4. electricnux

    This is a weird discussion to have publicly lol

    if Dom has doubts about them stealing someone else’s work why not reach out privately and try to get an answer there first instead of publicly accusing them to. Seems like a poor attempt to bully them to reveal their source publicly

  5. dolewhiplash

    I’m not a fan of Dom’s at all but it is extremely strange that they were told they couldn’t use A3Z data, and now are not crediting the new source of data they’re using. I have never once heard of a company not wanted to be credited for their work, especially if they’re selling their data for that much.

    It’s a lot to throw accusations out in public like he did but everything Andy & Rono have said about the source of their data is such a red flag and I can’t push by that just because Dom was rude.

  6. Sweaty_Ad440

    Feel like one of these nerd fights happens on hockey twitter every now and then and I always come out on the other end thinking everyone involved is kind of a loser.

  7. xdiagnosis

    As always, Dom’s right but does it in the worst and most arrogant way possible.

    This isn’t the first time Andy & Rono have been questioned on the legitimacy of their analysis, and it’s really puzzling why A3Z doesn’t want them using their data. Dom’s right to be skeptical, and he’s right to call it into question to make sure it’s legitimate at the very least and that the company gets the credit they deserve.

    But because he’s being so public and such a dick about it, he’s completely lost the point and is now the asshole here.

  8. CoalTrain9224

    Context? I have no idea what this means sorry

  9. Boston-Nolan

    I don’t like any of these people so this is entertaining as all hell

  10. FalseAdagio2

    Insane of Dom to publicly slander them like this with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever. He could be right but it’s absolutely not cool to attack someone’s character publicly like this on what is at best a hunch. What a dick

  11. Dom is such a douche. I have no idea what’s going on here, but I know that much is true.

  12. MachinegunC13

    Damn that’s how to spell Dom’s last name?! I thought I was having an aneurysm

  13. JaytheVillager

    The Blues fan in me doesn’t like to agree with Dom, but the aspiring data scientist in me says “Seriously, guys?” I’m pretty sure Dom knows a thing or two about the industry. I think he’s right to call out something suspicious when he sees it.

  14. burdsandwich

    Can someone explain to the other baboons like me?

  15. Does there exist, private or otherwise, a trained AI that is capable of reliably “watching” a hockey game, and extracting any statistical data, like slot passes, zone exits, etc.? I assume that currently all the micro data is manually tracked, and analyzed.

  16. StewVicious07

    For anyone else completely out of the loop I found this article and Analytics and what a “Player Card” might be

  17. intelligentx5

    Dom is just jealous he’s a shitty business person and could t negotiate the same deal

  18. learn2die101

    I find Dom kinda insufferable…. but he’s absolutely right here.

    If you can’t disclose our source so they can defend their methodologies then the data is worthless. The other criticisms are fishy too.

  19. Murky-Asparagus-1154

    Dom would have way more credibility if he wasn’t such an arrogant whiney bitch about everything

  20. Iceberg_Bart_Simpson

    Dom made me laugh when he quit gambling off his model. The vibe I got off his twitter post was that he was heavily emotionally impacted by his model not being profitable. Tells you about both the quality of his model and his ego.

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