@New York Rangers

Interesting poll results I found on a YouTube thread (only pressed Bonino so I could see the results without skewing the percentages)

Interesting poll results I found on a YouTube thread (only pressed Bonino so I could see the results without skewing the percentages)

by RangersGoalieFanClub


  1. Waltermg125

    Cmon. Wheeler & Bonino are on the league min, if we wanted to get rid of them we would cut them.

    Millers only 23 and clearly has something going on with him outside of the team. And nobody is taking Goody (with his 3 more years) unless we add a massive prospect.

    The answer is Goody’s contract.

  2. Unlikely_Good7733

    I think the real question is……”What NHL team would actually want these players (outside of Miller)?

    I’m not a huge fan of Miller’s play as of late, but I wouldn’t trade him. My guess is he is somewhat high on this list because he is someone you might actually be able to trade and get a decent return from. You might get a bag of pucks for Goodrow, Boninio, and Wheeler combined.

    I’m not quite sure what fans thought they were getting with Wheeler. He’s an $800K flier. They took a shot on him. He obviously isn’t a first liner at this point in his career, but I don’t mind him on third line.

    I know Bonino is good at faceoffs and blocking shots, but does it really matter once you lose possession and can never get the puck back?

    Goodrow…….yuck. Takes stupid penalties constantly and on the few occasions he has to score he can never finish.

  3. Lucifers_Goldfish

    Miller hasn’t been the best but out of defensemen to trade it would be Schneider.

    Wheeler and Bonino are league minimums so i just roll my eyes when they do something stupid and applaud when they do something good. Goodrow on the other hand, good luck finding another team to take that contract for a bottom six who doesn’t produce.

  4. TwinkiesForAmerica

    am i the only one here who think its absolutely insane to trade kandre miller lol


    he absolutely does not belong on this poll

  5. ConcentrateFlat3176

    There’s no way we are getting rid of Wheeler unless he asks to go. He took a year long contract on league min as a favor. It doesn’t look too good right now but it would be a bad look to trade him if he doesn’t want to leave. Players talk, and maybe in the future we miss out on a couple of guys because of that. Let’s face it, with all the guys we got making big money we need good players taking a bit less

  6. ExperienceNo7751

    Goodrow is a playoff player. And he’s missing part of his jaw the last 2 months and playing with a freaking Bubble Helmet—I fully expect him to be an absolute beast in the playoffs.

    Wheeler’s overperforming his contract by several magnitudes. Same thing for Bonino.

    Miller isn’t having his best year.

    Gustafson gets my vote.

  7. wet_washcloth

    Miller’s name has no business being lumped in with these three

  8. HereticsSpork

    If Drury manages to trade Goodrow he deserves GM of the Year.

  9. Clear_Willow3379

    I can tell you now any team would throw the lot for a miller trade depsite what you all think. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s packaged in a deal for pieces come deadline. Same goes for schneider.

  10. BadaBingSecurity

    These types of polls and lists are useless
yeah of course everyone wants to dumped the Goodrow contract but

    these lists are dumb unless you are going to talk about what we are getting back.

    Just the statement
”we need to get rid of Goodrow”
ok for what in return?

  11. I don’t think we trade a useful roster player unless we are getting a useful roster player back who helps fill a need, if we trade from a place we have strength. All within the cap of course.

    As for unuseful roster players, unless we can swing an upgrade as well, I think that’s an offseason problem to deal with.

  12. superdad0206

    You heard it here first: Key is this year’s Tony Amonte. Traded for the pieces that get us over the top. Got to give to get. We’re not getting talent without offering it.

  13. ColdRoller52

    What morons want to trade Miller? Rangers would absolutely lose that trade

  14. mondayschild9

    Goodrow is the only correct choice. Bad contract and bad stats.

  15. robbiejandro

    I just know if we trade Miller, someone is going to actually develop him and it’ll haunt us for a decade.

  16. Stonewall30NY

    Why would we trade a big, talented 23 year old making low money because he’s having a little rough patch? Fuckin same people that probably said trade lundqvist 90% of his career

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