@Calgary Flames

Deryk Engelland vs Milan Lucic Dec 7, 2013

Deryk Engelland vs Milan Lucic from the Pittsburgh Penguins at Boston Bruins game on Dec 7, 2013.


  1. engelland lost.  the pens should bring up steve macintire that guy is  a str8 beast. and 6"6 250.

  2. What another pussy fight by Lucic.  Only Boston fans will think he won this one, then again they still think he kicked Orr's ass and that no Boston team has ever cheated to win a title.

  3. Why are you all bitching about a two punch fight
    When you could be bitching about orpik and eriksson getting knocked out

  4. i see the same old anti/jealous Lucic comments . talking about a old Orr fight and how the first liner Lucic wont fight every super goon in the league and how he "spot" picks fights with smaller weaker guys.  lol   come on. FIND SOME NEW SHIT TO BITCH ABOUT!  same old tall tails.   fact= Lucic is a tough bastard who can fight ANYONE if needed and win most of the time!  if he fought Orr again and again they would not be wins for Orr,  draws at best. LUCIC IS A 1ST LINE PLAYER,NOT A GOON!

  5. I like Lucic as a fighter and I like Engelland as a fighter. I think Engelland is a better fighter over all and knows how to better protect himself in fights. Lucic can throw bombs, but sometimes dosnt protect himself. Not really a big fight just couple of guys letting each other know they aren't scared of each other.

  6. i was super pumped when i saw these two drop the gloves… disappointed to say the least but they'll drop them again eventually

  7. You can't deny Lucic is a tough player. Nobody cares about the Orr fight it's old news. He's won a majority of his fights and he won this one as well so get over it.

  8. People Did you watch the fight? What are you writing? It's nice to see that Lucic won the fight and fired Deryk Engelland with two clean blow to the head! Stop watching people by nationality dummies …

  9. Here we see Lucic again being bailed out by the officials.  Typical Boston pussy fashion.  Only talk shit to people who are half their size.  I'd like to see your typical white Boston resident talk shit to a black guy in the South.

  10. Lucic only fights weak small guys i thought???  you fools!  lol        Engelland held Lucic up and seemed to want a hugfest.

  11. Man i was pumped Lucic finally decides to fight someone that he doesn't tower over and then….. does everything he can to not fight. Biggest coward in the NHL.

  12. Two warriors – good competitive fight – slight edge to Lucic. Lot of respect for Engelland – most guys avoid Lucic.

  13. buttkick,are you an idiot?engelland gave up ..he had lucics right tied up,read his lips at the end .. he says i was tired and gives up

  14. watgh the replay engelland is talking to him the whole time, he was beat at the end of his shift,looch did not keep punching…

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