@National Hockey League

Ref blows whistle too early

Ref blows whistle too early

by Only-Highlights


  1. BuddhaBarkov

    I am a flyers fan but any time a whistle blows, even by accident, the play is dead. That is how it should be. It seems only recently they starting allowing a few select goals count after a whistle is blown. This absolutely boggles my mind. I remember the “Intent to Blow the Whistle” doctrine where goals were called off not because the whistle had blown but because the ref was “in the process of blowing the whistle” before puck went in. Some days the NHL makes me feel like Im taking crazy pills.

  2. likeslululemon

    Did this result in an allowed goal? Asking because all of ours have been called no goals for one reason or another lol

  3. Far-Two8659

    That is absolutely atrocious. What’s the fucking point of refs if they pull this kind of crap?

    That ref should be fired.

  4. PhoenixRoadrunners82

    The refs this year are the worst I’ve ever seen.

  5. LingonberryBig9527

    If you’re not going to show the result then at least explain what happened ffs

  6. DocPsycho1

    See , that’s kinda bs. As someone stated , whistle blown. Play is dead, yet the shot counted. So why didn’t they take the goal back ? Even incertain situations they won’t blow the whistle if there is a chance to score. So what’s gonna happen here? Nothing probably.

  7. mildlysceptical22

    Reminds me of my very first game refereeing roller hockey. They needed someone so I filled in not really knowing the rules. I blew the whistle to stop play just before a stick knocked the puck in. I allowed the goal based on a continuation play, like in basketball. The coach had a small fit (rightfully) but realized I wasn’t a trained ref and let it go. He did explain to me after the game that once the whistle blows, the play is over. Period.

    You’d think the highly trained referees in the NHL would know this rule..

  8. So play until the second or third whistle? Like what the fuck are we doing

  9. Flyinghud

    The rule is quite simple. If the ref blows the whistle but than the puck slides in as a continuation of the original shot than the goal can count.

  10. bcsmith317

    This counting but Sissons’ goal in the Cup final not counting makes me extremely disappointed.

  11. JealousMeringue6674

    All this would’ve been avoided if the ref had whistled the play dead when he is supposed to.

    ”At any time where the Referee loses sight of the puck, play shall be stopped”

    He clearly had lost the sight of the puck already because he was looking around trying to find it from the corner of the net, despite it being nowhere close.

  12. TheLoomingMoon

    It’s St. Laurent. If he wasn’t a ref, he’d be a corrupt politician. He’s garbage.

  13. Nismotech_52

    The league wants a faster, entertaining and engaging game. The refs are trying to keep up. They should have ear pieces and an assistant watching camera angles.

  14. musicmills

    Why have a rulebook when you have clowns enforcing it at this level?
    Rule 78.5 disallowed goals
    When the Referee deems the play has been stopped, even if he had not physically had the opportunity to stop play by blowing his whistle.

  15. Calling__Elvis

    I think the rule says something like if the puck is already on its way while the whistle blows, it still counts as a goal even though the puck crossed the goal line after the whistle.

  16. PoliteIndecency

    I hate St. Laurent but he did everything right here. He gave the players a chance to sort the play out themselves, decided he’d lost sight of the puck and blew his whistle, and then correctly smized that the puck was already on the way to the net while he was blowing his whistle. He made the call on the ice, reviewed it to make sure the play was kosher, and then confirmed the goal.

    For all of you complaining about officiating and using this play as evidence, just close the tab and take the loss. This was GREAT officiating.

  17. Useful-Implement-286

    Damn this is may be the worst thing I’ve seen in hockey in a minute

  18. anatolykolsnakov

    Anyone remember that SCF game? Poor Nashville..

  19. Chance-Ad197

    Too early? How is after an allowed goal too early?

  20. Ofiotaurus

    Good goal. Referee whistled as he should but Goal is continuation of play.

  21. GearheadEngineer

    This is hard to judge because even if the ref didn’t blow the whistle, none of the players knew where the puck was anyways, it would’ve probably ended up being the same outcome imo

  22. Refs in professional sports are almost as bad as politicians

  23. Oldredeye2

    In fairness, the puck was out of sight for a few seconds so I can understand the ref blowing the whistle.

    If this counted, then it’s the correct call so who cares? They got it right. 🤷‍♂️

  24. 2LostFlamingos

    How the hell did the ref and at least 7 players think the puck was 50 feet away from its real location?

  25. Good call by refs.

    Only thing you can whine is about losing the sight of puck, but in this situation just 2 players who were away from goal saw where is puck going and 7 other were as confused as refs.

  26. Is it just me or does this clip not slow it down enough or explain what happened enough?

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