@Colorado Avalanche

The Most Intense Player in Hockey

If there was one word to describe Nathan MacKinnon, it would be intense. From the way he acts, to the way he skates, to way the shoots, and just the way he plays hockey in general, everything is done 110%.


  1. Selfless teammate. After five points and two goals , he’s skating for an empty net and hat trick. Instead of dumping it in, he passes behind him to his teammate and allowed him to get his first career hat trick. He’s the kind of guy you dream about leading your team. If the Avs can get a goalie at the deadline, people better watch out for the Avs

  2. As an Avs fan, I can't even imagine the things he'll accomplish in his career. McDavid has speed. Mackinnon has speed, intensity, and physicality. Absolutely incredible player and a privilege to watch every other night.

  3. As an Avs fan great video. Found it funny that the Avs fan holding the 'MacKinnon for Hart' was actually me. Good job.

  4. I actually won an autographed jersey by Mack at a Victoria Royals game lol like was even advertised and only reason I went was it's a team we don't see very often. But when I saw it on the table for silent auction I was winning that damn thing lol and he's just a different beast this year. God aren't I grateful he's on the Avs lol

  5. As an avs fan I'm so greatful with the talent we have. To have a number 1 overall pick turn out to be this dominant is very fortunate! Not to mention Makar at 4 and Rantannen at 10. The way these guys play is so special and we're lucky to have them. 3 of the top 10 players in the league in my book. Go Avs!

  6. Small correction, the Avs pretty much turned over their entire bottom six after the season that shal not be named by calling up prospects and signing college and European free agents. They also picked up a few good players like Nieto and Nemeth on waivers. Otherwise great video!

  7. Happy to have stuck with the Avs through the 16-17 season. That’s probably what changed him, Mikko, and Gabe the most. Now they contend each year.

  8. you showed that sick goal vs the blues like 5 times but the fact that after scoring that goal the av's choked away that lead and amazing performance by nate only to lose in overtime was absolutely devastating.

    i was ready for them to lose in the second round again.

    thank god for darren helm.( end ej for busting his ass up the ice even though there was only like 5 seconds left)

  9. Went to the Avs-Stars game here in Dallas recently. Since I’m a diehard Avs fan I go every time they come here. I’ve never seen MacK go off in person like he did that night. He was 10x faster than everyone else on the ice and that set up for the perfect finish in OT. I know he’s been absolutely amazing the last few years, but it seems like he’s on ANOTHER gear this year.

  10. I’m not an Avalanche fan but he is my favorite player in the league to watch. It’s the first time I’m older than a professional athlete who I’m in awe of/look up to…weird feeling! Life moves pretty fast….Nathan MacKinnon moves even faster!

  11. Nathan MacKinnon is an incredible player who will FOR SURE end up in the hall of fame.
    It’s just a shame that his career will always be overshadowed by McDavid.

  12. I can’t believe how fortunate Colorado has been with the Avalanche. The kind of talent they’ve had is usually reserved for big market, coastal cities. I love that it’s impossible to pick my favorite Av.

  13. He plays angry. Nothing looks “effortless” or “beautiful” from him, everything is done with intensity and effort. He’s ferocious. I love it.

  14. As an avs fan it's great to see him getting the respect he deserves, but I also gotta point this out, if you watch Mackinnon and forsberg side by side highlight these guys are unbelievably similar, powerful, angry playmaker goal scores with a whole different level of intensity

  15. I'm glad they didn't overreact after the 48 point season. They lost and drafted in the top 5 for a few years and built a monster, didn't skip any steps like the Maple Laughs

  16. That goal against St. Louis to take the lead late in the 3rd is the best goal I've ever seen live.

    Incredible player

  17. The playoffs "struggles" were not really a conversation until 2021.

    -2019 they smoked the Flames in 5 games as the 8 seed, then lost in 7 in SJ by 1 goal in a game Mac got injured and included a controversial disallowed game tying goal in the 3rd.

    – 2020 they win in 5 again in R1 before half the roster got injured vs DAL. They erased a 3-1 series deficit with their 3rd goalie and lose in OT of game 7

    -2021 They sweep the Blues in R1 then blow a 2-0 series lead to VGK.

    -2022 They win the cup.

    They had one bad series in 3 years, but since they had lost in R2 three straight years it, became a talking point. Mac, Rantanen and Makar were phenomenal in the playoffs each year, so it was never an issue of underperforming.

  18. I love that whereas players like McDavid and Makar make things look easy, Nate does the opposite. He attacks the ice, attacks the puck, brutalizes other players physically, and capitalizes on whatever the best chance is to get the puck in the back of the net. It just looks ferocious and pissed off at all times. Dangerous to have a guy who grinds like a 3rd liner but gets more points than anyone else in the league

  19. MacKinnon will almost surely win the scoring title this year. McDavid has set his sights on a different trophy.

  20. A huge piece of the story was left out. After that abismal season, the Avs took all off-season looking for a trade. Finally, come November of the 17-18 season, they made the blockbuster Matt Duchene trade. He was their star center that hadn't impressed enough. This allowed MacKinnon to be the star and get first line Center minutes (before they tried him on the wing). This was the season that he broke out into the player he is today and when the Avs started making the playoffs

  21. Probably my favorite athlete of all time. Great video mane, Nate has so much potential now he’s in his pocket. I feel like hockey won’t ever see anything like it once he’s finished

  22. With all due respect to Joe Sakic and Peter Forsberg, I think MacKinnon is the best forward to ever lace em up for Colorado. Mac has Super Joe’s shot, speed and leadership. Mac also has Peter’s playmaking and physicality. Nathan MacKinnon is the total package.

  23. In my mind Nate is always the true '17-18 Hart winner despite them giving it to Hall.

    Also, the Avs playoff "failures" are always misrepresented. They choked right away in the 1st round during 2014, but had a lot of young players. Their first time back in 2018 they faced the Presidents trophy winners whose goalie was the Vezina recipient and actually gave them a good fight, no one expected them to steal a game much less 2. In 2019 they faced the top seed in the West and absolutely dominated them, then lost next round in game 7 to the Sharks but had a questionable call negating a goal that would've made it go into OT. In 2020 the special format because of Covid made them not get the no.1 seed despite having 6pts more than Vegas. Colorado ended up losing to Dallas in the 2nd round but it took until OT in game 7 despite being down 3-1. They lost in the 2nd round in 2021 despite being up 2-0 with dominant wins, but this year was also a special format and had them facing a team that was tied with them in points for the Presidents cup, most any other year the top 2 teams wouldn't be able to face each other until the Conference Finals or the Cup Finals.

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