@Pittsburgh Penguins

PGT – Pens @ Yotes (1/22/2024)

Well…that happened.

Edit: If it helps, [here are some penguins I saw at the aquarium last week.](

by tinygaynarcissist


  1. StonedImaculate420

    Well that was certainly a hockey game…..

  2. LetTheKnightfall

    Ok so anyone against making a coaching change, please out yourself here so I can block and report you for terrorism. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

  3. Henry5887

    I don’t even have the energy to type out a rant. Through think and thin go pens.

  4. Creasy007

    One of the shittiest games I’ve watched in a long time. Glad that torture’s over.

  5. ohslapmesillysidney

    What in the puddle of melted fucking penguin shit was that game.

  6. starlightequilibrium

    So in one night, the Arizona Coyotes pass the Penguins in the league standings and it’s the first time we haven’t gotten points from Arizona since 2017. The fucking stars have aligned Dubas. Fucking pull the trigger.

  7. ZombiePancake45

    Someone is gone tonight, I don’t know who but it’s someone significant

  8. Expected goals for: 2.7

    Expected goals against: 2.75

    Instead we get the most demoralizing loss of the season in a game that was never really close.

    Experience Penguins hockey!

  9. hiiaminabox

    It did happen, but I’d rather pretend that it didn’t 🙁

  10. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    This team is always must see TV just because you never know what is going to happen. It’s either a team that can make a solid playoff push or a team that PASSES THE PUCK INTO THEIR OWN NET

  11. evil_iceburgh

    Any more like that and Dubas is definitely going to trade Jake because there will be zero chance they make it to the playoffs. There’s probably already close to zero chance.

  12. This team makes me want to start drinking again.

  13. ohslapmesillysidney

    I’m just going to try and convince myself that I never watched that game and that I’ve just been sitting here watching Coco Gauff play tennis the entire time.

    Edit: thank you Coco for giving me something to cheer for tonight

  14. Scared-Cod-2382

    Yotes 4th goal was *chefs kiss* <Queue announcer voice> Evgennniiiiiiiii MALKIN

    Edit: couldn’t spell Yotes

  15. Ecruteak-vagrant

    A roster full of bozos and loser besides like 3 dudes. I was optimistic but Malkin’s efforts in particular of late are bleak. Dude is cooked and clearly doesn’t want it as bad as Sid.

  16. MMXcalibur

    I just don’t see this team going on the run necessary to crack the Top 8 in the East.

  17. straight up the toilet paper that wipes my shit can coach better you bums.

    sid is carrying this team on his 200lbs of pure muscle’s BACK, fucking apologize to him man

  18. It is very funny that a 37 year old franchise icon who is scoring at almost a point per game is suddenly the scapegoat for everything that is wrong with this current team. The one thing he actually still does fairly well is what this team needs more of, ironically.

  19. Born-Commission658

    I’m a new Penguins fan and it’s only taken me 40ish games to deeply resent the players and coaches of this team.

  20. 614PensFan

    As if the end of the game against Vegas wasn’t already unacceptable enough. We follow it up with that?

    We’re more than halfway through the season, and we’re not in a playoff spot. You cannot afford to be doing this shit at this point. I love Sully but why in the hell have they not made any coaching changes?

  21. FallenHero8771

    2 things.
    1. I never want to play in that shithole of an “arena” again. Puck was like a bouncy ball the number of times it bounced off sticks and the boards.
    Sigh.. I feel so bad for Sid doing everything he can but the chemistry just isn’t there on the bottom 6. Still a game in hand, but we better come out flying against Florida.

  22. Madturtl3

    So, have we thought about how it might be the best move to trade Guentzel before the deadline, not because the team won’t have cap space this offseason or that he isn’t one of the few bright spots on this roster, but because this ownership group lowballed virtually every beloved, homegrown Red Sox player out of town the past 5 years? (Just saying)

  23. Euphoric__Dot

    Karlsson’s been slightly disappointing, Tanger is having a down year minus the 6 assists game, Graves is awful, Geno is 37 obviously he’s gonna slow down significantly in the back half of the season, Rakell not been good enough all year, Rust hasn’t been the same since he came off IR, Puusty slowed down after his initial jump, same for Smith, besides Eller the bottom 6 sucks, PP not good enough, coaching not good enough, what did I miss ?

  24. LaughinTucker75

    It’s nice that at least Arizona showed up to the game. The Yotes best passers wore white and yellow. Seriously tho smh, what a disgraceful show of Pens hockey. Pretty disheartening being this low in the standings already.

  25. buddypickles

    This is the first professional sporting event I’ve ever walked out of before it was over. This was beyond disappointing tonight.

  26. seewead3445

    They just reported Malkin refused to talk to reporters in post game. I’ve loved Malkin since day 1, but FUCK that guy. I defend you every time someone called you a lazy Russian. I watched you, in person, in 2020 pull up in OT and totally give up on a 3 v 3 play that led to us losing to Tampa. I forgave you for the penalties, for some questionable shifts, but when you make one half of one of the dumbest most lazy goals against in league history you need to man the fuck up and own it. You fucking suck, the team fucking sucks, and if this is your answer then hit the fucking door and go end your career with the fucking Ducks for all I fucking care.

    End rant.

  27. p1peepeepoopoo

    Fire sully no one is trying except for sid and Jake

  28. Swearblocked

    It’s tough to watch another game dropped like that. Hope they can turn this embarrassment into a catalyst. Two big games coming this weekend, then a little rest. Hopefully we can get some people back from injury coming out of ASB.

    Ludvig is eligible Jan 27, Puljarvi scoring some points in ahl, Smith back in early Feb.

    Our PP is devastating us and it is truly difficult to not bitch and moan non stop, but that is the difference of at least 3-4 one goal games this year. Like those two Flyer loses, if we win those two games we are sitting in 3rd in the metro.

    Fingers crossed we use these last couple as our turning point

  29. YourS_E_N_S_E_I

    I try not to let sports affect me in any serious way but I felt (still do feel) a little sick after that goal. Felt final in a way. Like the run of greatness really is over.

  30. ExtensionDigs

    All were lazy as hell, looked like they were skating warm-ups for 60 minutes…except for Sid. Malkin was the worst player on the ice in terms of effort, disinterested, complete lack of focus, gave zero effort, I’d have liked to seen him benched for the third, and not just because we could’ve avoided his pee wee F-up due to not showing an ounce of focus when Letang dropped the puck to him and he couldn’t even play it without knocking it into his own net The thing was he saw the forward was heading towards him when he tried to collect the puck, idiot knew he was playing keep away and idiot didn’t make the easy play back to Letand or up ice quickly. If he’d have accepted the pass like a 10 year old could he would’ve then had the Coyote player on him any2ay and have it touched. His brain has taken the last couple of months off and he never has any forethought when he gets the puck. Idiot play and pure laziness. He’s an amazing player who’s giving about 20% effort, night after night. Obviously, Sullivan and Reirden must go, Reirden should’ve been tossed last year, and Sullivan simply can’t coach this team effectively.

  31. Aceofspades200

    Idk maybe I’m just emotional and this is a scorching hot take but I’m going to say it: Evgeni Malkin should spend the next week in the press box given how incredibly disinterested he has looked over the 2 months

  32. So… What’s the timeline on Reilly Smith’s return to the lineup?

  33. Shrewlord

    ” I am suck” – malkin after the game (probably)

  34. Fancy-Reply5732

    This is what happens when you rob Paul to pay Peter. We have more cobwebs in the pantry than young talent. The franchise gambled its future for the present for more than a decade to chase cups. Reality has hit the team hard- the window is closed and a MAJOR rebuild is closer than ever.

  35. Ok_Card9080

    Sidney Crosby was drafted almost 19 years ago. He’s in his 18th season. In that time, the team has competed with him sidelined with a horrible concussion for almost a year. They went to the playoffs when he and Evgeni Malkin were both sidelined, and they almost won that series. Why am I writing that? Because in 18 seasons of the Sidney Crosby era, through times where they’ve been missing him, or Malkin, or both of them, I truly believe this game was the absolute worst of this era. And I also believe that this road trip is the worst of the era. They were 1 period away from a season sweep of the defending Stanley Cup Champions, with a 2 goal lead. Since then, this team accomplished the following: Another blown 3rd period lead, where they allowed 3 goals in 4 minutes, and took some horrendously poorly timed penalties. Fell behind early against the Arizona Coyotes in a 5,000 seat college arena that was mostly filled with Penguins fans. Tied the game, just to give the lead back. Got a beautiful power play goal from Crosby, and immediately gave the lead back. And finally the creme de la creme, Malkin and Letang carelessly handle the puck in their own end on a delayed penalty situation, and put the puck in their own empty net. It’s not even worth noting that they allowed another breakaway goal to former Penguin Nick Bjugstad in the game, because at that point, it was over.

    For the first time in his career, that I can remember, they show Sid with his stick on his head just looking like he has no clue what to do. They are actively breaking Sid. How does this team not begin making changes immediately when the plane lands back in Pittsburgh? Mike Rupp called this game demoralizing on the postgame show, and I think that’s the perfect description. They went from what could have been a potentially season turning sweep of the defending champs, to absolute rock bottom in less than 60 minutes of game time, and in front of a road crowd that was a majority Penguin fans.

    What do you do? I mean, you have to begin firing coaches now. A total collapse like they just had begins behind the bench. You basically have to trade Guentzel, because there’s now no reason not to. What in the world do you do with Evgeni Malkin? The past 2 months, he’s just been an abomination on the ice. There’ s consistently no effort on his part, and constant stupid mistakes. I don’t know how you justify scratching him for a couple of games, but it needs to be done. He’s invisible and incredibly detrimental to the team right now. It’s just so sad watching this team. So depressing.

  36. Money-Ad5075

    Pens PP is now at 13.34%. Tied (or darned close w/ Philly) and BARELY ahead of Chicago. (12.6%)

    Rierden has to go. If Sully wants to fall on his sword for assistant who is in charge of the 30th ranked PP in the league? I wish him well in future endeavors.

    (I’m aware the PP didn’t cost them this game. Apparently lethargy did)

  37. Problematique_

    Hi, I flew to Arizona and saw the own goal in person. A few hours later and I still want to die.

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