@Montreal Canadiens

[Emrith] Brendan Gallagher gets the max; he has been suspended 5 games for his illegal check to the head of #Isles Pelech

[Emrith] Brendan Gallagher gets the max; he has been suspended 5 games for his illegal check to the head of #Isles Pelech

by Tripacka


  1. Throaway44009988

    Only reason its 5 is because he has no history in a decade long career

    Shit deserved way more than 5 games lol

    Anyways its a benefit for us getting him out of the lineup

  2. Deserved… and I still think he should have gotten more. Worst illegal hit by a Hab in a long time.

  3. RyanWalts

    I’m surprised he actually got the max for a phone hearing, but well deserved.

  4. Now we can stop complaining about his $6.5 million dollar contract as he will only make $6.33 million this year from the forfeited games

  5. IcyChard4

    Hopefully, this should be the first, and ONLY the last that Brendan Gallagher be suspended for this kind of dick move!

    It should also serve a lesson to all players of the team.

  6. FxSpecter

    I agree on the fact that he deserves those 5 games. However all the fake fans in here that says that the team will benefit from him not playing should seriously stop talking.

    Gally has given his heart and soul to the team since 2012 and hasn’t taken a shift off since he made the team.

    He deserves every bit of ice time he gets just based on the fact that he’s the longest standing veteran of this team.

    Are we competing for a playoff spot? No, therefor, his salary cap isn’t hurting us now.

    Who else are we gonna ice if not gallagher? Joshua Roy? Yeah sure, let’s ice a team full of rookies lol.

    Gally will always have my support even if he’s out of gas and even when he’ll only be the 13th forward on the roster. Watching him give everything he has on the ice every night for 11 years will do that to you if you are truly a habs or a hockey fan.

  7. DrunkenRedittor

    Next time he does something like that, can it be to either Marchand, Wilson, Cousins or any of the Tkachuk? You know, somebody who deserves it?

  8. Fair suspension!! I hope Pelech is fine!

    I’m not liking everyone turing their back on the one guy who would die for this team, bleed for this team, break bones for this team.. mistakes happen and there is no doubt he feels like garbage for it.

  9. Two more than I figured he’d get, but he deserves every game he did.

  10. So……who does Kent call up from Laval to take his place?

  11. Eightthought

    Brutal hit by gally, lucky it’s his first suspension or he could have had the book thrown at him. One of the dirtiest hits all year

  12. This one hurts because I really love gally and the sweat and blood he’s left on the ice for this team, but damn is that ever an embarrassingly dangerous hit. Really don’t know what the hell he was thinking.

  13. flepine44

    I’m proud of our fanbase when we can put bias aside like this and agreed on a thing more important than loving one of our player (wanting a clean and fair sport).

    Love y’all

  14. sunnybubbles33

    I would have to say that Mark Scheifele hit on Evans was definitely way worse and he got 4 days. I don’t remember if he had a fine or not. But Evans was taken off the ice on a stretcher. There was also the hit on Pacioretty from Chara. Max was unconscious for 5 minutes and taken off the ice also on a stretcher, and Chara wasn’t suspended at all. Considering Gally isn’t known for dirty hits but Scheiifele is. Just saying.

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