@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins vs Philadelphia Flyers Live Reaction | Play by Play | Watch Party | Bruins vs Flyers

Boston Bruins vs Philadelphia Flyers Live Reaction | Play by Play | Watch Party | Bruins vs Flyers

All right welcome in the pure adrenaline Sports everybody this is John coming at you with live play byplay and live reaction the Philadelphia Flyers and the Boston Bruins game uh game a little delayed here the Flyers still cleaning up after the mark wcky uh Hall of Fame

Induction so it was a great job there by uh wcky with the speed great job by the flyers for inducting him uh uh most points scored in the season of Flyers history so last night was the alumni game uh Sean who’s usually in our chat went to the game

Last night he he was posting uh videos from that so make sure you check out our Pure adrenaline Sports Facebook group uh to check out those videos as well so we’ll see what they say here we’ll get into the the matchups we’ll look at some of the

Other NHL games going on today we have the Brewing this game of course here at uh 12:30 the capitals and stars at 2 o’clock the Predators and Oilers at 4 sers and sharks at four Rangers and Senators at Seven Devils and lightning at seven as well and the Canadians and penguins at

Seven coyotes hurricanes Maple Leafs Jets Panthers Islanders at 7:30 golden knights and Red Wings at 8:00 9:00 the Ducks and Wild Blackhawks and Flames at 10 and the Blue Jackets and canut we’ll end the night cap so welcome in everyone so far we have four people watching over on both

Both platforms so far four on the YouTube side four on the rumble side welcome in we got four five likes on the YouTube side already people voting in the poll there uh we got two votes one one for the Flyers and one can the MLB season start already yeah excited for that speaking

Of MLB we got some MLB content coming up from next week start doing uh top 10 position rankings let’s show show you what that’ll kind of look like here let’s see here I should just be able to click on this still waiting for the puck to drop here in

Philadelphia we’ll do we’ll do our top 10 list I have it all set up for catcher so far so we’ll go from there these will all be live streams but of course be able to watch the replays everywhere then uh when you guys have questions in the chat about some players

Why I might have projected one over the other we can uh bring up the stats uh on a little graphic here I brought up and I can change the players so a lot of baseball content coming up as we are less than uh four weeks away from training camp or uh spring

Training game starting I should say picturers and catchers report I believe on the 13th hey Sean stopping in saying good afternoon I’m out and about popping in to watch some of the stream we get some lunch awesome stuff man uh Sean how was the alumni game last

Night I know I told everybody to check out the Facebook page you posted a couple videos from last night well how was it how was the atmosphere how how big was the crowd I know they did a cool tribute to the two time the the two Stanley Cup teams as well

So the teams are warming up on the ice as we are still waiting it was great to see some of the old guys back we saw uh Lindros last night uh lir I was hoping Michael renberg would have been brought in to bring back the Legion of Doom excuse

Me anybody else battling this cold this has been brutal been over two weeks now uh let me turn this light on hold on back all right did I get it fixed I think I might have gotten it fixed let me know if you can hear me in the chat now

Okay good now yeah so sorry about that Thomas uh are you live streaming today uh Thomas is part of our team here at pure adrenal and sports but has his own thing going as well so I know he’s grinding towards a thousand Subs over on his channel yep no sound okay you’re good

Now good yep sorry about that I hit the mute button by accident still still doing some uh pregame stuff so hopefully we get the puck drop uh pretty soon here yep all right dra says yep can hear you good so good stuff still waiting for the puck to drop uh but

Thomas Thomas make sure oh wait I can do that here hold on I can do that here all right there you go you guys I just put Thomas’s information there guys go check out Thomas and Thomas once again let us know if you got anything coming up

Today some NBA action the Wizards and pistons are underway the Pistons with the early uh 10-point lead 26 to6 the Heat and Knicks at 3:00 the Sixers and nuggets at 5:30 the rockets and Nets at uh looks like six o’clock Clippers and Celtics at 7 Jazz and

Hornets pelicans and bucks at 8 ke wolves and Spurs at 8:30 Lakers and Warriors at 8:30 as well and then the Kings and Mavericks hitting the post throwing his glove they’re showing replays of the uh he got so frustrated Harel Harel who does the pre and post game for the

Flyers he hit the post last night in the 11 ey game that’s yep Harton was talking about it last night Sean says har last night was hilarious I was just great out there oh it looks like I got the wrong thing going there for you Thomas you put the Bruins but the uh

Wrong team came up let me go change that hold on let me leave that up I’ll get back to Sean’s comment here but let me fix this for Tom for we got to make sure we have the right things popping up when people put the points NHL NHL who was it

Bruins well it should have I saw the Calgary Flames come up though oh let me go to the Calgary Flames and see why Flames NOP everything set up right I’m not sure why the Flames came up there let me check here yeah it’s coming up with the Calgary Flames that’s not

Good hey Matt welcome in let me look commands Bruins is by itself yeah y oh I know what hold on oh I can’t fix it here all right I know what’s wrong I have to fix picture after the stream Thomas right yeah I can’t do it from

There you’ll get a black screen here in a second hold on guys I’m still here working in the background on something let’s see here where’s the ruins FL oh there it is so so I’m not I’m not sure why it’s not coming up a glitch in The Matrix

All right let’s come back over sorry about that everybody just wanted to see what was going on and it’s not what I thought so all right let’s get back to Sean’s comment here uh still doing pregame so uh no game action yet Harel last night was hilarious he was just great out

There every time he hit the ice it was just like just watch him especially when he threw his glove to stop the puck yep they showed that hey Charles welcome in Charles poor Harel couldn’t light the lamp though nope you’re streaming the Flames tonight uh yeah it did redeem twice but

Bruins isn’t coming up for some reason every time you put it in hey Charles just smash the like button thank you so much Sean put the gritty in there yeah see I don’t know why the Flames is coming up everything is set up right all the code is right but the

Wrong flag is showing up it’s doing it twice oh hold on that’s going to be on my end hold on exact okay and Flames where’s Flames exact no let me come back over to actions let’s check the Flames Flames let’s check this out here Flames test okay test let’s go over to Bruins oh cancel OBS let’s go back in and make sure we got the right flag loaded Boston okay test the Bruins y there’s the Bruins I got to figure out why it’s doing both at the same time though

Test let me come back up to the chat Sean put the gritty in let’s go Lakers what’s he talking about you should have gone out and played goalie please like share and invite subscribe the live stream broadcast Charles thank you so much Charles Charles still waiting to hear

The information we always need from you when you hop into our live streams and appreciate all the support everybody that’s here make sure you hit that thumbs up we really appreciate that as well we have six likes on the stream six votes in the poll you just put ww

There it is thank you Charles weather update from the Nassau Bahamas it’s currently 84 degrees Fahrenheit uh expected low temperature 70 Dees winds from the southeast at six miles per hour no worries let me check here if you put flames in do we get an error no we get the flames

Let me check Bruins yep it does both for some reason I don’t know why okay got to figure that out hey Margaret welcome in yeah SE and I don’t know why uh all the code is set up right it’s not double coded or anything let me come back over and look Boston Bruins

Yeah got it I figured it out all right let’s check it out see if I fixed it boom there we go fix it had it double coated let’s see who’s does it tell me who’s here oops viewers yeah since you guys have all been here helping me out add points let’s see here

Hey NFL boy Brandon welcome in saying go Bruins still doing uh pregame stuff all right there you there we go Margaret was here got to get Margaret as well let’s see wonder if you could add points to all all user all right already got eight likes on the

Stream thank you all so much for hitting that thumbs up really appreciate that uh we have eight votes in the poll as well 62% saying Flyers 25% saying Bruins and 12% say can the MLB season start already so once again welcome in everybody we got three people watching over on the

Rumble side as we wait for this game to begin oh let me update that we’re up to 277 over there Mumble sub gold up to 277 let’s check our YouTube numbers Thomas asking everybody uh if they want some lasagna Rising rhino in the house what’s up brother what’s up my man hopefully

You’re doing well what do you got coming up today guys check out uh Rising Rhino especially if you’re a fan of football NFL UFL Canadian football uh did you do college I don’t remember if you did college football or not mixes in tennis as well does a great

Job over there has a great growing community over there as well what’s going on nothing much carfield does y all right still waiting for pup to drop here in Philadelphia little late to the little late start to the game after the uh uh pregame festivities here former flyer great Mark recky being

Inducted into the Flyers Hall of Fame today R says I’m going to Rocky Fest in a few minutes uh getting some autographs from Blackman Bryant and a lot of rookies awesome stuff man take some video make sure you post some shorts over on your channel oh covered a bunch of seminal

College football that’s right awesome stuff can’t wait to see some of the pictures of that uh Flyers broadcast talking about Owen tippet getting a new contract fortunately he’s still on the injured list but the Flyers lock him up uh long term lineup update no zamula today for

Illness that’s not good well let me update the YouTube side as well gained a new sub over there up to 2203 welcome in to whoever subscribed up to 11 likes on the stream already you guys are the best messaging off stream okay uh Rhino I saw that I’ll answer that in a

Second uh Jan it says it was a great game last night yeah Sean Sean in the chat here went to the game last night uh but Sean says get boou uh in that today get the crowd into it all game long each save uh not sure if the YouTube showed his

Interview last night that interviewed him on the bench uh no is this the first time I ever got pulled from the game tied and not embarrassed and coachi goes how do you feel and he goes my ass is stuck to this chair I’m not moving uh Mo says when’s the game

Starting uh any any minute now uh they did they did warm-ups the the Flyers broadcast came on and they went to the one last commercial break I think here let’s have a repeat yeah let’s have a repeat of last night right Charles aderly says Crank It Up let’s go

Flyers the alumni game was awesome to watch yeah I’m I was over there I was hanging out uh in the in the live stream I was hoping to see some of your guys’ names in the chat but uh didn’t notice any of you chatting it up crowd jail

Bou and the wife was like why is she being booed and she’s like oh I hear it now and then she began clapping and yelling B that’s funny awesome stuff everyone for uh I’m GNA get her a Hil shirt and she’s she’s like he’s my favorite now I’m

Like he’s hilarious I’m like he’s an announcer too he’s about to be judged so hardcore tomorrow yes yes he was uh you should uh I don’t know if you uh recorded it Sean but yeah they were they were giving him the business in the pregame can never go wrong with a

Mullet hey Kenneth Clark what is happening I’m doing good today are you excited about the Royal Rumble tonight Kenneth Clark yes I am very excited it’s always exciting to see because they always bring somebody back so it’ll be interesting to see uh who who’s coming back tonight’s

Matt Wilson says the Pres is going to end the Oilers winning streak today you heard it here first I wanted to see recky get the hatti last night he just missed it yep exactly exactly if you go to a game even if it’s an alumni game somebody get it’s

A hattick you definitely throw that as Michael Buffer says oh yeah I’m not going to do I’m not it’s not going to be anywhere near Justice oil Sean says that the Oilers win 18 in a row and break the alltime record hey snowman multimedia saying he’s got uh women’s

Basketball tonight with Notre Dame and Yukon awesome stuff snowman I’ll be checking that in make sure you post your link for your channel as well while you’re here Snowman man so people can check you out tonight let me make sure I’m I’m live here and here we go getting ready for

Puck to drop and the Flyers win the first draw head up through Center Ice sanheim brings it in shot uh deflected up into the safety netting only 11 seconds in here Sean if you’re still here I just texted you welcome in everybody we got 15

People uh just dropped down to 13 but we got a bunch of people here today uh Boston wins the face off and sends it all down not enough for icing ddes got it comes up through Center and then the Boston Zone but they turn it over there cier in on the four

Check farab C got it behind the net centering pass is off a stick and Boston comes away with it there it is everybody Sean put our link to our Facebook page uh in the chat make sure you check that out like I said Sean did post a couple videos from last

Night as he was at the alumni game but posts all kinds of highlights over there as well wraparound it look like Scotty harno last night coming around with that wraparound shot by paling there holds on for a whistle all Mark Eng goal today for B 511 in his career against the

Flyers Flyers win the draw send it deep behind the net and the Flyers give Chase well miss hopped over a stick R Lan’s got to go back out the center to get it Sean says he’s goingon to post the wrecky tribute video after today’s game awesome stuff oh centering pass all mark

Centering pass theer save by Omar that was lton with the shot Flyers would have been offside here after the puck went out the center ice so they have to back back up Boston gets control we have a penalty Scott lton going to Scott lton going to the Box not

Good this is what’s been killing the Flyers so boss here with the offensive zone draw they win it and will’ll throw it all the way down the ice so far in the day flyers three shots Boston still looking for their first Boston’s fourth on the power play but

The Flyers are second on the penalty kill passor knock will come up oh tried to clear but makavo Got It Bad pass there and it bounces back out to Center Ice 128 left to go in the advantage snowman says waiting on the wife and daughter to get home then we’re

Going to lunch and then I’ll set up awesome stuff Lon fourth call on lton in the last game in today yeah he needs his save save by Arison and the Flyers flip it out of play all right got that got the Bruins banner and Calgary Flames Banner issue

Figured out good stuff welcome in everyone we got 11 people watching on the YouTube side we got 13 likes on the stream 14 votes in the poll 50% saying Flyers 56 seconds left on the advantage here and the Flyers will dump it all the way down and give Chase

Here connect me with the big check now ponut comes up through Center into the flyer Zone or concy just gets it and throws it all the way down the ice 30 seconds left on the advantage 1615 left in the first Bruin so far only one shot here on

Disadvantage but they’re in the Flyers end here sealer behind the net flings it around the boards and that’ll go all the way down omark gets it stops it with 10 seconds left on the advantage behind the net come up through Center rights time for one last Rush centering passes is deflected into the

Corner Lon out of the box here Flyers with a chance here it’s a three on one paling brings it up the shot and the save by Omar and he holds on and then we got a big scrum behind the net here two Bruins to one flyer palings the flyer down oh it’s not

Paling oh half the way to a player down yikes all right Flyers with the offensive zone draw here it’ll be ainson they win the draw drives still the rers wide cross pun sends it back behind the net oh pucks loose here then Boston will get to it and fling it out the center

Ice Patrick Brown got called up today for the Bruins he’s a former flyer oh D Still’s tripped up no nothing called there Boston gets to the Putt and now ainson and the Flyers clear out the center ice the Flyers go down to the ice way too many times

Here turn over here to Flyers keep it in behind the net conne C’s got the puck here brings it out centering pass is intercepted where’s the puck here flyer send it right back farby theer save by omark Boston clears it back out to Center but the Flyers get

Control TK’s got it dumps it into the corner to cier just oh farby had it hop over a stick on the back hand Boston will come up through Center and dump it into the Flyers end agreed agreed with uh bu here Flyers have much better energy this game uh

Than the last four games Maran Flyers bringing into the Boston and Kate’s behind the net and then Boston will get control here bring it up through Center Ice Mar the shot it’s wide it goes up on top of the net and the uh uh the officials stops play 1309 as we

Get a TV timeout Rhino says you covering anything during the All-Star break gonna be doing some baseball stuff man start talking about some fantasy baseball start looking at top 10 players at each position uh but probably won’t do probably won’t cover too many sports uh live streams I should say

We got 11 people watching over on the rumble welcome and everybody over there welcome in make sure you hit that thumbs up on the video as well all righty then so I’ll give you a little preview of what the top 10 page will look like like here when we start doing some top

10 stuff here for baseball each position we’ll go through our top 10 I’ll post who I have at East position like here at number 10 for catchers catchers will be first I got Marino from Arizona so then when we go into player comparisons we could do that as

Well so a lot of cool stuff coming up here Charles adly says Crank It Up uh well no uh spring training starts in four weeks Bud spring training starts in four weeks already doing fennessy baseball drafts man D saying let’s go Flyers Charles saying MLB action my Baltimore

Orioles yeah Charles you’ll have to watch you have to watch our video on top 10 catchers where I have uh your boy ranked no not two months till baseball Flyers bring it in cier the rer is blocked and out of play not with thans yeah rushman you have to see where

I have rushman ranked we’re showing some of bu’s highlights from last night’s alumni game B looks like he could still play I didn’t get hurt she said that’s don’t care about opening day oh fann on the shot by R Ling Flyers have it behind the net here

Connect he’s got it oh bad pass out to the point and it goes all the way down the ice okay you don’t I do nice nice job by earon to get back on that play to make that safe oh Bruins get the puck off the draw here and will’ll come up through

Center OH shot was a riser went up over Arison yeah it’s a countdown for the regular season not fantasy season I like how people come on to my channel and tell me how I should treat things SE sh say will be back go fly guys he said glad to be him you’re welcome

And glad to be of service leave it up to my guy Rono always make me laugh no Mets are not going to make the playoffs wrap around by Boston here but the Flyers get control of the puck just dump it in 11 minutes to go here in the

First oh you do always bud I’m always in your stream even though I’m not chatting it up I’m always there just so you know H H they’ll be better than the Rockies yeah they’ll be they’ll be about 708 80 wins again somewhere around there blocked by paling Flyers come up

Three on two palings got it centering pass oh I don’t know Kate missed it I don’t know how it didn’t go oh sanheim looking the backhander Saved by omark still loose here Boston comes up with the loose Puck myos say heos Liar’s behind the Boston that again but went out to Center

Ice we busy guys hard to be everywhere agreed yeah somewhere around there Charles I agree with that quick shot but saved by Omar farby oh tries the Michigan it didn’t work oh Boston’s offside as they come up through Center Ice 908 left to go in the

First we got 11 people still watching us over on the rumble side welcoming everybody over there if you’re new here make sure you hit that thumbs up on the stream really appreciate it hit that follow button if you want to see some more live play byplay and live reaction

Streams we have 13 likes on the stream on the YouTube side we got 13 people watching as well 14 votes in the poll 50% still saying Flyers 29% saying Bruins and 14% asking if the MLB season can start already uh how many Mets games did you

Cover last year let me look I can tell you in a second I got all my stats ready to go uh MLB MLB uh let’s see here format find find Mets well let’s see here it didn’t work it’s supposed to work Mets to Mets 68 I did 68 Mets games last year

Let’s get back to the game here Flyers have it oh but Boston gets control and tips it out to Center ice here Charles says NHL hockey action is f fantastic on a Saturday afternoon in progress live streaming now on pure dran Sports Network rumble’s pretty decent I’m

Liking it so far I’m getting ready for my second cash out over there let’s get ready to rumble can you smell what the WWE is cooking that’s a big thing will the rock show up tonight for the Royal Rumble shot and on uh iron is sent to

The corner rine is still fighting for it yor comes away with the puck out the center and the Flyers will bring it up into the Boston Zone Frost has got it here behind the net centering pass is wide Patrick Brown comes away with the puck for Boston and they’ll get back out to

Center ice so 68 Rhino I did 68 meth games hope hopefully do more than in that this year Here Comes Boston with the three on two Marian shot is wide oh they keep it in here oh but then they turn it over fight for it here near board Center rice yes

Uh 68 Rino I did 68 meth games last year P not shots wide thank you Charles what a save by Arison Flash the left pad and we’re still scoreless with 625 to go here in the first paling will get it and dump it into the Bruins end yep thank you Charles

68 but I did a total of a counting the playoffs I did a total oh and they scored poster knock with the rer from the wide angle and he scored 551 to go in the first I did 140 baseball games last year kicked that puppy up to 100 like I said did 140

In for the season wow hit the post and in pasta that’s perfect too Thomas because you’re eating lasagna 32nd goal of the Season holy cow Flyers turn it over here in the Boston end and they come up through Center Ice Matt Wilson putting the flames in the chat welcome back in

Matt 522 to go as we go to commercial break again Charles saying Crank It Up let’s go Flyers I wonder rhyo how many streams did you do last year I I’m want um I should check to see let’s see here still waiting for him to drop the puck here coming back from commercial

320s wow I just looked up my numbers uh well this is only since March I’ve only been keeping track since March I’ve done 198 this will be 199 but since March that didn’t count anything before that fight for it here along the near board Maran shot is wide palings got it rist

The Ling Flyers not able to clear Aron will have to cover up when’s the next vacation getaway never no more vacations that one in that face off was one but in on eron the Flyers still can’t clear here van Reams dke here with it along the near

Board send to the other side pass not the wrap around erison pinches up against the post and holds on you’re always on vacation Thomas what are you doing how’s that not holding on Boston but Poss knock here with it behind the flyer net Center centering pass a by Aron but no Flyers

There makavo scores just now two nothing Flyers is not playing well right now the two goals separated separated by a minute of play and here we go Flyers bring it in but Boston comes right back lel’s got it here for the Flyers Bristol lon’s got it here looking for an outlet up to

Center that’s in off of ainon so no icing but here Here Comes Boston again 337 videos but few were double streams and a couple Rumble videos oh random videos Vegas in a few weeks Disney in the middle M Boston flips it at the net and it’s a

Goal three goals in less than less than two minutes they went right off a sealer stick stay focused nah n this game’s over man no need to stay focused anymore what’s happening is that the Flyers have given up which means changes need to be made whether it be coaching or starting to trade

Players that’s it yeah as soon as it was two nothing Charles it’s over with tip it being hurt they have no offense I mean first off the style of the play that the Flyers are trying to trying to adapt does not work in today’s NHL no no high stick good goal three nothing

2 minutes 38 seconds in between the three goals uh Heinen Heinen got credit for the goal okay here come the Flyers up through Center ice but Bon buff to well Flyers lose control oh pinch it in though cage the paling oh om Mark with the save there on the palings got

It Foresters got it here Flyers looking for an outlet or a clean shot here Yorks got it the rer oh save omark centering passes is deflected out flyers keep it in York’s got it R the Ling and that one’s deflected out of play 2011 left to go in the first

Boston wins the draw and brings it out flips it into the Flyers end oh Ben rdik was wide open in front of the net Arison poke checked it away and score poster knock again for saved by omark but Flyers don’t get the rebound ainson at the sealer that one’s

Blocked and batt it out to Center I final minute of play here in the first Thomas says Flyers save their worst when you decide to stream them I don’t get it man the clear back out the center R Flyers will give Chase Forester brings it up three seconds fight for it out at

Center ice and that’ll be the end of the first period four goals for the Bruins here in the first all right let’s take a look here we got 13 likes on the stream thank you all so much for hitting that thumbs up 17 votes on the stream 47% uh voted

Early because Flyers at 47% Boston at 29% 18% asking if it could be MLB season already y we’ve gone from having 13 on the stream on both platforms to three and six because flyer games are early are done early once again this is the only game

Going on at the moment but capitals and stars getting ready to start at 2 o’clock uh fourth quarter in the NBA the Wizards have a 9491 lead over the Pistons with n and a half to go there uh the Heat and Knicks tip off at 3 o’ so an hour away from that

One let’s see if let’s see if my St John’s Red Storm play today St John schedule nope they don’t play the they don’t play all Wednesday night all Mark 13 saves and 13 shots and iron only nine saves on 13 shots listening to Danny Brier give the interview here

Listen to Danny Brier give his interview here we’ll get into the stats and stuff after this interview F fans what are you thinking here what’s going on with this team right now all right that was a good interview from Brier she did not really get into

The struggles of the team just some of the contract extensions that they’ve given out this past weet both teams with 13 shots there in the first Flyers leading hits 8 to S Flyers with a big advantage in faceoffs one 16 to3 Boston 0 for one on the power

Play uh block shots Boston leads as well six to3 so these two teams do play two more times this year March 16th and March 23rd uh tomorrow the the conference championships in the NFL let let us know who you’re rooting for there in the chat we got the Chiefs and Ravens that game

Will be first at 3 o’clock and lions and 49ers the number one pick versus the the last pick Baltimore’s favorite Kansas City by four over under in that game 4 4 and a half San Francisco is favored by a touchdown and the over under there is 51 and a

Half oh let’s see if I do this if I do this does it change or do you guys get to see if I do that oh yeah perfect so you guys can see the stats too let’s see what flyer fans are saying over over on Twitch oh no we suck

Again toward seat is getting hot I uh yeah I think it is yep game over five game losing streak fans are saying they played well for the first 15 minutes of the first period and then like they got tired of try because guys guys were wide open for Boston not clearing pucks

Out why know saying to smash that like button thank you buddy really appreciate that let’s see the box score here Pastor knock did have two of the four so we do have a hatrick watch let leave that up there smash the like button people no nope it’s tough it’s tough trying to do

Nope not doing a collab for hockey actually Thomas Fitzpatrick just went life F doing the Washington Capitals game let me look more people followed our page over there up to 165 followers over on the Facebook page so far yeah it’ be insane yep FY over on his Channel doing that

Game we’ll keep an eye on that over there but we have 18 votes in our poll over here 44% saying Flyers 33% Boston so that’s getting closer there 6% for hoping for a great game and 177% can the MLB MLB season start already let’s update this we’ll keep an eye on Fitzy for

For for for what are we thinking flyer fans coming up second period darkn Rebecca Lane thank you so much for subscribing it did not set the alert off though let me figure out why supposed to have an alert for new Subs okay I did not get one for Darkness that’s weird

All right here we go with the second period guys Flyers bring it into the Zone Dale tried the centering pass back out to Dale oh fly uh deflected it wide by cier but the Bruins will clear out Marsh in dri still breaks that one up and the

Flyers nope bounce right to Maran the wrer is wide Bole turns it back around sanheim will get it behind the flyer net TK brings it up through Center and and he turns it over at Center Ice van reik will tuck it down behind the flyer net poster knock knock somebody

Down jvr with the puck zaka the centering pass lenol shot deflected just wide the rebound and Van reik smashes at home and it’s five nothing Bruins and we do have a new flyer goalie Peterson now in that and no no different everybody everybody on the flyer is

Trying to play the puck instead of defending their man for Flyers dump it in from the red line give Chase CH has got it behind the net up to far side def flexor in by katees but omark with the save and Boston will come up through center ice

Walker keeps it in for the Flyers but he’s pinched off there Steen brings it out for Boston they’ll chip it ahead Peterson will play it behind the net but gives it right to a bruan grizzik keeps it in the flippter ainson looks up up to Center Ice he’s the only one

There fires in onar and he holds on for the whistle Boston wins the draw and flips it out to Center Ice oh let let me get back to the Gamecast here sorry about that guys there you go C brings it in the shot saved by Omar sanheim keeps it in for the Flyers

But Boston gets it and flips it out to Center Ice King the rer is wide Puck B bounces the poer knock but in on goal so no icing palings got it here for the fers uh York will send it in on Omar and he holds on

Boston has it here in their own end clar’s trying to pinch it in Steeler keeps it in half the way back behind in that fighting for it lon’s got it but he’s bumped off the puck there and Boston sends it all the way down this is

Going to be icing so the Flyers will get another offensive zone draw see if they can cut into this 5. deficit here Flyers send it back behind the net but only Bruins are there Mell lets it Go and there’s only Brewing players there and they’ come up to Center ice and dump it

In Margaret trying to say go Flyers go another icing here on Boston fers connecting ver lot of room here the rer is wide sanheim keeps it in tried to center it but it’s blocked cier is there THS it back behind the net connect got it tried to center it cier keeps it

In Puck still loose here fby fighting for it cier there kkny save by omark and he covers up no penalty called not sure what connect was yelling about to the official there it didn’t look like a penalty to me just a good defensive play there we go now 20 votes in the

Poll 40% for the Bruins and 40% for the Flyers evened up all right let’s see now capitals and stars no score yep let’s see here’s concy he cuts to the front of the net no he wanted to hook oh goalie grabbed the stick the goalie grabbed his stick that should have been a

Penalty all right Flyers do get offensive zone draw here just under 14 minutes to go in the second and Boston oh Flyers get to the puck though rist Lon had it hop over his stick out to Center and Boston comes up three on Two And it bounces back out the center

So Boston’s got to go back and pick it up fight forward along the far boards Frost is there ainson Boston comes away with it and will’ll flip it back out R Lennon’s got it here sends it up ice Flyers will give Chase kage now has it we’ll flip it paling

Didn’t know where the puck was but he gets it Kates oh flips it back behind the Boston net but only Bruins are there well Kates keeps it in shot deflected into the corner but we have a penalty on somebody AC cross check Boston penalty so the Flyers will get a power play Advantage

Here so the are going On [Applause] power so to see what the Flyers can do here dead last on the power play conni C farbe laon and York on the ice the Flyers win the draw y Fair be the wrer Saved by omark cier in for the face off again Flyers win the

Draw fight forward along the far boards here and Boston will clear it out fly’s got to go back in touch cier gets it oh the Flyers have moved up to 29th on the power play now Boston’s nth on the penalty kill Flyers bring it up through Center connecting flings it around the boards

York over to fby he’s just got to dump it down low that one cleared all the way down by Boston one minute left on the advantage 1150 left to go here in the second now the Flyers will get to the blue line and dump it all the way back

Down to their end I don’t understand that Frost behind the net sanheim drives Dale back to sanheim download of frost ainson back to Dale sanheim theer is wide ainson keeps it in for the Flyers Forester drives Dale the rer is deflected out of play 23 seconds left on the advantage for

Frost the shot omark makes a save 7 seconds left on the advantage oh that puck hit Carlo right in the face yikes no blood though they did go back to the locker room Flyers win the draw here d d kov Say by all Mark the power play is

Over but the Flyers getting another offensive zone draw here e where’s the puck here Boston’s got it it’s a three on two the other way here we go Flyers have controlled pace for a little bit here oh it’s tan over there nice save by Peterson that one wi to Peterson

Here Comes Boston on C the shot is blocked back in that does not go don’t know how that stayed out we’re halfway through regulation here 10 minutes to go in the second Walker jumps on the the puck brings it into the Boston Zone centers one high off the glass failing the haway

Back to paling luxel behind the net back to looking for tried to center it but intercepted by Boston and they come back up to center it’s 2 on2 jvr will sweep in behind the net looking for an outlet centering pass intercepted by Palin jvr keeps it in poster

Knock looking looking looking jvr the backhand is wide makavo got it now deflected to V RSD tried centering that one Puck still loose in front of the net Flyers Come Away with it and dump it out to Center Barb into the Boston end we’ll dump it behind the net lot in there

Delorier sanheim couldn’t keep it in D Del flings it back in Fair be there on the four boards and the flyers in he’ll dump it out to Center but over a flyer stick Boston gets it and heads back up ice shot that redirected Peterson was out of position and it went

Wide La will clear it all the way down this will be icing on the Flyers that one sent back down not enough for rcing now theor in on there but Boston comes away with the Puck mavo bring it up through Center OH had it bounce over his stick so the teammates had a

Wait Peterson plays it Walker’s got it now the Flyers will head up ice cier C still trying to get it back but here comes Boston Boston is on side here as they send it to the corner that one back ended out a play by sealer as it hits the glass out 718 to

Go capitals have a one- nothing lead over the stars in their game oh maybe not oh y there it is one nothing mantis scored the goal over there final from the NBA the Wizards beat the Pistons 118 to 104 for for uh Stars just tied that game up against

The capitals Johnston with the goal there fit’s got four people watching his stream as well as us Flyers bring it in but turn it over then Boston will come back up through Center Flyers flip it back out to center ice Boston will get to the Flyers end and

Just dump it in with that five nothing lead now they’re not going to not going to take many chances here but doing a good job of checking here wraparound save there the Flyers will bring it back up to set ice conne sends it all the way across ice

Flyers dump it behind in that farby oh tackson excuse me Frost has got it over to Dale the Frost has got it the Walker the shot is blocked out front Charles says Flyers getting annihilated today y Flyers need to regroup and come back no a change needs to be made not no

Regrouping save by all Mark rebound hops up in the air Flyers get it behind the net Frost Kates over to Walker as they pinch in Kates fairby tried to dump it out the frost but intercepted by Boston that’s something needs to have whether it’s a player whether it’s the

Coach some something needs to change cier York Flyers far be the wide angle oh oh LEL had to hop over his stick but the Flyers keep it in for now far does yep let’s s’s pinched three Bruins there to one flyer where are the rest of the

Flyers whether it’s trading one of your bigname guys that’s underperforming or something and Forester comes in a nice little move and a rer and a scores so forer gets the Flyers on the net on the board excuse me it’s to one this is unacceptable and I don’t think it’s on coaching

But it’s easier to get rid of a coach than it is players just beat them just beat him five hole it’s not fantastic for the flyers today nope but they get on the scoreboard to make it 5 to one eighth goal of the year for forest for

Foster what’s going on with the Flyers the suited duck welcome in I don’t know man uh I don’t know I I don’t want to blame it on the coach but maybe these players just aren’t responding to them and but Boston comes back out here four minutes to go here in a second

Boston comes into the Flyers end that one that one wide mavo ran has it here he’ll flip it out to Center Ice deloria’s got it over to Hathaway he comes into the Boston end York will pinch in at the point l in theer is wide the Philadelphia Flyers Wings are broken

Or clipped D saying let’s go Flyers hey Cameron what is happening welcome in I’m doing all right shot Sav by omark and I out of Play 311 to go here in a second I’m doing all right still can’t shake this Cod though getting tired of that I can tell you

But guys everybody that’s coming in late welcome in make sure you hit that thumbs up we really appreciate that vote in the poll if you haven’t let us know who you’re rooting for today uh Dallas now with a two to one lead over the capitals Fitzy doing that game over on

His channel let’s see how he’s doing he’s got two people watching all Cameron’s over there as well we got 10 people watching over on the rumble side welcome in everybody over there as well not too much happens in the chat over there you guys are new over there make

Sure you hit that thumbs up on the stream hit that follow button for us as well torts might need to change some things now now tippet being out is definitely hurting the team agreed there he gave he gave up three goals or four goals in the first year and now

Unfortunately a goal is always pinned on the uh goalie but two of them were deflection two of them were bad deflections nothing he could do he was out of play because it was deflected or out of position I should say because he was because they were deflected oh centering pass there is

Blocked into the corner Flyers have it oh Boston comes away with it and we’ll head up to Center rce 240 to go here in the second period one goal a piece here for both teams is here in the second Flyers head up ice connect fighting for it

Ainson Walker Oh tried to center it but only Bruins are there marshan poster knock centers it and the Flyers will come up the other way Forester turn turns it over here and Boston will flip glub by sealer but it was touched by a bruin so no penal or uh no

Delay LEL brings it in flips it on net and Mark will cover up 148 to go Flyers with the draw but Boston wins oh Kates keeps it in out the Dale the rer is blocked Kates shot saved by omark fby down low that’s Frost then loses control the puck

There Flyers get to it York will just Shuffle it in grizzl will get it for Boston the head up ice no hurry as we wind down to one minute to go in a second f looking D they bring it up that should be icing nope the goalie played

It ainson flings it towards Anette and fan on the fan on the shot no icing here on Boston as they send it down they actually got to it whoa easy somebody right in an open mic dropping F bombs ainson trip from behind 25 seconds seconds left to go in the

Period van Reams D zaka tried to center it poer knock it there Flyers will bring it up ice though Smitty what’s up uh until the investigation’s over don’t know hopefully they get it cleared up here I mean this is this is ridiculous as it’s three years later and these guys

Are having to go through this now after they’ve been cleared by police so that’s the end of the second period both teams get a goal so it’s still a four-point lead or four-goal lead for Boston 15 likes on the stream 26 votes in the poll the Bruins now lead there

42% Flyers had that big early lead on in the poll but that once Boston started scoring that was it all right seven watching on the rumble side as well welcome in everybody over there let’s see how Thomas is doing over on his stream before we look at some of our stats from today

Thomas has still got three and a half minutes to go there H yeah but there’s more issues than just the goenda look at this team giving up the first goal in every game to never getting the lead or momentum after that game against Dallas where they won five to one they’ve just Fallen

Apart the game against Colorado was bad the game against Ottawa was bad Tampa Bay they made that game close they made it four to3 at one point and then get shut out against Detroit and so far only one goal today I mean I don’t know you have no offense

Go yeah can’t blame just the goalie agreed now eron is not playing I kind of agree with Smitty there Aron has not been the same uh either viny says I was at the Tampa I think you left a note and I think you left the first message I

Think I think you left a a message in the chat saying you weren’t going to be at the live stream dornhoff they’re showing a clip it was uh Jim Jackson cooty and dornhofer on the call that was a great Booth I love boing the booths now but those guys were good

Smitty did you go to the alumni game last night yeah February 6th next time the Flyers play after today it’ll get be against the Florida Panthers let’s look at the stats here Flyers leading shots 28 to19 uh hits Boston leads there 14 to 13 oh you were going to but had a school

Hockey game uh faceoffs one Flyers lead there as well 23 to4 both teams have had one power play opportunity oops let’s look at this down here before I scroll that back up block shot 17 for Boston only six for the Flyers so not good on that part let’s see what flyer fans are

Saying over on Twitter shots on goal in the second period Flyers won that period 16 to five Smitty says the Flyers couldn’t stay out of the Penalty Box at Tampa Bay game y e a bot that tweets NHL goals that’s cool it treats the goal and the highlight Steel City 22 welcome back

In uh love the thumbnail I don’t even remember what I put sorry still City says I want baseball to start already yeah got some baseball we’re going to be doing some baseball stuff this week uh so make sure you’re subscribed have notifications turned on so you know when I go live going to

Start going position by position uh looking at not really fantasy numbers but where I have these guys ranked uh like here we’re going to do catchers first in our first stream start looking a little preview here at the guys I have ranked in the top 10 so we’ll go through the whole list

We’ll look at their stats we can compare any two players next to each other with what they have projected for this upcoming season in the last two seasons their stats of fair as well so Fitzy still live here let me see is he an intermission yet yes he is

He’s got a good game going on over there two to one so only one game in the NBA that’s gone final the Wizards beat the Pistons 118 to 104 and the Knicks and heat just getting ready to get tipped off here at 3:00 why I’m thinking of it let me set

This up so when we end our stream today we can send everybody over to Fitzy we still have another whole period to go yet you’ll be ending the second period while we are uh finishing up our game but back at it today numbers are looking good again we’re up to 248 on

The VI count on the YouTube side which is our seventh best NHL stream so thank you all so much for that 16 likes on the stream really appreciate that as well 26 votes in the poll plenty more live streams coming up especially during Baseball opening day

Doing four games on opening day like we did last year e for all right flyer fans when we wait for the third period to start here what do you think what kind of changes will be made during the All-Star break if any hopefully we get tippet back after the break that’s going to

Help uh uh not sure let’s see if we can find anything on Carter heart this NHL goals thing I’m going to refollow I’m going to follow this channel here Hey Thomas what’s up buddy he says just check in while I’m in intermission we’re in intermission as well but you have a

Much better game going on over there you’re two to one uh we’re five to one e for let’s see what we can find from Carter har here just people bashing them uh this from John Clark that was reposted on the 24th uh he did an interview with Danny

Brier and Brier said we don’t know what is going to happen with Carter then you then you have to make a trade at goalie you have to go out and get another goenda go what a pathetic U performance indeed by the Philadelphia Flyers today in my humble opinion Charles you’re absolutely correct

Let’s get the latest here that was from the 24th Carter heart Carter heart ruined this team don’t know don’t want to put it all on heart but something’s going on with this team right now pure journal and Sports Network giving you outstanding play byplay with professional commentary share invite

Subscribe for personal experience this live stream podcast Charles thank you so much for supporting us and always having kind words for us as well all right ainson oh stretch pass hey there’s C Lee what’s up buddy hopefully you’re doing well today rine in the shot saved by

Omark then cleared out the Center Ice rist Line and have to go back and get it I’m doing good Chely hopefully you’re doing doing good as well it’s been a frustrating few streams here with these flyers not performing very well this is going to be five straight

Losses Martian brings it in and the Flyers clean that one up and flip it out to center ice forer keeps it in dump down to the Flyers Z not enough for rcing here as jork goes back to get it frost brings it in the rers wide fby keeps it

In over to sealer the rer is wide oh we got a delayed penalty coming up on Boston here the Flyers turn it over see Lee says I’m doing good I’m tired been working a lot lately well hopefully you’re getting a weekend to get some rest two minutes for

Tripping so flyer fans let’s get a little excited here and the Flyers are going On [Applause] power it’s Frost Forester ainson sanheim and Dale on the ice Flyers win the draw oh Bruins are able to tip it out the center though Flyers 0 for one on the advantage so far today with two shots Frost will bring it up through Center

Ainson out to Dale to sanheim Forester R shot sound like it clinged off the post Dale snaps one that one deflected wide and Boston will clear all the way down 125 left on the Advantage as tries Del good back to get it far’s got it brings it in

Cier kkny to lton back to kkny out to York over to cier York theer is wide bounced out in front three Flyers there behind the net F’s in there laon cier York sends it right back down behind the net C’s got it oh York let it get past them out the center I

25 seconds left on on the advantage concy cier can’t get it into the Boston end and the Boston Boston has it back behind the flyer net now 10 seconds left Flyers have one one more Rush here sanheim comes up paling oh Mark makes the save and he holds on

Three seconds left on the advantage omark look behind look behind him he didn’t know he had it Coy tossed out of the face off Circle Boston wins the draw and will fling it all the way down so Flyers now over for two on the advantage Boston just gets to the flyer blue line

And dump it in flyer send it back down and he’s tripped from behind paling Tri from behind by poster knock halfway paling Around the Net looking for an outlet another another delayed call here against Boston so the Flyers will get another Advantage 1511 to go here in the

Third shaton Kirk will go to the chin bin two two minutes for high sticking and the fers are going on the K power [Applause] play sorry Matt that’s gritty’s only available for for few select cier lton the connect need wrers wide and and that one’s threw all the

Way down by Boston 120 left on the advantage unsubscribed okay you’re not a flyer F hiding and on the Breakaway short-handed and andde no not not much going on in this power play either here 40 35 seconds left on the advantage paling brings it in a son LEL the backend is saved by

Omark uh oh my computer just froze up what happened I lost it can you guys still hear me I’m not playing a video don’t know why it said that I didn’t try playing a video he did unsubscribe okay bye penalty by connecting that’s a bad penalty that’s the stuff

That just dumb just a dumb penalty yep on Sportsman like conduct on TK Matt Wilson unsubscribed for I think the I will be better than that he said the guy standing in the snow let’s see oh oh yeah no bad job by connect there they don’t call it a slash they

Call it on Sportsman likeand one they gave him the first one it’s when he went back and hit him from behind I think that’s why they called it Martian save by Peterson that one deflected out to Center ice so Boston’s 0 for one in the power

Play today they only had one shot in their early Advantage poock looking for the hatti that one that one uh ripped wide marchan has it here for Boston p p back out to Maran makavo POS knock the shot save could not clear makavo keeps it in

The wrers blocked and out to Center Ice 105 left on the advantage the Flyers two on one short-handed lot in the shot is wide oh they say no Mark got a piece of It sealer keeps it in Flyers will just dump it down and another penalty on the Flyers here for

The golender taking a dive what a flop what a joke the goalie sticks his leg out and Lon gets called for the penalty I don’t care if it was in the blue when the goalie sticks his leg out when the when the guy’s trying to miss him and flops to the

Ice stop protecting the guy with the most pads on yeah bu is pretty pretty agitated right now and he was a goenda we’ll send it all the way down well lenol will bring it in sanheim got there still 10 seconds on the two-man Advantage Puck has deflected

Out of play eight seconds left on the advantage on the two man Advantage 13 watching over on the rumble side welcome in everybody over there make sure you hit that thumbs up for us hit that follow button for some more live streams mcavoy’s got it at the

Point makoy looking over to poster knock off Maran fan on the shot poster knock to Saed by Peterson holds on for the whistle it’s now a five on four so the Flyers kill off the first one 120 left to go on disadvantage Now flyers will clear that one all the way down

With gloved by Peterson holds on geeky with that rer Flyers win that draw not them it down 45 seconds left on the advantage shaton Kirk has it here for for Boston lolm fight forward along the boards here nobody nobody with control of the puck at the moment there Boston’s got it now

Chatt and Kirk theer is wide ainson will clear that one all the way down that’ll do it for the power play so even though Boston’s got five goals today they’re over for on the power play so the Flyers penalty kill still still showing up Flyers will move it ahead

Walker fers keep it in CER keeps it in but turns it over but the F’s able to keep that one in sealer the rer is blocked out front LEL is checked Puck hops up in the air forer scores it’s five to two Foresters got the we got the Hatty watch for Forester now

Oh it hit the posted in it changed the that’s how the that’s how Boston got their goals it changed direction that when the Flyers got lucky cuz it changed Direction and hit the post and went in Frost with a a chance there Kate’s pinching down

Low Frost trying to get in there as well Frost is bumped Puck is still loose here in the corner Corner as they battled for it and now it comes out front to Boston and now jvr coming up through the neutral zone into the Flyers end poster knock Flyers will clear that

One but not out poster knock has it behind the net rist lineing on him Frost has got it and flip it into the Boston end not enough for iing s and a half minutes to go connecting ainson was on side but the little office stick failing and they’ll lob it out to the

Neutral zone not enough for ring here drives D back to get it and head up ice this will be icing this will be icing on the Flyers maab boy shot saved by Peterson we’ll hang on and we’ll get a TV timeout e for 15 watching over on the rumble side

What’s up everybody over there Boston will win the draw but the Flyers get it out the center ice Forester with it B bounced out front but Boston gets it and heads up ice it’s two on two now the Flyers will come up the other way theel lost his

STi Forester turns but Boston gets it back out to the center ice York bounce uh Puck bouncing all over the place here Boston gets control LOL Will bring it up to Center ice pass poster knock brings it in still looking for the hattrick centering passes wide ainson out the

Center but the Bruins get it and bring it back into the Flyers end save by Peterson connect NE the r shot saved by omark once again a flyer goes down like either sharpen your skates or n skates or something and it’s sanheim bowls over his own goenda

Scores let’s see let’s see how sanheim goes into the that’s s sanheim just e e l in the shot is wide rist Ling keeps it in redirected in omark steers it aside Forester tried to Center out in front but uh Boston gets to it out the

Center ice the fires will just dump back in three and a half minutes to go shot by marshand is WI makavo keeps it in dumps it back behind the flyer net fight forward along the near board here in the corner Flyers get to it sanheim has it

Behind his own net and the Flyers will come up through center ice Puck is loose here in the Flyers end 210 to go flyer oh Flyers should have been called for a penalty there for holding the stick but nothing called Boston will just dump it in and go for a change

Wow 17 games in 31 days for the Flyers no wonder they needed no wonder they’re all tired out that’s a lot of hockey especially when half to team was sick on the on the west coast trip e oh here comes Boston up through the center up that one’s wide Flyers get

It save that one ripped in on Peterson nice save there 49.8 seconds left anybody that’s still here when when uh our stream is done I’m going to redirect everybody over to Thomas Fitzpatrick’s stream he’s doing Washington and Dallas right now that’s a three to2 game right

Now so he’s got some good action going on over there oh Mark rby in near boards here sanim keeps it in and Boston gets it out the center ice poster knock turns it back around behind the flyer Net 10 seconds to go faing will get it out the center ice and that’ll do

It so flyer fans sorry for another disappointing loss but the Bruins the Bruins exploded for four goals in like three and a half minutes in the first period so the F the losing streak is now up to five next flyer stream will not be until February 6th when they’re back from their

All-Star break but we will be mixing in some baseball content here getting ready for the 2024 season so once again if you guys haven’t already make sure you hit that thumbs up we had 30 votes in the poll we had 19 likes on the stream unfortunately we did we did lose

A we gained we gained a sub but then lost a sub because somebody didn’t have access to one of the the flyer fan uh Point systems when they’re not a flyer fan so that’s all right so like I said when I end here we’re it’s going to ask you if you want

To join the redirect over to Thomas Fitzpatrick’s Channel go over show some Thomas some support give him a thumbs up as well and we’ll see everybody next time

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