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I might be wrong, but Rejean Houle and Yvon Lambert.
Réjean Houle & Yvon Lambert ?
Radek Bonk is an alternate on the left. Joule is more likely.
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I might be wrong, but Rejean Houle and Yvon Lambert.
Réjean Houle & Yvon Lambert ?
Radek Bonk is an alternate on the left.
Joule is more likely.
Moises Alou
Rejean Houle and Yvon Lambert
This looks to be [this jacket](https://www.etsy.com/ca-fr/listing/1581867138/canadiens-lnh-vintage-veste-des?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=canadiens+jacket&ref=sr_gallery-1-10&frs=1&organic_search_click=1). The All-Star Game was in Montreal as a sort of indirect celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Stanley Cup.
Houle et Lambert
Reggie houle yvon lambert?
Yvon Lambert and one of the worst GMs in NHL history.
Réjean Houle and Yvon Lambert
One guy who was famous for selling beers and one who was famous for drinking them.
Might wanna scrub that first one off…alot of older fans will never utter his name out loud ever again.
Never. 😂😂