@Buffalo Sabres

The Race Within The Western Conference | Daily Faceoff LIVE – January 30

The Race Within The Western Conference | Daily Faceoff LIVE – January 30

Welcome in to daily face off live your go-to source for everything hockey live every weekday at noon Eastern welcome in to a January 30th edition of daily face off live streaming live on The Daily Face Off YouTube and as always brought to you by Bano the 2023 EGR brand of the year here the game starts now at he is our daily Faceoff Insider

Frank Sali Frank how’s it going I am good uh heading to Toronto tomorrow for Allstar looking forward to getting everyone together the whole nation Network descending on Toronto that should be awesome but until then we got a couple more shows yeah we got to grind through a few more shows before we get

To our nice fancy team dinner on Wednesday night which should be a lot of fun taking over Allstar Weekend should be a real treat doing a couple of live shows as well more on that in a little bit Steven Ellis is going to swing by with the next wave about halfway through

The show but for now let’s dig into four media NHL topic starting with some news yesterday that the sabes have are going to be without Jack Quinn for the next eight weeks Frank and this is a guy just on a personal level like yesterday we talked about you know the the heal

Injury and just how bad you feel for the guy I feel for Jack Quinn here too he missed the first chunk of the season comes back looks like he’s finally starting to gain some ground in his NHL career and then boom another lower body injury keeps him out

For eight weeks a tough blow it is and just a tough blow for the sabes who just really can’t get right this season and you look at Jack Quinn in his season he was humming along 12 points in 17 games to start this year and you know you just

You know you consider where this Sabers team is where they’re building to some of the young pieces that have had some you know pretty good Seasons All Things Considered Quinn was one of those guys that you’re really excited about along with a JJ petka and some other guys that

Have had really good years and you’re like okay when are we gonna see the real Buffalo Sabers when is Tage Thompson gonna take over when is he gonna be fully healthy this year like all those things start to really stack up and it’s just been one disappointment after the

Other in Buffalo yeah and I mean you look you hey they’re only three points back of teams like Washington New Jersey and Pittsburgh but the games in hand kind of skew that a little bit and while I’m sure there are Sabers fans out there who want to believe that a late game

Charge could happen you know closing off what are they nine points back of the Detroit Red Wings right now that’s maybe not insurmountable but it’s the fact that there are one two three four other teams between them and the wings that probably kills any chances which brings

Us to the deadline conversation Frank I go pull up their cap friendly and it’s like I’m not even sure how many premium assets they have to sell off so what is the deadline playbook for the group out in Buffalo I think it’s mostly just to monitor the market and see if there’s

Someone out there that makes sense and not for a deadline Edition now but if there’s a player that pops up that becomes available that fits them for the Long View I think you’d have to be intrigued and interested and and by the way there seemed to be some speculation out there

I think it was two weeks ago about Casey middl stat and his availability I I don’t really think there’s much to that it doesn’t make any sense for me here’s a team that you want to be on the upswing Casey middl stat has grown by Leaps and Bounds these last couple years

Almost 60 points last year he’s gonna crush his career high in goals 42 points in 49 games he’s only 25 what he just turned 25 why would you want to be moving on from this player and I think the answer is that the Sabers aren’t interested in that and

Still not entirely sure why his name was out there yeah some not sure who they could be selling off but maybe an interesting chance for the Sabers to test drive some longer term fits at the trade deadline let’s head out west Frank where the Lan game in the NHL last night

Was a really interesting one you’re thinking okay the Nashville Predators they’re up three nothing that’s a nice little two points they did their job against the SS We Hold Up Wait A big comeback ever led by the captain Brady kachuck picking up a couple of points

And all of a sudden it’s an OT win for the Senators the PRS drop a I’m not going to call it a massive point because it’s a cross-conference game but a point man they sure would have loved to have and when you look at that race between

Them and that and the St Louis Blues for the eighth spot the blues sitting on a five game heater right now as well getting a matchup against the blue jacket tonight could easily make it six it’s starting to look like St Lewis is I mean the driver seat might be an

Understatement here in the Western Conference playoff race yeah I I don’t I don’t feel particularly strong about anyone for that eighth seed like we’ve talked about for the last couple weeks the blues and PRS certainly the coyotes we know the Flames these teams could very well likely be Sellers and even if you’re

Close to a playoff spot I it’s the ultimate pillow fight I think when you look at the West no one really is gonna be adding to get in because to quote Daryl Sutter it kind of feels like a waste of eight days whether you get the

ABS or the Canucks or whoever it might be that gets that one seed which by the way they actually really have something to play for in the west because I think there is such a disparity between whoever gets the eighth seed and the other seven teams that are going to be

In the mix and I include the kings in that team in the seven mix because they’re a team that to me they’ll figure it out at some point I think they’re too talented not to um so I I look at the blues and and everyone else and I go H

It’s kind of it’s meh it’s m it’s middling it’s average it’s you know they’ve played certainly better of late and you’ve heard Braden Shen talk about their game um you know I I just there’s no one that gets me excited for that eighth spot that I think is Head and

Shoulders better than anyone else well another thing too if you’re a GM like Doug Armstrong you could be sitting there going okay it is such an average middling race that hey if I wanted to trade off one of my defensemen if I wanted to trade off Kevin Hayes that’s

Probably not going to be the difference between me getting into the eight seed and not like it’s a very good year if you’re in that mix with all those mushy teams you can have the best of both worlds if you’re a GM sit there and say

Hey look fan base we made the playoffs hey look we’re giv some of our young guys playoff experience and picked up a second round pick couple of thirds and a prospect too just to keep the cupboards nice and stocked yeah and I have to double check the standings and I could

Pull them up real quick but I think the year that they traded Kevin shattenkirk at the deadline I think that was 2017 if I’m not mistaken um they still were super close to making it or they did they end up making it I have to double check but they they were they

They moved out some pieces and I think there were some guys that were offended uh within that room saying hey wait a second here like we have a team that could compete I think it’s 2018 uh that they traded Paul Stasney they finished one point short after moving out pieces and getting

First round picks so to your point the history is there for them to be able to compete and still do it and if you were to take off a piece from this Blues team I think that’d be hugely beneficial in the long run not for whatever you get in

Return but I look at that defense score in St Louis and say okay you’ve got these top four guys with no trade Clauses that make big money for the foreseeable future at least the next three seasons you’re not winning with these guys intact and they’re getting

Older you have to pry off a piece from this group to move them and I don’t know who that’s going to be but the next time you see our trade targets board on daily Faceoff it’s going to have it’s going to say one St Louis Blues defenseman because they should be considering

Making moves to try and change up the look of it uh so the two deadlines it was the one they sold off shaton Kirk at the 2017 deadline so the 1617 season they went 71 and two in their final 10 games made the playoffs that year 2018

The next season when they sold off Stasney they missed the playoffs by one point they were one point back of the Colorado Avalanche That season we’ll see what the blues deadline approaches this year the Nashville Predators like we said right in that same spot in today’s deadline countdown article over at is all about their big gun between the pipes it’s UC Soros Frank and Matt Lin taking a look at where he could potentially go if if he’s made available and traded by the Predators here are those four teams he listed you got the canes the Kings the

Devils and the Maple Leafs Soros with another year at that dream capit of $5 million his more or less Elite play for the last couple of seasons and relatively consistent as well if he’s available Frank he would have a very strong Market that’s an understatement see that’s where I

Struggle with the goalie part of this is that historically goalies do not bring big returns they’re just hasn’t been a huge market for them they typically move via free agency and that’s kind of it I mean name for me the last really big goalie that was traded I guess Ryan

Miller to the blues 10 years ago I know but isn’t that isn’t it a little bit different when it’s and that was at the trade deadline yeah but with term SOS with term he’s only got one year and then you have to pay him yeah but I mean

So Miller K I mean flurry didn’t end up getting a first that year when he was dealt to the Minnesota Wild but if you’re sitting there and it’s a $5 million CIT and you’re one of those GMS like in Carolina and you go man if I make this move I solidified my goal

Tending position kind of without a doubt and I get him for two playoff runs that’s worth paying a lot for well then so it’s acquisition cost one and then paying him the contract to Vault him into the huk range or wherever it is vasileski that’s going to be really

Expensive too so it’s a two-part thing I agree with you like I think Soros is one of the five to seven goalies in the league that you can set your watch to which really says something about about him and his game now the problem is for

The PRS it’s not a problem it’s a good problem to have that a scar off has has had really good numbers so far but when I look at what I could potentially get in return because of some of those factors that I just mentioned the idea

That it’s going to make it worth your while to take the sure thing that you have in your franchise and delete it and then count on a scar off who certainly to this point in his career is still an unknown i’ I’d have a hard time making

That leap it’s almost like once you get the sort of franchise backbone goalie you do whatever it takes to keep him and I I have a a hard time especially with the influx of goalen around the league as important as he would be for the

Kings or canes or Devils or any of those teams that we mentioned even the Leafs to solidify things although I think think Joe wall can be their goalie of the future I I once you get him I’m not giving him up I’m riding that guy until

He’s 37 years old and I need a replacement kind of like they did with pekar Rene and they just you know stacked all of that like I think you chase Your Tail once you get rid of that guy you all you do is go about searching

To then land him and the PRS have waffled back and forth and you know um they said originally Barry trotz on the Frankly Speaking podcast you can go listen to it we we launched it in December hey I’m not trading uh UC Soros and now we see a

Report from 10 days or two weeks ago that they might have to listen to offers I doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me yeah uh just a couple of notes on this one before we wrap up the Pres I’d be curious to see what our chat thinks

About that by the way yeah I mean there was a comment in there about you know would they be willing to keep money Patrick Isen says that or give up an extra extra draft capital for salary salary retention Nashville’s already has two retained contracts on the books you

Can only have a Max of three they’re keeping four million of Johansson this year and next and then it’s still 250,000 of eolm for the remainder of his deal as and you want to try and retain on Tyson Barry at the deadline to get him to where he’s going so doesn’t make

Any sense to retain on Soros his deal is already good enough yeah and Christopher Palmer was in how do the kings and leafs make that work with the cap Dollar in for dollar out and I mean maybe Nashville would be in a position where they take back some

Money if you’re willing to make it worth their while with the future assets but again just that extra year of Sorrows you don’t have to worry about paying them for a couple of seasons like ah just I would be all over that if I was a contending team who had a glaring hole

Between the pipes like those four L think it’s hard to get equal value that’s all that’s tough H all right Frank it is hot take season and we spelled it the way the kids spell it szn because we are a hip Urban internet talk show uh but what we did was yesterday on

The daily face off Twitter we put out the call I wanted people to give me their hottest second half takes we got a couple in the chat that we’ll get to if we have some time as well but let’s get going with a few that stood out to me on

Twitter CBJ opinions I wonder where their allegiances lie and they’re clearly frustrated Frank they say the Blue Jackets don’t make any changes despite continuously reaching previously unheard of lows so not mincing their words there what do you think because Columbus gonna go the season without making big changes I guess

What does the season include is it just until their last regular season game I’m trying to think I don’t want to like Gregor or yourchuck myself but I I would eat something pretty disgusting if yarmo kealin and is still their general manager come the summer it is we’re if

We are at the draft in Vegas and yarmo kekan is still the GM of the Blue Jackets I will eat a stick of butter oh a whole stick of butter I’m in I’m very in on that that would be a lot of fun fun to watch um all right it’s been a

Nightmare season for the Blue Jackets Frank this next one it’s your nightmare scenario Nick said we see the least amount of trade deadline deals in the cap era It’s a Spooky thought for a couple of guys who have to do a deadline show what do you think I don’t actually

Think it’s spooky because I could talk forever and two um I don’t think I think Nick is on to something like a manager mentioned this to me the other day if you take the car uh sorry the Calgary Flames guys off of our board which you’re we’re not going to they’re

Prob like two at least two of them are going to be moved for sure how interesting is this Market gensel way further down the list we still don’t know what’s happening with the Penguins it’s really not very sexy and we’re not talking about a ton of big

Impact guys I could see teams going you know what like unless you’re willing to take lower prices for some of these guys I’m not getting in the rental game I you know I was just scrolling Twitter before the show started and I saw a Rangers Fan

Said hey look at some of the guys that you’ve been able to get for first round picks over the last few years whether it’s Philip eronic or whoever it might be why are we continuing to trade rental like why are we continuing to trade first round picks for the third year in

A row for rental players rental players that may not be that good and may not put you over the top like I think teams should take a step back and say you know what let’s be judicious with how we spend this yeah fair enough uh the next one we got is

From Sebastian and this is was a popular one we got it three or four times we’ve gotten in the chat I saw Lance put it in there and he said the Leafs miss the playoffs Frank I look there’s six points clear of the Islanders who are in ninth

Right now they have a couple of games in hand the Leafs should be fine it would take a Monumental collapse for this hot take to come true not Monumental I mean they’re not really that far in the playoffs um it would take a a pretty considerable one considering their competition like I

Think the Leafs are still a lot better than the Flyers and the Leafs probably are pretty significantly better than the Penguins or whoever else that might be clipping at their heels depending on if another team in the Atlanta can get going and knock them out the Red Wings for instance it’s

Not crazy but it’s a very small percentage all right couple other interesting ones we’re going to save those for # ask DFO because I cannot keep our pal Steven Ellis waiting any longer let’s get into the next wave the next wave is delivered by door dash for a limited time our Canadian

Listeners can get 25% off and zero delivery fees on their first order of $15 or more all you need to do is download the door Dash app and enter the promo code Nation 25 Steven Ella is going to be seeing me in the flesh tomorrow but he said I can’t wait

Another 24 hours I need to to do a hit on daily face off live and luckily for us he’s got his mock draft ready to go as well so Stephen let’s dig into it let’s flash up the mock draft you obviously have mlin celebrini going number one overall but in that two spot

Is defenseman Anton silv is he a lock to go in that two spot or do you think there’s still room for movement from now to the end of the year so I was at the US top prospects game a couple uh weeks ago and I asked were I asked of course I

Was yes I asked about eight or nine different Scouts like who would you take two and I got seven different answers but the one that was repeated was Anton SV and you know a defenseman that’s 6′ s that could produce like he is 11 points

Is not a lot but that is actually one of the most productive Seasons by a draft eligible Prospect in KHL history uh which is incredible uh I think with him the the Allure of his size his speed his Puck playing abilities there’s very few defensemen like him so not a lock but

And I know I have him at San Jose San Jose just l lost the first overall pick uh just a couple days ago but I think with him it’s just you’ve got a guy who could be a Victor Hedman style player who can lead that defense and San Jose’s

Did improve their defensive prospects last year but they’re still nowhere near where they need to be especially compared to Chicago anaheimer Columbus so I really like the opportunity here for SV to be the number two guy but again it doesn’t it seems like this year more than usual there’s no consensus number

Two want to ask you about number five Kaden l um you have him going to the sends there based on today’s draft odor standings um draft lottery standings what do you see from Lindstrom and is number five the ceiling for him or could he go could he go higher than that is he

A guy that could climb as high as number two absolutely uh and I feel like I’m probably underrating him compared to a lot of other people there you know he’s got the size some places list him 64 some list him six of five he’s been dealing with an injury this year which

Uh he’s missed I think about a month of hockey now and he wasn’t at the CHL top prospects game but you look at the numbers 27 goals in 32 games 46 points he’s very physical he’s probably one of the best power forward type guys and

When you are six fo4 six fo5 you look at that and say yeah that’s that’s what you expect but he’s got the speed too that’s the thing when the way the game’s moving if you’re going to be a big guy you also have to be able to move well and I think

With Lindstrom like if he goes number five that’s a pick that UT was going to absolutely love he’s someone who can who could play the wing he could play center do all that he’s he’ll just muscle guys out of the way uh he’s kind of what everyone really wanted Quinton bfield to

Become and obviously Quinton byfield’s farther along in his career but in terms of just how he dominates Junior Hockey Kaden Lindstrom is just one of the best prospects out there right now so much fun to watch if you get a chance to watch him do it because there are not

Many guys that are built that big and move that well okay so I have a question but I don’t know if it’ll make sense coming out of my mouth so let me know if I’m confusing you but there’s one dman in that list of five and is I I guess

What I want to get is is there a team in there who you think is a lock to take a Dem man where like if they slide up to maybe I guess two where you have SV or maybe the vice versa of this is there a

Team that’s a lock to take a forward where if they do slide up to two they’ll say no we’re good on SV we really really want to add a forward to our mix here is there a team who positionally could draft differently that changes this

Order I yeah I think it might be San Jose that’s kind of why I put Sy of there I think in the the case here you know you’re looking at Ottawa they they seem to love Jake Sanderson it’ll be interesting to see what they do with Thomas Shabbat after that I think they

Would look for a d but I’m still on the board of you just got to pick the best player available and you look at Montreal last year they went out and picked David rycker he was not the best player available but they got a guy that is their number one defensive prospect

And I don’t know how much you followed of his season there but they just fired another coach out there cloon is just an absolute disaster um but you know you got to pick the best player available this year there just happens to be so many good Defenders where uh I think

Outside of Anaheim outside of Chicago outside of Columbus I think you just got to take a run if you got an opportunity if that best player available is uh either silv artam lunov uh Sam Dickinson zaye perek guys like that like we’re talking book defenseman this year like

In pere’s case could get 30 goals this year in the OHL which is kind of incredible um so you’ve got these guy you got some good defensive guys you got some good physical guys you got good Speedy guys you got good offensive guys like there’s so many options here where

I just think there’s just more teams that would need a guy like that than teams that don’t need someone like that so it’s wide open that’s what I’ll say all right I’m gonna ask you about Tyler’s long lost brother Carter yakimchuk tell me about this kid where

Is he uh obviously coming out of Calgary plays for the Hitmen played his minor hockey with the Calgary Flames triaa team where where does he fall on your board I have to ask you just because of his last name well it’s it’s funny every time I look at him I’m like hey it’s

Stylish brother but uh yeah you know again talking about guys who could be 30 goal scorers for defenseman like he’s on Pace for 31 right now on a terrible Calgary Hitman team so uh you know he’s he’s got a good six foot two frame very mobile I think you know at the beginning

Of the Season he was trying to do too much offensively and his defensive game uh really took a hit for it I know the coaching staff right there this season has really kind of pushed him to improve his defensive game um and he’s got a lot

Better so I think right now I’m running out of reasons like I have him 14th on my mid-season board I think I had him 20th at one point I have a hard time keeping him any further at this point I think just he’s a lot more well-rounded

Than I think a lot of people expected him at the start of the year I saw him at the u8s he was completely invisible like I I forgot he was there until looking at my pictures like two weeks later but I think just ever since he’s

Just shown that he’s a lot more than a guy who could just rush the puck he’s very good defensively throws hits moves very well he’s a modern-day star defenseman that I think we will see on canalas World Junior Team sooner rather than later so I want to just make him

Carter yemchuk The Unofficial Prospect of daily faceof there you go perfect yeah yakam chuck yourm chuck Stephen Enis with the daily faceof next wave report here I guess I don’t know uh remember you can go to and up at the top of the screen little draft lottery button we’re updating that

Page every day you can also check out a really fun read that Steven did today the top five nhlers to be traded for future considerations I really enjoyed scrolling through that one which player was maybe the most surprising when you were doing your research there Stephen

Oh I see I I I’ve always heard stories from my dad about how terrible Larry Murphy was with the Leafs then to look at his stats and it’s like he would have been like a top five offensive defenseman now but seeing him traded for nothing I again I didn’t follow hockey

When I wasn’t born but I’d say that he that was pretty interesting I didn’t follow hockey when I wasn’t born well well done yeah uh Stephen thanks for doing this man the next wave brought to you by door Dash moving along to our hash DFO inbox

Question it is brought to you by seag groms vo select Canadian whiskey artfully Blended and impeccably crafted make it your very own the nation network of podcast and that includes us we’ll be live from the seags vo whiskey Studio at sponsorship X in partners with the 2024

NHL All-Star Game February 1st and 2nd going to be a ton of fun no show tomorrow because it’s a travel day Thursday Friday live and in person from the Seagrams vo whiskey studio uh Frank our colleague Zack Lang did a lot of research for his second half hot take

That he threw it so I’d be I’d feel guilty if I didn’t uh throw it your way but his OD take was the Oilers find a way to win the president’s trophy in effect of math gives them a 10% chance to do so Frank do you give them any hope

Of somehow catching the Boston Bruins well I don’t given that the Bruins are tied at the Midway point of the season with the Canucks in points I don’t know why they have such a significant disparity between themselves I know how the model works from our friend uh Micah Blake mccartie who is in

Effective math it factors in not just how they’ve played over the last number of weeks but you know kind of tries to predict the future I we’ve all kind of been waiting for a turn for both of these teams Boston and Vancouver when are they going to regress I think we’ve seen enough

Certainly from Vancouver to know this year especially how they went into the break 80 and two in their last 10 that they aren’t going anywhere I’m not entirely sold that that’s the same for the Bruins like I I think at some point they’re bound to hit a bit of a rut um

But I don’t know it doesn’t make sense to me that a team like the Oilers would only have a 10% chance it feels like a team that’s had separate eight and 16 game winning streaks since their new coach took over that even if they lose a

Few in a row they’re bound to string together a few more five game winning streaks that and especially considering they’ve played the hardest part of their schedule already it shouldn’t be out of the question uh the other one we got that was a really really common one but it

Was thrown to us in so many different ways I know a couple people in the chat put it in but yesterday we tweet saying Jay Woodcraft will be coaching the LA Kings by the time the playoffs roll around someone else in the chat said their hot take was that Craig baru takes

Over for the LA Kings and brings them all the way to the Cup Final I don’t think they’re making a coaching change I think we’re too late in the season um but what do you make of all the too late I mean we we’re still 39 days away from

The deadline by the way Craig buuy joining the NHL on TNT panel on Wednesday guy’s been everywhere is that the Flyers alumni game on Friday he’s been doing podcasts left and right I mean Craig buuy he’s uh he’s everywhere and nowhere at the same time fair enough

All right let’s move along to our Bano daily bets for the day the game starts now at Bano doca uh Jake Sanderson came through yesterday he racked up three shots on goal so I’ll look to keep a hot week rolling here into Tuesday the St Louis Blues on the puck line come on

Plus 142 they’re playing the Blue Jackets who stink the blues are red hot they’re at home and you’re giving me plus 142 on the puck line sign me up all day and there’s only two games on the Slate but I did manage to throw together a little same or a little shot prop

Parlay yanny gour and Jake neighbors both have their numbers set at one and a half neighbors has hit in five of six gourd has hit in four in a row so you play those two together one and a half Place plus plus 143 sign me up all day

Couple of plus 143 bets here on a Tuesday night in a short slate in the nhls we creep closer to the all-star break and that brings us to daily or to garbage time which is brought to you by the daily Faceoff Survivor pool and our friend at Wendy’s the bacon portello

Mushroom Melt is back for a limited time order it today and even if you’re a loser in the Survivor pool you can be a winner at lunchtime with Wendy’s and the Wendy’s app Frank the Slate starts seven hours from now night one for this week where are you going with your pick I’m

Going St Louis Blues over three and a half goals I you just mentioned the Blue Jackets stink they’ve kind of been a mess uh certainly wouldn’t be picking under three and a half goals or that Columbus wins don’t really feel great about any of these other ones I was

Thinking maybe Tomas hurdle under a half a point but I’m I don’t really love anything else so please don’t follow my advice because I suck at this game yeah so the hurdle one is interesting because he’s picked up points in five of his last 10 three of his last five so while

I think I mean Seattle been good Joey dord they should be able to hold the Sharks relatively low I think I’m going to ride with you on St Louis over three and half goals tonight against Columbus that’s going to be one of the more popular ones on the Slate um our garbage

Time today Frank a little viral story and one you’ll appreciate if you are a collector like myself um and I love the way this tweet is worded as well imagine a family member passes away you go through their belongings and discover 16 unopened boxes of 19798 OPG hockey cards

This happened in November of last year this was the year of the Gretzky rookie card so who knows how many are buried in those boxes and presume presumably would be an Immaculate condition Frank this is going to auction and I think Darren Rell tweeted it could go as high as $2

Million it’s actually projected to potentially be much more than that somewhere between two and a half and three and if you haven’t checked out the video on Darren rll’s feed by the way soon to be a teammate Darren Rell as part of better Collective and the Action Network um the video is unbelievable

They found this in a in an office essentially in a house in in Regina Saskatchewan and they actually flew up there to document this because it is so rare to find something like this the entire set 16 boxes in one sealed box and originally on the outside of the box

It only says op pichy 1980 and people are like oh well you know if it’s one year later not the Gretzky rookie year you’re probably looking at still a nice Hall 350,000 or so but since it’s the Gretzky rookie year you and you could potentially have multiple of those

You’re looking at two and a half to $3 million for these sealed boxes that have never seen the light of day in 45 years I mean that’s pretty incredible so awesome story and uh you can document the whole thing and follow it on Darren rll’s feed it’s it’s pretty cool whether

You’re a Card Collector or not just a hockey fan that’s pretty amazing yeah and I know uh Gavin our producer just dropped this in our chat too but one single unopened box of mcdavid’s rookie year goes for about $1,700 already which is wild considering in 2015 the box

Would have sold for a couple hundred bucks right so think of that kind of investment if you would have had the foresight to just buy like 50 boxes at 200 bucks a pop then just hold on to them for 10 years what you’d flip that for it’s crazy it’s like anything else

You got to be willing to hold it or else it’s not really that valuable no one to hold them like me with uh Bitcoin just sit tight not not at 4,000 bucks it’s going to be going at some point for 10 million bucks this is not Financial

Advice yeah we need to add that in for legal reasons all right that is a wrap again no show tomorrow we are live from Toronto Thursday and Friday plenty of fun All-Star content coming your way so thanks for tuning in everyone on the YouTube you guys were fantastic tonight

And we’ll chat again on Thursday thanks for tuning in to daily face off live make sure you hit the Subscribe button to never miss an episode

With the Buffalo Sabres lost Jack Quinn due to injury, Frank and Tyler discuss the expected plan for the Sabres’ ahead of the deadline. Taking a deeper dive into the Western Conference, the guys provide their analysis on the ongoing race in the standings. Steven Ellis also joins the show to share his player analysis on the leagues most intriguing prospects, in another edition of “The Next Wave”.

0:00 – Opening
1:45 – Sabres Lose Quinn
4:45 – Western Race
9:06 – Could Saros Be Moved?
13:53 – Hot Take Szn
17:55 – The Next Wave
25:12 – AskDFO
28:12 – Daily Bets
28:55 – Garbage Time

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